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Error checking out file. Branch type not found in vob

I'm fairly new to clearcase config specs, and I created a new dynamic view with my config spec, and when I try to check out a file, I get this error message. When I created the view, the view name is ...
Michele's user avatar
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Problem with IBM Installation Manager Download

If Download Director does not start install / re-install Download Director. getting this again and AGAIN even after downloading. please help i want to install ibm installation managaer in my system,...
Shaik Arshad's user avatar
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Clear case new snapshot view not visible in explorer

I'm quite new in ClearCase. I wrote a script that creates a new snapshot view in Windows, after success creation - I see it in folder (via windows explorer), I can't see it in 'Clear case explorer'. I ...
Mushiach BenDavid's user avatar
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Regarding REL label is restricted when we try to apply by using core view

**view **: cint_c1a_8ch_shift_RN_C1A_SHIFT Label name: REL_C1A_SHIFT_SW_SOP_HWD01_SW04_V00_CGW_REN_NIS_C1A_8CH_SHIFT cint_c1a_8ch_shift_RN_C1A_SHIFT_3 config spec of view: element lost+found -none ...
nikhil kishan's user avatar
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How do I list the description of a clearcase file?

I know that I can list all files I have on the "MyBranchName" with the following command: cleartool find . -cview -type f -branch 'brtype(MyBranchName)' -print But I need to know the ...
Musa's user avatar
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Clearcase server move with IP change - Clearcase client views with fix IP

The ClearCase server was moved to another building, host name the same, IP changed. Also, the ClearCase client was moved, host name the same, new IP. The problem is now that some of the views cannot ...
Tom Rossi's user avatar
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Clearcase: How to repair a replica which have oplogs corrupted

I have a replica called KENIA_ICWP_ITEC which, when I try to apply a sync package from the replica INDRA_ICWP_ITEC, a core dump is generated: # multitool syncreplica -import sync_INDRA_ICWP_ITEC_2023-...
E.canora's user avatar
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ClearCase to Git migration. Steps to migrate from ClearCase to Git

I am working on ClearCase to Git migration. Anybody having commands or steps to migrate from ClearCase to Git. ClearCase & Git installed on Linux environment. actually, we have to migrate from ...
Karthick Veeramani's user avatar
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Clearcase: How to determine all element versions in a VOB that have labels applied after a certain date

I would need a ClearCase query command to be able to find all versions of elements in a ClearCase VOB that have labels applied after a certain date I have tried the following commands, but I hope ...
F. J. Cobas Seoane's user avatar
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VS Code:Remote SSH - How to open files from a clearcase dynamic view

I connect to my Oracle Linux build server using SSH from Windows Terminal, set the Clearcase view and then view/edit code using Vi. Now, I am trying to use Visual Studio Code - Remote SSH to connect ...
neoraghav's user avatar
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cleartool protectvob 2 different results

I am trying to perform a build of some software that exists on an air gapped network. And I having issues with clearcase, denying me access to files that I need to perform the build. When I check the ...
Questor's user avatar
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How can I measure shell latency when the time measuring commands also get stuck?

Some background and motivation I'm working in a corporate that uses ClearCase for version control. In ClearCase, to work on a "branch" (stream) I have to enter a specific ClearCase shell ...
Shoeman's user avatar
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How to have ClearCase diagnose opslog gaps in Multisite

Can ClearCase's multitool help me fix an opslog gap in a multisite environment? I can't find anything in the man page.
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
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ClearCase error, registry does not contain VOB with UUID

I am in the process of migrating a very large multisite installation to newer OS platforms. Running ClearCase 9. In one particular migration stage all the VOBs appear to have migrated correctly, ct ...
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
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How to do code merge from one branch to another in ClearCase

I an new to ClearCase and started studying the ClearCase documentation. UseCase : I have two branches - 'Branch_A' and 'Branch_B'. I need to merge all my changes from 'Branch_A' to 'Branch_B' I won't ...
Harry's user avatar
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Clearcase multisite vs Gitlab.... anything?

