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Camunda 7 REST API for getting Jobs that are running currently

We use camunda community edition packaged in Wildfly. We use rest api for starting workflows. All our workflows are async - so they executed through job executor of camunda. We are not trying to get ...
Lucia's user avatar
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Camunda File Picker Not Working in Camunda Forms: "Form failure: form field of type <filepicker> not supported"

Problem: I'm currently working with Camunda 7 (Community Edition) and Spring Boot for an approval workflow. I've integrated Camunda's inbuilt forms in my project and everything works fine with ...
Nabeel Hashim's user avatar
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Camunda: Gateway vs Service Task with If inside

What is the best practice in Camunda perfomance-wise: using a gateway in the process flow with two service tasks or a single service task with an if condition inside? If I need to improve performance, ...
CodeSlave's user avatar
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Spring security and camunda: JWT + login page

I have an existing Spring boot app (3.x), which serves endpoints protected by JWT with Spring Security. I have added Camunda to this app (Camunda 7 with spring boot starter) but currently I'm unable ...
Bapt_'s user avatar
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User flows and custom user task implementation using Camunda 8

I want to control the user flow in my application using BPMN. Attached is my current BPMN diagram design, which combines service and user tasks. I’m developing a custom web application where the ...
Waqar Ali Khan's user avatar
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problem starting a jhipster application with a dependency on camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter

Can you help me please? Following the generation of the jhipster application, I try to insert the dependency: org.camunda.bpm.springboot camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter 7.22.0 And when it starts I ...
user28640283's user avatar
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How Camunda8 form-js handles dynamic lists

I wanted to create my own version of the default dynamic list, but with a maximum of 5 elements. But i'm not sure how adding new elements to a dynamic list is handled. The default dynamic list can add ...
user24728842's user avatar
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Bypass Camunda 7 session-based auth

My project uses Camunda 7 + Spring Boot 3.x to manage the workflows. I am stuck on an issue related to authentication. I'm sure there must be a way around this. Below are the points to highlight The ...
bala chandran's user avatar
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Getting Incidents for a Process in Camunda

Camunda 7 has GET /process-instance/{id}/activity-instances as per the documentation. The API can be used to fetch if a particular process has an incident. I do curious when will the parent ...
Bagus Tesa's user avatar
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Camunda Count every time service task is activate

How to get the number of counts via REST API that are located on a service task? I have an api in which the number of counts is displayed /camunda:8080/engine/job/count?executable=true
Gennady Ktn's user avatar
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How to write an integration Spring Boot Test for a Camunda process?

How do I write an integration test in Spring Boot to test a Camunda process? The tasks in the Camunda process that need testing also have services that call methods to make REST calls, these would ...
thecheesegrater's user avatar
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Generate BPMN with the http or rest connector using java library or Camunda library for Camunda

Trying to generate a BPMN diagram, even a basic one with start event, end event and some service tasks from which we can call a rest api and consume the api response. Is there any Java libraries or ...
uddeshya pratik's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Stream automatically register MessageChannel for Camunda

Demo project has deps: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>spring-cloud-starter-...
Darkin Rall's user avatar
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Camunda WebApp doesn't work with spring.mvc.servlet.path

I have a spring boot application and I try to implement a camunda application. My properties look like: spring.mvc.servlet.path=/my-app/v1 When I run my application, it runs successfully. And I can ...
Sha's user avatar
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Issues with Jackson Serialization in a Camunda Application

I am working on a Camunda application using Jackson for JSON serialization. Recently I have been experiencing issues with serializing Camunda objects. Details: Camunda Version: 7.21.0 Jackson Version: ...
langosSimp's user avatar
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PropertyNotFoundException during execution of a service task in Camunda 7

My issue is that i am getting org.camunda.bpm.engine.ScriptEvaluationException and org.camunda.bpm.engine.impl.javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException. This is in a scenario when a property and its value ...
Achutha K's user avatar
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Using workflows from one Camunda Spring Boot Application in another via JAR Packaging

I have two Camunda Spring Boot applications, and I want to use some DMNs from one application in the other. Is it possible to package one application as a JAR and use it in the other application?
Sunny Sonar's user avatar
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Workers are activated but not receiving jobs to process

