Join Alice in this beautiful palette of blush,
rose, yellow, blue, and navy.
The collection features delightful prints showcasing Alice and her friends and their adventures!
Down the Rabbit Hole is a new line by Jill Howarth
for Riley Blake Designs.
And it's absolutely charming!
It's scheduled to arrive in February 2023.
To see the Storyboards larger, visit here.
We are taking pre-orders for precuts, panels,
and the main yardage.
I expect this line to sell quickly, so please let me know what precuts or yardage you would like as soon as you can, and I will hold your order and it will be shipped as soon as I receive it. Expected delivery date Feb. 2023
White panel 36"x 43.5" $12.90
Navy panel 36"x 43.5" $12.90
21 Fat Quarters: $76.40
10" Layer Cake/Stacker (42 squares): $47.95
2.5" Jelly Roll/Rolie Polie (40 strips): $47.95
5" Charm pack (42 squares): $14.25
Yardage: $12.30/yard
The main print/yardage will be available in 3 colorways.
#1 Blush #2 White #3 Navy
Three half yard colorway bundles will be available. If you'd rather have a fat quarter/panel bundle ($28), let me know.
#4 White Blue Bundle - white panel & 7 half yards $56.50
(free US shipping)
#5 Navy fat quarter bundle - navy panel & 7 half yards $56.50
(free US shipping)
#6 White yellow bundle - white panel & 7 half yards $56.50
(free US shipping)
If you love it all, the precuts are a great way to go. Let me know if you'd like a Fat Quarter bundle, 10" Squares/Layer Cake, Jelly Roll, or 5" Charm Pack and for yardage or bundles which #.
Please let me know what you'd like by emailing - [email protected] or commenting below and I'll get back to you.
Available pre-order items will also be listed in Quilt Taffy etsy store in December. I'm not able to do pre-orders too far in advance on etsy.