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Questions tagged [redis]

Redis is an open source, highly-scalable key-value store, commonly referred to as a "NoSQL database."

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redis rdb saving fails with signal 31

My redis is not able to do the background saving, my log is full with logs like these: 2817:M 23 Nov 2024 11:28:59.938 - DB 0: 27168 keys (0 volatile) in 32768 slots HT. 2817:M 23 Nov 2024 11:28:59....
GetEntropy's user avatar
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Redis server denying connection to localhost due to protected mode

I have a Redis server on my webhost that I launch through SSH using redis-server. When I try to connect from another SSH session using redis-cli -h localhost -p 6379 followed by ping, I receive a long ...
Neckroll the 70th's user avatar
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Bitnami/Redis charts restarts with Error moving temp file: Permission Denied

have installed Bitnami/Redis latest chart on my K8s cluster, and having frequent restarts with the Error log: Error moving temp DB file temp1.rdb on the final destination dump.rdb (in server root dir /...
Bubashan_kushan's user avatar
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Why is my Haproxy health check (Ping-pong) not working on my redis server?

I started a new server and installed Redis on it. sudo apt-get install lsb-release curl gpg curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/redis-archive-...
Sam S's user avatar
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Terraform: 'Error: parsing old engine_version: Malformed version: 7.x'

When running terraform apply I got this error: Error: parsing old engine_version: Malformed version: 7.x │ │ with module.redis_cluster.aws_elasticache_replication_group.replication_group, │ on ../...
davejagoda's user avatar
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php redis module and php compile mismatch

I am trying to install php-redis via pecl. Running this: php -i | grep API gives this: PHP API => 20220829 I then run pecl install redis and I get the message: ... running: phpize Configuring for: ...
Leon Segal's user avatar
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High availability on Redis cluster in K8s

As we know in a Redis Cluster, data is divided into shards, with each shard being managed by a master node and one or more replica nodes. The problem I want to tackle is the case where master and ...
knikolov's user avatar
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Identify which script in redis is currently running

I'm encountering an issue with my Magento 2 shop where Redis reports the following error: BUSY Redis is busy running a script. You can only call SCRIPT KILL or SHUTDOWN NOSAVE. Process went away Upon ...
kekw's user avatar
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Redis on Docker never close file handle, leading to full disk (100% disk usage in df)

I have a docker running redis server as slave instance on a Ubuntu server, production instance. This server always have disk full, although checking disk usage (using du) never show anything use the ...
Dapid Candra's user avatar
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Configuring HAProxy for Redis PubSub

I'm trying to configure a HAProxy instance for a Redis cluster. The application that connects to Redis use both short-lived connections for common commands like SET/GET and long-lived connections for ...
Vincent's user avatar
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2 answers

How do companies manage software versioning for tools, frameworks, etc.?

If a company is using many different software, is there a way to automate version tracking - comparing current version being used in the company and latest version released, and maybe taking actions ...
Arpi's user avatar
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nginx php-fpm redis configuration "socket error on read socket"

my localhost is on ubuntu with nginx + php-fpm 8.1 server { server_name "~^({[a-z]}2\.)*(?<project>\w+)\.(.*)localhost$"; root /home/fw/public_html; location ~ \.php$ { ...
mikakun's user avatar
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ubuntu 22.04 redis.service stops working after adding tls

A fresh install of redis on ubuntu 22.04: I changed supervised no to supervised systemd. When running systemctl start redis.service, everything works as expected. I now change the redis.conf file to ...
Sam Leurs's user avatar
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Deploy a Redis cluster in Kubernetes with High Availability

I am looking at deploying a Redis cluster (3masters, 3workers/slaves) on Kubernetes. I found the Redis Operator as being the best option but the “capability level” doesn’t look that attractive to me. ...
Jérémy Ferfer's user avatar
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Redis Conf symlinks problems

Is there any way that I can set up a symlink to /etc/redis.conf to a different location than /etc/redis/redis.conf and work? Let's say I have the file in my local directory, and instead of copying the ...
Daniel Mendoza Pupo's user avatar
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Unable to cURL into redis

I'm getting a connection refused error on port 9443. redis-server is definitely running, version 7.2.4. I'm not finding any other configuration I need to be setting up. It's not using the docker image....
Fibericon's user avatar
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[name=Redis, majorVersion=6]; user must register resolver or explicitly set 'hibernate.dialect'

I have asked this question in stackoverflow already, but I think the question is more suitable here. Sorry for cross-posting. After successfully creating datasource for redis in wildfly, I am now ...
Sudipta Roy's user avatar
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Issue with DNS Resolution in Celery/Redis on Debian 12 - VPS Provider Specific

I'm facing a peculiar issue with DNS resolution in a Celery/Redis setup on some Debian 12 installations. It seems that the problem might also relate to the VPS network settings. I'm at a loss and ...
Houman's user avatar
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Rspamd + Redis: Is it necessary to persist Redis database? If yes, how?

