Hamas War

Showing posts with label anti-Jewish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-Jewish. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Deadly Antisemitism in the USA, Pittsburgh Prayers

11 killed in Pennsylvania synagogue shooting

8 killed in Pennsylvania synagogue shooting


At least four reported dead, 12 injured in shooting at Pittsburgh synagogue

Pray for the injured Jews and police.

The United States isn't immune from antisemitism and certainly not from violence. Jews who think they are safe are sadly mistaken.

My husband and I made aliyah as a newlywed couple almost half a century ago. It was the smartest thing we ever did.

Today's numbers show that the largest Jewish community is here in Israel. Between immigration, diaspora assimilation and the fact that Israel has the highest birth rate of any developed country in the world, our Jewish population is growing quickly.

In 1970, when we boarded that large ship to Israel, we entered a country that had a much lower standard of living than the one we had left. And even three years after the legendary, miraculous Six Days War victory, the future of the young country was still uncertain.

I always felt secure here in Israel and had no real worries about the physical security of American Jewry. Things have changed. Now Israel has advanced in every way, and the United States is in trouble.

Israel is the Home for all Jews. Join us.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

PA Covered With "Teflon"

Shiloh Hakeduma, Tel Shiloh

The acceptance and promotion of the PA-Palestinian Authority by numerous countries and international organizations is totally irrational, unless you are willing to recognize the inherent antisemitism which is even stronger than the history of terrorism of the PA.
PA joins more international organizations
Nobody lets simple facts and history get in their way of their enthusiasm for this corrupt administrative body.

  • There never was a Palestinian people.
  • There never was a country called Palestine.
The so-called Palestine was invented to block the Jewish return to our historic Holy Land. The British who were supposed to facilitate a Jewish State during the period of the Mandate did everything in their power to invent an alternative. That's why they invited the Hashemites to take over Transjordan, which was far from the Hashemites' own land. 

The easiest thing to prove about the Arabs is their violence and terrorism against both Jews and Christians. That's why if you look at the demographics, you'll see that the only country in the middle east that isn't rapidly losing their Christian population is Israel. And the only country that gives full human and religious rights to all is Israel. Most of the Arab countries, including Jordan, are judenrein. That's the Nazi term for "Jew free," no Jews allowed.

While it's so easy to prove a Jewish connection to Jerusalem and the rest of the Land of Israel, the world keeps trying to invent an Arab narrative to compete.

Many kingdoms, nations etc occupied the land here, but only the Jewish People had an independent kingdom here. 

Friday, April 13, 2018

The Elephant in The Room, The Holocaust

Here in Israel, there's a very constant "elephant in the room," aka Holocaust awareness. While the rest of the world has wiped that nasty bit of history out of the curriculum, or whitewashed it into something minor or "universal," Israeli school children are still being taught the nastier facts of life. And I hope that this continues here forever here in Israel.

Yesterday, as I attended the large Holocaust Memorial Ceremony in the Ofra Girls High School, a number of rows behind me sat my granddaughter.

The schools and preschools here in Israel make every effort to teach even the most difficult and incomprehensible eras of history in ways suitable for all ages.

Jewish History and Holidays are a series of Holocausts and attempted Holocausts. Think of Chanukah, Purim, the Crusades and the Inquisition. The Nazis of Europe, not just Germany, weren't the first and they certainly won't be the last. We are fighting a war of blood, theology and words right now with those who support and promote the so-called Palestinians, sic. The slogan "from the river to the sea Palestine will be free" is a very unsubtle war cry to destroy the State of Israel, Gd forbid. Their aim is to take over our Land and murder us.

Christian missionaries are after our souls, since there is no legitimacy to Christian dogma when Judaism is thriving. The actual basis of Christian theology is that god left the Jewish People and proclaimed a new one led by Jesus and his disciples. The Establishment of the State of Israel, even after six million Jews were murdered during the Holocaust, and our inexplicable, other than Gd's Hand, military victories in 1948, 1967 and 1973 challenge the very basis of Christianity.

So, if you've been having trouble figuring out why the United Nations, European Union, the international media, innumerable foreign countries and NGOs constantly target Israel as immoral or danger to "world peace," the answer is clear.  They've never "liked" us. Our survival goes against their own interests.

The Jewish People and Jewish State have never had any real, reliable allies, so it's time to stop looking for or expecting any support. We have Gd, and that's all we need.

