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What type of correlation should I choose in my BizTalk service?

Task: BizTalk service should get message from client (Receive_1) and send it to remote 1cServise (Send_1). 1cServise accepts messages, with such a structure: empty POST request to address https://...
Dmitriy Bilberry's user avatar
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3 answers

BizTalk Server to consume SOAP web methods without orchestrations

Using BizTalk Server 2013, I want to read (pull) data from a web service and push it onto a SharePoint back-end system. The web service exposes web methods in SOAP. BizTalk has a default SOAP adapter. ...
Usering's user avatar
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Split XML Message into different Flat Files from Orchestration Send

I have a sales order orchestration that sends order messages to a SOAP service. The message contains the order header elements as well as a repeating set of order line items. Example: <Order> ...
Thiago Silva's user avatar
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