PlatôCearáplataforma Araújo 2018
PlatôCearáplataforma Araújo 2018
PlatôCearáplataforma Araújo 2018
Dissertação nº 214/PPGG
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geodinâmica e Geofísica
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Terra
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geodinâmica e Geofísica
Comissão Examinadora
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Sistema de Bibliotecas - SISBI
Catalogação de Publicação na Fonte. UFRN - Biblioteca Setorial Prof. Ronaldo Xavier de Arruda - CCET
Studies about the Brazilian Equatorial Margin (BEM) have always been concentrated
in the continental shelf, supported by oil and gas industry. Deep-waters are vast,
unknown and economically unexplored. In this way, there is a great data lack of the
BEM's deep portion. Ceará Plateau (CeP) is a seamount and a significant feature of
BEM, located 100 km offshore Fortaleza (Brazil) and east of Fortaleza High. Its origin
supposed to be volcanic based in its steep flanks and collected samples (olivine basalt)
in others surrounding seamounts. Its top is average 280 m depth and the coverage is
limestone enriched with phosphorite (up to 18%). The aim of this work is to define CeP
evolution as an isolated carbonatic platform and then its demise. We used 2D
multichannel seismic reflection data associated with lithology and biostratigraphy of
exploratory wells. In the seismic profiles, the shape and pattern of reflectors
termination was interpreted, as well as their external and internal sequences geometry.
In the seismic profiles, seven seismic patterns and four seismic sequences were
recognized on the volcanic CeP top. Our results indicate that during the
Rupelian/Chattian transition, the substrate was in the photic zone and partially
emerged, leading to the development of carbonate wedges on the flanks. The
development has become progradational (Chattian-Burdigalian) and then
aggradational (Burdigalian/ Tortonian). Carbonate production ceased during the
Tortonian, probably when the Antarctic ice sheet began to melt. Tectonics, subsidence
and eustatic changes on a global and regional scale acted as control factors in the
platform growth. This platform can be used as a model for the stratigraphic
development of adjacent BEM seamounts.
1 INTRODUÇÃO ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Objetivos e Justificativa .................................................................................. 2
1.2 Localização da Área de Estudos .................................................................... 3
2 CONTEXTO GEOLÓGICO .................................................................................. 5
2.1 Introdução ...................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Margem Equatorial Brasileira ......................................................................... 6
2.3 Bacia Potiguar .............................................................................................. 10
2.4 Platô do Ceará ............................................................................................. 14
2.5 Vulcanismo................................................................................................... 17
3 PLATAFORMAS CARBONÁTICAS ................................................................... 20
3.1 Definições e Classificações.......................................................................... 20
3.2 Fatores Controladores.................................................................................. 25
3.3 Plataformas Carbonáticas Isoladas .............................................................. 27
3.4 Afogamento de uma Plataforma Carbonática .............................................. 39
4 MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS ................................................................................. 41
4.1 Batimetria ..................................................................................................... 41
4.2 Poços Exploratórios ..................................................................................... 43
4.3 Linhas Sísmicas ........................................................................................... 44
4.4 Sismoestratigrafia......................................................................................... 47
4.5 Fluxo de Trabalho ........................................................................................ 52
5 RESULTADOS ................................................................................................... 54
5.1 Artigo Submetido: Marine Geology .............................................................. 54
6 CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS ............................................................................. 100
REFERÊNCIAS ....................................................................................................... 101
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
2.1 Introdução
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 2.1 – Perfil fisiográfico esquemático de uma margem tipo "Atlântica” mostrando as
compartimentações geomorfológicas desde a transição continente-margem continental até
alcançar a cadeia mesoceânica (Coutinho, 1996). O perfil não tem relação de escala.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 2.2 – Mapa tecto-estrutural geral do Atlântico Sul no Chron 34 (84 Ma), sumarizando
todas as estruturas geológicas compiladas e estudadas por Moulin et al. (2010).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 2.3 – Mapa geológico esquemático da porção norte brasileira, mostrando as bacias
sedimentares da Margem Equatorial Brasileira e suas respectivas zonas de fraturas (Milani e
Thomaz-Filho, 2000).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
As bacias da MEB evoluíram com contexto tectônico bem distinto entre si.
Com mais de 2.200 km ao longo do Atlântico Sul, a Margem Equatorial Brasileira,
assim como sua correspondente africana, é um exemplo único de margem
transformante (Matos, 2000). A figura 2.4 mostra um esquema simplificado de
separação através de margens transformantes, que permitiu os diferentes estágios
evolutivos nas bacias sedimentares.
