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Video or Audio autoplay play with sound without user interaction

I have a ticket booking website. When a ticket is ready to be served, a modal should open, and a sound should play along with the ticket information. I want the sound to play without requiring user ...
Vishnu Kerasiya's user avatar
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Video autoplay issues in iOS for React web app

I'm developing a little quiz web app that has different states: COUNTDOWN, INTRO, QUIZ, END COUNTDOWN has a 30s countdown until it moves you automatically to the next state (INTRO). INTRO has a 20s ...
bachtick's user avatar
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Autoplaying Keen Slider Carousel jumps horizontally on initial mobile scroll

I have a autoplaying, continuously looping and click/draggable carousel I've created using Keen Slider. This works well, however on mobile the carousel content jumps horizontally when I scroll down ...
user1406440's user avatar
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How to Reduce Video Loading Time in React App with Auto-Playing Banner Slider?

I have a React app with a banner slider that plays videos automatically on load. While everything works fine, the loading time of the video is quite slow, affecting the overall performance and user ...
Neel Buhecha's user avatar
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Bootstrap 5 Carousel will not autoplay after page load

This standard Bootstrap 5 carousel code... <div id="carouselExampleSlidesOnly" class="carousel slide" data-bs-ride="carousel"> <div class="carousel-inner&...
Cymro's user avatar
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Autoplay in panda player api

I need to configure this code so that it works in autoplay, but I'm not able to do it in any way. I'm using the panda player api, I'm consulting the documentation and following everything I find to ...
eduardo's user avatar
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How to autoplay video with sound on mobile

I'm trying to get a element to autoplay, with sound on, when the HTML loads. I set the autoplay attribute. The videos in question are Youtube embeds and the iframe also has autoplay enabled. I also ...
harvey's user avatar
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Distinguishing between page reloads and redirects for video autoplay in React

Problem: I'm working on a React application where I have implemented video autoplay functionality using the react-player library. The videos autoplay correctly when the page redirects (e.g., from ...
Adil Hashmi's user avatar
-1 votes
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why unable to implement audio property in simple (HTML , CSS , JS ) website online [duplicate]

Actually, my problem is ,its not auto playing the audio in song (chinese.mp3)file. I gave it on github. no error (console) no glitch in website . but, just audio is missing. can you help me out? ----...
spiedy's user avatar
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Video Autoplay and Long Press Functionality for React Video Component: Works on Desktop but Not on Mobile

I'm working on a React component where I need to implement functionality similar to Instagram's video playback behavior. The requirements are as follows: When the video comes into the viewport, it ...
Kamran Ali's user avatar
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Toggle the audio permission (not microphone) of a video on a browser when a page loads through JS

I have written a react component, i want that when the page loads, it toggles the browser to ask allow audio and video. how to do it. I tried to google but i can only get to toggle microphone and ...
Kashif Amir's user avatar
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How can I stop Dailymotion video embedded in iframe from autoplaying?

I'm trying to embed a Dailymotion video (not my own) in a way that has access to Dailymotion's new 2021 Platform API and that will NOT autoplay when loaded. <script src="https://geo....
Esn024's user avatar
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Is there a way to autoplay a instagram reel embed?

<iframe id="instagramEmbed" src="" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" ...
ayberk sezer's user avatar
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Audio autoplay not working on GitHub (HTML)

I'm an art student working with HTML for the very first time for a project, so bear with me as I am completely unexperienced. I need to have a sound play in the background of the pages of my website, ...
Oscar d'Aragon's user avatar
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Autoplay feature of antd's Carousel working inconsistently

Sometimes the Carousel goes through the images as expected, other times it seems to "fall asleep" and is unresponsive. Has anyone had a similar issue? <Carousel autoplay autoplaySpeed={...
Matt Larsen's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fix HTML Autoplay issue. Does not work with JS or when muted attribute is applied

I've been trying to add background music to my website for months now, it used to work using an iframe and embed YouTube but that doesn't autoplay anymore. I've been looking up this issue all morning ...
Bruno Rubim's user avatar
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Can't implement autoplay EmblaCarousel

I have a webpage built with Next.js,TypeScript and tailwindCSS. On this page, i want to show a bunch of cards, each representing a different animal. These cards have various attributes like images and ...
Jesus Rangel's user avatar
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AudioContext not heard although it is running

I am loading some audio file using the Web Audio API. I am making sure that the audio context is unlocked by running resume on user gesture but I have the following issue: When loading the thing ...
Efstathios Oikonomou's user avatar
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Why is autoplay not working in Swiper for react js?

