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navigator.getAutoplayPolicy does not work in Google Chrome

I test an app on Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.71 (Official Build) (64-bit). I am trying to write a function to check if autoplay is allowed or not. I tried: navigator.getAutoplayPolicy("...
SaidbakR's user avatar
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Big problem with types: index.d.ts is not a module

I install @types/[email protected] and i have the latest version of the typescript. My code import { soundManager } from 'soundmanager2' I get this error File '/home/i/app/node_modules/@types/...
Raja's user avatar
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url.toLowerCase is not a function in soundmanager2.js [I'm using import Sound from 'react-sound']

When I try to download a file and then put in the Sound component of 'react-sound' I get this error: url.toLowerCase is not a function at html5CanPlay (soundmanager2.js:4262) at html5OK (...
AM13's user avatar
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Volume fluctuations on iOS Safari (iPad)

I am playing mp4 files using SoundManager 2. This works as expected in desktop Chrome, desktop Safari, and desktop Firefox. However, in iPad Safari each mp4 plays at a different volume. Specifically, ...
kat's user avatar
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Android: can't use Bluetooth in AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION

Earlier (in Android 6) when I do this when connected headset: audioManager.setMode(AudioManager.MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION); I continue hear all sounds in my Bluetooth headset if it connected. Now I do ...
boris2018aa's user avatar
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playing Audio getting overlapped on multiple ajax request

I am trying to play audio file whenever my chatbot gives a response.I have created an API where my audio file is getting saved and calling it in an ajax call on each bot response.its working fine when ...
ajay kumar prajapati's user avatar
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How to play audio using Java Script on IPad?

I am trying to implement functionality to play an audio using Java Script. Its working fine on Google Chrome, Firefox and Other Browser. But when I try to play sound on iPad or iPhone or MAC I am ...
Mukesh Mishra's user avatar
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SoundManager.setup not running on IOS

We have a web app that works fine on both PC (Windows, Linux, OSX) and Android but is not working on IOS. After lots of debugging, we've narrowed the cause down to the soundManager.setup function. ...
Jasper's user avatar
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2 answers

SoundManager2 Autoplay not working. User interaction is needed

I want to play music when entering my web. I set the autoplay function of SM2 but I'm getting this error: soundmanager2-nodebug-jsmin.js:38 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: play() failed ...
G3cko's user avatar
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Want to know about SounManager Player ID

I am using bar-ui js of soundmanager. I have many players so i don't know about soundid what i want to when page load player should ...
Mohammad Umer's user avatar
7 votes
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Get soundManager soundId from class using jQuery

I am using bar-ui js of soundmanager. <div id="sm2-99943" class="sm2-bar-ui content compact flat full-width playlist full-width-player "> <div class="bd sm2-main-controls"> &...
Mohammad Umer's user avatar
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React-Sound - Go back to saved position seems imprecise?

I have a Component which uses 'react-sound' (which uses soundmanager2) in order to play a file. When I pause, the file pauses and when I then press play, it starts at exactly the position I left off ...
George Welder's user avatar
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Failed to execute 'play' on 'HTMLMediaElement': API can only be initiated by a user gesture. on website in chrome-android

play() trigger simultaneously in chrome android without user gesture on soundmanager2 Failed to execute 'play' on 'HTMLMediaElement': API can only be initiated by a user gesture. but its works fine ...
Anish M Prasad's user avatar
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Webpack rendering: "window is not defined"

I use MERN – (react, redux, webpack, nodejs, express) And component react-sound – When I include component import ...
Luntegg's user avatar
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How to get SoundManager2 360player canvas visualization to work?

The demo I am referring to is : I have added the relevant ( what I think is relevant ) scripts and css ...
Abhijit Mishra's user avatar
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How do music service pages retrieve YouTube video URL?

