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Why is my BTDF build msi failing to deploy into Biztalk?

I have a dev machine where I do my development for biztalk 2020 using framework 4.8 and BTDF V5.8. When I install my apps using the Visual studio 2019 Biztalk extensions I can install the applications ...
Ivan's user avatar
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1 answer

CustomPostDeployTarget invoking before ApplicationStart(Biztalk Deployment Framework)

As per BizTalk Deployment Framework : CustomPostDeployTarget Runs just after the Deployment Framework has deployed all artefacts and started the BizTalk application and just before the BizTalk hosts ...
Shumaila's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

BizTalk looses port bindings when deploying

As the title says: every time I deploy from Visual Studio to BizTalk 2013 R2 the orchestration gets unbounded and unenlisted. The receive/send port looses its pipeline. I have tried to clean cached ...
navi's user avatar
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BizTalk Deployment 2016 through pipeline

I'm having trouble releasing my zip file that has been build onto my BizTalk server. The specific problem occurs when i try to do a CreateApplication inside of the buildpipeline. My pipeline ...
Siebe.V's user avatar
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Where solution build order is saved

I have a solution which contains multiple projects (csproj & btproj). I'm actually running BizTalk 2013 R2, so I'm developing under Visual Studio 2013. I have many powershell scripts to deploy my ...
stephanejulien's user avatar
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3 answers

BizTalk Deployment Framework missing Microsoft.BizTalk.Interop.SSOClient Version 9.0.1000.0

I'm having some problems deploying my current BizTalk Solution. I've just taken over the project and it seems that the Deployment Framework was working until now. Everything is set up up but when I ...
Megalomaniac's user avatar
-1 votes
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Alternate for BtsMSITask for BizTalk

Is there a way to generate only BizTalk MSI before deploying it to BizTalk Server Console. I found a method mentioned here BtsMsiTask I want to know can we do with any other method without installing ...
Avinash Kumar's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I set SB-Messaging adapter credentials securely?

I am developing a solution which involves reading messages from an Azure service bus queue using the BizTalk SB-Messaging adapter. I am using the BizTalk Deployment Framework to deploy the application ...
Tom W's user avatar
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2 answers

Unenlisting Orchestration using BTDF

I am working on a requirement where in we need to keep 2 out of 20 orchestrations in Unenlisted state. I am using BTDF for the deployment. Even if I keep state as Unenlisted in the binding file, at ...
user2063973's user avatar
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BizTalk Auto Deployment

I was able to build BizTalk applications using TFS automatic build but I am not sure how to do automatic deployment.I have tried BTDF but I am not getting how to do auto deployment using that.I am not ...
Midhun Mathew's user avatar
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2 answers

Changing Host Instance in BizTalk Deployment Framework

I am using BizTalk Deployment Framework to deploy my application. It is working in local machine. I want to deploy in Test Environment and it should be using Visual studio not by MSI. I am not sure ...
Midhun Mathew's user avatar
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2 answers

Publish BizTalk orchestration as wcf service into remote IIS

I am trying to publish my BizTalk Orchestration to IIS. When I try with my local IIS it is working. But when I try with a remote IIS it says host not found. Is there any way to do this? I am using ...
Midhun Mathew's user avatar
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2 answers

BizTalk build using some tools

Is it possible to do Continuous integration. We are using Power shell script to deploy BTDF packages. I found many resources to do continuous integration for BizTalk using TFS but is it possible to ...
user1104946's user avatar
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3 answers

SQL to resume suspended messages in order

We have an upcoming deploy for a system that processes a lot of messages through BizTalk. Since those messages are cumulative updates they need to be queued up during the deployment outage then ...
Jay's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I update BizTalk solution using BTDF

When using BTDF and deploying the original deployment using installer package generated, existing application is deleted and new one is created, deleting history of orchestration execution. This ...
Low Flying Pelican's user avatar
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BizTalk Scheduled Task Adapter v5 fails - unable to cast object

I have v5 of the BizTalk scheduled task adapter installed to test and live servers. It is configured to run with the following class - triggered every 2 minutes ScheduledTaskAdapter.TaskComponents....
Rob Bowman's user avatar
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5 answers

Refresh Cache without restarting host instances

We use a in-proc .net memory cache in all our biztalk applications, now if we all of a sudden need to invalidate the cache the only option we have is to restart the host instance. Are there other ...
nen's user avatar
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2 answers

