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Why can't CLion correctly read Chinese strings from a TXT file?

As a Chinese university student studying computer-related majors, I am working on a major assignment assigned by my teacher to create a restaurant management system. However, when I finished my code, ...
BreakingBad6's user avatar
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Unicode string not being read correctly [closed]

I'm reading an HTML file using Java and am having some trouble with a Unicode character. The problematic statement is: <span class="xml-lang" lang="cmn-Hant" xml:lang="cmn-...
Sander Smith's user avatar
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Using PD4ML not able to render few Chinese characters in PDF

I am trying to generate the PDF using PD4ML but while rendering it few Chinese characters are appearing as ? in output file. Below is code snippet for reference through which I am generating PDF. try {...
Sachin's user avatar
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How to extract clean japanese text from the pdf folder in python

This is my code import os import PyPDF2 # set the directory where the PDF files are located pdf_directory = '/Users/humnerohit/Desktop/test_pdf_files' # loop through each file in the directory for ...
rohit's user avatar
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Geocoding - Japanese address start to timeout without url encoding from 12th Oct 2024

Here is example of call from Golang without url encoding.大田区北千束3丁目&key=xxxx(please change to key) Above was returning result until 11th ...
Neeraj Kumar's user avatar
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Which font/setting to correctly display U+2E976 in Firefox and everywhere in Linux [closed]

I'm trying to figure out which font I have to install to be able to see the characters on this page: 𮥶 which is U+2E976 I'm on Linux Mint. I've ...
ReaderGuy42's user avatar
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Download pdf in Japanese shows garbled text on production for rails application using Wickedpdf gem, working perfectly fine locally

Here is the issue in the screenshot I have tried multiple things: I have tried to download the Japanese fonts locally on the production server Added this in the pdf layout: <!DOCTYPE html>...
Safi Ullah's user avatar
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Making a user-friendly input for subdividing a square into coordinates

I am working on a program (in Python) that involves cutting a square(s) into smaller pieces. The user has to enter a 'code', which the program will automatically convert into the coordinates for each ...
Leo's user avatar
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How to convert a column of Japanese words in a column of Hiragana words in Excel

I have a large column of Japanese words (some are entirely in hiragana, katakana or kanji, some are a mix of kanji and hiragana, and some are a mix of kanji and katakana), and I would like to convert ...
kanachan's user avatar
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Regex for Parsing Japanese Parliamentary Speeches in Python

I'm a beginner in Python and am working on a project to preprocess Japanese text data for argument mining. I need to extract metadata (e.g., parliamentary session, date, speaker) and the speech ...
Ana17's user avatar
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Gluon Javafx textfield cannot input Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters on IOS

I am developing an iOS application using Gluon Mobile but have encountered a problem. When a TextField gains focus, the keyboard pops up, but this keyboard is different from the one configured in the ...
54562635qqcom's user avatar
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How to get the unicode of a character in Python? [duplicate]

Wanna get the unicode of chinese or vietnamese's han-nom and japanese characters I've tried these code text = "𬖰"; br = text.encode("unicode-escape"); print(br); and got b'\\...
Charlie Fan's user avatar
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Decoding multibyte non-Unicode characters through codecvt fails

I have experimented with std::codecvt on MSVC and encountered an issue with multibyte character encodings ‒ it cannot convert back from valid multibyte sequences, even when those can be produced when ...
IS4's user avatar
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clear IME input onfocus in Javascript

Currently I'm having problems with IME. I am designing a chat and messaging application with Vue3. I use a div with :editcontenable="true" as input. Everything was ok but there was a problem ...
thanh dang's user avatar
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MeCab doesnt seem to return correct response

So i just installed MeCab and tried to run it in node. i took example from this url to check if i installed it properly but i guess something went ...
moremondocane's user avatar
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Using Limelight with WordPress

I want to install Limelight on WordPress to to add some Japanese language features such as kana converter, Japanese to romaji converter etc. However, GitHub only describes how to install it, and does ...
Mr. Tom Bahadur's user avatar
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Image-to-Hanzi library

I'm trying to create an 'ascii' (unicode, but you know) image renderer with higher fidelity for terminals. You can see most current implementations treat each textual character as a pixel, which ...
Hashbrown's user avatar
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Difference of special token handling of the BertTokenizer's batch_decode() and decode() method?

