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Maven Compiler Plugin Issue for Activiti Project in IntelliJ IDEA

I’m working on setting up a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA for Activiti to connect it with Jira. The idea is to move stories along automatically (like from “In Progress” to “Complete”). But before I ...
chrish208's user avatar
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Not found the Classes Activiti version 6.0.0

I am migrating the Activiti framework from the verion 5.22.0 to 6.0.0, I couldnt found the below classes in the version 6.0.0 ArrayELResolver, BeanELResolver, CompositeELResolver, ELResolver, ...
Babu Yadav's user avatar
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Issues with Mail Task Configuration in Activiti 6

I am new to Activiti, and I'm trying to use a mail task but it fails. I did the same as the person who ask this question and I use Gmail app password, not ...
Ngọc Nguyễn's user avatar
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Unable to add Alfresco Activiti Repository URL to internal Nexus Repository

We want to add Alfresco Activiti Repository URL (that contains 8.1.0 version jars) to our internal Nexus Repository. We tried to add a ...
noble's user avatar
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Alfresco workflow - multi instance task with completion condition

I need help with my Activity workflow in Alfresco CE 7.4. I have approving user task with set multi instance. Task is very simple - users chooses from approve or reject. What I need is if one user ...
David Dejmal's user avatar
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Unable to create or open Activiti BPMN files in Spring tools Suite

I am using latest Spring tools suite ,yesterday i installed Activiti BPMN plugin. Now after creating new Activiti project whenever i try to open or create any BPMN file i am encountered with this ...
Taranjot Singh's user avatar
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How to use business rule task in Activiti 7 or 8?

I need to use the business rule task in my workflow with Activiti 7. I have tried to use DMN Engine(Decision Table) to implement the business rule task in Activiti 6 but I can't use it in Activiti 7. ...
Nick Lin's user avatar
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ACTIVITI7 IN SpringBoot parse bpmn.20.xml error with multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics

I was trying to add a multiInstanceLoopCharacteristics element in bpmn.20.xml, after I add this element into the bpmn.20.xml file, the BaseBpmnXMLConverter can not get outgoings elements anymore. A ...
tough chow's user avatar
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Intermediate SignalCatchingEvent fails with: "Execution has not subscribed to a signal event"

I am using the Activiti 6 workflow engine in my project and I want a way to send the workflow back to the "Client reviews estimate" task any time a contractor makes changes to a job. The ...
Eric Green's user avatar
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A activiti6 workflow, which method is applicable to the production environment for querying to-do tasks?

Everyone who has used activiti workflow, is this the way to use it? The review status is divided into draft, to be reviewed (manager ->supervisor ->Boss to review in turn) and approved. The ...
dream's user avatar
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Cannot deploy Activiti Cloud on AWS using Amazon EKS

I hope that you are having a great day. I'm trying to self-host Activiti using a kubernetes cluster as per the instructions here. Everything goes smooth: the resources are created in AWS and listed ...
Arturo Avila's user avatar
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Injection issue with spring boot 3 and acitiviti engine

I started a spring boot 3.2 project, where I added the activiti-engine dependency <dependency> <groupId>org.activiti</groupId> <artifactId>activiti-engine&...
Riadh Azzouz's user avatar
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Activiti bypass activiti rest and call directly to activiti core error

Hi I have an activiti rest project which will call the repository/process-defination to get the all the definitions from an activiti, where activiti rest api is like this- @GetMapping(value = "/...
nps's user avatar
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I can't see logs from new workflow - Alfresco SDK Maven

I'm working with Alfresco Maven SDK, following the steps from here: I chose the last version of ...
Andrea Toyos's user avatar
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Activiti Examples for Version 6 (OSGI integration needed)

Are there any example Java projects specifically for version 6? SG Looking a for version 7.0. References ... import org.activiti.api.process.model.ProcessDefinition; ... which ...
user23334812's user avatar
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Activiti version 8.1.x: Not getting inbound variables in connector

Spring boot version 3.6 activiti version : 8.1.0 Context: I have a POC application created where i need to simulate user task in activiti via API, for which i have created a connector on update ...
Ankur Gogate's user avatar
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Flowable and Activiti pricing