Generating BTDF settings file generator

I am using BizTalk server deployment framework (Sure many of Biztalkers do so) to generate environment specific bindings. When I'm deploying my solution to a new environment, I'm manually setting ...
Arsen Magomedov's user avatar
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The adapter "WCF-OracleDB" raised an error message.Unexpected start node with namespace "" found

I am facing this issue since couple of days. My requirement is to execute a stored procedure and if data found run the orchestration every 10-15 min. for that i using polling approach with Oracle. ...
Shrilata Ellaboina's user avatar
-3 votes
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Biztalk Message restore

Requirement: Updating BizTalk application to a new version Problem: The MSI import does not go through if there are running/suspended instances. Termination would result in loss of messages What did ...
user3710202's user avatar
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BizTalk Deployment and Business Rules

I am a newbie to BizTalk development, having only been using it properly for 6-7 weeks, so forgive my naivety. I have a basic BizTalk 2013 application in development and am ready to deploy to a test ...
dalemac's user avatar
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2 answers

How is the host/host instance determined when you remotely deploy a BizTalk solution

How is the host/host instance determined when you remotely deploy a BizTalk 2010 solution from Visual Studio? I encountered an error when deploying BizTalk solution from Visual Studio to a remote ...
SteveC's user avatar
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Are the multiple copies of schemas_microsoft_com_2003_10_Serialization needed?

Working on a BTDF deployment package, firstly the schema, and getting lots of warnings that ... a previously deployed schema "" have the same target namespace "
SteveC's user avatar
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application configuration in biztalk

I developed an BizTalk orchestration where I am calling custom library method. Since my custom library is consuming a web service and writing data into database therefore it reads various info like ...
Ashish Ashu's user avatar
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Where or how can I find BizTalk server's database for attaching them to SQL server?

When I want to debug my project, this error will be shown: Deployment cannot initialize the connection to the database "" on server "(LOCAL)". Verify that you have the required security permissions ...
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DeliverNotificationFailed Exception handling in Orchestration

Is this possible to handle DeliveryNotificationFailure exception on One-way File Type Send Port? If yes, how to do this? I followed the below steps but still not working. I Kept the send shape in ...
FullStack-.NetMVC-BizMule-Dev's user avatar
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Orchestration Design to pass a scenario

I have to develop an orchestration which uses a start orchestration shape followed by send port. Scenario: If a "Sendport4" failed to send the message, I don't have to execute "Starting ...
FullStack-.NetMVC-BizMule-Dev's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Merging BizTalk binding files

I am using BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF) for deploying my BizTalk solution. If I have made any changes to BizTalk bindings, I export them from BizTalk Administration Console and replace my ...
Arsen Magomedov's user avatar
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Install the MSI to GAC the BizTalk Application DLL using Powershell

My task is to Deploy an Existing BizTalk Application using PowerShell Script. I use multiple commands to import the msi and bindings. When i install the MSI manually, I can see the dll GACed with ...
Senthil Arasu's user avatar
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BizTalk 2013 CU2 + ESB : Failed to update resources in the application

Recently upgraded to BizTalk 2013 CU2 and installed ESB. This has had some side effects as we can no longer deploy without getting a database FK reference error. Any one seen this before? Here is ...
Wernerdt's user avatar
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How can we deploy a BizTalk solution from BizTalk Deployment Framework using command prompt

I have a biztalk solution and configuration file (.btdfproj) included in the solution, using which the deployment is done. The solution have multiple projects and all are deployed using the same ...
Varun Bajpai's user avatar
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BizTalk 2009 Import/Copy failed as there are active/pending batches

I've been trying to redeploy an application and I finally got the application deleted, but I'm having problems. Deploy works, but when I import bindings, or import an MSI before depoloyment, I get an ...
manderson's user avatar
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ESB 2.2 EsbImportUtil.exe The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Configuration.ConfigHelper' throw exception

when importing the itineries using ESB 2.2 EsbImportUtil.exe following error is displayed I have EnterpriseLibrary 5 installed and GAC contain EnterpriseLibrary 4.1 dll also. The type initializer for ...
user1846802's user avatar
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Biztalk Server 2010 application deployment with partial bindings