The company I work for uses Clearcase, even though it was EOL'd on the platforms in which we run it years ago. It is ancient and fragile tech, but one thing it does have is a multisite support that ...
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
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How to create view from latest stream on clear case using command

I'm currently working on a power shell script to automate the clear case tool. However, I am new to the new clear case tool. I require the clear case tool commands listed below. Create a view from ...
max's user avatar
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How to move a clearcase acivity with its changeset to a different view?

I am currently trying to clear up a mess where a new starter has (almost) completed a change, so it's been through review/rework and is ready for deliver, but in the meantime, like most people ...
David Boshton's user avatar
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Coping ClearCase with label history

I got a task to copy files with certain extensions from clear case while I need to : find all files with certain extension and their map copy the mapping but replace the file with a dir that has it's ...
matansi's user avatar
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Forcing a view in clearcase to equal parent stream -- dynamic

I've seen Forcing a view in clearcase to equal parent stream However I've got a dynamic stream, and I've got to the point of rebasing etc but there are still changes from files that have not been ...
David Boshton's user avatar
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Which filesystems provide native support for Java's WatchService?

I want to use the Java WatchService in an IDE-like tool. It seems like a good match for the behaviors I need from it. The trick is that my customers use the tool in all sorts of interesting ...
Drew's user avatar
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Merged file not showing up in ClearCase

In ClearCase, I merged file ABC to a branch. This resulted in Version 1 in the version tree. I labeled it LAB_A1. Later, I merged file XYZ to the same branch. This resulted in Version 2 in the version ...
user18944026's user avatar
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References of derived objects are invalid

there are some derived objects with references to a view. However, referenced view does not have that derived object. Is there a way to delete those derived objects (DO) with invalid/unused references?...
yusuf's user avatar
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Split large Software Project on Azure DevOps Repos

We are currently in the process of migrating from IBM ClearCase as centralized Version Control to Git / Azure DevOps. It is a large and long grown software project in C# with more than 100 C# projects ...
peterlustig's user avatar
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Working in Red Hat Linux trying to build RPMs that are accessed via Clearcase vobs but keep on getting a recurring error which states, 'unable to find albd-server on host ', 'Unable to contact view - ...
Sam091's user avatar
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Eclipse, ClearCase and Automatic Checkout

In my Window->Preferences->ClearCase->Source Management, under Automatically checkout resources if necessary I have set the option (out of the options Always, Never, Prompt) Never However,...
Vinod's user avatar
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How do I remove a clearcase merge arrow in Clearteam Explorer?

Removing merge arrows and versions of files is straightforward using the ClearCase CLI. However, I only can manipulate our UCM via the Eclipse Clearteam Plugin and I do not have access to the command ...
isakbob's user avatar
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How to resolve .checkedout file in IBM Clearcase?

My eclipse suddenly shut down, and after that for a particular file, there are two files present: the main file and a .checkedout version of it. Now the main file is not checkedout out from my ...
Arka Mitra's user avatar
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Can we uncheckout elements in hierarchy basis?

I would like to uncheckout list of elements in hierarchical manner Ie: Lt say folder1 & folder2, folder3 are framed in hierarchical basis: folder3 is child, folder2 is parent, folder1 is grand ...
Arockia Jegan's user avatar
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Is there a way to skip given files when performing a cleartool findmerge?

In our development environment, we have certain files that are autogenerated by some parsing tools, and they should never be merged from one branch to another. We do have them under source control, ...
livefree75's user avatar
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Clearcase: See result of checkout, without actually checking out

Imagine a scenario where your config spec looks something like the following: element * CHECKEDOUT element * .../branch_two/LATEST element * .../branch_one/LATEST -mkbranch branch_two element * ...
Pacopenguin's user avatar
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ClearCase equivalent for git - checkout branch, commit and push code

In Git, for pushing our code to the new branch we do the following steps: Checkout the new branch Make changes in it Commit the code to the branch with commit message Push the code to the branch ...
Harry's user avatar
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Equivalent for 'Clone in git' in ClearCase

I am new to ClearCase (just started Today), I used GIT and SVN before for version control. In Git, I generally 'clone' the repository to fetch the code to my local and do the 'checkout' What is the ...
Harry's user avatar
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Windows context menu "send to" EditPlus has wrong path from ClearCase Explorer

I installed EditPlus 5.5 (evaluation version) on Windows 10 (64 bit). During the installation I selected the option of adding EditPlus to the send to item of the Windows context menu. The send to ...
Abra's user avatar
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How to open multiple clearcase views in separate vscode sessions

I am trying to work on two different ClearCase views in two VSCode sessions. But, when I open the second instance of VSCode , it defaults to the first view and changing the view in the second session ...
Naveen's user avatar
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How to retrieve checkout comments for an element on a branch?