I am trying to explore different BPM tools and how open source they are. For Camunda, I was able to find detailed articles (article 1, article 2). For Flowable, I could find only this link, does this ...
Gopikrishna K S's user avatar
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Activiti Processes Not Deploying

I'm successfully using Activiti via the Spring Boot Starter for a while and am attempting to change from automatically deploying bpmn processes to manually doing it via Java. I basing this on a fairly ...
Alan Parry's user avatar
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Activiti multi-instance sub process concurrent completion issue

Multi-instance sub process is set isSequential="false", while sub processes are created in parallel without any issues, users are not able to concurrently complete (Rollback due to ...
Madhav kumar jha's user avatar
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Activity Running multiple instances and it's impact

In our project we are using Activiti for workflow, the backend as well as front end is hosted on kubernetes, the challenge is if I have to scale the services what would happen to triggers and time ...
Din Reddy's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3 support with Activiti

Can anyone please provide information on the compatibility of Spring Boot version 3.x with the Activiti framework? I have checked the official documentation of Activiti but could not find any specific ...
Denish Ranpariya's user avatar
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Has anyone gotten Activiti 7.x series working with Kafka, in a docker environment? Or Helm

In this docker file, if you comment out the kafka specific stuff and uncomment the rabbitmq stuff, this will work. If you don't, then you get: TransactionalId tx-0: Invalid transition attempted from ...
Jim Barrows's user avatar
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404 when requesting activiti endpoint

I'm rather new to activiti. We have a project that was using an older version of activiti and spring boot. We have upgraded but I am seeing issues. Test code: @Value("${activiti.sys_username}&...
user20155381's user avatar
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Activiti bpmn2 file placeholder for tragetRef

Is there any way to define targetRef/sourceRef/id of bpmn2 flows as variables. eg. something like this <sequenceFlow id ="flow1" sourceRef = ${placeholderVariable1}, targetRef = ${...
Madhav Kumar Jha's user avatar
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Consider defining a bean of type 'org.activiti.engine.RuntimeService' in your configuration

I am working on Spring Activiti using Java 17 and getting this error. I have initialized and used RuntimeService in my code as follow @Service public class BPMNTaskService { @Autowired private ...
Faizan Haidar Khan's user avatar
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How to migrate inflight workflows from Activiti to Alfresco process service?

I wanted to migrate workflows from Activiti BPM to Alfresco process service. Is there a way to migrate all my in flight workflows with all InProgress user tasks to Alfresco process service? Please ...
Deepak Talape's user avatar
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Activiti cloud help charts resulting in no Service with the name "activiti-postgresql-headless" found

I'm following the instructions here: I've fixed several problems, but this one is the one I can't get around. The actual error is: release ...
Jim Barrows's user avatar
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how to setup application of Activiti for multi-instance

I'm working on application using the workflow engine Activiti and plan to setup multi-instance for this application. is there any thing to consider for Activiti when it becomes multi-instance? for ...
meteoriteliu's user avatar
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Activiti Timer dynamic expression

We are using activiti for workflow. In one of the flow between one step to another we have wait timer as shown below <sequenceFlow id="sequence_my_flow_successful_signal_3" sourceRef=&...
Sandeep Nair's user avatar
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Stateful workflow engine vs Orchestrated idempotent services

I realize the benefits of workflow engine such as easy to understand communication, easy waiting, parallelism and compensative actions with informative graphical model. The concept is great and more ...
Tuomas Toivonen's user avatar
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How to Log DDL and DML in Activiti 7

I'm looking for help on how to log bootstrap DDL and runtime DML statements with Activiti Core 7.7.0 and Spring Boot 2.7.7. According to comments on this question, I simply need to enable hibernate ...
chaserb's user avatar
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How to activiti Expressions invoked spring bean

The bpmn file has been deployed to the db. activiti Docs hello.bpmn20.xml shows how a method on a Spring bean can be invoked using a UEL method expression If the code where the Printer is located is ...
munan's user avatar
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How can I change Activiti serviceTask delegateExpression's value in runtime?

It happened multiple times, that I change the calss name, which is in the bpmn diagram as a serviceTask's delegateExpression value and then the older processes which aren't finished yet, gets an error ...
Soma Básthy's user avatar
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How to get the ID of user that has started the process in Activiti from a script Groovy?

