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In Android 10, is it possible to reboot or shutdown automatically?

I know that many callbacks are blocked at API 30 level. I am trying to develop it for the purpose of using it for the DID panel, not for the purpose of uploading it to the Google store. I want Android ...
ravaenee's user avatar
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Can I start my app after booting on Android API 30?

public class Starter extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Log.e("BOOT_CHECK", "Receiver Arrive_1"); if (intent.getAction()....
ravaenee's user avatar
4 votes
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Pixel 6 Pro Android emulator shows only the frame but not the screen

I am building a flutter app and recently I updated Android studio to the Electric Eel version for the Pixel 6 & 6 Pro emulators. When I try to launch the Pixel 6 Pro emulator only the frame of the ...
Rajender Katkuri's user avatar
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2 answers

Push notifications not working in android 12

I have a notification problem. Since I upgraded the android api 30 to api 31, the firebase "push" notifications with ionic capacitor stopped working for android 12, they only work for ...
Jhony Perez's user avatar
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what xml queries are needed when adding or editing to contacts? intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager) returns null

I am trying to write Kotlin code that adds a contact to an android users's contact list. But the line intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager) returns null. I understand starting with android API ...
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Declaring Package Visibility - default android messaging app package name [duplicate]

I have recently noticed that when I upgraded to Androids API of 30 or higher, my linking functionality has stopped working. It appears the reasoning is due to Android implementing the need to declare ...
MouseWarrior's user avatar
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Getting error java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:<init>

I am getting this error ever since upgrading the SDK version to 30: E/TypefaceCompatApi26Impl: Unable to collect necessary methods for class java.lang.NoSuchMethodException java.lang....
Tum's user avatar
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How can I use hardwarepropertiesmanager(android) in android api 30, android 11

Now I'm trying to run HardwarePropertiesManager hardwarePropertiesManager = getApplicationContext().getSystemService(HardwarePropertiesManager.class); hardwarePropertiesManager....
BePositve's user avatar
2 votes
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Different AndroidManifest content depending on Android API Level

Is it possible to include meta-data in my Android Manifest file for only a specific API level? I want the following line only be considered when the app is built on a phone with Android API >= 30: ...
cruxi's user avatar
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Cannot kill recent task manager when Make home launcher application

I try to make home launcher application with this in manifest.xml <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category ...
user3666070's user avatar
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Android >= 11 navigate between folder to find file without manage_external_storage permission

I have an app that have to update some machine firmware. Until targeting API 29 there are no problem, now Google Play Store need to target at least API30... and the struggle started. The file manager ...
Fenopiù's user avatar
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How use "" with jnius?

The issue is: I was using "" for connecting to WIFI like this: Correctly Working. from jnius import autoclass ssid = str("ssid_name") print(&...
Davide Polli's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does the navigationBars() come back on Fullscreen activity?

I work on Android API 30+, and I want to make a fullscreen app. I disabled the navigationBars() here : protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); ...
Phaeron's user avatar
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How to forget wifi network programatically in android targeted sdk 30

I want to forget the wifi connected network from the device.I gone through most of the code but they are not working. public void disconnectWifi(){ Log.i(TAG,"In disconnectWifi()"); ...
gopssays's user avatar
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How to change status bar color of AppCompatDialogFragment in Android 11 (API level 30)

I want to change the color of status bar to match the toolbar. I have try as many as possible code from other answers, and still not working. This code is working in Android 10, but not in Android 11. ...
Wachid Susilo's user avatar
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How delete Folder on Android API 30 and API 29

I created an app that creates folders based on the user's name, and there is an option to delete those folders, and even delete pre-made folders without my app. My app works well on Android 8, 8.1 and ...
Matin's user avatar
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1 answer

I need to install Android API 30. But I cannot see that API in the SDK platform list in Android Studio. How can I install it?

I need to install Android API 30. But I cannot see that API in the list. How can I install it?
Jobin10's user avatar
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SQLiteDatabase Access / API 30

I'd like to update an app on Google Play, and I believe the app must target API level 30 in order to be updated. The app reads and writes documents, which are actually SQLiteDatabase instances. These ...
Eric Bergman-Terrell's user avatar
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get parent activity by a fragment

I'm currently having two activities, MainActivity and ResultActivity and both of them will use the same fragment - Favorite. my question is: How to know which activity is containing the fragment? For ...
xxddd_69's user avatar
5 votes
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Android some EditText fields don't respond to long-press (API 30+ with layout_width 0dp)

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this strange bug. My layout is complicated but essentially it's rows of view holders with EditText fields. It worked flawlessly until I updated my target ...
Lifes's user avatar
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Concerns about the FILES AND MEDIA PERMISSIONS on Android as a developer

I'm developing an app that saves data into a database, I'm trying to backup and restore that database which I am able to do, my issue is with the "ominous" permmission popup on API30+ Allow ...
B-DK's user avatar
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SecurityException in android 11

My android apk which was running nice on android 10 and previous version, but in android 11 my app getting crash as soon as I download it from google play store, It show only splash screen and then ...
Akshay Malvankar's user avatar
2 votes
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My Android app is not working properly once I set targetSDK as API 30; how do I figure out the reason(s)?

According to Google, all new Google Play apps from August 2021 would need to target API 30, besides being derived as Android App Bundles. Furthermore, from November 2021, even app updates would need ...
auspicious99's user avatar
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Switch Status Bar Text Color / setAppearanceLightStatusBars of WindowController is not working as expected

I am using two different backgrounds for my app depending on which screen is active. In general the status bar is transparent and the background should lay behind it. Depending on the background I ...
Avinta's user avatar
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Nativescript WebView on Android API 30 yields ERR_ACCESS_DENIED

I have a NativeScript 6.8 JavaScript app that uses WebView to display an html string composed within the app that references local image files. The Google Play Store is forcing me to support API 30, ...
David's user avatar
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Cordova [Android platform] migration from API 29 to API 30

I'm trying to migrate my mobile app (developed with Cordova and AngularJS for Android and iOS platforms) and I have some issues from API 29 to API 30. In my app I download from a REST service a JSON ...
Fabiano Spinelli's user avatar
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Android intent.resolveActivity returns null in API 30

In our app we have payment gateway implementation. We are opening intent to open GPay, PhonePay, Paytm and other apps. Please find the below code snipped, String url = "upi://pay?pa=fcbizpayg@...
Amit Yadav's user avatar
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