Friday, January 26, 2018

History Lesson: Thanks, President Ruby Rivlin

I'm not the only one who has been disappointed in the actions and words of Israel's President Ruby Rivlin, but yesterday he redeemed himself:
Rivlin noted that his own family came to the Land of Israel well over a century before the Holocaust and said other Jewish families were already living here long before the arrival of his own ancestors. “The State of Israel is not a colonial project, and not compensation for the Holocaust,” he declared. “The State of Israel came into being from the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in its own homeland.”
The Jewish struggle for a state, self-government isn't something modern. It didn't begin in the 20th century or even the 19th century. It began two thousand years ago as we lost our independence to foreign invaders who toppled our king, tried to ban the Jewish religion and destroyed our Holy Temple in Jerusalem.

Yes, really. That is what the Great Revolt by Simon Bar-Kosiba aka Bar-Kochba was about.
The war began as a guerrilla struggle against Rome in 132 C.E. Within a short time it had spread throughout the country, and the rebels took Jerusalem, which had not been heavily fortified by the Romans. It is possible that sacrifices were now reinstituted and that work was begun on rebuilding the sanctuary. From the coins Bar Kochba struck we know of his high priest, Eleazar, who must have taken the lead in efforts to reestablish sacrificial worship. Here we see a reflection of the ancient concept of two messiahs, a lay and a priestly figure, prominent in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and in certain Qumran scrolls.
We know from the documents that the country was organized into administrative districts, that taxes were collected, and that governmental operations were carried out by Bar Kochba’s supporters. Bar Kochba observed Jewish law, and it may be stated that the documents confirm the close relationship be­tween this “messiah” and tannaitic Judaism. Parenthetically, the texts also show that Hebrew was very much a living lan­guage at this time, and that, along with Aramaic and Greek, it served a large segment of the population. (read complete article by Lawrence Schiffman)
After Bar-Kochba's failure, no national leader or movement managed to inspire the Jewish People until Herzl's Political Zionism in the 19th Century.

Yes, that same defeated Jewish People were not destroyed. We survived those two thousand years, because Jewish religious leaders managed to codify Jewish Law into a "doable" lasting religion that is observed until this very day. That codified Jewish religion, based on the Bible is the key to our survival, when all of our ancient enemies are long gone.  There is no historical comparison with any other people/religion. And there is no other land-based people religion like the Jewish one.

The Jewish Calendar and Holidays are totally geared to the Land of Israel and agriculture here. The Modern Zionists of the 19th and 20th centuries embraced agriculture to celebrate this unique connection. Within a few decades, the barren wasteland began to bloom, and today Israel's agriculture and modern technological innovations have revolutionized agriculture all over the world.

The United Nations, European Union and other anti-Israel, anti-Jewish bodies will not succeed in doing what the Ancient Greeks and Romans failed to do. They will join the growing list of Jewish enemies buried in history books.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

GUEST POST: Forgotten Oppression

Forgotten Muslim Oppression against Jews
a guest post by Mr. Cohen

“According to a verse repeated twice in the Koran (2:58, 3:108) or at least according to its interpretation, God [Allah] has ordained that the Jews be poor. 
In Yemen and other Muslim countries, this is taken literally.
The Jews avoid any appearance of affluence.

In times of anarchy or in regions beyond the reach of the central government, Jewish property, even houses, were taken away from them under the pretext that they presented a picture of wealth incompatible with the state assigned to the Jews by God [Allah].”

SOURCE: Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts through the Ages (chapter 5, page 75) by S. D. Goitein, 1955, 1964, 1970 by Schocken Books, New York, ISBN-10: 0805204644 ISBN-13: 978-0805204643, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 55-7968
Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura in a letter to his father in year 1488 August 15:

“Jews in Muslim lands make themselves appear poor.
They go about like an impoverished, despised people,
with their heads bowed before Muslims.”

CHRONOLOGY: Rabbi Ovadiah ben Abraham of Bartenura was born
around 1445 CE in Bertinoro, Italy, and died around 1515 CE in Jerusalem.

SOURCE: Pathway to Jerusalem: the Travel Letters
of Rabbi Ovadiah of Bartenura, written between
1488 and 1490 during his journey to the Holy Land (page 40)
translated by Yaakov Dovid Shulman, year 1992 CE, 93 pages,
CIS Publishers, Lakewood, New Jersey, ISBN 1-56062-130-3

“A scourge even more terrible than the prohibition against [Jewish] emigration was the forced conversion of [Jewish] orphans practiced by the Shi’ites of Yemen.
Since [year] 1929 [CE], when I first began to study the language and life - it would be more correct to say the languages and lives - of the Jewish communities of Yemen, I have been collecting materiel on this sad chapter in Arab-Jewish symbiosis.

