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BizTalk 2020 WCF-Sql Polling Receive Location no Response

I have a BizTalk 2020 CU5 Server. It has an application with a receive location polling a Sql Server database running a simple select. A copy of the database has been moved to another server, for ...
Rob Bowman's user avatar
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Tracking message events in BizTalk 2020 stopped working

We're running BizTalk 2020, and we've got an issue with tracking events. One day around a week ago new events suddenly stopped tracking. If I process something, and it fails, I can see appropriate ...
MichaelMS's user avatar
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How to add Content-Type header in custom send port

We are using Biztalk 2016 and configured WCF-Custom Sendport to send SOAP messages. We require to set following Content-Type: Content-Type: application/soap+xml; action="actioname"; charset=...
mit's user avatar
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Get BizTalk host instance status from BizTalkMgmtDB

I am trying to query BizTalkMgmtDB database to get list of host instance with their status. Where can i find its current status i.e Running, Stopped and Not Applicable SELECT h.Name AS ...
Sanjay Adkar's user avatar
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BizTalk Server 2020 - Why Configuration To Enable REST APIs Fails? [closed]

I'm trying to enable the REST APIs feature using the BizTalk Server Configuration Wizard as described here. However, it won't display any content in the REST APIs tab. I get the following error. I ...
FMFF's user avatar
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Biztalk 2020 File format is not valid. (System.Windows.Forms) during choosing filter to configure

I cannot configure filters for any Sendport on the specific BizTalk host. Choosing any Filter gets me the following error: File format is not valid. (System.Windows.Forms) On the second host in the ...
Piotr Grudzień's user avatar
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Bizarre Issue with decimals and leading zeros in BizTalk EDI Batching Validation

We're running into a very strange issue with our installation of BizTalk Server 2013R2. For only one party, we cannot process EDI messages that have elements with amounts that are decimal with values ...
c_tothe_k's user avatar
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Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction exception

I'm sending the falling document using biztalk and get the following exception Document: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Envelope> <Header> &...
Nikk Carrel's user avatar
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Where i can set these propeties Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=True in WCF custom transport screen in receive location of BizTalk application

Where I can set these properties Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=True in WCF custom transport screen in receive location of BizTalk application. I am using SQL database to polling data in one ...
bigB's user avatar
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How to fix below error on BizTalk 2016 application? [closed]

How to fix below error on Biztalk 2016 application? Microsoft.BizTalk.Adapter.Wcf.Converters.CreateBindingException: Unable to get binding type for binding extension "sqlBinding". Verify ...
Sahil's user avatar
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How can I get BizTalk to allow a large array in querystring for consuming a REST service?

My problem is that I want to consume a REST service that have an array as input parameter, and I have a lot of items in the array (about 2 500 characters in total, which is allowed by HTTP protocol). ...
Martin Bring's user avatar
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SAP: IDoc segments issue with BizTalk middleware since HANA2023 upgrade

Since the upgrade of S/4HANA from version 2020 to 2023, we have been having issues with IDoc segment versions. BizTalk is not accepting our current versions of IDoc segments. I could raise the ...
woeste worst's user avatar
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Restoring BizTalk Server

We have to configure BizTalk environment that will be replica of our current production environment, the one way to do this could be export the msi and binding files from production and import. Is ...
kamal's user avatar
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BizTalk 2006 Business Rule Composer, rule sets loading time optimization during Composer startup

Is there any way to decrease time of loading rule set versions in policy explorer? I have lots of versions of policies and loading it takes a lot of time. Maybe there is any possibility to limit the ...
Adam Matecki's user avatar
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How to solve WinSCP 5.19.2 vulnerability issue with BizTalk Server 2020 CU3

Currently we use BizTalk Server 2020 CU3 with WinSCP 5.19.2. WinSCP 5.19.2 was found vulnerable by our security software Qualys and it recommends to update it to WinSCP 6.3.3. Is WinSCP 6.3.3 ...
Tibor Nagy's user avatar
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BizTalk changes after MSDTC logging file size change

We have a clustered environment of two BizTalk servers and two SQL servers. We are in process of changing the MSDTC log file size to a definite size of 50 MB so that it can handle maximum concurrent ...
user3276487's user avatar
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BizTalk wcf-sql receive location polling issues

We have a wcf-sql receive location in BizTalk 2020 which executes a stored procedure and brings back the results. Everything was working fine initially but suddenly the receive location is polling ...
Ravali's user avatar
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BizTalk 2020 SMTP adapter and attached file name

I understand that my problem is very old and looks trivial, but nevertheless...I'm pretty new in creating custom components, I've looked through similar questions here and stuck with one thing. So, I ...
MichaelMS's user avatar
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How do I retrieve the value of ReceivedFileName from the Context Property?

