If you have any questions about anything I have posted in my blog
please email at
A link to my email address is also on my profile.
If you use any of my tutorials, please let me know how they worked for you. I would really appreciate the feedback.
If you make any projects from my tutorials and post pictures anywhere or blog about it, please link back to my original post.
Please do not repost my pictures or cut and paste my text or my tutorials
without first asking permission.
I love your blog especially the little black kitty and the music was so great. Wish others would do this. Thanks [email protected]
Enjoyed your site. Can you tell me about the music?
Hi, Debby ...
Thanks for your interest in my blog. According to your profile, you are a no-reply blogger and you did not leave an email address in your comment, so I will answer your question here and hope you find it.
I love to listen to music of all kinds. My music player on my blog is an on-line player from Listube ... http://www.listube.com/ ... it is a free service. It lists music videos that are on the web and does not download any music to your computer. You may listen to music on this site without signing in, but in order to save or embed playlists, you will need to sign up for a free account. This is easy and they will not fill your email box with unwanted email.
To embed a playlist on a blog or other website, you will need to get the code. This can be found on the player on the right of their screen. I added this as an html gadget on my blog.
You can change or add music to an existing playlist at anytime and once you have embedded a particular playlist you do not need to get another code. There is one small trick to getting the player to play automatically when you open your page. In the code there is a place where it says "automatic" and then "no" ... you need to change the "no" in the code to say "yes" to get the player to play automatically when you open your site. Otherwise you need to click "play" each time you want it to turn on your music.
Hope this helps! ... :) Pat
My music player is turned off here. If you want to hear what I am listening to while I sew,
Click Here
Thank you for sharing your "Snowmen in the Cabin Window" quilt pictures and directions. I grew up in MI, so I am especially fond of snow and snowmen. I LOVE your designs. I also love your Gingham Prairie Pinwheels Quilt and am wondering where I might find the pattern. It is so cute! I would love to make it for a friend of my daughter's who is expecting her first child. I quilt for charity (the Santa Train which runs out of Kingsport, TN) and for family and friends, so I am always looking for new ideas. Take care, have a good day, and thank you for your inspiration!
Hi, Leslie,
You are a "no reply" blogger so I am responding here.
Thank you for the kind words on my snowman quilt. It is snowing here again today so I am going to stay inside and enjoy my warm and snuggly snowmen.
The Gingham Prairie Pinwheel Quilt is one of my own designs. I have not posted a tutorial for this quilt because I have been thinking that I am going to write up the pattern and try to sell it. I have never done anything like that but others keep encouraging me to do so. It would be nice to earn even a few dollars to buy what I need for sewing and quilting. That pattern has now been tested by others and I need to get it written up. That is the hardest part for me. When I get this done I will post details about it on my blog. Hopefully sometime this spring.
I will continue to share many free tutorials on my blog. I have learned so much from other quilters online and I enjoy giving back.
Thank you for the interest in my quilts ... :) Pat
I just found your fabric jar openers on Pinterest. Very Cute! I have made a few without the flannel back. Needless to say, a little harder to sew. My question is, does the flannel back reduce the grippiness of the shelf liner inside? Thanks for the great idea!
just found your blog and love the mt washington photo....my parents spent their honeymoon in n. conway and i have taken her back there often...just curious where you are located? i am a new england yankee now in MD...blog is www.citymousequilter.blogspot.com
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