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Scene 3D objects throw exception on Android deivces [duplicate]

I posted a thread some time ago about Scene 3D objects causing a error when they try to create the shader on Android. At the time I was advised to recompile the project using the new Gluon library ...
Ashley's user avatar
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javafx not working on raspberry 64 bit - Unable to open DISPLAY

I want to move from 32 to 64bit Raspbian lite without desktop (because of the new JDK versions > 19 which are only available for 64 bit linux arm). I have a small javafx app I developed when javafx ...
alex's user avatar
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Gluon Javafx textfield cannot input Chinese/Japanese/Korean characters on IOS

I am developing an iOS application using Gluon Mobile but have encountered a problem. When a TextField gains focus, the keyboard pops up, but this keyboard is different from the one configured in the ...
54562635qqcom's user avatar
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Could not find artifact - Firebase Messaging dependency for Maven

I am currently developing and Android app using GluonFX, I'm trying to setup push notifications while following the documentation that recommends to use FireBase. Unfortunately when I try to add the ...
Bottas's user avatar
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Gluon and JNA/JNR [duplicate]

I used JNA with GLUON before and had no problems. Everything worked. I tried replacing JNA with JNR. When I run mvn gluonfx:runagent , JNR runs successfully. However, after mvn clean gluonfx:build ...
Aleksey Timofeev's user avatar
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Setting the Background Color of a Gluon RichTextArea

Gluon have added a RichTextArea class: Gluon's RichTextArea Does anyone know how you set the background colour? By default it is white but I'd like it to be the same light grey as other JavaFX ...
Graham Seed's user avatar
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Gluon JavaFX Embedded support on Rockchip rk3588?

I've been trying to get the driver from GluonFX to display JavaFX apps direct to DRM on a Mekotronics R58x, a SBC which has a rk3588 chip. My R58x is running Armbian 23.08.0-trunk on ...
Matthew Warren's user avatar
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How do I integrate StorageService for a Java program using GluonHQ maps repository?

So, I have implemented GluonHQ maps into my project and I want to also implement the StorageService to load those maps offline, anyway I can't do that since I need some sort of ServiceFactory for the ...
user25106225's user avatar
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How build submodel gluon project with maven?

There , i have a project named meeting ,and there is two submodel module named meeting-common and meeting-gui , i tried use gluon-cli to build project , but it occues error ,the stack is following [...
Peng's user avatar
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How to implement Attach service that contain a 3rd-party library gor iOS

for now, Gluon-attach service for Push notification is using Firebase library for handling the push notification on Android, and this handling is done natively on iOS. I want to add Firebase library ...
SamFX's user avatar
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StringIndexOutOfBoundException occurs when typing anything into a JavaFX TextField in both JDK21 and JDK8, Windows11

When I run this simple code snippet of a JavaFX TextField element, I type something into the text field, and then StringIndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown periodically. versions JDK: 21.0.0, 21.0.2, ...
Super3001's user avatar
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JavaFX 3D API does not work on all Android deivces

I have been compiling a JavaFX app for Android using the JavaFXPorts plugin for a while. I have managed to resolve all the dependencies and compiled them into an APK. This APK will install on ...
Ashley's user avatar
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My SceneBuilder system font is too hard to read

My SceneBuilder suddenly changed the system/default font to an italic font that is to hard for me to read. How can I fix it? This happened when I click on Set Gluon Theme, but when I go back to Modena ...
stein in romdeau's user avatar
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Gluon build problem - specifies unknown module

My project was building fine then I wanted to bring dockable window and did and used it in I could not find what made ...
ozkanpakdil's user avatar
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how to set resizability to false using Scene Builder - Gluon?