We are running more than 200 applications in our BizTalk environment. We frequently face suspended inbound messages due to issues like timeouts. We need to reprocess all of them. For that, we need the ...
iamramanavenkat's user avatar
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Using Macros BizTalk 2020 Office 365 adapter

Can we use macros in BizTalk 2020 send adapter for Office 365. I tried %SourceFileName% and it wasn't working, Also trying to input the service account details in to the port but it was recognizing ...
BizTalker's user avatar
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How to export Parties and Agreements from BizTalk Server 2013 R2?

We are going with Standalone parallel installation of BizTalk server 2020 instead inplace upgrade. I am looking for an option to copy Trading Partner party's and Agreements from old server to new ...
cbg23's user avatar
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After making changes to Schema, I am getting Exception occurred when persisting state to the database error

My BizTalk application is calling some Azure functions and receiving a response, but due to recent changes, those Azure functions are returning responses in the camel case, so I made changes to some ...
UnknownUser123's user avatar
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Issue with BizTalk register WCF-WSHttp adapter while calling web service

I published a schema as a web service on BizTalk 2020 with the BizTalk WCF Service Publishing Wizard. On DEV environment (all-in-one), everything is fine and I can access the wsdl when I browse my ...
Davon's user avatar
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BizTalk is picking up the machine.config file instead of the External config file in BizTalk Configuration File Configuration file

I installed a new solution and I have this issue with BizTalk, it's picking up the machine.config file values (appseting) instead of the external config file in BizTalk Configuration File. Do you have ...
valdis's user avatar
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If I enable BAM on BizTalk 2020 does it provide EDI support for Inbound and Outbound Monitoring?

I've read thru several articles on what Business Activity Monitoring is about but none of them demonstrate real world example of how having BAM enabled is a benefit and what it can do? Hopelessly ...
Rob Ainscough's user avatar
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The Microsoft.Adapters.Sql.BizTalk.WcfBtsSqlReceiver assembly (version compatibility issue with 64-bit Office 365

After upgraded Office 365 64 bit from Office 2016 32 bit, I keep getting the following error when I use BizTalk server: The Messaging Engine failed to creae the receive adapter "WCF-SQL". ...
kkim's user avatar
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Variable Used For Output parameter not detected as "used", even though it is used in the BizTalk Orchestration

I have a method like this: CreateOrder(XmlDocument OrderData, out int OrderId); This method is called from an Expression shape in an orchestration. However, during compilation, a warning like this ...
FMFF's user avatar
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How to define application specific config file in Biztalk and consume it in specific application?

Could you please help to define a define application specific config file in Biztalk and consume it in specific application? (We are using Biztalk 2016) In my scenario we have 3 applications. Two are ...
Tech_dopamine's user avatar
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BizTalk 2020 - Receiving JSON decoded REST messages for different schemas

I've got 2 sets of schemas (send and receive); CheckUserExists and SaveBusinessObject. Both schemas are used to send and receive payloads to and from JSON REST endpoints. In the orchestration, these ...
mrc85's user avatar
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BizTalk 2020 - Converting XML to Arrayed JSON payload

I'm trying to send the below payload (JSON) to a REST endpoint, but when I use conventional mapping in BizTalk to build the XML schema, and then use the JSON encoder in a custom pipeline to send it ...
mrc85's user avatar
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Distinguished field promotion against a TypedPolling generated schema

I'm trying to promote a field using Distinguished promotion so that I can filter the value on the initializing Receive shape by a specific value. The schema has been generated as a TypedPolling ...
mrc85's user avatar
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BizTalk Server 2020 - Temp Files not getting cleaned within InProcess User Context

We are using BizTalk Server 2020 with SFTP Adapter (WinSCP Version 5.21.5). Multiple Receive Locations and other Artefacts are running under this user. Unfortunately our Admin contacted me that the ...
NDDev's user avatar
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Updating Tracking on Sendport on Biztalk 2020 using REST API

We are using Biztalk 2020 and have enabled the REST API to use for our needs. One of the things we want to do is to script and update the tracking settings on Recieveport, Sendport, Orchestration and ...
Thugge's user avatar
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How can I xpath a value from an xml <Any> element?

