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Questions tagged [package-management]

Process of installation, deletion and update the software configuration in the operating system using a pre-prepared packages.

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Libc6:amd64 broken package

So idk what happened, I think I stopped an update midway but now I'm stuck with my packages not updating anything due to libc6. Full message is dpkg:error processing package libc6:amd64 (--configure): ...
Sheaila's user avatar
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curl: error while loading shared libraries:

I upgraded from Ubuntu 24.04 to 24.04.1 LTS and after the upgrade my curl no longer works curl curl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: ...
Stillkill's user avatar
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Debain Repository CVE and Vulnerability scanning

I am trying to create a private debian package repository. I will be using GitHub to store my debian packages (nginx,python). I want to run vulnerability scanning on my package repository. I tried to ...
Shivkumar Mallesappa's user avatar
-1 votes
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Which PHP package version is currently in use

When I install php package with sudo apt install php-mysql. It installs two packages. Which one is in use? Are these really two packages or php-mysql is an alias like a symlink current package in use? ...
Łukasz Korona's user avatar
-2 votes
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Which PHP package is correct one [closed]

I'm about to install LAMP on Ubuntu 24 LTS. I see that in Ubuntu I can install PHP modules in two ways. sudo apt install php8.3-mysql which outputs The following additional packages will be installed: ...
Łukasz Korona's user avatar
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Use case for integrating Chocolatey with SCCM

System Center Configuration Manager seems to have the features for publishing packaged applications so that employees of an enterprise can install applications from a central repository using the ...
Yash's user avatar
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How can you add the latest Ubuntu repositories (noble-numbat) in Linux Mint? What are the repository settings?

I am using Linux Mint, and I want to install a couple of packages from the latest Ubuntu (noble-numbat). I think I can do this via: Synaptic > Settings > repositories (which opens Software ...
Daniel Winterstein's user avatar
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1k views - how to access a project's package registry from another project's CI pipeline?

Given 2 projects on a Free Tier: A Source project contains some packages in its "Package Registry" (example id: 12345678), A Consumer project have a CI pipeline, which job ...
Bob's user avatar
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Remove old kernels with security implications / vulnerabilities

Some scanning tools (Qualsys, Sentinel, etc) detect installed old kernels and will report them as problems if those kernel versions have vulnerabilities. Is there a way to remove them if they have ...
Geoffrey Wiseman's user avatar
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Are Packages In Centos Yum Repo's Secure?

I have tried to do research to figure out this issue, but I would like to hear from the community to understand if what is available in the Yum repo is secure. Even when the versions in the repository ...
JanderZift's user avatar
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Unable to Connect To Repo Server On Local Network

I currently have two VMs: node1 ( repos ( I'm trying to set up node1 so that it can retrieve packages from the repo server. I currently have the AppStream repo, and ...
hi_xavier's user avatar
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AlmaLinux cannot install ffmpeg

New install of AlmaLinux 8 (r8.7 (Stone Smilodon)). I ran the following in preparation to install ffmpeg: sudo dnf -y install
WhiteRau's user avatar
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how to make an installed package as a service in ubuntu?

I've installed ocserv package using these commands on Ubuntu22: mkdir /usr/local/src/ocserv cd /usr/local/src/ocserv wget unxz ocserv-0.10.9.tar....
Ethan_m's user avatar
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Centos 7 CVE-2022-42920 missing security update

Since a couple of months we are using a vulnerability scanner (Rapid 7) which is complaining about the bcel package being vulnerable. Red Hat released an update package, but hasn't found it's way to ...
Hans Blaauw's user avatar
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Update open-vm-tools

As per vulnerability CVE-2022-31676 I'm trying to update my Oracle Linux 8.6 systems open-vm-tools to 12.1.0. However, I'm finding that this package isn't still in the repository, so I have been ...
BraveAdmin's user avatar
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apk command to find which package installs a program? [Alpine Linux]

I want to install program /usr/bin/time using Alpine Linux package manager apk (time is a program runtime measurement tool). But I don't know which package to install. apk search time reports 147 ...
JamesThomasMoon's user avatar
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I want to update a debian package, but apt deletes packages that are needed

