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Ansible lineinfile replace with system variable

I'm encountering an issue while using Ansible to dynamically modify a Zabbix agent configuration file. Specifically, I'm attempting to employ an ansible lineinfile module with a loop to update ...
Yousuf's user avatar
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Ansible cloud stack module nested loop for security groups and ports

I'm trying to set multiple security groups at once using the ansible cloud stack module. The yaml file currently looks like this: - name: add inbound tcp rules to security group web ...
devC0de's user avatar
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ANSIBLE set tags per item in with_items loop

I have this playbook to create ec2 instances and will like to target each ec2 creation by tags but not working...when i run playbook i do not get any errors but notting gets created. --- - name: ...
uberrebu's user avatar
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Is there any way to see the group_vars, host_vars, etc. available to a host in ansible?

So I just started a new company, and while familiarizing myself with the ansible repository, I was wondering if there's any way to see the variables that come from group_vars, host_vars and all that ...
Luis F Hernandez's user avatar
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Copying different config files depending on operating system

I want to distribute different config files depending on the OS version using Ansible. I'd like to distinguish the OS version with the ansible fact ansible_distribution so that I dont have to ...
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