In my Biztalk Orchestration designer (Expression editor) I need to extract the value from the element called <Any>. I created a string variable and did an xpath on the field but the variable ...
navi's user avatar
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BizTalk 2020 - editing elements within a Mass Copy functoid

Is it possible to manipulate the copied elements within a Mass Copy functoid (or is there a design pattern that can be used instead)? Currently, I call a REST endpoint to return user details. The user ...
demeggy's user avatar
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There was a failure executing the receive pipeline. Reason: The pipeline component can not be found

There was a failure executing the receive pipeline. Reason: The pipeline component ... can not be found. If the component name is fully qualified, this error may occur because the pipeline component ...
Ivan Yurchenko's user avatar
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Biztalk custom send pipeline only unzips one of the messages not all

I have a problem, I am trying to create an unzip pipeline in the pre-assemble stage of a Send Pipeline because i have to. This is my code: [Guid("885186F0-8846-4AD1-BC3F-D0066844B871")] [...
Hans Peter Eriksson's user avatar
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%SourceFileName% macro does not work with Blob Storage adapter bizTalk2020

I have a flow where receive location is blob storage and I use Azure Blob Storage adapter. Then I don't have any orchestrations, mapping and so on, just a send port as file share adapter. In the file ...
Ivan Yurchenko's user avatar
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Biztalk flat file schema - how to use double quote as delimiter

I have a flat file as "barn","40","10,120","bill" which I have to separate, I tried using quotes as delimiter but there is another quote and comma which ...
John_Martin's user avatar
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BizTalk/Oracle - operation is not valid for the state of the transaction - System.TimeoutException: Transaction Timeout

Periodically getting this error on when using a BizTalk WCF-Custom SendPort to call an Oracle Stored Proc. Error Description: System.Transactions.TransactionException: The operation is not valid for ...
NealWalters's user avatar
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Suppress API 404 error from appearing in BizTalk console

I have a BizTalk app that calls an API from one of our suppliers. The orchestration receives a list of users and a list of subscriptions for that user. It then goes on to check whether the user exists,...
krabople's user avatar
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BizTalk property schema fields seemingly empty when mapping as variables

I have a property schema in my BizTalk application, containing two fields - SID and MID. These are both promoted from fields within a field mapped earlier in the orchestration, and need to be used as ...
krabople's user avatar
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How to unit test a BizTalk flat file map?

In the Visual Studio map editor, you can tell a BizTalk map to accept a flat file as input by setting its TestMap Input property to Native, and setting its TestMap Input Instance to the flat file in ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Edi File Header is not convert into XML Using BizTalk

I have create BizTalk project that convert EDI into XML. It will convert all the transaction segment into XML but the Header segment n (eg. ISA) is not convert into XML format. Here is configuration ...
Hardik's user avatar
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The type or namespace name 'ParsingEngine' does not exist in the namespace 'Microsoft.BizTalk'

I have a BizTalk 2013r2 solution that I'd like to upgrade to run on BizTalk 2020. I've cloned the repo and opened on a new VM with Visual Studio 2019. It presented the message that is was going update ...
Rob Bowman's user avatar
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BizTalk - Is there a way to get the input file name (received file name) via SQL query in BizTalk

I have a requirement to get the suspended messages with the input file details. I have managed to get the suspended messages using sql query. however, I am unable to get the input file details (...
Hari's user avatar
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EDI FILE Convert into XML Using Biztalk

I have multiple EDI files and I try to convert those EDI files into XML using BizTalk. Here is my EDI file: ISA*00* *00* *16*SENDER1 *1B*RECEIVER1 *071216*1406*U*00204*...
Hardik's user avatar
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How to deployment dll manually in resource Biztalk Server 2016?

Can anyone help to deploy Biztalk application on Biztalk server 2016 manually. My code has one .csproj and one .btproj file. Application was already deployed via Visual studio 2015 by installing ...
Tech_dopamine's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2019 (Professional) is compatible with BizTalk Server 2016?

Could anyone please confirm if Visual Studio 2019 (Professional) is compatible with BizTalk Server 2016? Earlier we were using Visual studio 2015 and Biztalk 2016 Server (earlier works fine). But now ...
Tech_dopamine's user avatar
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How to map values in destination schema based on the value of one field in source schema Biztalk 2016

I have close to 40 fields in source schema and same in destination schema and I have one element called NewProviderInd in source schema. I want to map these fields only if the value of NewProviderInd ...
temp-user's user avatar

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