In a Groovy Script step, I do need to get the user ID that has started the process. As this script is the first step in workflow, maybe getting the "current logged user" could do the work. ...
Gleison Silva's user avatar
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How to get the spring bean object in Activiti JavaDelegate class

I want to access a Spring bean object into the class which implements JavaDelegate interface of Activiti BPM. When I am trying to access it, found it as "null". The code is: @Service("...
Atul's user avatar
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Activiti Caused by: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Cannot resolve identifier ''

I am working on BPM project and using Activiti for the BPM configuration. While executing the process I am facing one issue, where one of the property which is I am passing from one of the task ...
Atul's user avatar
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Activiti HistoricProcessInstanceQuery returned with missing processVariables

I am trying to query HistoricProcessInstances from Activiti historyService including the processVariables. But some of the processes have missing variables in the returned list. I have monitored the ...
Soma Básthy's user avatar
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Alfresco Process Services 1.*-2.* migration

I'm trying to migrate to Alfresco Process Services 2.3.2 from 1.* There is a property in the documentation about activiti.engine5.enabled property I don't understand how to set. The documentation does ...
Artyom Panfutov's user avatar
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I use flowable. How can I get access to activiti:expression in java code for using spring beans or something else

Here my bpmn file: <process id="weather-forecast-flow" name="weather-forecast-flow" isExecutable="true"> <startEvent id="sid-2972fcc9-6bb9-41ce-a716-...
Singularity's user avatar
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Analog BpmnAutoLayout in activiti 7

Activiti 5 has a class BpmnAutoLayout from the package org.activiti.bpmn. I am rewriting the project on Activiti 7 and faced the problem that they decided to remove this class from the new version of ...
Artem's user avatar
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Migrate BPMN 2.0 using Activiti

We are currently using JBPM in our project which has many workflow diagrams using BPMN 2.0. If we want to switch over to Activiti, shall we use the same BPMN workflow diagram, or do we need to change ...
Maria's user avatar
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The import com.activiti.domain.idm.User cannot be resolved

Good morning, I'm trying to make an Activiti process with Eclipse, and try to import some librairy, but I have the error "The import com.activiti.domain.idm.User cannot be resolved" I tried ...
Audrey's user avatar
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cancel one of the parallel task in activiti BPM

I have an activiti bpmn2 subprocess that contains two parallel tasks. I want to continue the process when any one of the parallel tasks completes. I joined the parallel tasks using an exclusive ...
priyam's user avatar
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Alfresco Activiti Memory Leak

Thanks in advance for the help. I'm having this issue with Alfresco Process Service where the memory is reaching the JVM limit, CPU is usually below 10%. Usually happening quicker when we make ...
Ayslan Ferreira's user avatar
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Activiti 6 TaskListener expression springbean fixedvalue null

<activiti:taskListener event="create" expression="${myService.method(task)}"> <activiti:field name="taskName"> <activiti:string><![...
user10950078's user avatar
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TransientVariableInstance cannot be cast to VariableInstanceEntity

Activiti6 I have a workflow that only contains the servicetask node. I set a transient variable at the start node. After the workflow is all executed. A type conversion exception was thrown inside ...
Groovvy's user avatar
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How to get the Current activitiName in Alfresco Process services (Activti 7)

In Alfresco APS 2.3 version, we have one upgrade i.e., Changing ActivitiExecution class to Delegate Execution class. Both the classes has execute() method. Inside the execute() method of ...
Nidhi Bansal's user avatar
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Updating code for Activiti 5 to Activiti 7 upgrade

I have a signal class using APS 1.x.x version ACTIVITI 5.x.x. I have to upgrade the Activiti So what are the code changes are to be implemented in the code as a part of this update? How to implement ...
Nidhi Bansal's user avatar
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Changing Camunda deployment from embedded to remote

I have a Spring project using Camunda BPMS, which is embedded in our project. Is there anyway I can change the deployment model to standalone, without changing code, and just by configuration? I mean ...
Amir Pashazadeh's user avatar
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Customize workflow alfresco multiple assignee

I'm try multiple assignee from link The workflow starts a problem. and Model has error Model error: WARN (searcherExecutor-21-thread-1-processing-x:alfresco) [ x:alfresco] o.a.s....
nicorobin's user avatar

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