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Unhandled Exception: type 'List<dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Map<String, dynamic>' Dart

I am making a flutter application with the Wordpress Rest-Api and at the time of the call I encounter the following problem: E/flutter (11196): [ERROR:flutter/runtime/] ...
Miguel Álvarez's user avatar
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Showing detail page after search in Flutter not working

I am trying to mix two things and that is horribly going wrong. Thought I could pull it off, but nope. I am using a separate search functionality that checks my URL to fetch the posts I am using the ...
Johan's user avatar
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2 answers

Make links clickable in Flutter if rendered via Wordpress JSON API

Is there a way we can make the links in Flutter clickable if they are being fetched via JSON API? I mean, I can see that my links get a different color, but when I try to click on it, nothing happens. ...
Johan's user avatar
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Failed to comment: RangeError (index): Invalid value: Only valid value is 0: 1

Failed to comment: RangeError (index): Invalid value: Only valid value is 0: 1 This is the error I am getting while using the following GitHub tutorial:
Johan's user avatar
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How to display certain category using WordPress api

I'm developing a mobile app using WordPress API and I'm trying to display only certain categories instead of all the categories. Currently I'm doing it like this and it showing all the categories but ...
ziico's user avatar
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Wp api for flutter

I am trying to use the wordpress api, but it throws me an error when entering the url. Error: The argument type "String" can't be assigned to the parameter type Uri Could someone explain the ...
Eve's user avatar
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How to upload Audio file to wordpress via Rest API from flutter

I am able to upload images via API to WordPress but not audio files, it gives HTTP 500 error when I try to pass the Audio file to the method. But when I pass the image it uploads successfully, here is ...
Abdullah Butt's user avatar
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How to import api data from WordPress blog page into searchDelegate function in flutter?

I created dart pages, but I don't know how to set data into searchDelegate function Api code import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; class ApiNewsPage { String baseUrl = &...
Pimpi Rimpà's user avatar
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How can I implement WooCommerce REST API "orderby" successfully?

I'm creating a mobile application using flutter and I'm currently trying to list products with the ability to sort them, but everytime I try to implement the "orderby" parameter, I get this ...
Nico's user avatar
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2 answers

Change the Date format in flutter

I recently started with Flutter and I love how it works. I need to create an App for iOS and Android for the company I work for, so I started with Flutter. Our website uses Wordpress so I am trying to ...
EnricovanDijkhuizen's user avatar
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I want to upload media wordpress api with flutter

I need to upload media wordpress api in flutter app, now I can upload media from wp api but the problem is the image after uploaded is broken and image size is very small, please help me var ...
محمد العزاوي's user avatar
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Upload image in media wp api

I am trying to upload an image to the media .. The image has been uploaded successfully, but the image appears broken and its size is very small. What is the solution to this problem?
fc barc3lona's user avatar
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Await message in flutter waiting woocommerce rest api

i use woocommerce rest api with flutter to get product variations. Woocommerce rest api is too slowly to get this variations. I need to send a message to the user to wait for the process to finish. ...
APPTIENDA WEB's user avatar
-1 votes
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Flutter - rest api data br and p tags in futurebuilder

I am trying to get rest api data from my website(from my wordpress wp rest api) to flutter app and using http package. Link : My Rest APi (You can see at lot of br tags.) my code is body: ...
Mayanktaker's user avatar
2 votes
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How to send notifications to the device when new post added to wordpress blog (flutter app)?

I have a flutter app pulling posts through wordpress API , I want to auto send push notifications to the flutter app when new post is published any idea how can I achieve this? I would be grateful ...
H Amr's user avatar
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How show wordpress content image api

i want to show image content in my flutter app . i use wordpress api . i use this class to show featuredmedia , title and content Post.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) : title = json['...
Harith AL Any's user avatar
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3 answers

How format api wordpress date in flutter

I work on flutter api wordpress project . How format date from wordpress api . date came in this format (2019-08-26T16:23:06) . i want to remove second and year . and month like (June , April)
Harith AL Any's user avatar