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No implementation found for Int when i use .so file android

I want to use .so file, i've success to load the library but the function is not working. Below is the code Structure package com.example.testapps; public class ...
Eko Muhammad Rilo Pembudi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I prevent copying/pirating native compiled files (.so file) from my Android APK?

I am using NDK/c++ to do complex calculations in my Android app. After the compilation, .so files are present in the lib folder. I am wondering whether anyone can copy those .so files and use my ...
Zacharias Manuel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Generate .so files?

Hi developers I have question regarding generating .so files. And my app keeps stopping. Can anyone have the answer? These are the steps I had undergone so far: I have created an empty project in ...
Saikrishna 's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Im failing to build .so file for android from FFMPEG

I tried many times with different versions of ffmpeg but failed eventually. I dont know how they wrote .sh file to configure different tools. Here are some .sh files i tried and it all failed. Either ...
yejafot's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to Import a prebuilt *.so library and call it from the new project?

I'm currently working on a project which will use a prebuilt shared library. But I'm quite confused on the process of importing a prebuilt library, as well as calling the methods in the prebuilt from ...
Hang Alec's user avatar
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android shows blank white screen when 64bit .so file loading... no issue with 32bit so file

W/System.err: Native code library failed to load. ndk { abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86','x86_64','armeabi' } when i put 64bit .so file simulator showing just a white ...
Praveen Davis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

is there any way to use compiled 32 bit native library as 64 bit lib

I'm trying to publish my old android application on Play Store and facing issues with 64-bit native lib requirements. So I have my Android Studio project written in Java and it does have one native ...
Nithis Kumar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Generate a 64 bit .so file of GDAL Library

I used the GDAL Library in my application and it has been working properly. The Google play service announced that they upload only 64-bit compliant APK after 1st Aug 2019. So I rendered the project ...
varsha jeevan's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

No implementation found when i use .so file android

i want to use native library from other project. here is my library. it is my first time to use ndk in android studio. i succedd to load library .so, but failed when i want to access the file. here ...
Dimas Oktanugraha's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

C++ shared libraries have duplicate symbols

I am new to c++ symbol tables and libraries, wanted to understand the behavior of symbol table. We are having an android application with native support on it. In process of analyzing symbol tables of ...
Teja's user avatar
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1 answer

UVCCamera error: registerNativeMethods: class'com/serenegiant/usb/UVCCamera' not found

I try loadLibrary UVCCamera, but get ClassNotFoundException when i Connecting device. This ClassNotFoundException is can't find or can't find method or class from UVCCamera? Or what ...
attente8098's user avatar
2 votes
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Android NDK - Build shared library from source code

I'm working on an Android app that uses some 3rd party native libraries. We need to add some functionality to these libraries. So I wrote a set of C++ classes with the code that I need and also cross-...
ddc47's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How can I Invoke a function/method from a .so file in Android studio

I am trying to implement ffmpeg into my Android app. I already have the prebuilt .so files that I need. I just can't figure out how to invoke one of the many functions in the library. Here is what ...
Kent Andersen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Android Native libraries conflict

I have a native library the armeabi arch in my project that I want to package with the apk. When I add this under jniLibs and compile the app everything works fine. But when I add a 3rd party library ...
shiredude95's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How to use .so file of another android project to another project

I have decompiled an android signed apk and it has a .so file... when i am copy paste that .so file in my project's jniLibs/(abi)/*.so The library load successfully, but it gives following error, ...
Bikash Sahani's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to use .so lib in an Android application

I am working on my master thesis, where I am looking at the security for an IoT device, which is controlled by an android application. At this point, I have reverse engineered the application and ...
Silverbaq's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

how to add .so file externally

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.example.c.phototopencilsketcheditor-ObszC6NtyRqQ_yniuaI2SA==/base.apk", zip file "/data/app/com....
ishan gengadiya's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How to link libatomic in cmake?

