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Black Screen after deleting the record

I am using Laravel as the Backend API and Flutter for the Client. Category Add and Category Update features are working without any issue. However, when i delete a category, the category gets deleted ...
zaster's user avatar
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Flutter Deleting a record through the API

I am using a Laravel Api and a Flutter app as the client. This is a basic CRUD app and i was able to update the records through the API but when it comes to deleting a record, an exception is thrown ...
zaster's user avatar
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Get and post data in flutter with API from Laravel [duplicate]

Can anyone show me how to get and post data with API in flutter? I have tried some flutter API tutorials with Laravel but when I print the value is error cors, something wrong with my flutter code or ...
Denise Aldianto's user avatar
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Trying to send data to API using model and list in flutter

I am trying to send data to API, But I can't make it to work. I use model to get data from users. Here is the model class SurgeryModel { String id; String name; DateTime date; String eye; ...
Kavinda Lochana's user avatar
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API can't read body request send by flutter

I tried to send a json data which is populated from hive database using flutter as mobile app and API using Laravel, but my API keep saying that the request is empty. This is my flutter ...
Agustyan's user avatar
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NoSuchMethodError: Class 'int' has no instance method '[]'

I'm trying to get mysql data using laravel api and passing to a list, but it is returning "NoSuchMethodError: Class 'int' has no instance method '[]'." ========= Error I/flutter ( 8481): ...
munized by cg's user avatar
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Bulk insert into database by a flutter api laravel

I'm trying to make a function in flutter to insert various information into the database but I'm not succeeding because I get an error like this. Request function Future<GeneralRegistersResult<...
Duas Vias's user avatar
-1 votes
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can't post data to Laravel API from flutter dio pakage Formdata

i had a problem on my RESTAPI. i'm working with backend that makes the API, but i can't post data to the server. due to the error that appears on my debug console. here's the REST-API end-point source ...
Filemon Sitanggang's user avatar
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search post api return null with flutter http package

this the function for API in laravel for search: public function search(Request $request) { try { $request->validate(['search' => ['max:15', 'required']]); $...
Osama Mohammed's user avatar
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failed to load image from storage laravel 8 API in flutter

i'm using laravel 8 & laravel 3.3.1 and i've had problem with my code on flutter right now.. the error is : ════════ Exception caught by image resource service ════════════════════════════ HTTP ...
Fawwaz Saputra's user avatar
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Flutter app gave an error after performing the necessary integration with laravel api, it returned null

I have a signup page having done all the necessary integration my flutter app still not posting Here I have my signup method _signup() async { var data = { 'first': firstNameController.text, ...
Samson's user avatar
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send array of array to post API in flutter

I have an API that needed me sending an array of array to the backend the form of request body is { "pharmacy_id" : 15, "medicines": [{"medicine_id": 500, "...
Saayeed M Daawoud's user avatar
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How to create dropdown category name list in flutter where data comes from Rest API?

I need to display a list of category names in the dropdown list and when I click on category detail it should need to store in a different category table. I create the controller, API, and Model of ...
Shiva Ram Bhatta's user avatar
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4 answers

401 unauthorized error in Flutter but works fine in Postman

I have Laravel endpoints. Login, Register and Home(where getData() will be working). the register API and Login API is working fine but the problem is with the HomePage API where it will not ask for ...
Sandeep Sharma's user avatar
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how to get the path from image_cropper in flutter?

I want to upload the cropped image in the server but I don't know how to get image path from the cropper. how do I get the path from the cropper. below is my code for cropping and for uploading the ...
jemzy's user avatar
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Laravel API integration in flutter problem

I have 3 screens: Register Login Homepage First, Register will simply ask users for their details and upon successfully entering the details it will redirect to the login. the login will ask for ...
Sandeep Sharma's user avatar
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how to upload images in server using flutter and laravel api?

How to upload images in server using flutter with Laravel API? I tried using getx, its returning null. also I have image_picker and image_cropper package in my pubspec.yaml
jemzy's user avatar
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My Flutter app doesn't receive API data on some devices

I am working on the flutter app, and I recently implemented authentication. The app works fine on my phone in both release and debugs mode, but on some devices, when the user signs up or tries to log ...
osama mostafa's user avatar
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_TypeError (type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'Map<dynamic, dynamic>')

i'm trying to create an auth user register with laravel. Then I got this kind of problem with my json. I created a dynamic map call to set the received json. createAccount() async{ bool ...
Sanding Adhieguna's user avatar
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Flutter Unhandled Exception: SocketException: OS Error: Connection refused

I am getting this error when trying to connect to an API in flutter to get user data. The API is remote, the phone has connection to the internet, I'm using an android phone to build the APP. this is ...
Flari's user avatar
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flutter create new account button does not work

