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React CSS multiple inline styles VS class performance-wise

Who wins from performance perspective (only) INLINE STYLES <div style={{backgroundColor:"#fff"}}>content</div> <div style={{backgroundColor:"#fff"}}>content</...
johnny shepherd's user avatar
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1 answer

In Chrome, style.fontFamily doesn't work for a barcode font, but className does

Consider the following html: <style> .barcode { font-family: 'BC C39 3 to 1 Medium'; } </style> <div><span id='spn'>1234567</span></div> The following will set the ...
Svein Ola Sjovold's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Tailwindcss + Nextjs problems with class + variables

Good afternoon, I need help with a big problem I'm having with tailwindcss + nextjs... So the problem is when it comes to setting the classes, I need to use a variable, the class is set in the css, ...
Weslley Dev's user avatar
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1 answer

why css is not working in my react component?

I am importing css from main.css file to Main.js file, but css is not working completely? //This is Main.js code-- This is Main.js screenschot This is main.css screenshot This is website screenshot ...
Piyush Kumar's user avatar
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How to add specific styles to className in Tailwind

I am passing a style to a checkbox when it is checked, but I do it in my tailwind.css file. I am wondering if it is possible somehow to do it in className inline, because I do not want really to add ...
kukri's user avatar
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How to properly set the name of the BEM class for different card designs

Let's imagine that the task before us is to develop 50+ unique types of cards, headers, footers, etc. It will be okay if I name the card types like this: card-23, card-24 Or is there a better solution?...
Mykyta Severyn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use components in different ways (React)

I want to use simple components in different way and different ui rendering For example a dropdown rendering a list may have several ui according to the page or context (=> padding, margins, font ...
Ron Bellaiche's user avatar
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1 answer

Using map method, how to use multiple classname in React.js?

please check out my code first. import styles from './calculator.module.css'; const BUTTONS = [ { key: '+/-', styled: 'symbol', }, { key: '0', }, { key: '.', styled: '...
Aden Lee's user avatar
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1 answer

apply className to one tag in React

how to apply styles to a specific tag? I started the state and on click I want the name to be applied to the class names, but it is applied to all at once. import { Button, Form, Input } from 'antd' ...
haunt_me's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

how Can I use css modules and global style together on React

i want to use normal class and module class together. if i use two className it says "JSX elements cannot have multiple attributes with the same name." import Header from "./...
alireza mkali's user avatar
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3 answers

Slick.js set classes for all slides before and after the centered one

I'm using slick.js carousel, I need to set different styles to the all the slides that comes before and all the slides that comes after the centered one. So I used these css style rules: .slick-slide{...
GGKMNTN's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple variable className in next js

How to apply multiple className in Next js, in which there are variable classsnames as well ? I'm using component level css approach Here's my code and what I want to do: import styles from "./...
Abhishek Jha's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Render a specific className when active with classNames and Tailwind

I'm using Tailwinds CSS and classNames package. I'm rendering out 2 divs and I want to check if one of them has am active class, then set a specific background color className bg-[#000] to it. I ...
KYin's user avatar
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2 answers

inline style vs className in Componet context

Hello I try to understand when it's necessary to use inline style instead className in this case. I take a long time to solve my problem of translation. At the beginning I want to translate component ...
Knupel's user avatar
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ParcelJs optimizer & class names

I'm starting using parcelJs, and it's a killer. In dev mode, I get no problem but in production nothing is working: My framework is generating css classes names dynamically from typescript classes ...
eco747's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Is there another way to give id or class name when using CSS Module in React?

Whenever I import "style.module.css" then I have to give each component a class name like this: classname={styles.className} Code Example: import styles from './Header.module.scss' ...
MOHSIN SHAHZAD's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Adding class to result element when submitting form [React.js]

created a simple BMI calculator using React.js. Now I am trying to make it so if the result is anything other than healthy BMI the result text will be colored red (I am using styled-components). I'm ...
Gosia Ras's user avatar
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Change global style className to hash className without using css module

I'm finding a solution that can change the following style <div className='projects-main'> <div className='basic-projects'> // ... </div> </div> to the ...
Peter Wu's user avatar
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1 answer

what is difference between classnames vs classNames from classnames package

I see some project using classnames or classNames to apply multiple class into element. I am wondering what is difference between them and which I should use if I am under my typescript react project? ...
jacobcan118's user avatar
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Reactjs / Material-UI: className does not work on the ToggleButton component [duplicate]

Using React / Material UI, I am trying to apply styles to a group of ToggleButtons . Currently I can only define the style prop for each ToggleButton to make it work. I am trying to do className={...} ...
Kid_Learning_C's user avatar
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what do I put in className if I am using CSS module with .active property

Whenever my state in navbar changes, I would like to have the background of NavItems to be transparent when it's false, and add a gradient background when it's true. I know that if it is normal CSS, I ...
AnthonyDev220's user avatar
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How to select widgets by class name like in CSS in Kivy?

For example I want to put a background color to all the buttons in the application : <Layout1>: <BoxLayout>: <Button>: text: "btn 1" <...
David Rambolajaona's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Selenium python, use css to select only two class

Suppose I have an HTML that looks like this: <div class="first second"> Right! </div> <div class="first second third fourth"> Wrong! </div> <div ...
James Deen's user avatar
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I used the word 'social' for an element classname and it chrome won't display it

I have a div that I was trying to assign a class name of "social-list" to and it wouldn't show up on the page. I removed the class name from the div and it appeared. I shortened the name to ...
ComicDansMS's user avatar
-1 votes
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React doesn't read css when the classname is string

I picked up a react project that uses className={css.someStyle} format to link css to components. The problem is that I installed a package and I cannot get any css from it because my app only takes ...
Bogos Robert's user avatar
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How can I change CSS className depending on length of array?