After entering detailed checkout comments before checking out my files on a development branch, I inadvertently overlooked the fact that while checking in the files, . would preserve the checkout ...
Vinod's user avatar
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How do I debug a java.lang.illegalStateException that occurs when rebasing a ClearCase view?

Background I have been trying for the last week to rebase a clearcase view for my project, but every time I try I get a weird null exception depicted in the two windows below: I do not know why this ...
isakbob's user avatar
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Problem on taking checkouts of IBM Clearcase Integration branch

I am facing a problem in getting list of checkouts in IBM Clearcase: Getting list of checkouts for task branch is so easy: we can get by: ct lsco branch brtype:<> \vob with this command ...
Arockia Jegan's user avatar
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Clearcase - Unite two files into one file with united History

I have two different files each with its own history, I want to unite them as one, but keep both histories. For example (My actual issue): I have x.vcproj and x.vcxproj, after converting from older ...
Juv's user avatar
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How to Add Missing Foundation Baselines in ClearCase

So Someone from my team has deleted some foundation Baselines from an Integration Stream and now when people rebase their development stream many of the folders and files inside them are missing. We ...
bhardwajme's user avatar
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How to checkout a branch in Clearcase?

I've been using git my entire development life, and just recently got assigned to an antiquated sourcebase that is unfortunately still using IBM Clearcase for Windows for its version control. I've ...
blarglesz's user avatar
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How can I select a specific version of the root folder (.) in a snapshot view (Base ClearCase, no UCM)?

Stumbled over this at work yesterday: I have a small VOB and created a snapshot view to access the data (source files) in it. If I give the ConfigSpec as: load /vob/extern element * CHECKEDOUT ...
dirkbaechle's user avatar
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Groovy Script that Writes into a Config File via Linux (for Pipeline)

I am trying to write a groovy script that will write into a config file on a linux server, how would I set up the groovy script? For example, change some of the values into the config file and save. I ...
Desire Armendariz's user avatar
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Cannot build using gradle when using clearcase

I have been trying to build my Java web application using gradle. Everything work fine in the local drive and the build goes through as expected. However, when I switch to using the clearcase MVFS ...
viraj's user avatar
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Utilizing Jenkins to create branches and profiles in Clearcase

I am pretty new to configuration management and trying to come up with a more efficient way to create branches. One of my concepts is to utilize Jenkins to create the actual profiles and branches. How ...
Desiré Jackson's user avatar
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Can Git be used on OpenVMS?

We are currently using ClearCase and ClearQuest for source control and issue tracking. Our ClearCase client is running on a CentOS machine. The OpenVMS machine mounts the required views via a ...
Mast's user avatar
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Issue with Eclipse CDT Indexer: Unresolved Inclusion

I have looked at all the related previous posts, without avail. I am facing the issue of Eclipse CDT indexer flagging the .h files included in my project specific .h/.cpp files, despite the following: ...
Vinod's user avatar
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Eclipse C++ in Clearcase vobs: Unresolved inclusion

I would like to get your thoughts on why I am getting an "unresolved inclusion" error for certain .h files included as part of my project. I actually cloned the project from another existing ...
Vinod's user avatar
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How to create a project and add existing projects in Eclipse?

I am using C/C++ perspective in Eclipse. The Eclipse is integrated with ClearCase VOB and inside the VOB, each specific module has been created as a project. So in effect, those modules have to be ...
Vinod's user avatar
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Is there any other way to format my %echo output in OMAKE (Instead of using cygwin printf.exe but using any localized syntax of OMAKE it self)

The below I have pasted two approaches, but the second approach does not gives good structured output like the approach 1 does. Please suggest me how to get the same good font with OMAKE internal ...
Krishna Matsa's user avatar

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