Every time I go to Pane Layout > Extras, I find a checkbox to set resizability to true or false but it cannot be accessed for some reason. So, can you find me any solutions for this problem? This ...
ProCrafter67's user avatar
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Gluon Mobile (JavaFX): Failed Controller ClassNotFoundException

I'm trying to create a Gluon example based on this repository, the problem I'm having is that it works perfectly in IntelliJ, but when I want to export it to ...
Victor Alejandro Nazar Fuentea's user avatar
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GluonFX on android: Push notification are not working when the app is closed

I integrated the push notification service from "attach" according to the documentation. and the push notification sending is handled via Firebase and Spring-boot for sending the ...
SamFX's user avatar
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APK compiled with JavaFXPorts does not work

I have been trying to get a sample HelloWorld JavaFX app to work on Android for a while. I have managed to get past all the dependency issues etc and have compile the project into an APK with both ...
Ashley's user avatar
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Configure Dynamic Proxies in GluonFx

I have a server application based on GluonFX. This one uses jetty server. When I run native build I get such exception: Caused by: Proxy class defined ...
Bondar Anton's user avatar
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Canvas to base64 Image without awt/swing classes

I am trying for some time now to convert a Canvas into a base64 image String, so I am able to convert it back later to show on the screen or store it in a file. The problem is, all samples I found so ...
Roman's user avatar
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GluonFx server socket communication

I have JavaFX application that based on GluonFX framework. It creates simple Server Socket: public class Application { private static final int SOCKET_PORT = 40009; public static void main(String[] ...
Bondar Anton's user avatar
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Can't find bundle for base name com.mysql.cj.LocalizedErrorMessages locale pt_BR

I'm trying to generate a repetition of my JavaFX application, as it uses some Maven dependencies, I'm using the Gluonfx library to generate the repetition, as it can "encapsulate" all ...
Carlos Eduardo's user avatar
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gluonfx:run results in "module does not "opens javafx.scene" to unnamed module"

I am in the process of upgrading an old (JDK 8) JavaFX application to JDK 17 plus all of its dependencies. So far the process went okay, but now I am stuck on something that I can't seem to figure out....
Oriden's user avatar
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GraalVM called by gluonfx:compile get stucked at "Garbage collector: Serial GC"

Problem: I did mvn -Pandroid gluonfx:compile in a project and it follow the steps properly, but when GraalVM is called and it gets to "Garbage collector: Serial GC", it simply get stucked ...
Luiz Filipe's user avatar
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Gluon Maven tool chain builds app, but Gradle tool chain does not (fails linking)

I have been using the Gluon tool chain to compile a JavaFX app into native images for both Mac OS X (Sonoma, M1) and iOS. It all works great. Got it working end to end. Great tool chain! But ... I ...
gym's user avatar
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Use newer Java version than 17 with Graal native image

I'm making a Sokoban app with JavaFx and Gluon's tools (see, and currently targeting Android. I would like to use Java 19, 20 or 21, but it seems Java 17 is the ...
Hallvard Trætteberg's user avatar
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i cant use scene builder when i execute my code

I got a problem that I absolutely can't solve on my own because I have just started using JAVA FX. help me please. the error javafx.fxml.LoadException: /C:/Users/DELL/eclipse-workspace/RiadFxProject/...
Riad Xploz's user avatar
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Lost characters when typing with keyboard Vietnamese on javafx ios gluon app

Use: <properties> <>UTF-8</> <maven.compiler.release>11</maven.compiler.release> <javafx.version>...
Nguyễn Văn Minh's user avatar
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Gluon (mobile) and SPI (service provider interface)

I am experimenting using Gluon (both native and mobile) with GeoTools. GeoTools loads object factories via the service provider interface (SPI) in Java (specifically by using META-INF/services files). ...
gym's user avatar
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javafx.scene.control.ComboBox closes its listbox when touch and scroll list

Follow this steps on IOS or ANDROID: 1 - touch on combobox to open its listbox with many itens on list 2 - when try scroll list, its listbox closes before open de combobox when ty to scroll list the ...
Tadeu Gois's user avatar
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JavaFX not rendering via gluonfx:nativerun on graalvm-svm-java17-linux-gluon-

I am trying to use gluon's substrate graalvm native-image on Ubuntu 22.04. When you run using mvn gluonfx:run on the examples, for instance HelloFXML, none of the text is displayed, as some of our ...
Byron's user avatar
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How can I access to the style class of the title in header of Navigation Drawer?