For BertTokenizer, I am trying to decode sentences produced after tokenization. Here is my code: from transformers import BertTokenizer ref = '這件衣服皺巴巴的,幫我燙一下吧。' our = '衣服皺了,幫我燙一燙' tokenizer = ...
Raptor's user avatar
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Errors with the node modulle pinyin

I have a node.js script in which I want to Romanize Chinese characters. There is a node module pinyin. However, when I try it, I get the error: throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module '/...
user3250335's user avatar
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Some kanji characters cannot be displayed when using TCPDF

I am using TCPDF latest version (6.7.5) to export PDF documents. In the document there are some Japanese kanji characters that cannot be displayed. I have tried using fonts like cid0jp, cid0cs, cid0cs,...
thinh1995's user avatar
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terminal stdin moveCursor misalignment with wide characters

I need to programmatically move terminal's caret position with NodeJS. I am using process.stdout.moveCursor(x, y) which works fine on normal ASCII characters with 1 character width. However, this ...
SyndRain's user avatar
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Convert Full width numbers into Normal numbers in python

I have a data in an excel file(only 1 column) where there are several japanese characters followed by fullwidth numbers. I want to convert these numbers into normal numbers. いつもありがとう890ございます ...
monnomm's user avatar
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Comparing Kangxi Radicals in SQL Server

I have an SQL Server database table containing Japanese Kanji and Radicals. Running a SELECT on this table for a Kanji returns a single row as I expect. However if I run the same Query for a Kangxi ...
Ger's user avatar
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regex for the pattern of one optional space before Chinese words in lua

I tried use string.match("Í",'%s?[\u{4e00}-\u{9FFF}]+') which is similar to how we work in JS or others. But it will match one unnecessary character like the above 'Í'. The official ...
An5Drama's user avatar
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javadoc generated document annotation content Chinese garbled code

javadoc generated document annotation content Chinese garbled code. The red frame is garbled, and the rest is normal Editor IDEA JDK1.8. javadoc -d doc -encoding UTF-8 -charset UTF-8 -docencoding UTF-...
Jambo's user avatar
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Tiptap Editor applying marks cancels combination of korean characters when the mark is created for the first time

When I apply marks to Tiptap Editor, it cancels combination of korean characters when the mark is created for the first time. this video demonstrates the situation. First line, which is without a mark,...
woohyun.park's user avatar
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How to use pandas read_fwf with japanese characters in data

I am trying to read data from text files that contain Japanese city names. Each line contains 32 bytes, with the name column being 22 bytes. When I try to use pandas.read_fwf(), the results are wrong ...
blue's user avatar
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Japanese (Mozc) input not working in browser created by Selenium

I am currently learning Japanese and Webscraping so I thought this would be a perfect match together. But somehow when I type inside the new Firefox browser, which opened after following Code: from ...
SaibotiX's user avatar
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Problems in displaying polyphonic Chinese characters

I attempted to display polyphonic Chinese characters in Dart using the BpmfIansui-Regular.ttf font, which is designed for traditional Chinese characters with BoPoMoFo annotations. For instance, the ...
Shinjou Fang's user avatar
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HL7 encoding characters in non-ASCII strings

I have a question of how to handle HL7v2 encoding characters appearing when using a non-standard (non 7 bit ASCII) character sets. As an example, this is a part of a HL7v2 message: MSH|^~\&|appl|...
Krister Valtonen's user avatar
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Closing HTML tags insert "phantom" space in Chinese text

(Note: I can't provide an image or a sample file; uploads and imgur are blocked from this location.) Images added. I recently received a Word document translation into Chinese (traditional) of one of ...
Jeff Zeitlin's user avatar
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Halfwidth vs Fullwidth Forms in JIS X 208

I am trying to make sense of the following explanation on wikipedia page: ASCII and JISCII punctuation (shown here with a yellow background) may use alternative mappings to the Halfwidth and ...
malat's user avatar
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JavaFX 21 TextField and Japanese input

I have a Java 21 desktop application with JavaFX and I want to support Japanese text input. No problem I guess with a Japanese keyboard, but I have problems (on Mac OS X) with keyboard emulation. I ...
Riccardo Mazzei's user avatar
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Netbeans: UTF-8 characters Chinese Japanese (CJK) text do not print in Netbeans 20 (Java MAVEN) Output window