2021-07-29 18:38:36.528495+0300 Runner[7225:3339676] flutter: selected Languageenglish 2021-07-29 18:38:36.534379+0300 Runner[7225:3339676] [] Unhandled Exception: Null ...
tradify shaz's user avatar
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upload multiple image in flutter app to a laravel api

Here is my function in flutter I have use multi_image_picker to pick images sand i have save them in that variable images. Now I want post those images in laravel api. But this don't work. if(...
Cr2do's user avatar
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2 answers

Not able to Navigate to Next page, button onpressed it toggling 1 and 0 in flutter after integration

I have integrated flutter mobile app with laravel api and I am not able to navigate to next page upon login. In debug console D/InputMethodManager(14467): view is not EditText D/InputMethodManager(...
Tshering Gyeltshen's user avatar
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Flutter Laravel Api call csrf token mismatch

I am trying to authenticate users using API(Laravel API) in flutter. But my post request fails because of CSRF token mismatch. How do I approach this? // my API class postData(data, apiUrl) async { ...
Amrit Kancha's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can i make local http request in flutter?

when i make access on website on endpoint "http://localhost/newsapp_api/public/api/authors"it's work without any problem,but when i try this in flutter it shows me a problem. message error:E/...
Hisham Zeyad's user avatar
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Email verification after registration using jwt auth on flutter

I have successfully coded the registration function and its working but I don't know how to send email confirmation link after registration successful. Because I am using JWT Auth for for login and ...
Muhammad Noman's user avatar
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How to sign in as google or facebook using rest api not using firebase in Flutter

I have a scenario where I have to sign in as google and Facebook using rest API(laravel) in a flutter. I don't know How it can be done. Is it possible or not? Please provide me some guidelines
imran's user avatar
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HandshakeException: Connection terminated during handshake - laravel api with flutter

i created a flutter application that Fitch dynamic data from laravel api which is hosted on shared hosting, the application works nice and fast but when there is multiple users testing it, it give me ...
omarhabeh's user avatar
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Flutter FutureBuilder shows data then disappears when calling Rest API (Backend Laravel)

I'm running a flutter application with a laravel backend and I have some issues. The problem is the FutureBuilder show data then it disappears; Sometimes length==4 then it turns to 0 and shows 'no ...
Braken Mohamed's user avatar
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Flutter List View Builder Item Count Datatable with MySql Database

I am trying to achieve on making a Datatable in flutter with the use of Mysql as my database, it is functioning properly but it also loops the datatable with the item count, for example this image ...
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_TypeError (type '_InternalLinkedHashMap<String, dynamic>' is not a subtype of type 'Iterable<dynamic>') Flutter

while fetching single user from api i got above error mentioned in title my response is {"success":true,"data":{"id":4,"user_id":"4","email":...
user avatar
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Is there is any way to identify where the API request comes from

I'm working on the Flutter app which is using APIs to get the data from the server. The flutter app is public and anyone can use without login to the application. And all working fine. My question: is ...
user2609021's user avatar
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Data Received from Laravel API Server Not Shown on Flutter Screen

I am trying to receive data from Laravel php server and show it on Flutter Login screen which directs to Dashboard after successful login , but there is no data shown and only the loading icon keeps ...
Alex Ali's user avatar
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User Login with Wrong Credintials in Flutter/Laravel API

I develop Flutter app with Laravel backend when I test logon through Postman it works well and I receive tokens and when I give wrong username or password it gives me error. Here is the Login ...
Alex Ali's user avatar
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Unhandled Exception: Failed assertion: boolean expression must not be null

I'm making an edit profile page in my flutter app using laravel as my database. I got an error saying that my boolean expression must not be null. How would I be able to solve this? void _update()...
Sameer Pradhan's user avatar
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What is the best way to make laravel, vuejs and flutter work together?

I would like to have some advice on the best way to handle something. I have an existing application made with Laravel (without using Vuejs). However, I will soon have to develop a mobile application (...
Jospy's user avatar
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Flutter and Laravel API. File upload. The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST

I want to upload the image from Flutter. But I am getting this error: The GET method is not supported for this route. Supported methods: POST. But I set my api route as POST method. And I also ...
Maksat's user avatar
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connecting api with real device flutter

I'm facing a problem when I run my flutter project in a real device, the API and the app works perfectly in an emulator, but when I change the URL using this one (I'm using laravel to write my API and ...
Halima Ouatab's user avatar
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Flutter image associated with color

I'm making an API to show the product image and colors, whenever the user press on a color button, the image which is associated with that color should show using PageView.builder. how can I make ...
Wail Hayaly's user avatar
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Laravel API push notifications to flutter

I want to send notifications from Laravel API with MySQL database to flutter app to tell the user that there are new products!, how can I do that without Firebase?
Wail Hayaly's user avatar
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Flutter - Get method api with laravel

I've flutter app and I'm trying to calling api, and get json but It doesn't work with me It shows to me this error I/flutter (13300): The getter 'length' was called on null. I/flutter (13300): ...
Maichale's user avatar