I have an application on Biztalk Server 2010 with three Receive port and three send ports. I deploy this application on some other machine by Exporting and Importing .MSI file process. I make some ...
Hataf Moin's user avatar
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biztalk Outbound Logical not shown in biztalk Admin on deployment

Biztalk "Outbound Logical Port" not shown in biztalk Admin on deployment. Hi, I am trying to deploy an application where there is a receive and Send. When I deploy this application, receive port is ...
Varshil Shah's user avatar
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Updating BizTalk Application - ApplicationNode failed

I have two BizTalk applications. I updated the source code for 1 of them, checked it in TFS and it's ready to go. I've read that I have to delete the application that's currently there, so I exported ...
manderson's user avatar
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BizTalk deployment - Binding Files not well imported into custom pipeline component

When I deploy my applications I notice a very strange behaviour – Not all binding files are imported as they should be while others are. I'm using a custom pipeline component that promotes a set of ...
Tom Kerkhove's user avatar
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biztalk server 2010 Error Routiing through SMTP send port

I have got a simple BizTalk Application in which there is only one schema and pipeline. I have simply add XML Validator in validate stage of pipeline.I have deployed this app in BizTalk Server 2010. ...
DevelApp's user avatar
4 votes
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Importing Biztalk bindings error

I am trying to deploy Biztalk project to my local Biztalk Server using Biztalk Deployment Framework and i am getting the following error: Information: Importing bindings "C:\Users...\PortBindings....
Arsen Magomedov's user avatar
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BizTalk.Unexpected data found while looking for: 'Request Information\r\n'

I have a flat file schema which parse a file with multiple lines I made delimiters to get the needed data after a sentence 'Request Information[CR][LF]'. When I tried to test the project with a file(....
Ahmed Nasser's user avatar
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Convert BizTalk 2010 trial version to full version

I downloaded BizTalk server 2010 evaluation edition, I have enterprise edition serial number. But when I am installing its taking evaluation version serial and its not giving option to enter my full ...
kavali rakesh's user avatar
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8 answers

Error saving map. Stored procedure returned non-zero result

When manually deploying a simple application from Visual Studio 2012 to BizTalk Server 2013 (i.e. right-click -> deploy) I receive the error: Error 63 Failed to deploy map "<fully qualified ...
John Ginn's user avatar
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BizTalk Deployment including Send Port stubs

I am inheriting a project which I am migrating from 2006 to 2010. From what I understand, when I deploy a BizTalk solution from Visual Studio, the required ports should have stubs created ...
sreimer's user avatar
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BizTalk map does not update between deployments

I am developing against a BizTalk 2009 environment. I am using BizTalk Deployment Framework (BTDF) to deploy my solution to the server. The problem I am facing is that when I tweak any aspect of my ...
Novus's user avatar
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BizTalk: Deploying large XML schema (OAGIS) split into multiple documents

Currently, I am deploying the OAGIS XML schema set to BizTalk 2010 with Visual Studio 2010. It has taken some 3 hours this far with no finish in sight. In the Visual Studio output log, there are some ...
Petri K's user avatar
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Deploying multiple MSI's into the same BizTalk Application

During our development of schemas orchestrations, ports, etc. We've been exporting MSI's and binding files for deployment into our test and ultimately production environment So, for example, we set ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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BizTalk Schema development Could not find schema information for the element

Please find the below sample XML format, for which I'm trying to build a schema's on BizTalk Solution. I was receiving the warning messages as warning BEC2004: Could not find schema information for ...
FullStack-.NetMVC-BizMule-Dev's user avatar
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Is it possible to deploy BizTalk artifacts compiled from a Visual Studio 2010 solution to a BizTalk 2006 R2 server?

We currently use Visual Studio 2005 to compile artifacts deployed to multiple environments which use BizTalk Server 2006 R2. We intend to migrate to Visual Studio and BizTalk Server 2010. We will ...
shah's user avatar
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5 answers

BizTalk 2010 Deployment Error. Failed to Add Resource(s)

I'm building a BizTalk 2010 Application in VS 2010. Everything had been working great until this morning when I got an error on deployment. The error is: Failed to add resource(s). Change ...
JakeHova's user avatar
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BizTalk - How is the Filter Expression of an Orchestration Receive Shape Applied

I'm using BizTalk 2010. I have an orchestration with an activating receive shape. This contains a filter expression against a message context property which should form part of the subscription. My ...
Rob Bowman's user avatar
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