Music sites like Playmoss and Submissionhub manage to retrieve the YouTube video file URL from the standard player watch URL. When a user pasts a YouTube URL like this into their service, the get the ...
geraldo's user avatar
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Get youtube file URL from video ID using API

I want to reproduce all youtube files embedded on a site using SoundManager2 audio player. How can I get access to Youtube file URL from video ID? Note: Soundcloud offers the possibility to get the ...
geraldo's user avatar
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SoundManager2 WaveFormData and PeakData returns 0

i'm trying to setup the SoundManager2 with WaveFormData and PeakData. i have enabled everything as per the docs but SM Object still returns 0 values even while a sound is playing. Any idea why ? ...
Sithira's user avatar
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React-sound doesn't work on mobile

I use the npm package 'react-sound' - it's fine and easy to configurate. But! It doesn't work on mobile devices. I tested that on android phones and iPad. Maybe someone had the same problem, or idea ...
Nazariy's user avatar
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How to call a javascript object from a partial

I have a partial with the following fragment <div id="playDiv" ng-show="audioAvailable"> <br/> <button play-pause-toggle data-play="Play" data-pause="Pause">Play</button&...
Keith John Hutchison's user avatar
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How to call a ngDirective from within an angular controller?

I'm writing an application that plays tracks from soundcloud using angular-soundmanager2. It works but when I play the second track the first track is played again before the second track. If I ...
Keith John Hutchison's user avatar
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soundManager.createsound() without using direct URL So this website use SoundManager to play the audio. The required format to create sound is Creates a sound with the specified ...
TalkingToTheMoon's user avatar
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create bar type wave forms using ffmpeg

i am trying to create wave forms from mp3 using ffmpeg. i have successfully created waveforms like below now i am having troubles with generating like below sample image... the code i am using to ...
Ashish Joshi's user avatar
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Random music player when win in the game

I make small game and there is music when you finish. Now I have one sound and would like to have 3 or 4 which play randomly, so you hear different music each time you finish. I have SoundManager....
Pawel's user avatar
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How to play audio with SoundManager 2 threeSixtyPlayer?

Currently I worked on audio system and I want to use SoundManager 2 360 player. There are soundManager and threeSixtyPlayer objects. threeSixtyObject is an object that represent 360 player. I know ...
Bohdan Zv's user avatar
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SoundManager 2 - only create one sound object per URL

I am using SoundManager2 to play audio retrieved from SoundCloud. My issue arises when there are multiple of the same track on one page since I only want to create one sound object for each URL. It ...
Jacob Windsor's user avatar
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How do I detect/handle a browser's failure to play a media file

I'm using a JavaScript library to play mp3 files. Due to circumstances out of my control, I periodically link to a file that cannot be played. When this happens, I see a message in Firebug explaining ...
Keyslinger's user avatar
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How to get current sound ID in Soundmanager2 cassette demo?

I'm trying to adapt the cassette tape demo to play multiple files from external button links. I've managed to get the files to load but because I'm using the default 's' variable in soundManager....
deeve's user avatar
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Mobile streaming not working with WAF + CloudFront + S3 (working on desktop browsers!)

I am streaming files with a CloudFront web distribution on top of a S3 storage containing private files (CloudFront has access to it). I use AWS WAF to validate if the request comes from my domain (...
ocolot's user avatar
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How to prevent flash audio mode for chrome with javascript

There is a Chrome bug from the version 49 This is affecting my application which is based on this api ( github repo ) Basically ...
Koala7's user avatar
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How to detect if audio can't be muted?

Is there a way to detect if audio can't be muted? In iOS devices, audio cannot be changed through javascript. I have a button in my app that mutes audio played using SoundManager2 and HTML5 video. ...
fanfavorite's user avatar
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Play WAV files using SoundManager2 (cross-browser)

Background: I have a service that downloads sound media from a cloud service to a local drive. This media is served through an ajax-powered website. The mimetype of the sound files can be aac, m4a ...
transporter_room_3's user avatar
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Don't ressume after catching stalled event and reloading

When trying to play one song using soundmanager2 while another one is still loading, I get stalled status. This problem mostly happen on Mac Yosemite, but it is present on other browser/machines too. ...
Viktor Bojovic's user avatar
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why doesn't Chrome stream a song using SoundCloud API V3

I am trying to stream a song using SoundCloud api, but apprantly it does not play it in Chrome. However it works on other browsers. SC.initialize({ client_id: '65243ec784b284f1d8a8f950312240fa', ...
TheGuy's user avatar
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Why is `replace: true` Deprecated in AngularJS Directive [duplicate]

I am working on a sample player using angularjs, utilizing an element directive. I would like the events within the directive's template to remain contained within the directive. In other words, how ...
cj5's user avatar
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Why aren't SoundManager2 controls displayed on my page?

