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Questions tagged [configuration-management]

Configuration Management refers to establishing and maintaining standardized system configurations within an organization. This tag encompasses the process of defining the configuration profiles, and the software used to manage and deploy it.

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Offline dotNet Framework Update

I have seven Server 2019 systems that I maintain that do not have a connection to the internet or an MECM or WSUS. So far, I have been patching them with a WSUS Offline tool that I found that pulls ...
user3271408's user avatar
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Can macOS admins access Apple ID/iCloud?

At my company we’ve just outsourced our IT and MDM, and have had to rethink allowing personal Apple accounts on Macbooks. Our devs (all on Mac) have had their local admin revoked, and the MSP now has ...
jernaumorat's user avatar
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PCs managed via InTune - Must bypass UAC prompt for silent uninstall

I manage a set of PCs via Microsoft InTune, and a pre-installed software (Firefox) must be uninstalled from those PCs due to company policy. I found a way to perform a silent uninstall (Firefox doesn'...
Gauffke's user avatar
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Unable to perform unattended installation of Oracle Database 19.3.0 on Windows 10

During an unattended installation of Oracle Database 19.3.0 on Windows 10, the following error occurs: "SEVERE: PRCZ-1082 : Failed to add Windows user or Windows group "REG-XSPY-NUM12$" ...
user3213554's user avatar
1 vote
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Microsoft Configuration Manager Issue

I cannot join the primary site to an existing hierarchy while installing Microsoft Configuration Manager. SQL and the SCCM Server are connected. Am I doing something wrong?
Nathan Smith's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How do I stop my PC's `LongPathsEnabled` registry setting from being reset to zero?

I have enabled long file paths in Windows 11, by using regedit to set the LongPathsEnabled registry value to 1, in HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem. This has worked fine for years, but ...
Ergwun's user avatar
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1 answer

Salt Jinja Template concatenate strings with Looping

I am having issues concatenating strings in Salt, I want to grab a salt grain called "accesslist" which holds an array of groups to append to an access list. {% set access_filter = '(...
Computer guy next door's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Microsoft Configuration Manager Server Sharing

I have my SCCM Server connected to the SQL Server via ESXI through two different VM's. I have Microsoft Configuration Manager on my SCCM trying to get it connected to the SQL Server. How do I connect ...
Nathan Smith's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

December Windows Update disable use of registry keys to set lockscreen image for Windows 11 Professional?

As the title says, to clarify, you can't normally set lockscreen image with GPO for Windows 11 Pro computers, as it only works for Enterprise and Education. However you could set three ...
magnontaur's user avatar
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Mapping versioning for config and infra corresponding to application code version

I have an application that has something like below structure Service A - application and environment configuration, infrastructure dependencies (Queue, DB etc) etc. Service B - application and ...
user14013917's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ansible lineinfile replace with system variable

I'm encountering an issue while using Ansible to dynamically modify a Zabbix agent configuration file. Specifically, I'm attempting to employ an ansible lineinfile module with a loop to update ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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1 answer

Uninstall Oracle Java JRE where misexec reports "this is only valid for products that are currently installed"

I have several end users where Oracle Java JRE 1.8.0_xxx is installed but the automation to use the UninstallString via msiexec /X is failing by saying the product isn't installed. On these machines ...
Peter Blumpkin's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

"/etc/nginx/nginx.conf is meant to be read-only" when editing with nano after upgrading Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04

I am recently upgraded Ubuntu Server 20.04 to Ubuntu Server 22.04. It is a LEMP server running the latest Mainline version of Nginx. After the upgrade, when I try modifying the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf ...
DanRan's user avatar
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1 answer

Practice of high frequency scheduled Ansible playbook runs

I'm fairly new to administrating servers with configuration managers such as Ansible. I plan on running playbooks automatically on a schedule (via something like Ansible Semaphore, or even just Cron) ...
corvus-migratorius's user avatar
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What's the intrinsic way to represent environments in Kong Konnect?