I'm building a autoplay swiper for my project-cards which gets paused on mouse hover. The swiper functionality is working fine but the autoplay is not working. Imports: import Swiper from "swiper&...
Lalit Chauhan's user avatar
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how to detect when a gif has played once using javascript?

i was wondering if it was possible to detect when a gif has reached its loop point using javascript, to emulate the preloaders of flash content currently, i have a script to detect when the video is ...
roseyizroxey's user avatar
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Can you autoplay videos sound-on in Safari?

I'm working on a landing page and need to make a element autoplay sound-on when the video is scrolled into view. Browsers are pretty strict towards this (and understandably so, given it can ruin UX). ...
Laurentiu Toader's user avatar
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safari mutes audio from autoplayed videos

Knowing that many browsers has changed their policies about autoplayed medias, is there a way to bypass it, or, in the case of safari, reactivate the audio that has been muted when the next video is ...
sqlerror's user avatar
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Autoplay on Swiper carousel doesn't work in React Native

I'm trying to implement autoplay on the swiper, but it doesn't seem to work, does anyone know how to fix it? The code is TSX I'm using React Native. To the ones who are wondering what am i doing, I'...
1001100 1101111 1110010 110010's user avatar
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how can i use autopy to press a character on the keyboard?

"I want to press the 'C' key and the control button to copy something, but I don't know how to write it. I tried this code, 'autopy.key.toggle(autopy.key.Code.C, True),' and also this code, '...
ketana one's user avatar
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How to Allow Audio Autoplay in Phone Browser?

how can i get permission from mobile user to always allow autoplay audio in my wordpress website ? <audio autoplay="1" preload="none" style="width: 50%;" controls ...
Artoure's user avatar
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Issue with multiple javascript slideshows on the same page

I'm trying to make multiple slideshows to work with the same piece of javascript code. Here is my HTML code: <div class="slider-container"> <div class="slider">...
Gilles's user avatar
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navigator.getAutoplayPolicy does not work in Google Chrome

I test an app on Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71 (Official Build) (64-bit). I am trying to write a function to check if autoplay is allowed or not. I tried: navigator.getAutoplayPolicy("...
SaidbakR's user avatar
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Videos with sound in the mobile browser play like Instagram Reels after permission from user

I have created an Instagram clone and have a button that toggles the sound on or off through a variable, setting it to True or False. Now, if the user turns on the sound and then swipes to the next ...
Florian Buchfink's user avatar
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Did Apple just create a new restricting rule for video autoplay?

I have a website developed in Webflow, and the info videos in the "Services" section are set to start playing only when scrolled into view. It worked perfectly on ...
Dmitry Ra's user avatar
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Is there a way to customize yet-another-react-lightbox carousel for a rotating display (autoplay)?

I'm using next@13 and trying to make the inline carousel of yet-another-react-lightbox(v3.12.2) to navigate every few seconds. This is what I tried : 'use client'; import Lightbox, { useController } ...
Marion's user avatar
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HTML audio autoplay after user interaction

Chrome's autoplay policies changed in April of 2018. And I would like to use one of its policies: Autoplay with sound is allowed if the user has interacted with the domain (click, tap, etc.). Thus, I ...
sofname's user avatar
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how to stop autoplay in swiper immediately on hover

I have a swiper which is autoplay and when i hover over it it should stop immediately, now it finishes the transition and only after that it stops Here is the question how can I stop it immediately at ...
whatislove codeis's user avatar
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HTML video tag not working with safari (tried almost every solution)

I am trying to add a background video in my project, everything was fine until a month ago and after that I realized than safari won't play the video. I also have no problem that safari shows an image ...
amin_f's user avatar
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How to get swiper autoplayTimeLeft in Angular