We are using camunda zeebe 8.4 with springboot. We are using the streams to receive the jobs in java application and then process the same and return the response back to zeebe. We can see in zeebe ...
Master Developer's user avatar
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Keycloak: Client in non-master realm gets 403 Forbidden when using User Search API

I have a non-master realm in my Keycloak instance which is called camunda-platform (it is deployed with the official Docker Compose configuration file of Camunda 8 Self-Managed). I want to use the ...
okaeiz's user avatar
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How to Get Camunda ArrayList Length

I have this variable called ListItems in Camunda 7.16 on Java 14. The variable Type based on the Variables tab is an Object and its value says java.util.ArrayList. I'm stumped as I tried to get the ...
Bagus Tesa's user avatar
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Memory issue in JVM in camunda embedded in Wildlfly 31

I have an application which is based on Camunda Engine Embedded in Wildlfy. Camunda version - 7.21 Wildlfy Version - 31 In the BPMN Process it tries to read lot of data using HTTP connector of Camunda....
Lucia's user avatar
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Facing Exception while completing a user task (when next task is Service Task with Java Delegate)

I am new to Camunda. I have some user tasks, once some of them are completed, I am triggering Service Task and its type is Java Delegate. The tasks are sequentially ordered Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 and ...
Pent Terry's user avatar
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How to add a collection / array variable in Camunda 7 console

I have a basic Camunda 7 setup on Apache tomcat and am currently trying to experiment with Parallel Multi Instance task. But for the most basic part which is about having a collection. I am absolutely ...
electrocrat's user avatar
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How to integrate Camunda Modeler into an Android Mobile app?

I'm working on an Android mobile app that's supposed to model business processes in BPMN notation. Does anyone know of a way to integrate Camunda Modeler into my mobile app, or any other way to access ...
SmartGuy's user avatar
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Camunda 8 - Authentication Issue occurred while fetching the Task from the Tasklist API

We are currently progressing to integrate the Camunda User Task completion from Spring Boot application. We have referred the below link for our integration.
udayakumar's user avatar
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Camunda 7, Spring Boot, Eureka issue

We have created a microservice with Spring boot & embedded Camunda 7 which we are trying to register on Eureka server, but we are getting below error. UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error ...
HemantS's user avatar
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Cannot render array type variables in Camunda 8 forms

I am using the Hugging Face Inference API connector and the result expression is defined like this: { mapped_result: response.body.translation_text } So I have a process-wide variable called ...
okaeiz's user avatar
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How to add a new diagram type to Camunda modeler?

I am working on Camunda modeler to add a diagram type based on the open source project. I would like to add a brand-new diagram type beyond the default diagrams like BPMN DMN and CMMN. I can call it ...
Lucas Gentry's user avatar
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JUnit Test method invocation with CompletableFuture.supplyAsync

in my class i have i class-field, which i'am verfing, that the method of this class-field is invoked three times. Now i moved the logic to "CompletableFuture.sypplyAsync" approach and it ...
Roma Kap's user avatar
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How to fix NullPointerException on Camunda Spring Boot JobWorker

I have the below implementation of a job worker. @Component public class UpdateHandler { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UpdateHandler.class); @JobWorker(type = &...
manatale's user avatar
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Camunda. BPMN. Finding the proper value from an array variable

At the output of the external task, I have a variable of the “Object” type in the form of a Json-file (the file is attached). It is necessary to look through each "document" array and look ...
Holloway's user avatar
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Edit DMN configuration from service using .NET Core

The project's architecture I'm currently working on is based on .NET Core. I´m trying to modify DMN diagram configuration (output policies given only one input) Documentation from Camunda describe two ...
VicenteC's user avatar
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Having external Swagger JSON along with Springdoc-generated Swagger

I'm developing a Spring application that integrates with Camunda. It exposes both Camunda and custom endpoints. I would like to keep both Swaggers inside the application, like so: But as soon as I ...
Marco Frag Delle Monache's user avatar
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How to Allow Customers to Add Custom Notifications to a Shared BPMN in Camunda Using bpmn-js?