I've Googled many different combinations of terms to find out what concepts and features Kong Konnect expects sysadmins to use to represent different environments (e.g. staging, production) and ...
Jules's user avatar
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1 answer

ConfigMgr WebService API Calls

at the moment I try to connect my application via api with the ConfigMgr Webservice, but send my SOAP API request via curl I always get a 400 error. We are writting our own application to "talk&...
w3ich3rt's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use DNS to reference instances of a Server

I would like to use our internal DNS server for linking names from provisioning to final use. So I imagine it like this. A server comes into our network and gets a DHCP or a static address and then ...
kockiren's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Home Server Setup Questions [closed]

I think I'm on the right Stack for this question So, I've been self-hosting a web server from my home. And recently I've started to see ;'s being included in some request. Trying to, I assume, access ...
baron159's user avatar
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Optional sysctl configuration parameters

I am working on some automation that sets linux kernel parameters using sysctl. Specifically I am creating a template that can be deployed to systems with a high amount of connections. The automation ...
Michaël de Groot's user avatar
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Modify BIOS configuration on several computers

I have quite a few computers that I need to modify some parameters on the BIOS (American Megatrends v.5.12). Is there a way to save this configuration (to a pendrive, for example) and load that on the ...
user's user avatar
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Gitea under Configuration Management: Generated and Static Settings

I need to set up a Gitea server for an organization. The setup itself is easy, and I managed to bring up Gitea within an hour when installing it manually. However, my organisation uses a configuration ...
Patrick Bucher's user avatar
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1 answer

Implementing a CMDB [closed]

I have the need for an inventory for servers, storage, network devices, etc. and I'm thinking to have this kind of information in a CMDB. It would first be used as an inventory, but later could be for ...
Samuel PE's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

CouchDB deleted database shards

Currently running clustered CouchDB v3.1.1 on an AWS EC2 Instance q=2 n=3 Number of Nodes: 1 I have moved the database directory to another drive on my VM. But can't find any on the documents ...
Eliii's user avatar
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2 answers

Improve MariaDB Execution Time

I have a database with one table and three fields (id, hash, creation time). This table got around 30 million records, the execution time for a query like SELECT * from `table` WHERE hash='...
Karthik Malla's user avatar
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Back up arbitrary config files on linux servers in RANCID

I use RANCID to back up router and switch configurations. I'd also like to be able to have it take automatic backups of configuration files on my servers so I can easily see when changes occur and if ...
bdx's user avatar
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Which Type to use for creating Storage Transfer jobs via Deployment Manager

I'm trying to create and manage a TransferJob for Google Storage Transfer service via Google Deployment Manager. The aim is to copy objects from one Cloud Storage bucket to another daily. Since I can'...
Martijn Heemels's user avatar
1 vote
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How to handle and avoid unmanaged system state with configuration management?

When managing the state of a server using a configuration management tool (e.g. salt, puppet, ansible), one can quite easily develop 'unmanaged' state through application of successive versions of the ...
Rob Gilton's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to do a git push using ansible

I'm using Ansible to make a pull i do this tasks: - name: pull from git git: repo: [email protected]:xyz.git dest: /root/Development/abc update: yes version: ...
Mercer's user avatar
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Preventative config settings to ensure long-running PHP scripts don’t create hanging MySQL transactions and failure

I’d like to know if there is a PHP/MySQL configuration option (or combination of options) that can prevent long-running PHP scripts in a small number of places from creating hanging and sleeping MySQL ...
Aaron Bushnell's user avatar
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Can't Access CIMC

I have a Cisco UCS C220 M3, and it has the Flash/Java-based CIMC interface. When getting Flash, the only versions are for Chromium-based browsers and Mozilla-based browsers. However, neither of those ...
SealsRock12's user avatar
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Salt Pillar: How to use different values for prod / dev?

I'm not sure if I am thinking about this the right way, but here is my Problem: I want to use the same Salt state and pillar configuration for production, development and test servers. The only ...
Leifb's user avatar
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2 answers

Using Configuration management tools to synchronize large files

We are looking into using a configuration mangement tool (like Salt or Puppet) to automate what is currently a lot of manual work. One requirement is that we have to distribute rather large files / ...
Leifb's user avatar
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2 answers

Breaking down one prometheus.yml file?

