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How to remove the ETag header from the response served by the FileServer

How Can i remove the "ETag" response header which is set in gobuffalo fileServer ? I have tried creating a middleware function : func RemoveETagHeader(next buffalo.Handler) buffalo.Handler {...
galba galba's user avatar
1 vote
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Go Buffalo test with sqlite error: could not find connection named test

Buffalo test error on a new project I created with this command. buffalo new coke --db-type sqlite3 buffalo test Here is the error: [POP] 2023/02/23 13:43:02 warn - unable to load connection ...
Muhammad Kholid B's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I use TOML fixtures to seed my database in a development environment using the Go Buffalo framework?

I am trying to seed my development database in the Go Buffalo framework using TOML fixtures. However, I am having trouble finding a clear example or documentation on how to do this.
BugStrategy's user avatar
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How can I set a custom path helper for a Resource in go Buffalo?

With a GET route, I can do app.GET("/", HomeHandler).Name("CustomName") But with a Resource, the .Name() function is no longer available
BugStrategy's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I checked if the visitor is logged in from a plush template? Using the go Buffalo framework

How can I check if a visitor is logged in from within a template using the Go Buffalo web framework? Specifically, I am working on a project that utilizes the Buffalo framework and I need to be able ...
BugStrategy's user avatar
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Slash appended to request path

I'm working on a SCIM api using, which gives me an http.Handler that I have mounted using app.Mount("/api/v1/scim", scimHandler). Requests route to the ...
Bob's user avatar
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Golang use bash environment variables in Buffalo database.yml

I'm new to Go and Buffalo, and am attempting use my bash environment variables in my database.yaml I attempted to do the following in my database.yaml, but it fails to interpret the value of my bash ...
micah's user avatar
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ValidateCreate function not called on ValidateAndCreate

I'm usign buffalo to build a simple backend to store values. I have a Target struct defined as follow: type Target struct { ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" db:"id"` ...
delrum's user avatar
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Is there a way to have Routify ignore certain URL paths?

We're using Go (Buffalo) to serve up both an API and the static assets for a Single-Page Application (SPA) that uses Svelte and Routify. However, I'd like to have certain routes (e.g. "/auth/...
matt's user avatar
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Integration between Mongodb and Buffalo Golang framework

I am trying to use buffalo framework (Golang) with Mongodb Database as database.yml file as follows: development: database: myproject_development user: mongodb password: mongodb host: url: ...
gargi sharma's user avatar
3 votes
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Soda CLI show warning : Migrator: unable to dump schema: exec: "pg_dump": executable file not found in $PATH

I'm new on using gobuffalo, and every time i run migrate always show this warning. What is the meaning of that warning? > soda migrate up v5.3.1 [POP] 2021/05/25 14:17:12 info - > ...
Muslihudin's user avatar
2 votes
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Debug Go code in VS Code by running buffalo command in terminal

I want to debug the GO code in VS code. I basically want to attach the go project which is open in VS code to the terminal and then run some "buffalo task" command in terminal, which then ...
Paras's user avatar
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166 votes
4 answers

missing go.sum entry for module providing package <package_name>

Using the buffalo framework, after bootstraping it via buffalo new <project_name> I am trying to run buffalo dev Expecting to see: project running on port 3000 But I am getting those error ...
Paulo's user avatar
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How to integrate Sentry [closed]

I want to catch all errors in the production environment and send them to the Sentry. But I can't understand how to add it as a middleware. Do I need to write a custom logger than implement logger....
user3389's user avatar
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Difficulty installing go buffalo using go mod on windows

I am very new to golang. I am trying to work with the gomod. Trying to explore the go buffalo framework. But finding a bit of difficulty in installing that. What I have done: I saw that go get is ...
Sayan Dey's user avatar
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Unable to GET form from embedded html

I have a search engine with a backend in GoLang & Buffalo, I'm new to web programming, and I'm sure this is a stupid problem. I have a nav-bar with a search bar, and another search bar in the body....
Dialvive's user avatar
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"Generate resource" command with "--skip-model" flag results in faulty resource

