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How Subscription works in case of multiple calls to a service having RequestResponse Port as Direct Bound

I have BizTalk Orchestration hosted Schema as a Service named as "MainService" It has RequestResponcePort which is Direct bound with Multiple Receive Shapes with Different Filter like one ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Is it possible to insert 50 000 record in single statement in BIzTalk Server?

I have 1 flat file it will contains more than 100k rows. I need to entry in table (Dynamic table based on data). so it is possible to insert data in batch wise in BizTalk? Here is my Biztalk Mapping. ...
Hardik's user avatar
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Biztalk error X2065 when adding fault message to port

I'm trying to handle faults from an API in my orchestration. I created a schema that looks like the xml-fault I get from the API, then I added a Fault Message to the operation for the port using that ...
Robert Persson's user avatar
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BizTalk send port retry interval and retry count

There is one dynamic send port (Req/response) in my orchestration. Request is sending to external system and accepting response in orch. There is a chance the external system have monthly maintenance ...
bigB's user avatar
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Release memory by removing consumed messages in BizTalk Orchestration?

I have built an orchestration with a loop to retreive paged data from REST web service. From page size and offset I am able to call the service for "next page" of data. Then I debatch it, ...
JERKER's user avatar
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BizTalk Orchestration BTS object to class library

I'm trying to create a Log sampel c# class and wondering if it posible to pass BTS object in orchestration to a class? BTS have BTS.messagetype, bts.messageID and much more that i would like to use. ...
newb's user avatar
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Filter by BTS.ReceiveLocationName in orchestration receive shape

I tried to filter by BTS.ReceiveLocationName in orchestration receive shape but I can not see it in a filters: Do someone know what can be a reason?
Ivan Yurchenko's user avatar
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BizTalk 2016 orchestration

I need to recognize a file type and make a decision in a decision shape according to a file type. I will receive 2 types of file: csv and JPG. So if it is CSV - send here, if JPG - send another way. ...
Ivan Yurchenko's user avatar
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Calculate checksum in BizTalk Orchestration Expression shape

In an orchestration I need to find out if I already processed a message before and,if so, I must ignore it for further processing. I thought I might be able to calculate checksom on the message to get ...
JERKER's user avatar
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In BizTalk, why can't you "test orchestration" like you can "test map"

I know you can debug orchestrations using attach to process, but that means deploying your code and getting your bindings imported and everything -- just to find that you did something wrong and then ...
Christian Boyer's user avatar
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BizTalk looses port bindings when deploying

As the title says: every time I deploy from Visual Studio to BizTalk 2013 R2 the orchestration gets unbounded and unenlisted. The receive/send port looses its pipeline. I have tried to clean cached ...
navi's user avatar
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consuming REST server methods from BizTalk Server using WCF-WebHttp adapter

I'm using VS 2019 and BTS 2020 developer edition. I need to implement a scenario in which BizTalk sits between the client and the REST server (implemented in APS.NET Core) and the client send request ...
AmirMohammad Biuki's user avatar
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Handling accent characters while sending EDI message to a destination in BizTalk Server

I have a requirement in which I need to hardcode (is mandatory) a value ('A.H. La Kélisére') with accent characters, map this to a field in EDI schema and then send the message generated to a URI (...
AbhiSaha002's user avatar
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BizTalk 2013r2 Orchestration - Wrong Message Payload

Running BizTalk 2013r2 Enterprise Edition with CU8 on a single server group. Scenario: I have an orchestration that's called by a parent orchestration. The child receives an "Application" message ...
Rob Bowman's user avatar
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How to get ACK/NACK in Biztalk orchestration

Can anyone help me in how to get the ACK/NACK to orchestration once the message is delivered through FILE send adapter. I am using Copy mode = Append in file adapter configuration. Any specific ...
Manu's user avatar
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BizTalk Orchestration to receive multiple messages from XMLReceive pipeline from two-way send port?