I am using rspamd and I have enabled Redis. To my understandind Redis is an in-memory key-value cache for volatile data. However, the rspamd documentation says that the Baysian classifier module uses ...
user2690527's user avatar
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How to export Azure REDIS data to BLOB storage with a Automation Runbook?

I'm struggling with setting up a runbook that overnight exports my REDIS Premium data to a BLOB container. This might be due to my lack of Powershell experience. So far I came up with this: # Ensures ...
JonHendrix's user avatar
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Installing redis 7.0 from remi-modular repo

This might be blatantly obvious, but I cannot install a package from the remi-modular repository, despite having added the repo file in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ and validating it. I have attempted ...
Seymour B's user avatar
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Unable to set activedefrag yes in Redis server

I have a Redis cluster that is constantly at a memory fragmentation ratio of about 2. I was trying to enable activedefrag by running CONFIG SET activedefrag yes in redis-cli, but I received the error ...
Gerald Schneider's user avatar
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Redis Stack Server - Cannot Change Data Dir (Docker/Kubernetes)

I am trying to get redis up and running in a Kubernetes environment. I’ve done many tutorials, read the documentation, etc. etc. I need to have the .rdb file and the .aof file(s) saved in a Persistent ...
techgirl's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How to install and configure Redis server on Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023)?

Amazon Linux 2023 is loosely based on Fedora 34, 35 and 36 as per aws: However redis package is not available in AL2023, instead ...
VIVEK's user avatar
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why shell discard my string of variable

[root@es01 ~]# redis-cli -h IP_ADDRESS -p 6380 -a admin info 2>/dev/null|grep config_file|cut -d: -f2 /opt/redis/7.0.5/cluster/redis-6380.conf [root@es01 ~]# cat $(redis-cli -h IP_ADDRESS -p ...
redliquid's user avatar
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Poor server performance on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with PHP-FPM, MySQL, and Redis Server installed

My client’s server has recently started having performance issues. The single website hosted on the server loads very slowly. It is built with WordPress using a custom theme. There are a minimum ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
2 votes
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Redis Sentinel with TLS - how to get node FQDN rather than IP?

This may be a Serverfault or a Stack Overflow question, I'm not sure yet: I've set up a simple three node Redis system with a master and two replica nodes, managing failover with Redis Sentinel. Redis ...
Mikael H's user avatar
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Connect Redis Unix Domain Socket to Django

I have a Django website running via nginx under user www-data and gunicorn under user myuser bound at /run/gunicorn.sock. nginx works just fine; it acts as a proxy to the gunicorn Unix domain socket. ...
Bobort's user avatar
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Getting command failed: NO_PY2=1

Sorry if its trivial question. I do not have experience with linux terminal. I am trying to install RedisJSON on ubuntu 22 on Windows. When I run ...
Tadas V.'s user avatar
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Migrating Redis data from old cluster to another cluster

I've got 2 redis cluster, and I wish to move a lot of data from old cluster to new cluster. I've write a script using redis-cli and MIGRATE command. It success at about first 20 keys, then it start ...
YOULYU ZHANG's user avatar
3 votes
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Cannot kill redis server. It restarts every time I kill it

I cannot kill redis-server no matter how many times I've tried. ps -ef | grep redis-server gives root 10592 1 0 01:10 ? 00:00:00 /snap/redis/658/usr/bin/redis-server *:6379 root ...
Shaundavin13's user avatar
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keydb active-replica multi-master php session storage

I'm looking to use keydb/redis for php session storage in a HA setup. Currently, I have two keydb instances running with the following config: Instance 1 ( requirepass pass123 masterauth ...
Aaron A's user avatar
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Heroku Redis upgrade from free to paid stuck in "preparing (plan upgrade in progress)"

I'm trying to upgrade Heroku Redis from the free hobby plan to a paid version but it seems eternally stuck in in "preparing (plan upgrade in progress)". What's the best way to deal with this?...
Marc's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a Cloudwatch alarm of the specific events of a ElastiCache Redis cluster?

