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2 answers

Using Configuration management tools to synchronize large files

We are looking into using a configuration mangement tool (like Salt or Puppet) to automate what is currently a lot of manual work. One requirement is that we have to distribute rather large files / ...
Leifb's user avatar
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1 answer

Which server configuration management tool to use for my personal nextcloud deployment [closed]

I want to deploy a personal nextcloud application. I already have setup nextcloud using docker-compose, which tool should I use for server configuration management? I have the following things to ...
Shaz Hemani's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Puppet: Replacing create_resources() with hash iteration

We're migrating from Puppet 2 to 5. It seems the scoping is a little different. Before, when using create_resources() with a hiera_hash and a default hash, variables from within the calling script ...
bdetweiler's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What does Puppet indicate with notice "altered - with untracked files"

I receive the following notice from a puppet agent -t run that does (or at least should) not effect any changes: Info: Applying configuration version '<id> - altered - with untracked files' ...
rookie09's user avatar
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2 answers

Where does dependency User[root] (has failures) arise in Puppet manifest

The following Puppet manifest is meant for installing a binary and a systemd service description file, for starting the binary as a service, and for restarting the service when either the binary or ...
rookie09's user avatar
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1 answer

Environment specific configuration in puppet

I have a custom puppet module for setting up Apache web server and I use templates to copy the configurations. We have different environments like production, Quality Assurance, Integration testing. ...
Satheesh's user avatar
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1 answer

Puppet overwrites symlinked directory

I am using Puppet to manage the configurations of some servers. One of the tasks is to create a specific folder structure under /www for hosting our applications. But lately, we've had this server ...
Mehdi Yedes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to secure configuration management server

There are many configuration management software options nowadays (Chef, Puppet, CFEngine, Ansible...) which offer an architecture with their repository on a central server and clients communicating ...
Fedor Piecka's user avatar
1 vote
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In Puppet, what is the accepted way to use different Puppet modules in different Puppet environments?

Some people I work with actually give each Puppet environment its own $modulepath, but also have the common $modulepath. Please find an example of this below: [redis] modulepath = /usr/...
Nathan Basanese's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Managing application configuration in aws using puppet

I have a web application with .net backend ( RESTful Services) and angular js frontend. The application is hosted on IIS Web Server. I am going to deploy the application on AWS such that I will have ...
freakyshaggy's user avatar
-5 votes
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init system vs configuration management [closed]

Best practice: What tasks would you give to an init system like systemd vs a configuration management system like ansible? What I like about starting up services with a CM is portability across ...
Majid alDosari's user avatar
4 votes
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any sense in having multiple, distinct puppet masters?

I am wondering is whether it makes sense to have a single machine connect to multiple, distinct Puppetmaster instances. My use case is that i have different privilege level I want to grant to server ...
anarcat's user avatar
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2 answers

Managing thousands of machines with approval controls [closed]

We are a startup that is just getting up to speed and running into the problem of managing hundreds of machines, and having to do nightly and weekly releases to all of them as well as managing their ...
anonymous_startup's user avatar
17 votes
5 answers

When is it appropriate to use a configuration manager (eg Puppet / Chef / Ansible)?

At my current workplace, I look after two VMware host machines, an OpenBSD physical machine, three Debian VM's, and six Windows Server VM's (2008/2012). I'm considering implementing a configuration ...
Rhyven's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Puppet for Patch Management

I am thinking of using Puppet for massive patch management. The way to go with this, based on some research, is to create a class and apply it wherever you need, like in the following case: class ...
trikelef's user avatar
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Best practices for puppet module management with software development life cycle approach?

How do people organize their Puppet manifests and modules in your source code repository? I am not seeing any obvious way to implement changes in Puppet in a phased manner on a single Puppet master. ...
danw's user avatar
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1 answer

Having puppet use yum --installroot for certain nodes

I have a case where we are throwing together diskless node images that get thrown out to nodes via PXE and then mounted via a ramdisk. To build these previously we have just installed packages with ...
Wilshire's user avatar
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2 answers

How can we ensure that a user who is not realized does not exist in that puppet node?