I try to link the library in my cmake file as follow: find_library( atomic-lib atomic ) target_link_libraries( mylib ${atomic-lib}) but it still get an error Please set them or make sure they are ...
Mars  Rong's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Application crashes with native code

Crashed: .onlineradioapp| 0 0xb4a2d616 bool art::interpreter::DoCall<false, true>(art::ArtMethod*, art::Thread*, art::ShadowFrame&, art::Instruction const*, ...
Om Infowave Developers's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

how to identify bug and resolve with .so file NDK

after adding for crash reporting,there are many crashes like below Crashed: .appName| 0 boot.oat 0xb4aec856 bool ...
Om Infowave Developers's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Calling c program from different Android project

I am using Android Studio version - 2.1.2. I have created one project in Android - MyNdk. This project uses c program. The c progarm has a function getCountry(). This function is created in the file ...
User365's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

use C++ functions in .so file which is also placed in .aar

I have an Android project which is developed by using NDK. I have a A.cpp file inside cpp folder. For this project, I have imported another project as .aar library and dependent it for my first ...
parliament's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Call shared library (.so) methods within Android Studios C files

I'm struggling with this for several days now. At the moment i'm just testing it with a simple C++ project (1 .h & 1 .cpp file) and a minimalistic App including the ndk helloJNI sample code (which ...
int ermedi_8's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Does the c++ code in an Android Studio project ends up in the apk file (apart from the .so file)?

When I include a c++ file in an Android Studio project, the code get compiled in to a .so file and gets included under 'lib' in the release apk file. Apart from that does the functions in c++ appear ...
Optimus's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Generate .so library for use on Android

I have compiled a C++ file, but do not meet the JNI format. How can I use a .so library generated from a C++ file for different CPU architecture in Android?
paul.feng's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

android studio can't detect my lib

I try to include .so file into my project, here is my gradle : I create folder for jnilibs in this path src\main\jnilibs and all of .so files to that path. Folder structure looks like : |--jnilibs |--...
MrUnknow's user avatar
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0 votes
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Is it possible to change the .so file code in android studio itself and make a build?

I added one .so file in android studio project,I am able to see the code what they have written inside that .so file like .cc and .h files.So if I change that .cc file, is it directly creates an .so ...
Hanuman's user avatar
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Android NDK Unsatisfied link error of .so file of another AAR project

I have one Android AAR project which contains .so file in jnilibs folder. when i try to include this aar file in other android project(non-ndk) it works fine and system.loadlibrary("") ...
animesh suman's user avatar
2 votes
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Android N warning against .so file having W+E segments

{.so filename} has W+E (writable and executable) load segments. This is a security risk shared libraries with W+E load segments will not be supported in a future Android release. Please fix the ...
ben_joseph's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Import existing c++ library (.a or .so file) ndk android

I just gone through native development in android. I am successful in getting my AndroidStudio 2.2.2 ready for native debelopment I also build sample hello-jni project What I am trying to achieve I ...
karthik kolanji's user avatar
0 votes
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Android NDK How to use armeabi static library with multi architecture App?

My Android App contain library for All Architecture in same build and i want to include library into my project but its have only one architecture like armeabi how to include this library to ...
Sabish.M's user avatar
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Maven Repo That Generates .so File, use as dependency in Maven Project

Hell All, First of all I am working with Android and I have some questions about the maven build process when it comes to automating the use of native libraries in my Android project. I say ...
New Guy's user avatar
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import .so into android studio error

I am trying to import a third-party .so into my android-studio project,but I don't know how to do. My environment: Ubuntu 14.04, Android-studio 1.4, Gradle 2.4,NDK r10e so,Is there anyone can help ...
shiy10's user avatar
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1 vote
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NDK function is not working

I am working with this class having native library functions. However the functions are returning NULL. What could be the possible reasons? Note: There is another class having NDK functions, is ...
Muhammad Abdullah's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Reducing apk size which has .so files

In our Android app we have two .so files: one for x86 and another for ARM. They are quite big and are increasing the size of the .apk from 7 MB to 11 MB. Since .so files are run time entities they ...
saurav's user avatar
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