This is my Code: package hello.learningjava; public class NewClassTEST { public static String aMadeUpString() { return ("Holy moly cow, 你好 よくできました!"); } } Image of ...
777's user avatar
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Issue with Converting Full-Width Japanese Numeric Characters and Dots in JavaScript

I'm facing an issue with converting full-width Japanese numeric characters and dots to their half-width in a JavaScript input handling function. The goal is to allow users to input numeric values with ...
siya's user avatar
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How to make Excel sort by a hierarchy? A to Z sort for Japanese isn't working as expected, Custom Sort is too narrow

I am trying to sort names written in Japanese (mainly Katakana) in Excel. However the A to Z sort is not following the pattern that I am expecting: the sort appears to put dakuten and handakuten ...
1caiser's user avatar
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Dir.bat equivalent that recognises Chinese characters

When I use either my dir.bat file or the below command, it works but if there are Chinese characters, it'll replace them with "?". cmd /c dir /b > "%temp%\Dir.txt" & ...
Deuteronomy93's user avatar
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Zero-width space and <wbr> have no effect on Japanese line-breaking

As I understand it from the documentation, <wbr> and the Unicode zero-width space character, &ZeroWidthSpace; or &#8203;, are functionally equivalent, and are supposed to suggest line-...
ddbrierton's user avatar
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mysqldump and restore with tranditional chinese character

I am trying to take mysql dump from docker with command: docker exec testsigma_mysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root --password=root --default-character-set=utf8mb4 testsigma_opensource > backup.sql ...
weiling shao's user avatar
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How does the js Selection.modify function differentiate between words in Chinese?

The function itself somehow understands when it is necessary to highlight 1 hieroglyph, when 2, and when all 3. I wonder how? Obviously this is not done using regular expressions. There are no ...
a4356's user avatar
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mysql and imported data in PDF::API2 .pdf file garbled

Using PDF::API2 I wrote a perl script to create an invoice PDF file with Japanese text. The file encoding is utf8 and I have "use utf8" in the header. If I declare the variables inside the ...
moring's user avatar
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Mismatched Character Highlighting in Chrome Browser Search

During a search on a Japanese text page in Chrome, link, I experienced an unexpected result. I used the ⌘+f function to search for ム (Unicode 0xFF91) character. Chrome, however, highlighted ム (Unicode ...
Bhuvan's user avatar
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Stop Android Studio from thinking Korean characters are typos

I love keeping the "Problems" section of my IDE clean of errors, since besides Compile errors, Warnings and Hints often catch things for me. However I'm working on a multilingual project, ...
Dr-Bracket's user avatar
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English to Japanese Translation feature in the app

I am currently working with english to japanese feature in an app on the kotlin android studio, but my problem is that even though some of the translation is working, there are translated text that is ...
Rey Mark Enriquez's user avatar
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Printing Non-English Characters Appears Broken in Node.js Serial Port Printer

I'm encountering an issue with a Node.js application that communicates with a serial port printer. When attempting to print non-English characters (such as accented letters or characters from ...
Apurba's user avatar
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C++: Inputting & Outputting UTF-8 on Windows?

I'm not familiar with Windows at all I'm struggling to write a function which reads from a file containing Chinese characters & does some regex. Roughly: std::ifstream t(input_file); std::...
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How to show `\` instead of special character `₩` in path separator for Windows Forms text-box?

My Windows Forms app displays a file path in a text-box. For our customers in Korea, this is shown as C:₩Users₩abc123₩my₩path instead of C:\Users\abc123\my\path. However, their command prompts, ...
Ed Graham's user avatar
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In matlab, How can I display both Chinese characters and LaTeX symbols in a label? [duplicate]

How to display both Chinese characters and LaTeX symbols in a label? if I use latex Interpreter, there are some error: close clear x = 0:0.01:2*pi; y = sin(x); figure; plot(x, y); xlabel( '$\text{...
Chin Ching CHAN's user avatar
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Problem with size of custom MFC control when Language is set to Japanese

I look after the DeepSkyStacker application. If the system language is set to English, then DeepSkyStacker sets its own language to English, and its "Processing" panel (on the right) is ...
David Partridge's user avatar
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Javascript indexOf/charAt not working for Japanese half-width Katakana

In my codebase I have this code, surprisingly it returns 1: 'トゲ'.indexOf('ケ') // Returns 1 The character ケ doesn't seem to appear in string トゲ. I also tried to run this code: 'トゲ'.charAt(1) // ...
code đờ's user avatar

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