I have an orchestration with a two-way send port to retreive one or many items from a database. I use WCF-SQL adapter, and successfully managed to debatch incoming result into separate ...
JERKER's user avatar
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BizTalk: Outbound logical ports are not getting removed from orchestration

I have an orchestration that has 3 wcf-custom( with sqlbinding, calling stored procedures) adapters configured to 3 send ports. My requirement was to replace the WCF-Custom adapter calls with C# ...
Richu's user avatar
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When creating a singleton, why would the scope within the singleton be repeated?

As a follow-up to my question, I've been further looking at the design of an application that I see consistent issues with and while delving into understanding it properly (the documentation for it is ...
jevi's user avatar
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Operand type clash: xml is incompatible with text

I am passing a CSV file to the receive location of my orchestration and I had this error Uncaught exception (see the 'inner exception' below) has suspended an instance of service 'A4SADAD....
ahmad imad Alqudah's user avatar
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Wait for an ACK file

I have a request to execute an orch only when a particular file is present, so for example: My customer will load several XML files. After all XML files were loaded, an special file called "OK.CTRL" ...
AkerbeltZ's user avatar
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Count the number of files in folder in a BizTalk Orchestration

How to get the number of files in a folder inside orchestration in BizTalk? I want the number of files present in a folder inside orchestration. Is that possible in BizTalk?
bigB's user avatar
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BizTalk Parallel Convoy with seperate TimeOutException handling not able to build with error message "fatal error X1001: unknown system exception"

Consider the following basic structure of a Parallel Convoy pattern in BizTalk 2016. It is a Parallel Action with 2 active Receive shapes. Combined with a single correlation set that is being ...
r3verse's user avatar
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Merge two schema into one schema (as master detail) using biztalk transform

I need transform two schema into one schema as master detail schema. i have passengerId as unique filed. some master schema's records may not has any reference in detail schema so i need a condition ...
Ali Shahi's user avatar
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How to Use Correlation Sets with multiple Receive Shapes in BizTalk Orchestration

My scenario is: There are four txt-files created in a source-folder at the same time. They should be mapped to four xml-files. Then one of the xml-files should be sent to a remote Web Service and, if ...
Luscinia's user avatar
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BizTalk - Catch pipeline Exception. Exception Message gets truncated.

Please have a look at below response in Postman : “' element has an invalid value according to its data type. The 'http:...
Ratnakar Chinchkar's user avatar
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BizTalk - JSON Post WebService causes 500 Internal Server Error

I have a requirement within BizTalk to post data to a web service. This data needs to be in JSON format - once posted I am expecting something back in the same format but before I receive anything I ...
Arx's user avatar
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Catching Exception in Pipeline Validation in BizTalk Orch

I'm doing a proof of concept on catching validation error in an orchestration. Eventually, we might want to map them back to a response message. I created a expression shape that calls a Receive ...
NealWalters's user avatar
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How to Use HTTP Receive GET Message in Orchestration?

I have set up a HTTP Receive (req-response) adapter and the message appears to be getting to the message box. When I create an orchestration using a direct bound logical port, I am getting the message ...
Bee's user avatar
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BizTalk Orchestration - One input message to two different BizTalk Maps

I want to create an orchestration that allows a message to be received and for it to go through two different maps, one after the other. Which shapes would be required for this? My idea was to use '...
Dev's user avatar
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What type of correlation should I choose in my BizTalk service?

Task: BizTalk service should get message from client (Receive_1) and send it to remote 1cServise (Send_1). 1cServise accepts messages, with such a structure: empty POST request to address https://...
Dmitriy Bilberry's user avatar
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BizTalk Singleton - repeats consumed messages?

I tried a singleton in BizTalk and that seems to work so far. However, this does lead to an incident that I cannot really explain. The instance is now running for about half a day and it seems that ...
kurdy's user avatar
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Dynamically set Receive Pipeline- Biztalk 2016

What I'm trying to do is set up a decoupled/flexible framework/strategy for all applications I develop in the future, that includes as much 're-use' as possible. Preferably what I'd love to have in ...
Bee's user avatar
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How is a BizTalk orchestration activated when it is not invoked by other orchestrations and has no inbound ports?

