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Bitnami/Redis charts restarts with Error moving temp file: Permission Denied

have installed Bitnami/Redis latest chart on my K8s cluster, and having frequent restarts with the Error log: Error moving temp DB file temp1.rdb on the final destination dump.rdb (in server root dir /...
Bubashan_kushan's user avatar
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High availability on Redis cluster in K8s

As we know in a Redis Cluster, data is divided into shards, with each shard being managed by a master node and one or more replica nodes. The problem I want to tackle is the case where master and ...
knikolov's user avatar
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Deploy a Redis cluster in Kubernetes with High Availability

I am looking at deploying a Redis cluster (3masters, 3workers/slaves) on Kubernetes. I found the Redis Operator as being the best option but the “capability level” doesn’t look that attractive to me. ...
Jérémy Ferfer's user avatar
2 votes
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Re-enabling commands in a cluster environment

we are running Redis as a container in a Kubernetes cluster (v1.21.14-gke.3000) where it is installed via Helm. Helm uses the Bitnami image, which disables the FLUSHALL command. As with this article,...
Erick Calder's user avatar
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Which host of redis in config, if running in the same k8 cluster?

I am running a redis cluster helm install -n redis staging bitnami/redis-cluster in my k8s cluster and want to use this with a self hosted gitlab. In the docs I see I have to set redis: install: ...
user3142695's user avatar
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Postgres and redis pods are failing from time to time

I've setup a kubernetes cluster (1.19) using RKE on a bare betal ubuntu (20.04) machine. I'm running a self hosted gitlab instance (installed by helm chart) on that cluster. From time to time (every 1-...
user3142695's user avatar
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How to migrate a standalone Redis instance to a Kubernetes Master/Slave replication

I'm migrating an application from a single server to a Kubernetes cluster. I'm no really sure what's the best option to migrate the Redis service, therefore I'd like to get the advice of anyone :) I ...
ZedTuX's user avatar
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K8S Redis connection

I've installed Bitnami Helm Chart for HA Redis: aleg@Azure:~$ kubectl get pods | grep redis redis-1580896952-master-0 1/1 ...
Alec's user avatar
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Having a redis service linked to a specific application deployment revision

Say I have an application that has two deployments: An application deployment, with the actual application itself A Redis deployment, which is used by the application deployment for caching The ...
Leon Boot's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to configure Redis Cluster inside a Kubernetes cluster to be accessible by external applications

I'm having trouble exposing my Redis Cluster on Kubernetes to external applications. Using a Kubernetes load balancer service, I'm able to assign an external IP to Redis which provides initial ...
shrumm's user avatar
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How do you configure a Redis pod for use as a session datastore for ColdFusion within a kubernetes deployment?

We are considering moving our ColdFusion servers to AKS, and have been messing around with a test deployment to see how things work. To handle scaling of the CF servers we would like to setup a Redis ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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Kubernetes (K8S): TCP clients waiting very long timeout on connection to a Service when there are no Pods serving its requests

My problem occured when using Redis on Kubernetes, but it seems that it is not a problem with Redis itself, but with network/infrastructure. My scenario: I have a Redis Service with single Redis Pod ...
rideronthestorm's user avatar
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Redis-cluster Master consumes more memory than expected

I am running this redis cluster implementation in kubernetes: After some time running the master starts consuming more and more memory. It gets ...
Rogelio Rup's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Why does linux sys fs modification work in plain docker but not under kubernetes?

The command being run inside the containers is: echo never | tee /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled Both containers run as privileged. But in the kubernetes docker container the command ...
chrishiestand's user avatar