I can see that my xfce4-panel version didn't get upgraded to 4.16 (it's still 4.12) after upgrading debian from buster to bullseye. So I wrote sudo apt install xfce4-panel to try to upgrade xfce4-...
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
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Converting RPM packages for debian fails "due to shell metacharacters"

I am trying to convert the "MegaRAID Storage Manager" RPM packages to debian dep packages. I'm using the alien package therefor as explained here:
cmks's user avatar
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Advice needed: Server maintenance

On CentOS 7: I have a set of servers that form an environment for a web application. Every client has their own set of servers that have similar software installed on the servers in every set. So ...
Misterr Moron's user avatar
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E: Unable to locate package mosquitto [closed]

I'm trying to install the mosquitto package, but when I type sudo apt-get install mosquitto it returns E: Unable to locate package mosquitto. I already ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade....
Schneggl's user avatar
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Broken MySQL Installation, Cant Install or Uninstall

So, ive installed MySQL but in the middle my PC Decided to crash and the Linux Terminal died therefore cancelling the operation... Now when i try to install it i get this 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed,...
MaximKing1's user avatar
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EPEL 7 proftp package only outdated version available 1.3.5e

Im a curious why there is no new version for the epel-x86_64 ftp server package proftp in the epel 7 repo: There is only ...
Sebastian Viereck's user avatar
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Where are the official sources for libzbar?

zbar is a project that provides a barcode/qr-code scanning library and command line programs. libzbar0 is provided in version 0.22 on Debian buster (our Docker images) and in version 0.23 on Ubuntu 20....
panzi's user avatar
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How do I reliably determine on Ubuntu when the latest version of a package was made available?

How to create a command, on Ubuntu, to report when the latest version of a given package was released? (I need to check this as part of proving that we install certain updates on certain servers ...
reinierpost's user avatar
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How to remove non-launchpad-ppa repository from apt update list?

When I run sudo apt update, it hits/gets a list of urls, including Hit:7 bionic InRelease. How do I remove this specific url from what apt ...
ClimbsRocks's user avatar
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Oracle Linux 8.3 can't find libyaml-devel

I'm evaluating Oracle Linux as a CentOS alternatives. During my tests I have to compile a package depending on libyaml-devel but the lib isn't present in the repo. I had the impression Oracle Linux ...
Alexandre Stein's user avatar
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Not enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives/

Debian 10 desktop with persistence root@debian:~# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev tmpfs 767M 19M 749M 3% /run /dev/...
t09's user avatar
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How does EOL work for a specific package that is part of the main repo in a Linux distribution?

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, which has an EOL date of April 2023. go1.10 is included as part of Ubuntu 18.04's main repository. This is already considered EOL. ( According ...
sheepbrew's user avatar
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How do I do a clean upgrade of roundcube on Debian buster?

I have a Debian buster machine on an AWS instance. /etc/apt/sources already has the backport url in it. I have installed Roundcube already using the stable release. I want to upgrade this package to ...
StevieD's user avatar
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Unable to install package via yum while using a docker container

I have been working on this project forever, every anomaly has been rectified, the only thing remaining appears to be a docker limitation but I'm still going to try my luck here, in case there's ...
EEE's user avatar
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How to run a powershell script with logged in user using SCCM 2002

I have a PowerShell script (package) which need to run with the logged in domain user account in order to get a file from intranet site. It should be silent installation without any user intervention ...
Rhonelaan 30's user avatar
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Docker enterprise installation on CIS AMI of windows 2016 server

I am trying to install the Docker enterprise edition on CIS AMI of windows 2016 server using ansible. I am using PowerShell module for this installation. The code is as below for the docker ...
Shailesh Sutar's user avatar
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pkg install: Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed certificate

I am trying to install GUI Environment in Oracle Solaris 11.3 but when I executed command # pkg install solaris-desktop I got following error Creating Plan (Package planning: 25/362): - pkg install: ...
Ali Asad Sahu's user avatar
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Unable to install mbstring for php7.1 on server running multiple PHP versions