Description Just started using Buffalo, trying out all the beautiful features :) I'm having an issue however with the "generate resource" command in combination with the "--skip-model&...
Peter's user avatar
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GoBuffalo CSRF issue on production build

When I run the application in development mode, I do not have this issue. But when I build for production and run that binary and whenever I try to submit a form I get below error - level=error time=&...
ArunKolhapur's user avatar
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Render SelectTag() with options from an array of models

I have a User model and a App model in my application. App has a belongs_to relation with User model. In the template apps/new.plush.html I need to render the list of users as a drop down selection. I ...
ArunKolhapur's user avatar
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Nginx how to password protect HTTP methods with limit_except + rewrite

i'm trying to acheive something in nginx but i'm having a hard time. Basically i want to ask for a password everytime my api receive any HTTP methods except POST and PUT , it works to some extent ...
ArrowHeadDev's user avatar
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Integrating Sentry and Elastic APM in Buffalo

I am trying to integrate Elastic APM and Sentry into my website using Buffalo. The interesting files are as follows: handlers/sentryHandler.go package handlers import ( sentryhttp "
ScottWilson's user avatar
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How to update gobuffalo models with pop?

I'm starting a project and already check how useful is gobuffalo/pop. I have never previously used a framework for my GO projects. I just used the stdlib and I'm used to working with Django too. In ...
Jose Luis Navarro's user avatar
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How to change priorities of messages logged by buffalo router

I updated question for clarity (as requested). I use Buffalo framework. I have lots of messages in logs informing that someone on the internet tries to reach nonexistent endpoint or uses HTTP method ...
Codringher's user avatar
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Disable info logs during testing a buffalo application

I am unable to disable INFO logs during testing. Is there a way to do so? Thanks.
agbaraka's user avatar
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Go Buffalo: ERRO[0000] Error: name buffalodevn is not allowed, try a different application name

When trying to start a new buffalo project in my Go Path I get this error, in my search I don't see any references to this error in the docs or in other questions on different forums. I've tried ...
Alex Merced's user avatar
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New buffalo project on Windows: could not find template items/index.html

I'm working with someone to build a Buffalo app. They are on Windows and I'm on Linux. After generating a model, they get a 500 error when visiting the list route: http://localhost:3000/items/. The ...
Nice Guy IT's user avatar
2 votes
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How to fix '/gobuffalo/buffalo/plugins/plugdeps/plugin.go:15:11: undefined: meta.BuildTags' error after installing gobuffalo

I am running Ubuntu 19.10 and Go 1.13.4. I installed gobuffalo following the instructions here: The error occurs after running the ...
rrcm's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to cause Buffalo transaction middleware to commit?

In trying to use the buffalo-pop/pop/popmw Transaction middleware, I am not having success writing to the database. No errors are returned, and the debug output shows the SQL statements, but the ...
Schparky's user avatar
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Creating static binaries from Go and C/C++ code (using cgo)

I am developing an application in Go that needs to call some of my company's C++ code. Thus far, I have successfully achieved the following: Written C wrappers that enable instantiation of C++ ...
kgrimes2's user avatar
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show can set disabled pop error: mysql select one: sql: no rows in result set

err = db.Find(model) err == "mysql select one: sql: no rows in result set" I don't think this is a mistake. How do I turn it off in buffalo/pop? and errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) === false can'...
hookover's user avatar
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Specify many-to-many relationship in buffalo model

Please does anyone know how to specify a many-to-many relationship in buffalo models?
David Odohi's user avatar
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xray setup with buffalo

I'm trying to setup buffalo to send data to AWS X-Ray. I am new to buffalo/go and I'm completely lost in the docs... My actions.go package actions import ( "fmt" "
Giuliano Zorzi's user avatar
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gobuffalo tx.Eager().Create causing error “could not set '%!s(int64=15)' to '<invalid reflect.Value>' ”

I'm trying to write data to PostgreSQL database with relationships using this code. req := c.Request() tx := c.Value("tx").(*pop.Connection) user := &models.User{} if req.FormValue("user_type")...
Muhammad Rahimov's user avatar
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Installing buffalo with GO111MODULE results in go get: error loading module requirements [duplicate]

