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nginx php-fpm redis configuration "socket error on read socket"

my localhost is on ubuntu with nginx + php-fpm 8.1 server { server_name "~^({[a-z]}2\.)*(?<project>\w+)\.(.*)localhost$"; root /home/fw/public_html; location ~ \.php$ { ...
mikakun's user avatar
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Poor server performance on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with PHP-FPM, MySQL, and Redis Server installed

My client’s server has recently started having performance issues. The single website hosted on the server loads very slowly. It is built with WordPress using a custom theme. There are a minimum ...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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keydb active-replica multi-master php session storage

I'm looking to use keydb/redis for php session storage in a HA setup. Currently, I have two keydb instances running with the following config: Instance 1 ( requirepass pass123 masterauth ...
Aaron A's user avatar
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PHP7.4 redis issue

I just updated php7.4-redis in ubuntu 18.04 server. After I get everywhere: PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/lib/php/20190902/ (/usr/lib/php/...
G. G.'s user avatar
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3 votes
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Redis server high cpu debugging strategies

Recently, we have been noticing CPU spikes on our production environment caused by redis which can be seen below: To combat this issue, I have been restarting the redis server about twice a day :( ...
dipole_moment's user avatar
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phpmyadmin + redis session save compatibility?

I'm facing a strange behavior on phpmyadmin + redis php session cache. Here is my php-fpm pool configuration : php_value[session.save_handler] = redis php_value[session.save_path] = "tcp://127.0.0....
Julien's user avatar
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Unable to open redis 6379 for inbound on AWS EC2

I have two servers on EC2. One hosting my php application and other hosting my redis server. I am managing my php session and data on redis server. So on my php server I gave the ip:port as session ...
Ankur Aggarwal's user avatar
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Strange CPU Loading peaks on web server

I have strange, very strange peaks of CPU loading on my website. normal loading about 2-3, when i have this peaks it is about 100-150 peaks may be in any time. not depends my normal loading profile.(...
andreyvlru's user avatar