OK so its only got a pink background! Anyway this is for a friend at work who has got one of those '0' birthdays and she really likes elephants. It is ages since I've done any work in silk - I had forgotten how nice it is to work with - hope she likes it.
For my grandmothers garden quilt I thought I would do a few hexies in pink
(now they are pink, so it should count)!
And last but not least I thought I would have a go at a crumb block - not sure it is going to make my favourite list but it made a small dent in my basket of scraps that I really can't throw out!
(now they are pink, so it should count)!
And last but not least I thought I would have a go at a crumb block - not sure it is going to make my favourite list but it made a small dent in my basket of scraps that I really can't throw out!