I have a Gatsby project with a blog and I am adding a "related articles" section to a blog post. If the article the reader is reading has related articles with the same tag I want to display ...
Nick Kinlen's user avatar
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How do you apply a class's style with setAttribute inside a class that extends HTMLElement?

I have a class that I add an element with a class name that should make the text white which I have defined in my CSS's style, but it does not. The text remains black. How am I supposed to achieve ...
Chewie The Chorkie's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to conditionally render css with clsx?

I have a button component that's supposed to change colors based on its status (passed in by props). The colors are stored in a css file. I read that the clsx npm is a good one to use, but I don't ...
for-84's user avatar
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3 answers

How to toggle css class in react with setState Hook

I tried different ways. But don't manage to toggle this css class. The bookmark should become blue when I click on it. I got so far, I can change to false with onClick, but then it doesn't toggle back....
Mano's user avatar
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Unregistered Class Toggling

So I've been working in assembly for awhile and just came back to websites after quite some time and one of the questions that are still bothering me today is, why can't I change a class from one ...
GodDamn's user avatar
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CSS class naming convention for media queries

What would be the best classname convention for the following example. If I have different elements with the same grid layout. <div class="item__1 -has-multipleColumns-XL">Text</div&...
user avatar
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2 answers

Update ClassNames on State change React js

Is there a way to update a classNames var (in this case 'btClasses') on State change? ... state = { active: true }; btClasses = classNames({ 'main-class': true, '...
Ivan Taccadoli's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

When should I use 'className' over 'class' and vise versa in react?

I'm making my first react app and i've come across something interesting, I sometimes use className over class on react. I'm just wondering if they are interchangeable or is it like this for a reason? ...
alexholstv's user avatar
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what does the random string classname using Scss in React app means?

whats the difference between using normal css ClassName in react and using node-sass in react? which is better and how does a scss ClassName generates a random string in a browser like ...
Rahul Ahire's user avatar
-1 votes
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REACT JS - increment component className?

have just a question if it's possible to increment className in React JS??? to do something like that : /* in first file */ const rowCount = 68; class PhotosItem extends Component { constructor() ...
Guss411's user avatar
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React className - element.module.css + state.conditional

I'm trying to make a mobile drop down for a React web app. I'm interested in the correct syntax to use when adding multiple classes to a react element. I want to add styling via an imported module, ...
IndustryDesigns's user avatar
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2 answers

Adding a className if a condition is true

i have a form with multiple fields and a submit button. once i click the submit button it will come to this filterProperties function. i have a if condition inside that filterProperties function. so ...
123t's user avatar
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React JS: how to change the bgcolor of a div in a group of divs based on another element's className bgcolor style

setup: i have dynamically generated two independent groups of divs. First group of divs represents 4 different bgcolor styles [named ArticlePreview] and the second group represents 4 partial examples ...
Punch In's user avatar
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Cannot use string literals for className in react CSS imports?

This is the style.css file: .cake { color: red; } This is index.js: Fails: import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import './style.css'; function App() { return ( &...
jsstuball's user avatar
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Centering text on mobile only

I'm pretty new to advanced CSS. I have a custom heading section which i want to make centered on mobile only. I have added a class name and the following code but nothings happened. .mobile-text { ...
Connie's user avatar
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Custom css in material-ui version4.9.0

i have to update the material ui version in my project. The version i used was the 0.20 and now i've updated to v.4.9 I've changed all the imports from material-ui to @materia-ui/core and my app is ...
RamAlx's user avatar
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jquery switch not changing css (3 colors)

Do you see what I need to change in this code? <style> .bgColor1{background: red !important;} .bgColor2{background: blue !important;} .bgColor3{background: green !important;} ...
user1864734's user avatar
16 votes
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styling react-select using classes

I am using react-select in my code. I want to style my drop down using classNames, so that I referred The DOM structure of ...
Jane Fred's user avatar
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How to change CSS classes according to time received by API

I'm building a weather app in React and so far so good. The problem is now I want to have a "lightmode" and "darkmode" which should be CSS classes that change according to sunrise/sunset times ...
mfs's user avatar
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How to get all classname from previous element's NodeList?

I want to add some event listener to every button which placed after some block of element. This button intended to return all element classes from previous block of element if clicked. I found the ...
ian's user avatar
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How to changeClass name of component from library in React?

I need to change one component style from library pure-react-carousel). in the documents said that it could be done by some class name styles of component like below. I know that i have to change this ...
volverine's user avatar
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How to conditionally call different classNames in ReactJs styling

I have a progressBar in my React component.The progressBar is as shown below in the image: So, when I am in the second page, the style be as shown below: And the next image is for the third page: ...
pranami's user avatar
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React - Using ternary to apply CSS class in functional component

I'm relatively new to React and working on a John Conway - Game of Life app. I have built a Gameboard.js functional component for the board itself (which is a child of App.js) and a Square.js ...
Nick Kinlen's user avatar
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Can't apply css to React className

Can't apply css to React className... import React from "react"; import "./index.css"; class CompanyInfo extends React.Component { render() { return ( <div className="CompanyInfo"&...
AFAF's user avatar
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