Its worst aspect perhaps was not so much its coercion in matters of conscience, terrible as that was, but the fact that children were torn away from their mothers and brothers from sisters.  To my mind, this law, which was enforced with new vigor about thirty years ago, more than anything else impelled the Yemenite Jews to quit this country to which they were very much attached.”

SOURCE: Jews and Arabs: Their Contacts through the Ages (chapter 5, page 77) by S. D. Goitein, 1955, 1964, 1970 by Schocken Books, New York, ISBN-10: 0805204644 ISBN-13: 978-0805204643, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 55-7968
PLEASE help the battle against
internet anti-Semitism by making
a PayPal donation to:

[email protected].


Ancient Roman historians connected Jews with the Land of Israel and Jerusalem:

Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:

Why Muslims Hate Jews:

How a Reform Rabbi Became Orthodox (true story):

Sephardic Jews Reject Reform Judaism:

Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews:

Seven Times Stronger
(about American anti-Semitism during the Holocaust):

Quick Bible Quotes from Joshua and Jeremiah:

How to Convict the New York Times
(of unfair bias against Israel):

Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable:

Why Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

Thursday, January 5, 2017

GUEST POST: Moynihan 1982

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan in year 1982
a guest post by Mr. Cohen

Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan said this
in 1982 June 18 at a rally at the United Nations:

“Much of the world has chosen to view Israel’s actions
in Lebanon through the prism of selective morality. 
Many were silent when Syrian troops and armed radical bands occupied the country.
They were silent when Syrian missiles were placed in Lebanon. 
They were silent when death and destruction rained down on Israeli settlements.
They were even silent when they Syrian regime destroyed one of its own cities
in response to entrenched political and religious opposition.”

“But the world finds its collective voice when Israel sets out to liberate Lebanon from those who would use her as a pawn in their political machinations; and let us never forget that the introduction of foreign troops in Lebanon would never have been possible without the provision of weapons by the Soviet Union.”
From the PLO information office in Oslo, 1977 May 5:

“The declared program of the PLO
is to bring about the destruction
of the Zionist entity of Israel.”
Yassir Arafat as quoted by Reuters
in Beirut, 1978 December 10:
“Armed struggle is our only road. 
We have no other road to reach Jerusalem,
Tel Aviv and every inch of our occupied homeland.”
“The Jews have no rights in Jerusalem,”
repeated Faisal, citing a League of Nations
inquiry which showed, he said, that the
Wailing Wall was part of the Al Aqsa Mosque.

“Another wall can be built for them
and they can wail against that.”

SOURCE: The Kingdom: Arabia and the House of Sa'ud
(chapter 43, page 419) by Robert Lacey, published
in 1981 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York,
ISBN-10: 0006365094 ISBN-13: 978-0006365099 
“[USA] President [Jimmy] Carter added insult to injury. 
No Arab leader he had ever met, he declared, actually wanted
to see the creation of a truly independent Palestinian state…”

SOURCE: The Kingdom: Arabia and the House of Sa'ud
(chapter 47, page 454) by Robert Lacey, published
in 1981 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York,
ISBN-10: 0006365094 ISBN-13: 978-0006365099 
 “Of course,” says one Saudi prince, “if God granted us a wish,
we would like the Palestinians to vanish off the face of the earth. 
We know that they are only nice to us because they want our money. 
They are dangerous men with Marxist tendencies.
But their disappearance would be a second wish. 
The first wish is the disappearance of Israel.”

SOURCE: The Kingdom: Arabia and the House of Sa'ud
(chapter 47, page 455) by Robert Lacey, published
in 1981 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York,
ISBN-10: 0006365094 ISBN-13: 978-0006365099 
PLEASE help the battle against
internet anti-Semitism by making
a PayPal donation to:

[email protected].


Quick Bible Quotes from Joshua and Jeremiah:

Ancient Roman historian connected Jews with the Land of Israel:

Rambam Rejected Childless Messiah:

Why Muslims Hate Jews:

Forgotten Muslim Oppression against Jews:

Seven Times Stronger
(a quick quote about American anti-Semitism during the Holocaust):

How a Reform Rabbi Become Orthodox (true story):

Sephardic Jews Reject Reform Judaism:

Greek NYC Jews and Syrian NYC Jews:

How to Convict the New York Times:

Why Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

How to Pray for Tzahal-IDF:

Why Israel’s 1967 Borders are Undefendable: