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Stripe , Theme isn't set to use Theme.AppCompat or Theme.MaterialComponents

I am facing an issue when trying to implement Stripe with flutter , I did all what they said in the readme , but I still have this problem : Your theme isn't set to use Theme.AppCompat or Theme....
MehdiDx's user avatar
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Getting some gradle related issue in my Flutter App

The app was running well but today on start this are the error it throws. No idea what those meant searched online but couldn't fix with any related issue solution. Here is my the Error code > ...
Suman Mitra's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

This error regarding the gradle build and appcompat is coming in flutter

Execution failed for task ':app:mergeExtDexDebug'. Could not resolve all files for configuration ':app:debugRuntimeClasspath'. raryelements=aar, org.gradle.status=release, org.gradle.usage=java-...
G sw's user avatar
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Strange error while building Flutter project using android_alarm_manager_plus

I created an empty Flutter project, added android_alarm_manager_plus to pubspec.yaml, but when I try to build app, I receive this error : Note: C:\Users\ALEX\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\hosted\\...
AVEbrahimi's user avatar
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I want to build androidx's appcompat and integrate in AOSP build

I want to build androidx's Appcompat(done some changes) and integrate in AOSP. When I use the below command, it generates debug and release aar. android_xsource_code/androidx/frameworks/support$ ./...
Shadow's user avatar
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2 answers

Rtl support for drawableEnd of AppCompatEditText Android

I am using this AppCompatEditText like this < android:id="@+id/tilCountry" style="...
Mohammad Taqi's user avatar
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Main Activity doesn't extend AppCompatActivity

once I open android studio and I found an error in main activty in some functions like "startActivity(intent) it gives an error: (cannot resolve method 'startActivity' in 'mainActivity')" ...
amk's user avatar
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AppCompat Views don't scale drawable correctly

I'm building an android app on java using AppCompat for UI. My app has to show names and icons of apps installed on a phone in a grid, for this I use a RecycleView (VerticalGridView). I get icons ...
Ilya Pafnutov's user avatar
2 votes
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Does AppCompat now require minSdKVersion >= 21?

My app has a minSdkVersion of 19 and uses AppCompat. This has worked fine through AppCompat version 1.6.1, but with 1.7.0, the app does not build (in Android Studio): Manifest merger failed : uses-sdk:...
atrocia6's user avatar
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5 votes
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Execution failed for task ':app:mergeExtDexDebug' As A Result of A Null Pointer Exception

I’m making an app that displays PDF's in android studio it loads the files and then displays them via an external library I haven't fully implemented the display feature as of yet mainly due to the ...
Sarimm Chaudhry's user avatar
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Android WebView saveState and restroreState are not working properly

private var savedStateMap = ConcurrentHashMap<String, Bundle>() override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { loadUrl("some url") } private fun loadUrl(...
The Abhishek Kumar's user avatar
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Need to add support for API Level 25

So I am working on an SDK , one of our users has an android app which runs in API Level 25. Now as soon as he adds our sdk as a dependency, the build fails with the following error ../../.gradle/...
aman jain's user avatar
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Getting resource not found error ( error: resource android:attr/fontStyle not found. )

So I am working on an app which supports API Level 25 till date and we cannot upgrade the API Level as of now. I want to integrate a new dependency but when I try to build the app I am getting these ...
aman jain's user avatar
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Image not loading in the custom view class that extends AppCompatImageView

I have designed a custom class named PaintView. My objective is to load an image that user selects and allow the user to draw like paint brush or put different shapes on it. Here's how I implemented ...
ganjaam's user avatar
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AppCompatDelegate.setApplicationLocales(LocaleListCompat.forLanguageTags("es")) looks like crash

After setting application locale inside android app, it looks like crashed and restarted. Seems, it is not a good user experience. Is there any way to get it as smooth transition after application ...
Karthik's user avatar
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Integrate .model file with android studio

I have a .model file from Weka and I want to integrate it with my Android studio. I am using Kotlin for building my app. I have no idea how to begin and what steps to follow. I have googled and ...
Dhairya Gupta's user avatar
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How can I programmatically set the language in Jetpack Compose without AppCompatDelegate?

I'm trying to implement language selection functionality in my Jetpack Compose app. However, I encountered a roadblock when attempting to use AppCompactDelegate to achieve this. It seems that ...
CODAR747's user avatar
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Android Studio build.gradle errors

When I create a new project, I get these errors: ERROR: Failed to resolve: androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.1 Add Google Maven repository and sync project Show in Project Structure dialog Affected ...
user23320119's user avatar
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Android Google Pay API PayButton becomes invisible after couple of seconds

I'm trying to integrate Google Pay API's native PayButton with my React Native app, and I thought everything was fine with this Android React Native bridge: public class GooglePayButtonManager extends ...
ausavi's user avatar
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Android Studio error <item> inner element must either be a resource reference or empty

I saw so many same questions out there about this issue, but I really have no idea how to fix this autogenerated file. Any inputs would be truly appreciated. When I delete the following code, in \...
Kath's user avatar
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Loading xml file programmatically into View in Android App Studio

I am trying to programmatically add a simple xml file with some text and spinner views once the OnItemSelectedListener() is set off. The xml file would should show up in the middle of the screen, so I ...
HungryWheezy's user avatar
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Is there an Android annotation (@RequiresApi >= xxx or desugared-library-version >= y.z)?

This is a follow-up-question to Is there an annotation that denotes a max Android API version? Is there an Android annotation that produces a compiler error if neither @RequiresApi(xxx) nor @...
k3b's user avatar
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AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode does not apply theme to all the activites

After changing the theme using AppCompatDelegate.setDefaultNightMode, the change is visible there, but upon returning to the previous activity, the theme remains unchanged. This issue occurs on the ...
Sergio Viudes's user avatar
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the android app crashes on launch when I use

I'm just a beginner to Android development, I'm reading this book "Head first Android development". I'm supposed to make a secret message app in the chapter 6 of this book and I did exactly ...
Asad's user avatar
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AppCompatActivity not recognising registerForActivityResult

For some reason AppCompatActivity doesn't recognize registerForActivityResult. The weird thing is that AppCompatActivity is defined as an extension of FragmentActivity which in turn extends ...
theblitz's user avatar
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Gradle Error: Could not resolve androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.0

I'm encountering an issue in my Flutter project with Gradle while trying to resolve the androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.0 dependency. The error message states: Could not determine the dependencies of ...
Eden Zane's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Cannot set dimAmount for BottomSheetDialogFragment in Android 13+

BottomSheetDialogFragment accepts only dipAmount of 1.0f (non-transparent black background), 0.99f and less are fully transparent background, this seems to be affecting only API 33+. Styles.xml ...
Артём Тарасов's user avatar
4 votes
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Proper way of implementing full dark theme in Compose-only applications

I have a Compose-only application that gives users three options of theming: System Light Dark The theme is changed in Activity's onCreate() method by passing darkTheme argument to my app's theme ...
l'hiverviendra's user avatar
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How to prevent screen "flash" on locale change in Jetpack Compose with AppCompatDelegate?

I added an In-app language picker for my Compose App following this article. but everytime I change the language the screen flashes. I guess it is due to configuration changes I downloaded the sample ...
Márton Gréczi's user avatar
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Problems making changes to the app with per-app language preferences

I am currently implementing a code that I had in another application and that was working correctly, to make a language selector. The problem I have found is that when I follow the same steps, in my ...
Jéluchu's user avatar
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Pin the 5th item of the column or lazyColumn on top of the screen while scrolling the column using android jetpack compose

I am new in android jetpack compose i created a list view using lazyColumn that is working fine but my use case is to pin the 5th or Xth element to the top of the screen while other elements will ...
Arun Aditya's user avatar
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How to display full screen activity for android (android 13)

I know there are tons of answers on this nd I have tried a lot of them unfortunately, none has worked for me. I have looked through and implemented this and this and a lot more. My device is a google ...
Jamie's user avatar
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Android restarts activity although locales configuration changes are handled by app