I am using Prometheus for our monitoring and I have a lot of configs (our prometheus.yml main config file is 8000+ lines long). I would like to divide this out into logical groupings so that it ...
PRS's user avatar
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1 answer

dividing line between developer and sysadmin for server patch management [closed]

I know this question probably doesn't go here. but I dont know which overflow site to use. We have a web server that we use for customers to access our things. Our IT/security team believes it is on ...
bart2puck's user avatar
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Set sysfs network option before interface is up

I want to set /sys/class/net/wwan0/qmi/raw_ip, and I don't want to do it by writing a shell script to take wwan0 down set it, then put wwan0 back up as a systemd unit. I'm trying this on Raspbian ...
Joshua D. Boyd's user avatar
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1 answer

ansible Dynamic inventory Hosts value does not accept list of hosts

I am trying to create dynamic inventory for my setup. everywhere i see examples of IPs and hostname as list. but when i provide hosts value as list it error's out and says it has to be dict. Below ...
Rahul Bhatu's user avatar
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1 answer

Which server configuration management tool to use for my personal nextcloud deployment [closed]

I want to deploy a personal nextcloud application. I already have setup nextcloud using docker-compose, which tool should I use for server configuration management? I have the following things to ...
Shaz Hemani's user avatar
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Any downside to using `sudo git` to upload `/etc/nginx/sites-available/` and `/etc/nginx/ssl/` config files on github?

I'm contemplating uploading config files from /etc/nginx/sites-available/ and /etc/nginx/ssl to a private Github repository. Doing so would require me to use git with sudo (or from root user) for the ...
Jean Monet's user avatar
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Best practice for production server configuration changes?

Changing the configuration of a production server is dangerous. A safety measure might involve taking a full system image snapshot prior to the change, changing the configuration and then, in the ...
James Bowery's user avatar
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1 answer

How to edit .conf files from a script

On a new VPS I might want to ensure that certain config values are set, or amended if they already exist. For example in /etc/systemd/journald.conf I want to set SystemMaxUse=100M if it's not already ...
bjw's user avatar
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Nginx: Limiting number of connections for all content types with exceptions

I'm limiting number of simultaneous connections from one $remote_user to n using conn_limit It works like a charm. However, I will be thrilled to find a way to add exceptions to this. I want user to ...
Goga Benton's user avatar
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Nginx: restrict number of connections per basic auth user

Got nginx serving several big files. Users get access through basic authentication. htpasswd I want to curtail simultaneous download of files to 5 connections max PER USER. There are more than 1 user ...
Goga Benton's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to do docker-compose down without the config file that made the up?

When you do docker-compose up, it's based on a docker-compose.yml file. This usually brings up a network, builds and runs multiple services. If you do the up with the -d flag, the docker-compose ...
Xavi Montero's user avatar
1 vote
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How to fingerprint (euclidian distance) a filesystem on linux?

I have a large number of systems (100s) managed by a small group of people which has changed over time. Each system is installed using a base image (which has its own version which is different ...
tudor -Reinstate Monica-'s user avatar
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Consul as service discovery and configuration server in on premises local network

We are developing a product that will work as a set of services deployed on-premises (e.g. in the local network of an office, factory, etc.). Since there can be lots of deployment targets for each ...
joanlofe's user avatar
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System Center Configuration Manager using 'Run Script' feature on devices with AllSigned Execution Policy

We have System Center Configuration Manager version 1902 managing our devices. I would like to use the nice feature "Run Script", which runs PowerShell scripts on an entire collection of devices, but ...
esserafael's user avatar
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Docker remote administration tool for non-clustered workers

I am looking to scale a docker application used to perform periodic performance tests on equipment at several remote locations. This application requires running the same performance tests- using the ...
enpaul's user avatar
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Kubernetes nifi application deployment with configuration management

I have deployed my Ni-Fi application using Kubernetes on-prem setup. Now the image which i am using to spin up the docker container is from docker private registry, which i can see when i deployed ...
Ravikumar Subramanian's user avatar
-1 votes
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linux servers configuration management best practice [closed]

I have a bunch of servers where I periodically need to perform various operations, such as adding new repositories, installing packages, changing a couple of lines in configuration files, what ...
foobar's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is there such a Chef service that managed by K8s? [closed]

I'm looking for a way to manage a Chef into my K8s cluster. My cluster is scaling up and down and I need a way to bootstrap different dependencies for each new node in the namespace. My nodes are in ...
Lidor Ettinger's user avatar

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