I have a page with the SoundManager2 control for playing back MP3 file. When I open the page, the HTML code looks like shown below and I hear the sound of the MP3 file. <!doctype html> <html ...
Glory to Russia's user avatar
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Is there a way to remap key values for an object iterated using ng-repeat?

I am using angularjs-soundmanager2 and the object array must conform to this object {id: n, title: 'Title', artist: 'Artist', url: 'URL'} I am accessing a remote API that gives me this object {id: ...
cj5's user avatar
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Soundmanager2: how to know if a sound played successfully?

How can I find out if a sound played successfully, and put code to handle an error? s1 = soundManager.createSound({url:''});; I am concerned that there is ...
Alveoli's user avatar
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my soundmanager(avaudioplayer) is not working?

Im programming an AVAudioPlayer its not working :(, heres my code: speacially last secsion says to me there have some problem** private func playerForFile(fileName: String) -> AVAudioPlayer { ...
Rashad Gafarov's user avatar
7 votes
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Soundcloud stream, soundmanager2 object never starts playing on Chrome when calling play()

Using in my react app, I'm simply trying to play a track from soundcloud API. Here is my code: SC.initialize({ client_id: '12xxx' // my client ID }); //[...] console.log(this.props....
Arthur Rgr's user avatar
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Unable to Pan Audio using SoundManager2 Library

I'm currently working on an HTML5/WebGL based project that requires the use of stereo audio for locating objects. In order to handle this I need to vary the Left/Right Stereo Pan based on the ...
Andy Esser's user avatar
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SoundManager 2: How to play a sample using the 360 Player?

I am using the 360 player demo and I am trying to only play a portion of the sound file. Looking at the documentation there is a from and to that you can add to the play function like below: ...
user5478032's user avatar
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Soundcloud 3.0.0 javascript sdk and FFT/waveforms from streaming object

I am interested in upgrading my project to version 3 of the javascript soundcloud sdk (currently I'm using 2) but an integral part of my project is getting the data that the soundmanager object ...
jthawme's user avatar
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92 views returns No Properties

I use:"/tracks/293", function(sound){; }); Sometimes I get error Uncaught Error: AudioManager: You need to pass a valid src because API returns No Properties(empty object). ...
NickDK's user avatar
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Failed to execute 'play' on 'HTMLMediaElement': API can only be initiated by a user gesture

I'm making a music playing page, where I use SoundManager 2 for AngularJs. I'm using a remote API to get a song URL to play. I enhanced an angular-soundmanager2 click event handler : element.bind('...
andreybavt's user avatar
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Can't get currentime Soundcloud API JS API

<script src=""></script> and"/tracks/" + trackid, { autoPlay: true, whileplaying: function() { console.log(position); }...
Francesco's user avatar
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Building custom player with Soundcloud. Playlist organisation

Thanks for these guys and their code(How to get each track of a playlist with the Soundcloud API?), my playlist started working. But I'd like to start/pause playing with pressing on song name (not ...
Fiodor Zhabskyy's user avatar
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Posible SoundManager 2 to play local sound?

I am create a music library on Localhost and is it possible to use SoundManager 2play a local sound file with path, ex: D:/Music/file.mp3.
Tuan Tran's user avatar
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SoundManager2 Playing Multiple Sounds at once on Android

If you have two sounds in soundmanager2 normally you can play both at the same time, on android and other mobiles calling play on one sound will stop all other sounds. soundManager.setup({ ...
lee penkman's user avatar
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Soundcloud/Soundmanager - eqData / waveformData returns null after toggling pause

While using the javascript SDK, using the stream method it works perfectly, can use the 'whileplaying' function well. But when I seek (setPosition) or togglePause, it then breaks the use of eqData. I ...
jthawme's user avatar
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