I am getting an error when trying to install buffalo. I tested with a clean GOPATH with nothing in it on go version go1.12.7 linux/amd64. GO111MODULE ist set to on. I try to install buffalo with the ...
Rohrschacht's user avatar
-5 votes
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How to iterate over request parameters

I'd like to iterate over the request parameters in the request handler. I'm following the example from the documentation, but I can't get it to work. By following the getting started guide and using ...
Graham Slick's user avatar
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-2 votes
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JSON binding with a nested payload

I'm using Go and Buffalo to develop an API. When receiving a request, it is possible to automatically map the JSON payload to a struct: func MyAction(c buffalo.Context) error { u := &User{} ...
Graham Slick's user avatar
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Generating a new project in buffalo fails with GO111MODULE issue

I am trying out buffalo for the first time. I manually installed the pre-requisites rather than using scoop because I didn't know where scoop would put things:
unclejimbob's user avatar
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How to render the quill js content using go buffalo framework

The options that i am aware of are, Get the content of the quilljs from getContents api which gives the JSON structure. I can post this to server and store it in server. Get the innerHTML of the div ...
ace_dev's user avatar
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Circleci and GoBuffalo challenge

I'm currently trying to get GoBuffalo and CircleCi working, but so far without luck. Circleci fails on the "buffalo build" step with the error message: My config.yaml: version: 2 jobs: ...
Tino's user avatar
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Can I post to twitter from the Oauth-logged in user?

Currently have a web app that logs in a user (and saves them to the DB) through Oauthing with twitter. You can also tweet from the webapp, however the tweet is currently coded to be sent from a ...
JamWill's user avatar
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Trouble setting CSRF token in sending a tweet from a Golang Buffalo webapp

I am having trouble with a Go Buffalo web app I am trying to build. I basically have a standard form on the front end that, when clicked, is supposed to send a tweet to the Users twitter account. I ...
JamWill's user avatar
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How to redirect from a new post url to the show post url in Buffalo

I am building a blog website in Buffalo, and I'm running into a bit of an issue. I have the following routes in app.go: b := BlogsResource{} blogGroup := app.Group("/blog") blogGroup.GET("/", b.List) ...
ScottWilson's user avatar
3 votes
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Is gobuffalo able to generate my tables automatically?

I have this structure: type User struct { ID int CreatedAt int UpdatedAt int DeviceUniqueIdentifier string Sessions []Session `has_many:"sessions"` } I have no idea how ...
Ícaro Lima's user avatar
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Cannot write to mySQL db or read from it in my buffalo application

Currently i have the problem, that my buffalo application cannot write to my MySQL db or read from it. But in the logs no errors occurring. My database.yml file development: dialect: "mysql" ...
Marcel J.B's user avatar
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Using Buffalo, is this the correct app.mount behaviour?

I'm using buffalo v0.13.10. I'm trying to understand how to make it work this: and I found that app.mount isn't like chi router mount (https://...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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GoBuffalo and Authboss (authentication system) integration

I'm trying to use authboss ( with GoBuffalo ( I'm still learning Go and I think this is a good exercise. I created a ...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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Debugging a single test function in buffalo

Is there a way to Debug a Single ActionSuite Test in an IDE like Goland or VSCode? Thanks a lot for your help!
Linus B.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Where are /public/assets generated in the go buffalo workflow?

In go buffalo, there is a generated .gitignore file which ignores public/assets. However, at the same time, the generated css and js are critical for getting a 'real' buffalo app. So, there's a ...
jayunit100's user avatar
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How to import nested local file

Before: actions ├── app.go ├── upload_sessions.go ├── upload_sessions_test.go What I want to change it to: actions ├── app.go ├── v2 │   ├── upload_sessions.go │   └── upload_sessions_test.go When ...
bigpotato's user avatar
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How to add new route to autogenerate resources?

please help me, I want add new route/func to generate resource (etc. users). app.Resource("/users", UsersResource{}) I found func addRoute, but doesn't work. func (a *App) addRoute(method string, ...
Filip Špaldoň's user avatar