Três principais estágios de evolução tectonossedimentar podem ser
caracterizados na MEB: pré-transformante, sin-transformante e pós-transformante
(Mascle e Blarez, 1987; Matos, 2000). Matos (2000) resumiu os estágios na Tabela
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
II), uma pós-rifte e a fase termal. Pessoa Neto et al. (2007) dividiu o registro
estratigráfico em três Supersequências: Rifte; Pós-rifte e Drifte.
A Supersequência Rifte, depositada a partir do Cretáceo Inferior, é
representada por depósitos flúvio-deltaicos e lacustres, constituindo os estágios
tectônicos de rifteamento. A Supersequência Pós-rifte registra as primeiras ingressões
marinhas que ocorreram durante o Andar Alagoas em regime tectônico pós-rifte. Por
fim, a Supersequência Drifte desenvolveu-se na fase tectônica termal, caracterizada
por uma sequência flúvio-marinha transgressiva recoberta por uma sequência clástica
e carbonática regressiva (Pessoa Neto et al., 2007).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
aos quais foram atribuídas idades a partir de poços, sendo dois dos horizontes
relacionados pelos autores a eventos vulcânicos. Cunhas progradantes em direção a
margem continental foram relacionadas a erupções vulcânicas ou crescimento de
(A) (B)
Figura 2.6 – Amostras do Platô do Ceará descritas dentro do Projeto REMAC. A: Duas
dragagens de material consolidado e inconsolidado, tendo uma delas (Dragagem-16)
apresentado até 18,4% de fosforita (Guazelli e Costa, 1978); B: Bloco calcário fosfatizado
consolidado dragado com 12.5%-14.2% de fosforita entre 583 e 800 m no flanco NW (Costa
e Kowsmann, 1979).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
2.5 Vulcanismo
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
dos métodos K/Ar, Rb/Sr em rocha total e isócrona de referência Rb/Sr (e.g., Braga et
al., 1981; Cordani, 1970; Guimarães et al., 1982), fazendo com que o distrito alcalino
seja colocado entre idades do Eoceno Superior a Oligoceno Inferior. Idades mais
antigas, 43 ± 12 Ma e 44 ±03 Ma foram encontradas em feldspatos de brecha toleítica
da plataforma continental a noroeste de Fortaleza (Mizusaki e Saracchini, 1991 apud
Almeida, 2006).
Figura 2.7 – Porção leste da Margem Equatorial Brasileira com destaque para as zonas de
fratura e as Cadeia de Fernando de Noronha. 1- Limites de zonas de fratura. 2 – Rochas
magmáticas. Retirado de Almeida (2006).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Este capítulo irá discorrer sobre plataformas carbonáticas, como elas são
classificadas e quais os fatores controladores para sua existência. Também será dada
ênfase aos aspectos de plataformas carbonáticas isoladas, como modelos,
estratigrafia de sequências e seu afogamento ao longo do tempo.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 3.2 – Representação das geometrias dos três tipos de fábricas carbonáticas,
mostrando o nível do mar, a morfologia de fundo e o incremento típico do crescimento. A linha
de costa é marcada pela seta. (A) Em verde, a fábrica T é representada por plataformas com
borda de recife ou areias carbonáticas, que exportam sedimentos de tamanhos variados para
o talude, que por sua vez é íngreme e rico em detritos. (B) A fábrica C (azul), com geometria
em rampa, não constroem bordas rasas, apenas montiformas esqueletais em águas mais
profundas. (C) A fábrica M (vermelho) gera montiformas convexas abaixo da zona de ação
das ondas em taludes suaves, com estabilização por cimentos automicríticos (micritas
depositadas in situ), que permitem ângulos mais íngremes (até 42°). Modificado de Schlager
(2005). NM: Nível do mar.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 3.4 – Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma carbonática isolada sobre um alto marginal
em crosta transicional. No atual contexto de nível do mar (NM), ela estaria afogada. Modificada
de Dorobek (2008).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
e) Talude e bacia (slope and basin) – Essas áreas atuam como escoadores de
grande parte do excesso de sedimentos produzido pelo topo da plataforma, e
determinam também em grande parte a extensão e a forma do topo. Na
estratigrafia de sequências, elas desempenham um papel crucial, pois
registram grande parte da informação sobre os níveis de mar baixo. O
sedimento entra pela parte superior do talude e é distribuído no sentido
descendente pelo transporte gravitacional de sedimentos. Em ângulos de
declive moderados, a competência e capacidade dos agentes de transporte
diminuem constantemente a fonte de sedimentos na margem da plataforma.