I followed the pathway to implement Per-app language preferences in my app. If the user opens the application for the first time, an activity to select one of the available languages is presented to ...
JacksOnF1re's user avatar
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Android: Modern emoji support by upgrading appcompat

I am trying to enable modern emoji support in my app for Android 10 and below. For this I have upgraded AppCompat to version 1.4.0 following this guide. However, modern emojis still don't show up. I ...
FurElise's user avatar
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Runtime error while running my app IllegalArgumentException: No initializer set for given class

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.mikaai/com.example.mikaai.assistant.Assistantactivity}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No initializer set for given ...
Devil's user avatar
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Per-app language is not working on Android 10

I am using per-app languages it is working on other devices but on android 10 it is not working. these are the functions to get and set language. and when user selects other language (french in my ...
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3 answers

Android 12 ignoring showSoftInput as VIEW is not served

My app worked fine for lots of devices. But since upgrading to Android 12 on my own Pixel the following happens when calling showSoftInput or just when tapping the AppCompatEditText in a Bottomsheet. ...
Merthan Erdem's user avatar
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Android: how to set button (AppCompatButton) background image depending on its enabled state?

I have created two vector images, say button_active.xml and button_inactive.xml, and added them in drawable folder. I would like to create an AppCompatButton, centered in a ConstraintLayout, its size ...
Another Dude's user avatar
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Fix java.lang.IllegalStateException: 'You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity' for specific devices

I get this in crashlytics. I understand we could use AppCompat versions for theme. But why I'm getting this crash only for a certain device? As of now, only one user, Having Android 9 Vivo phones. ...
Vikas Pandey's user avatar
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how I can update SearchView?

I'm using createVoiceAppSearchIntent function from SearchView and this method still using PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT and is crashing my app. Causing Targeting S+ (version 31 and above) requires that ...
Kazunari's user avatar
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Why setSupportActionBar(toolbar) in line 31 is showing error? How could I resolve this?

I tried all the functionalities like creating another private function, and placing findViewById(toolbar) and already tried with placing at the place of toolbar inside the ...
Vaibhav Paliwal's user avatar
2 votes
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Android: how appcompat and material create appcompat and material views from default?

When you make layouts in Android, you could make default views like TextView or ImageView. But when you use appcompat or material library, they automatically map these views to appcompat or material ...
Rustem Khair's user avatar
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Why in different themes different buttons are created?

I have an usual button and a theme which is applied to android:theme in AndroidManifest file: <Button android:id="@+id/supperButton" android:layout_width="match_parent" ...
VanechikSpace's user avatar
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Android App crash on system layout change from seetting

I am facing issue when change some system setting and open my minimized app from background (taskbar) Exact case is, Open my app, then open system setting so my app is minimized Change font size ...
Dev Dhande's user avatar
3 votes
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How to access getSupportFragmentManager in ComponentActivity?

I want access getSupportFragmentManager in ComponentActivity. Working with jetpack compose and I need to use a fragment which is available from a third party SDk. Any help/clue is much appreciated. ...
Ali Nawaz's user avatar
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Error on some imports on Android Studio for AppCompatActivity and

I was working in an android project and everything is ok, but when I try to open the project now, I got the some import errors. Take a look in the image below: The code still compiles and I was able ...
fabiobh's user avatar
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What exactly is runtimeOnly on androidx.appcompat:appcompat

I'm working with old version of appcompat, but error after migrate to androidX. implementation '' Should i use implementation instead of runtimeOnly ?
omega_mi's user avatar
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How can I create a usage pie chart in android

I want to make a pie chart in android like this: Please help me out.
Krishna Pandey's user avatar
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There is no reference to AppLocalesMetadataHolderService in Per-app language preferences Manifet

According to the official documentation of Android, in order to implement the ability to change the language using Per-app language preferences feature and support Android versions lower than 12, I ...
Majid Ahmadi Jebeli's user avatar
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Getting error java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:<init>

I am getting this error ever since upgrading the SDK version to 30: E/TypefaceCompatApi26Impl: Unable to collect necessary methods for class java.lang.NoSuchMethodException java.lang....
Tum's user avatar
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