I'd like to create my own pagination, with a bar filling himself while the autoplay is playing I see that swiper do have an autoplayTimeLeft method, but I cannot figure out how to use it. This is ...
Raphaël Balet's user avatar
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just-audio-web Error: NotAllowedError: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first

It's acting like an autoplay issue. The error received is: "NotAllowedError: play() failed because the user didn't interact with the document first." Additionaly when I load a playlist and ...
Josue's user avatar
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How to build a webpage with multiple autoplay and loop video tags (mp4 files)

I’m looking for ways to make a web page containing many video tags within it. These mp4 videos are short, about 7 seconds and a size of about 100KB, they are looped and autoplayed. Here is an example ...
Pablit0's user avatar
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How to bypass autoplay blocking on smart tv browsers

We are trying to implement a web-based system locally that will be displayed on smart tv browsers throughout the facility, problem is the autoplay policy basically, the sole hindrance on our endevour. ...
Roi's user avatar
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Video Element Not Autoplaying [duplicate]

I have a video element with autoplay, muted, and loop. Occasionally Chrome will play the video but the vast majority of the time the video wont play at all.` <video autoplay muted loop playsinline ...
Judah's user avatar
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Is there actually any way to autoplay video without muting it? How does youtube do it?

I wanted to ask whether there actually is any way possible to auto play a video without the muted attribute? I thought it might be possible somehow since when you click on a YouTube video link, it ...
lifeisstrange's user avatar
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why tag audio in html5 not working and not playing in ios ? any solution

I write code it works in android and windows but the audio not working on ios, I try with video but not working too this my code html <video width="0px" height="0px" autoplay ...
elora eka's user avatar
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Swiper autoplay is not working in React.js

I have Swiper slider in react.js <Swiper modules={[EffectFade, Pagination]} effect="fade" slidesPerView={1} loop={true} autoplay={{ delay: 4000 }} pagination={{...
Y U K I M U R A's user avatar
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How to show next image under current one in this Automatic Carousel Slider?

I am trying to make an Infinite Autoplay Carousel, full screen using vanilla JS. I am using an array to store the images. The annoying bit is that when the image slide there is a plain background and ...
RossiVK's user avatar
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Youtube embedded iframe multiple events conflicting with onClick - play / mute function not working correctly

Having issues with getting the js working correctly here. Click Function is conflicting with the following mute/unmute function. "Play Video" works on second click? Unmute function is also ...
Lin Baird's user avatar
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Autoplay blocking on Safari

I have this snippet of code that starts the video as soon as the video enters the screen. the problem is that it doesn't work on safari, leaving the video completely black and giving me this error: &...
Teti's user avatar
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iOS WKWebView load html contain Audio, the audio can't autoplay

I am using Xamarin to customize an iOS WKWebView to load an HTML file. This HTML file contains an autoplaying audio file, but no matter what I try, the audio does not autoplay once the HTML has loaded....
KLu's user avatar
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autoplay video in react iframe after user interactive ( ios - not working )

I have a react app as a widget in the iframe tag at basic (html-css-js) project. On the ( basic project ) I've got a video that ( autopay & muted ), when the user will click anywhere on the video ...
S3D's user avatar
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Why does Firefox autoplay videos that are not visible? Chrome and Safari do not

Take a video like this: <video autoPlay controls muted preload="metadata" height="100%" width="100%" playsInline> <source src="https://video.dailymail....
telestrial's user avatar
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Can I add autoplay sound on ios or chrome devices?

I am trying to write code in html to autoplay sound in ios or chrome device, is it possible?
Technical Umair's user avatar
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Need slick slider to pause at video start, and play at end of video end, but currently infinitely loops video once it reachs video slide

Let me preface by saying I am no code expert and am novice at best, but have been tasked with trying to fix the JS that is controlling this Slick Slider. Currently the slider will start and play ...
MaxCrescent's user avatar
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How to make a video with only a fullscreen button (and no other controls)

I have a worry with wp video shortcode (for a video on loop and autoplay), which plays fine on firefox, but who doesn't in chrome. This is my code: <div class="fullscreen-button-only"> ...
TB54's user avatar
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