I would like to change the text color of the title of the header using css classes but I m not able to find the selector. I have tried many combinations like for example but It didn't work: ....
heno's user avatar
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Gluonhq with JDBC SQLite : ClassNotFoundException: org.graalvm.nativeimage.hosted.RuntimeRe

I am using Gluonhq with JDBC in Linux. Version info: 'GraalVM Java 17 CE' There are no problems with postgresql. The problems begin when I work with sqlite. My JDBC connect: Connection ...
Martin's user avatar
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GluonFX SceneBuilder display not matching gluonfx:run display

I'm building a mobile app with gluon FX. I'm using scenebuilder to help create my UI with FXML. However, the SceneBuilder preview UI looks very different from the UI I get when running it with gluonfx:...
mjsick1's user avatar
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Gluon Build for android doesnt work on linux-aarch64

I'm trying to generate a native image for Android profile using Linux with architecture aarch64 and I installed the GraalVM Version info: 'GraalVM 22.1.0 Java 17 CE' from this page
heno's user avatar
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Gluonhq with Hibernate: Could not resolve net.bytebuddy.utility.Invoker$Dispatcher for reflection configuration

I use gluon with hibernate. In the beginning I do mvn gluonfx:runagent The application launches, makes a request to the database and the data is displayed correctly. Here is the command log Then I do ...
Martin's user avatar
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Property "" not defined in example Gluon JavaFX app starers

I am trying to use the Gluon Desktop tools to make a JavaFX app. I have tried creating a new Maven-driven app in both of these ways: The Gluon Start web app The Gluon - Single View Project new ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
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JavaFX RunTime Jars / Libs

We can download the JavaFX jars for a particular version from Let's focus on J17 [17.0.8] and Windows. Save the SDK to a local disk and look at, say, javafx....
Graham Seed's user avatar
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Is the Gluon JavaFX-SDK a JDK like thing

does the JFX-SDK also include the java and javac binarys? im asking since in netbeans the Build native executable option is grayed out. If yes, do i have to move it to the Java Virtual Machines Folder ...
Efendo's user avatar
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dlopen failed: cannot locate symbol "JNI_OnLoad_javajpeg"

I have pretty simple desktop app written in JavaFX. The only task is to get a search term (text input box), send a request to my REST API and display results in a form of articles list (name and photo)...
user avatar
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3 answers

How do I denormalize L2-Normalized Data in MXNet?

I normalized my Data with the built in L2Normalization from MXNet ndarray. Since I want to know the actual value of the prediction I have to denormalize the data to analyze it properly. For ...
SickerDude43's user avatar
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No APK file after a succesful build

I made my very first JavaFX application with IntelliJ and I'm trying to build an APK file to "export" in on an Android virtual device. I'm using gradle and ./gradlew build is succesful but ...
Terry Vitanza's user avatar
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Use GluonFX mobile behind a corporate proxy

I'm trying to build the GluonFX example project "HelloFX" as mentioned here: under section 5.4.4. The main problem is, my computer runs behind a ...
Julian Pfeiffer's user avatar
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Installing gluonnlp results in an ImportError undefined symbol _PyGen_Send

I hope this is not an incredibly dumb issue, but googling did not produce any useable results. I installed gluonnlp 0.10.0 using pip on a Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS server under Python 3.10.6. When I try to ...
Max Teflon's user avatar
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Unexpected error running gluonfx nativerun target

I am failing to run a native desktop build on a macOS (M2), command: mvn gluonfx:nativerun I am using the HelloFx example from the gluon samples project, although have the same issue with independent ...
yossi's user avatar
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no download of Monocle SDK on linux x64

I would like to use monocle with linux, for headless use in build system, but I don't see any way to get the linux-monocle version for versions above 17.0.6 Is it just forgotten? broken? or is there ...
François's user avatar
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gluon mobile iOS application localization - Japanese characters garbled

I am working on an application with both English and Japanese language support. When I run the app from IntelliJ IDEA on my Mac, both languages display without problem. However, after installing on my ...
Sion S's user avatar
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Gluon plugin fails to compile on Window intellij

I know that this is basicly the same as this but I followed all the advice from the answer and it doesnt work for me... When trying to do anything that isn't - gluonfx:run I get the following error: &...
MilckShake Beans's user avatar
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Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException: How to i fix it? [duplicate]

Error All Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "javafx.scene.control.Label.setText(String)" because "" is ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Gluon mobile "Missing CAP cache" when building for Android

I'm testing the gluon mobile library with a basic template project provided with the Gluon plugin for IntelliJ. The sample app run without any problem but when building for a native app on Android, I ...
kevin guirado's user avatar

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