My Centos6 webserver is running php 5.6 and php 7.1 (webmin/virtualmin). I already have mbstring installed for php 5.6, but I also need it for 7.1. When I do yum install php71w-mbstring I get the ...
Ryan Griggs's user avatar
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How do you build an MSIX package from the command line

My end goal is to be able to run a Powershell install script in a VM and capture all the changes it makes into a MSIX package. I can do this manually without issue using the MSIX Packaging Tool wizard,...
9072997's user avatar
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dividing line between developer and sysadmin for server patch management [closed]

I know this question probably doesn't go here. but I dont know which overflow site to use. We have a web server that we use for customers to access our things. Our IT/security team believes it is on ...
bart2puck's user avatar
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Can you upgrade package while it is still running?

We have a Debian package which we want to upgrade. It installs a set of java jars, which run as a systemd service. Can the package be upgraded while it is still running? My understanding is, yes, ...
Nate Houk's user avatar
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Fixing botched yum update: cannot remove duplicates

I was performing a routine yum update when it starting throwing a stream of 'non-fatal' errors. It was complaining the machine had run out of memory. Nevertheless, yum didn't find it necessary to stop ...
kasimir's user avatar
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Is a Debian Testing package safety comparable to Ubuntu “Stable”

I've noticed that Ubuntu has newer packages, and I wondered if it has more support or they are less cautious. Turns out it's the latter: "Ubuntu packages are based on packages from Debian's ...
Vixxs's user avatar
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Windows 2016 powershell and NuGet Errors

I am trying to install the Windows 2016 RDWeb HTML5 client on a Windows 2016 RDGW server using these instructions from Microsoft CLICK HERE I was able to successfully do this on one of our regional ...
NorrComm's user avatar
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Reinitialize custom debian source list

I just added new package into ./dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/Packages .. how do I reinitialize it? I assume I have to reinitialize it because when I do apt update I dont see package I just added.
Delirium's user avatar
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How should I verify whether pacman package install was successful?

What's the right way to ensure that a package installation with pacman has completed successfully when using pacman in a script? During the recent repository outage of MSYS2, which uses pacman, I ...
rakslice's user avatar
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Puppet Package class can't detect installed package when multiple versions are present

I am trying to install the kernel-devel package matching the running kernel version. My guess was: package { 'kernel-devel': ensure => "${facts['kernelrelease']}", } but it doesn't work ...
David's user avatar
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How to get information about security updates for Alpine Linux?

I would like to get information that important package updates occured (e.g. connected with security updates) - so that I know, that I need to rebuild my Alpine-based images with apps. It could be ...
keypress's user avatar
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Why are some packages missing in Debian Testing that are available in Stable and Unstable? How do you install those packages?

I am setting up a machine with Debian Testing (Bullseye). I found that some packages are not available in Testing, but they are in Stable (Buster) and in Unstable (Sid). For example: LibreCAD: https:...
mbrennwa's user avatar
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Mismatch version between installed package and executable version printing

I am facing an issue about mismatch between last updated package of PHP and what is actually run. Recently I have updated my Ubuntu server by running: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade On ...
Yanis-git's user avatar
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How to fix broken packages on Ubuntu

I have a Ubuntu 18.10 server, and recently tried to update git. I keep getting errors that a number of packages are not properly installed. Errors were encountered while processing: libpaper1:amd64 ...
port5432's user avatar
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How to suppress Uninstall-Package prompting to install nuget

I am writing a script to go through our fleet of Windows machines, search for a couple of applications, and uninstall them if found. To achieve this, I am using two commands Get-Package Uninstall-...
Eds1989's user avatar
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Reinstalling the uninstalled packages using a bash script to make things back to normal

Well, I created a bash script which seems to work on my situation. Here I have installed a random small program to catch other error messages & saved it as "" filename. for package in $(apt ...
Pranav's user avatar
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Cannot upgrade Debian Jessie to Stable because of deb.sury PHP PPA

I'm attempting to upgrade my Linode Jessie instance to Stable by following this tutorial. I've upgraded my /etc/apt/sources.list file, and am up to the $ sudo apt update step. When I enter that ...
Major Productions's user avatar

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