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How to export Azure REDIS data to BLOB storage with a Automation Runbook?

I'm struggling with setting up a runbook that overnight exports my REDIS Premium data to a BLOB container. This might be due to my lack of Powershell experience. So far I came up with this: # Ensures ...
JonHendrix's user avatar
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2 answers

Accessing Redis in a peered VNet

I have an IaaS server in one Azure VNet and a premium Redis cache in another peered VNet. There are no NSGs. I can't access Redis using redis-cli. Is there some restriction to accessing Redis from a ...
Elomis's user avatar
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How do you configure a Redis pod for use as a session datastore for ColdFusion within a kubernetes deployment?

We are considering moving our ColdFusion servers to AKS, and have been messing around with a test deployment to see how things work. To handle scaling of the CF servers we would like to setup a Redis ...
Nicholas's user avatar
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Azure Redis Cache

Is it possible to create Azure Redis Cache using API and to create primary and secondary key by my own ( I want to create keys and then to forward these key to Redis Cache)? So basically I want to ...
madmax's user avatar
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Azure Redis cache premium deployment failure

I'm deploying a P1 Redis cache in Azure, using the new portal. There's not much to the deployment, and everything checks out as valid and it lets me start the creation process. I'm adding the Redis to ...
Nick Schroeder's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Connect to private vlan ip address redis cache azure

I have a redis cache with Microsoft Azure and have a Virtual network with IP, when I try to connect using these IP this gave me error. I need other additional configuration for meet it?
PMCastle's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How can I disable an Azure Redis Cache?

I have been experimenting with the Azure Redis Cache preview, and so far, so good. However, when I am not using it, I would like to disable it so that it is not consuming memory and not accessible. ...
JeremyDWill's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What's the default username and password for the VM Depot "Redis Server 2.6.9 Ubuntu 12.04 LTS"?

I've got this server running on a local Hyper-V host, but can't log in because I don't know the username and password for it. I set ...
Tom Robinson's user avatar