I need some solution to get cloudwatch alarm notification for specific elasticache events like '''ElastiCache:CacheNodeReplaceStarted''', '''ElastiCache:RemoveCacheNodeComplete'''. I know we can ...
Rajaneesh's user avatar
2 votes
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Re-enabling commands in a cluster environment

we are running Redis as a container in a Kubernetes cluster (v1.21.14-gke.3000) where it is installed via Helm. Helm uses the Bitnami image, which disables the FLUSHALL command. As with this article,...
Erick Calder's user avatar
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redis-server takes a long time to load in memory the dataset at boot

My Linux distribution uses the redis database. At boot the redis-server needs about 80 seconds to load the dataset. The following is a log that shows what I have written: redis-server[249]: 249:M 17 ...
User051209's user avatar
4 votes
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Redis cannot bind a specific ip address?

I'm new to redis, but I want to set one up on my Raspberry Pi 4 (RP) for using it in a Django application (with celery). On my RP I have installed a firewall, ufw, and allowed incomming traffic from ...
CutePoison's user avatar
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redis-server does not start when parsed path to configfile

I'm having a Raspberry Pi 4, which I want to run a redis-server (v.5) on (used for Celery in a Django application). The issue is, I can't get access to the redis server from my computer (they are on ...
CutePoison's user avatar
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Redis failing to create unix socket

I am trying to set redis up to use a Unix Socket. I am using the stock Debian installation /etc/redis/redis.conf except with the following additions at the end of the file, based on this info: # ...
run_the_race's user avatar
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Redis Server Refuses All Connections Via Unix Socket

I am running Ubuntu server 20.04 LAMP, with Redis 5.0.7. Problem: When a unix socket has been configured with port 0 Redis refuses all connections. basic /etc/redis/redis.conf: # create a unix domain ...
Maestro223's user avatar
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How to properly proxy redis behind HAProxy?

I am configuring HAproxy and would love using with Redis, my configuration is fairly simple: global maxconn 50000 defaults timeout connect 10s timeout client 30s timeout server 30s ...
ciaoben's user avatar
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redis sentinels with docker-compose

so I have this kind of docker-compose version: '3.8' x-base: &base image: redis:latest x-base-sen: &base-sen image: redis:latest command: redis-sentinel /sentinel/sentinel.conf --...
scaryhamid's user avatar
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Redis failed every few hours

I have a problem in redis, Each 18-30 hour it failed and I should restart it manually to run it again. Our server have 1 wordpress website. Redis version: 5.0.3 OS: CentOS Linux release 8.3.2011 ...
Muhammad Khalaf's user avatar
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Redis persistent installation with more data than RAM

I'm new to Redis, but lately they've started to promote the idea of using Redis as a general purpose persistent db, instead of mainly for cache. I think this would be a good fit for an app I want to ...
flen's user avatar
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Redis on AWS task

I have an API that have some heavy processing endpoints. To avoid problems, I created a queue system using redis. Now I put this API into a docker, and I'm using ECS to deploy service that creates a ...
Learning from masters's user avatar
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Docker isn't fowarding port to redis

I'm trying to run redis in a docker container on AmazonLinux, and I can't for the life of me get it to forward the port. It starts as it should and appears to be working, but there is no process ...
Diogenes Creosote's user avatar
3 votes
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Redis inside Docker Compose Permission Denied for RDB file Crontab

Hi I have following docker-compose.yaml file. version: "3.9" volumes: local_postgres_data2: {} local_postgres_data_backups2: {} services: postgres: image: postgres ...
Mudassar Hashmi's user avatar
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My Node.js droplet can't connect to DigitalOcean Managed redis

I have a Parse Server (which is a Node.js server basically) and I'm trying to connect to a redis database, which is hosted on DigitalOcean Managed Databases. Both servers are on the same VPC network ...
Sotiris Kaniras's user avatar
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How to cluster Redis service

Imagine 6 servers running Redis on all of them: They have divided into 2 site: Site 1 192.168....
Farid Niasti's user avatar
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Change Redis Sentinel offered port

I have set up three Redis servers using Bitnami Docker images. Both plain and TLS ports have been configured for Redis and Sentinel. How does Sentinel determine which Redis Master port (TLS or plain) ...
user2798081's user avatar

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