We declare all our users as virtual resources. E.g.: @user { 'belmin': uid => 2001 comment => 'Belmin Fernandez', groups => ['sysadmins'], } Sometimes we temporarily realize a ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I have puppet use a local (on the master) password hash for users?

We define users as such: user { 'belmin': ensure => present, uid => 308, comment => 'Belmin Fernandez', managehome => true, password ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How can we force a puppet manifest and module syntax check prior to version control check-in?

I am working on deploying version control for our puppet modules and manifests. I want to enforce a workflow that requires a puppet module and manifest code check prior to a check-in of changes. This ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
0 votes
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Manage workstations with Puppet and TheForeman

I'm building an IT infrastructure for managing all the workstations in my company. I am interested in Puppet and a external node classifier as The Foreman, but I see all the time that Puppet and The ...
xabim's user avatar
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A testing framework for Linux server configuration management

We are a medium sized shop that uses Puppet for Linux configuration management. Since we are a small shop, it's difficult to deploy and maintain DTAP environment. We normally perform manual testing ...
Belmin Fernandez's user avatar
8 votes
7 answers

Version Controlling Foreman & Puppet

I have just setup Foreman for the first time & am not sure how to go about putting all of my configurations under version control. I know I can use Git for each module I install on my Puppet ...
GeneBean's user avatar
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Need a PHP version manager to deploy multiple versions of PHP on production servers [closed]

I'm currently running a few LAMP stacks, where I've setup PHP 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 by hand. All servers are running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. 5.3 is currently installed via apt-get but all other PHP versions are ...
Geekman's user avatar
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Puppet package "ensure => latest" doesn't always work

I have a unique situation where the Puppet package ensure => latest directive only worked on some of my systems. Out of 30 servers, the packages updated properly on all but 4. I'm trying to get ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

Configuration management: push versus pull based topology

The more established configuration management (CM) systems like Puppet and Chef use a pull-based approach: clients poll a centralized master periodically for updates. Some of them offer a masterless ...
Willem's user avatar
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2 answers

Puppet node ordering

Can someone help me with puppet node ordering, I know how to control sequence inside classes using require, before, subscribe etc but I need to be 100% sure that my node2 will be executed only after ...
Roman Iuvshin's user avatar
2 votes
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Can we get git-like functionality with a tool like puppet?

I'm thinking about a convenient way to track my vps configurations and to deploy them in one click (or more or less one). I have been reading up and looking into different config deployment tools of ...
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to update grub with puppet?

I would like to change a line in /etc/default/grub with puppet to this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cgroup_enable=memory" I've tried to used augeas which seems to do this magic: exec { "update_grub": ...
Tombart's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

How can a Linux Administrator improve their shell scripting and automation skills?

In my organization, I work with a group of NOC staff, budding junior engineers and a handful of senior engineers; all with a focus on Linux. One interesting step in the way the company grows talent is ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is it worth it to do revision control/puppet/etc. on a single-server-setup?

After reading What solutions exist to allow the use of revision control for server configuration files?, I decided to install etckeeper on my server. However, it's a one-server setup, so I only have ...
strugee's user avatar
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83 votes
7 answers

Why use Chef/Puppet over shell scripts?

New to Puppet and Chef tools. Seems like the job that they are doing can be done with shell scripting. Maybe it was done in shell scripts until these came along. I would agree they are more readable. ...
resting's user avatar
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How auto configure or mirror my dev Ubuntu installation onto other dev machines?

I have a lot of packages and configurations done to setup my dev machine. I have other developers in my team and want them to have the same setup to start with to ensure compatibility and availability ...
Yugal Jindle's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

puppet fileserver serve non-module file

I'd like to server file which is located in /etc/puppet/files/key.pgp file { "/var/www/key.gpg": ensure => present, source => 'puppet:///files/key.gpg', } I'm getting this error: ...
Tombart's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to grant in Puppet a global permissions to PostgreSQL?