We are using Camunda as our workflow engine and BPMN-js to visualize our BPMN diagrams. We are developing a SaaS where all customers use shared BPMN models. Whenever a client requests a "...
A.S's user avatar
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Camunda Task List Failure: Filter with id does not exist

Could you please let me know how to overcome with this issue and why I am getting below error and how I can fix it. Image: camunda error Failure: Filter with id does not exist In network call: { "...
Developer's user avatar
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Camunda 7 scripting - race conditions across process-instances while setting a variable

I am new to Camunda and I have a workflow with a sub-process that accesses parent variables. Specifically, the parent does this in a script task (groovy code): class Result { Boolean canProceed ...
user2173353's user avatar
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camunda 8 self managed, assign user task

I'm running camunda 8 as a self managed platform and started a process with via zeebe client. Now I want to assign the user task with the zeebe client to a user but it doesn't work - the task stays ...
user1639348's user avatar
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Camunda 8 Optimize component container remains unhealthy

I am using Camunda 8 self-managed instance deployed by docker compose and recently I have upgraded it to version 8.5, all the components are working just fine except Optimize. Its container remain ...
okaeiz's user avatar
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Stateful Camunda 7 ExternalTaskHandler

is the following safe in terms of ExternalTaskHandler instance reuse by the Camunda 7 engine? public class ExampleTaskHandler implements ExternalTaskHandler { private ExternalTask externalTask; ...
TorstenWel's user avatar
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Why SpringBoot3 can not start EnableCamundaRestClient

When I use SpringBoot3.2.5 to integerate the Camunda but it failed, But When I use SpringBoot 2.6.4, it can work normally, Any suggestion is welcomed ~ Thanks Below is the part of pom.xml I used &...
Liangwei Xia's user avatar
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Occurs error "ClassNotFoundException: net.minidev.json.JSONObject" with the minidev relocated dependency

An error occurs when i trying to add the spring-security-oauth2-client dependency. Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minidev.json.JSONObject at jdk.internal.loader....
Никита Соколов's user avatar
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Elsa vs Temportal vs Camunda vs Workflow Core

We're in the process of assessing workflow engines that are compatible with .NET 8, and I'd greatly value input from the community. I'm eager to hear about your experiences and implementation stories ...
ABCD's user avatar
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How in camunda subprocess dont create multpile user tasks?

I'm facing an issue in my application where a new user task is being created every time I access a subprocess. The behavior is causing multiple tasks to appear unnecessarily, as shown in the ...
Romas TT's user avatar
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Functions as variables in Camunda

It is well known that functions are values in javascript, and so they can be assigned to variables. For example var sum = function(a,b){return a+b;} sum(1,2); makes sense perfectly. Now the question ...
Pooyan Moradifar's user avatar
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TypeError: get_invoice_approver() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'amount' and 'approver'

I have tried to execute above code , it executing first def get_invoice_amount when comes second get_invoice_approver it's showing below error Traceback (most recent call last): File "...
santhosh kumar Katkam's user avatar
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Camunda Zeebe multi-region active-passive setup

Camunda 8 multi-region setup describes Zeebe in active-active mode for overall active-passive setup. This creates some issues for our overall active-passive setup: Faults in passive region are ...
Oleg Efimov's user avatar
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Camunda7 - Completing (springboot) a task when multiple active process instances available is failing

I'm exploring Camunda7 springboot version with simple BPM samples to build new capabilities Scenario 1 I created a Camunda model and then created multiple process instances for that process. If ...
Anand Vemula's user avatar
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Camunda creating pods and docker comtainers? ERROR

I have recently deployed camunda on kubernetes with deployment yaml file in development environment. Its working fine and running. The issues i am getting is it creates docker containers along with ...
Ajmal Khalil's user avatar
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How to model an optional user task in a default sequential flow of BPMN workflow

I have a requirement where I need to model an 'optional' user task. When the workflow starts there is a chance that the user needs to perform one task, but that is not mandatory to proceed further in ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Zeebe Brokers and Gateway communication on VM's and OpenShift architecture

My configuration is that Zeebe brokers are on VM’s and the Gateway and Operate are in the OpenShift k8s cluster. I need to establish connection between my brokers and Gateway. Is it possible to do ...
Artemoshka's user avatar

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