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Path parameters when navigating in dynamic routes svelte + routify

I'm using svelte + vite + routify, I have problem with navigation, this is example im using image event on click to navigate <img src={data?.images?.[0]?.src} alt={data?.name} class=&...
Loderunner's user avatar
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What are all the benefits of switching from Routify to SvelteKit 1.0

We are using Svelte and Routify for our SPA project. There's no need for SSR since our entire app requires authentication. Now that SvelteKit is officially stable (see 1.0 announcement), we are ...
Yulian's user avatar
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Encountering error while running `npm run dev` for Svelte Routify Template

After cloning this template on my local computer, I perform the npm install but I encounter error while using npm run dev below is the error it is returning vite failed to load config from C:\Users\...
leomofthings's user avatar
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Can you apply a regular expression for a param in Svelte's Routify?

I currently have a route which I have configured to be (foo|bar). So now my child route of example accepts the following combinations: /foo/example /bar/example However, when I navigate to my example ...
Yulian's user avatar
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How to bundle multiple components into single module in Svelte?

I have an application build using Svelte (v3), Routify (v2) and Vite (v3). Home page of application comprises of various sections and each section comprises of multiple components. Hence when this ...
Aakash Goplani's user avatar
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Is there a way to have Routify ignore certain URL paths?

We're using Go (Buffalo) to serve up both an API and the static assets for a Single-Page Application (SPA) that uses Svelte and Routify. However, I'd like to have certain routes (e.g. "/auth/...
matt's user avatar
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Routify not build in production

I am trying to deploy a Svelte application that uses Snowpack as a build tool and Routify for handling routes on Netlify. When I run the build command locally, everything is ok, but on the Netlify ...
AlexPirciu's user avatar
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POST to local json file without server, using Svelte and Routiify

Im writing an PWA in Svelte with Routify and im trying to save notes (containing id, title and a body) in a local json file. Ive been following this code from Svelte REPL (Svelte POST example), but ...
BergströmOscar's user avatar
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relative path of image gets affected by nested routes in routify

I have a nested route in routify with the below folder structure, where the image is placed in public folder and referred here and I'm using the image in App.svelte. Everything works fine. when I go ...
kishore Rajendran's user avatar
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Adding and preserving i18n basepath on Routify

I want to use an i18n basepath on Routify. In other words, my URL is like this: And I want to change it to this:[CURRENT_LANGUAGE]/about-us/ I've followed ...
Ulvi's user avatar
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How to use Routify with Snowpack and Svelte

I need to install Routify to Svelte app which is running with Snowpack. Current documentation is very narrow and only shows an installation with Rollap. I've tried a template to achieve it but I get ...
Ulvi's user avatar
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Make Routify use #hash

I'm using this Svelte router - It works fine but I can't get it to work with hashes instead of regular paths. In the examples I've changed the nav to ["./#index", "...
Miro's user avatar
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Routify exact path for using isActive?

I'm building a restaurant review site using Svelte and Routify, I have a path "./reviews" that shows the current user's own reviews, and paths for reviews on different categories of ...
Hank's user avatar
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Passing data between sibling components in Svelte

How to pass data (ex: Navbar Title) to a component used in the parent element? <!-- _layout.svelte --> <script> import Nav from "../components/Nav.svelte"; let navTitle = &...
user2670914's user avatar
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Routify Absolute Paths not working with nested routes

Moved a sapper appliacation to svelte/routify. Overall, I like the structure better, but I am having issues with absolute paths. I have a Nav bar which has the following links Home About Items and I ...
ETHan's user avatar
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How to Create Route Links with Svelte Routify

I am learning how to use Routify to wire up some routes and links. I need help. At the Routify docs it says: "Links can be handled in an array of different ways. This might be the easiest way&...
William's user avatar
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How to install Svelte Material UI (with Routify)

I am attempting to install Svelte Material UI into the Routify Template project: When I do: npm install --save-dev svelte-material-ui Everything installs just ...
William's user avatar
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Routify - what directory to place components that are not intended as routes?

Basic question here. In Routify, anything in the top level of the pages directory is rendered with an endpoint that matches the page name. Ok - got it! However, if I want to create a component that is ...
William's user avatar
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Can I have HMR (hot module replacement) with Routify?

How can I use Svelte HMR with Routify, notably in the Routify starter, that has a somewhat special Rollup config?
rixo's user avatar
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