Official postgresql module from puppetlabs allow granting privileges on specific database. postgresql::database_grant{'grant to myuser': privilege => 'CREATE', db => '...
Tombart's user avatar
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How to install packages from source code with Puppet?

I'd like to install source code packages which doesn't have binary packages (deb, rpm) yet. How do I stop execution of a module in case that the module is already install on that machine? I'm using: ...
Tombart's user avatar
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3 answers

Need puppet server sizing and scale limits [duplicate]

My company is considering adopting Puppet to manage our infrastructure. We've heard that Puppet is not as efficient as other solutions such as CFEngine. Does anyone have any hard data about how many ...
ppyhd's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Why Puppet can require each package just once?

When defining dependencies in a class each Package can be globally defined just once. I have hierarchy of configuration and some packages should be installed on all machines (that goes to default ...
Tombart's user avatar
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how can I call ruby function basename in puppet

I'd like to call function File.basename which is available in Ruby. Is it possible in puppet? Something like: $filename = basename($download_url)
Tombart's user avatar
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how to pass parameters to puppet modules?

What is the best practice for configuration of puppet modules? I have puppet 2.7.11. I find this way quite messy, it looks like using global variables. node default { $always_apt_update = true ...
Tombart's user avatar
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puppet environment variable $PATH is not set

I'm trying to install a module with puppet 2.7 on Debian 6.0 and I keep getting this error: returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: Could not find command 'tar' this is the relevant code: file {"...
Tombart's user avatar
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6 votes
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Easily recreate a server's "state" [closed]

I want the ability to setup new servers for dev/testing/prod very easily. The reasons for being able to setup a new dev VM is obvious, but for prod my concern is adding a new production server/...
Brandon - Free Palestine's user avatar
2 votes
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Managing multiple linux\freebsd server? [closed]

I currently have 5 FreeBSD servers that I'm handling on my own. I just bought 10 more servers and I want to start using some centralized configuration system like Puppet. I was wondering if there ...
shaharmor's user avatar
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3 answers

How to generate customized sudoers files in puppet depending on the environment they're deployed to?

the sysadmins are present in the sudoers files of all environments, but other sudoers are not. Different environments all have slightly different sudoers. Most of the time, 90% of users are the same, ...
gozu's user avatar
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72 votes
2 answers

Why is it so difficult to upgrade between major versions of Red Hat and CentOS?

"Can we upgrade our existing production EL5 servers to EL6?" A simple-sounding request from two customers with completely different environments prompted my usual best-practices answer of "yes, but ...
ewwhite's user avatar
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Puppet Enterprise vs. Open Source

I'm interested in learning to use Puppet. One example I see over and over again is user management. According the the Puppet website, "Configuration management – User accounts" is a feature that only ...
Sean W.'s user avatar
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Puppet: array in parameterized classes VS using resources

I have some use cases where I want to define multiple similar resources that should end up in a single file (via a template). As an example I'm trying to write a puppet module that will let me ...
Luke404's user avatar
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Puppet: managing (lots of) Apache VirtualHosts

I'm learning my way through configuration management in general and using puppet to implement it in particular. I have already done some generic research (also on SF) and right now I'm considering ...
Luke404's user avatar
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What advantages/features does Puppet or Chef offer over Salt (or vice versa)? [closed]

I am looking at rolling out a new configuration management tool to replace our home-grown solution. The defacto standards are Chef and Puppet, both of which are Ruby-centric (though can be used to ...
jamieb's user avatar
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71 votes
6 answers

What should NOT be managed by puppet?

I'm learning my way through configuration management in general and using puppet to implement it in particular, and I'm wondering what aspects of a system, if any, should not be managed with puppet? ...
Luke404's user avatar
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