I need to review several BizTalk applications in the organization. I have found several enlisted orchestrations that apparently have no entry points and have no idea on how they operate, or how they ...
Dezső-Szalay László's user avatar
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Biztalk Dehydrated orchestrations

In my application, there are long running orchestrations waiting for response from other systems and these orchestrations dehydrate when no response is received. i.e. there is sometimes a big no of ...
Techie's user avatar
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BizTalk - One to many transformation

With BizTalk Maps, there can be one to one transformations. A source schema can be added and a destination schema can be added. How can one to many transformation occur? I want a received message to ...
Dev's user avatar
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BizTalk: Map failure in orchestration

I have a legacy code where a transform is applied to an incoming document -- plain XML schema. It is being mapped to request for executing a SQL PROC. So although it shows error source as Source: ...
Sam's user avatar
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Generate delta from new message and old/previous message biztalk

We are pulling an XML report via a web service from a send adapter daily (currently just placing it in a folder via FILE adapter). What is the simplest way to compare new reports/messages against ...
Bee's user avatar
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BizTalk Server to consume SOAP web methods without orchestrations

Using BizTalk Server 2013, I want to read (pull) data from a web service and push it onto a SharePoint back-end system. The web service exposes web methods in SOAP. BizTalk has a default SOAP adapter. ...
Usering's user avatar
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BizTalk 2013 R2 XLANG - Exception occurred when persisting state to the database

I am working on BizTalk 2013 R2. I have an orchestration where I am calling the helper class to call to Web service (for lower latency). The class is Serializable class. The Orchestration builds ...
Deepa Kamalanathan's user avatar
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BizTalk getting "invalid token" when try to run Orchestration with the expression below

I have a task that involves using an Orchestration to de-batch a multi-record XML file and then sort it based on one field's value. The first expression outside the loop gets the record count: ...
TBAN65's user avatar
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BizTalk find ID

We have BizTalk 2010. Description task: First system send message with: - ID in First system - ID in Second system Second system receive message and send another message with: - Confirmed ...
AlGraf's user avatar
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BizTalk - Can you know inside an orchestration whether it is resumed?

I was wondering if there is any way you can be aware inside an orchestration that it has just been resumed? I'm logging processing steps and errors from the orchestration, and it would be nice if in ...
Patrick Kortlevers's user avatar
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How to call a webservice using BizTalk 2013 R2 dynamic port

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or how to do it correct. I have an BizTalk 2013 R2 project with an orchestration. The orchestration has an receive port (AnyType schema) and dynamic send port ...
Balatharan's user avatar
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Take Set-Cookie from incoming message and place in Cookie in outgoing message

I have a scenario where I receive a request, and based on that request I have to do a few web service calls to a backend system. All is done in an orchestration. The backend system is session based, ...
Magnus Våge's user avatar
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Instances gets stuck in Active state under Biztalk hat query

We are experiencing a problem during message processing in Biztalk server 2012 here while processing messages their instances gets stuck in active state however their messages gets process ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Message not being picked up from onRamp WCF type send port in BizTalk

I have an Orchestration in my application which receives an XML message as an input from MSMQ, processes it and then in the end sends it to an OnRamp WCF send port. Now the OnRamp port has got ...
pradeepradyumna's user avatar
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BAM looping of multiple xml's from an BizTalk Orchestration

I have a BizTalk Orchestration which loops to create multiple XML files. I have configured BAM activities and views and deployed the Tracking .btt file to track the data. The BAM activity does not ...
vpn's user avatar
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BizTalk ExecuteReceivePipeline can't accept XmdlDocument parameter

I'm trying to call a receive pipeline from the orchestration in order to catch any type of flatfile_to_xml error. After searching for tutorials, the process seemed quite easy. Added the libraries, ...
strongmmc's user avatar
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Write error log file in seperate folder in BizTalk orchestration

How can we handle the error inside of BizTalk orchestration and write the log file in separate folder by using the scope and expression components in BizTalk orchestration? Is there any possible ways ...
Prem S's user avatar
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Generic Exception Handler Orchestration in BizTalk

Hi All BizTalk Developers, I need some input and guidance on how to design an Orchestration that can take few parameters as Input and log them in SQL server table (tblTrackingData) I want to start ...
Mayur Jadhav's user avatar