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dinsdag 12 juli 2016

Graduation show

Standing between 2 of his paintings, Magnus Blichfeld explains his work as graduate of the Rietveld Academy 2016.
Merel Bernhardt demonstrates her nine square meter design were in each wall a folded room with a basic function is hiding. The basic functions are, a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. Very ingenious indeed.
Vere van Hal, of the fashion department, stands next to a garment reduced to its essentials. One for Our World Tuesday here.

dinsdag 18 juni 2013

A few more impressions of the MoBA

The theme folkloristic is also important in fashion

as is in my eyes pure punk.

How about the doll fashion in Japan.

donderdag 12 juli 2012

Art 4

Here some work from the fashion department. This two are from Jolka Wiens

This is from Morta Griskeviciute

A little film behind the scenes at the graduation fashion show by Peter Stigter. A famous fashion photographer.

woensdag 4 juli 2012


Under this title photographer Annemarike van Drimmelen (link) shows in cooperation with fashion label Kidscase (here) children fashion shots where the intimacy goes before happy or tough pictures. This exposition is part of the Salon (link) on 17 points in amsterdam to create inspirational dialogues and experiences in art, design and fashion.

dinsdag 3 april 2012

British colors

No flag is more in use as design element in clothing as the british flag demonstrated here in Almere.

maandag 23 januari 2012

Lady Gaga?

In 2009 I saw this design on the mode biennale from artEZ in Arnhem .
Looks like a real lady gaga design for me.