Consequentemente, as taxas de sedimentação diminuem e as linhas temporais
convergem em direção à bacia. À medida que a declividade aumenta, a força
do fluxo gravitacional também aumenta e volumes significativos de sedimentos
começam a fazer bypass no talude e a depositar no piso adjacente da bacia.
Em direção a bacia, depois um talude ravinado, é formado um leque de
sedimentos como uma série de leques turbidíticos que se aglomeram
lateralmente, sendo comparáveis às elevações continentais dos oceanos
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
carbonáticos foi feita por (James e Kendall, 1992; fig. 3.5). Eles observaram que
frequentemente os sistemas carbonáticos operam de maneira oposta em relação aos
siliciclásticos com relação ao nível do mar quando se trata de suprimento de
sedimentos. Nos sistemas siliciclásticos, o maior fornecimento ocorre durante
períodos de queda de nível de mar, quando ocorre incisão fluvial e a produção
carbonática cessa. Já os sistemas carbonáticos tem maiores taxas de crescimento
durante subidas no nível relativo do mar, que diminuem o influxo siliciclástico e
aumentam o espaço de acomodação (Bosence e Wilson, 2003). No caso das
plataformas isoladas, ainda é necessário levar em consideração outros fatores
críticos, como a área disponível para deposição e o fato do substrato ser plano ou não
(Wright e Burchette, 1996).
Para Catuneanu (2006), esta resposta oposta de sistemas carbonáticos e
siliciclásticos, em relação as mudanças de nível de base, é uma consequência da
origem intra- e extra-bacinal, respectivamente. Segundo ele, enquanto nos sistemas
siliciclásticos as taxas de agradação são uma função do suprimento de sedimentos
juntamente com o fluxo de energia local, independentemente da profundidade da
água; os sistemas carbonáticos são muito mais sensíveis à profundidade da água e
às condições ambientais em geral.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 3.5 – Comparação generalizada das respostas sedimentares com relação à variação
do nível do mar entre sistemas siliciclásticos e carbonáticos. Em ambos casos, quando ocorre
uma queda do nível do mar, ela ocorre abaixo da quebra da plataforma. (James e Kendall,
1992 adaptado por Bosence e Wilson, 2003).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
começará a ser formada. Uma geometria similar àquela da figura 3.6bii continuará no
trato de sistema de mar baixo (TSMB2), embora a quantidade de sedimentos
depositados possa ser menor ou ausente, especialmente quando a margem é
íngreme. É nesta fase que ocorre a erosão química, caso a plataforma esteja em clima
úmido, de modo que o material é removido da sucessão, deixando apenas um
pequeno traço no registro estratigráfico.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 3.8 – Modelo tectono-estratigráfico de uma plataforma isolada sin-rifte sobre um horst
(alto estrutural). Note a diferença entre as fácies de barlavento e sotavento ao longo do topo
da plataforma e nos flancos. Embora não seja mostrado em detalhes neste diagrama, o TSMB
podem ser melhor expresso ao longo das margens de sotavento. Modificado de Dorobek
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 3.9 – Diagrama esquemático de Schlager (1981) mostrando o início, crescimento e afogamento
de plataformais e recifes carbonáticos. Neste modelo, o crescimento carbonático aconteceu apenas
enquanto as plataformas estavam na zona fótica. Quando a acumulação de carbonatos era maior igual
ao aumento do nível do mar, os recifes estavam próximo ao nível do mar. O afogamento ocorreu quando
a taxa de subida foi maior que o acúmulo de sedimentos.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
4.1 Batimetria
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 4.2 – Grid batimétrico gerado através de imagens SRTM_30 Plus em intervalos de 30
arcos-segundo disponibilizado pela GEBCO.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 4.3 – Correlação poço-sísmica no software OpendTect. Linha vermelha indica o limite
inferido do embasamento. Linhas pretas indicam falhas estruturais.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 4.4 – Mapa de localização dos poços exploratórios (ponto verde) e perfis sísmicos 2D
disponibilizados para este trabalho. O destaque em vermelho nos perfis corresponde as
figuras que serão mostradas nos resultados deste trabalho.
(A) (B)
Figura 4.5 – Filtro de mergulho médio. A) Dado bruto B) Dado com filtro.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
(A) (B)
Figura 4.6 – Atributo de pseudo-relevo. A) Dado bruto B) Dado com atributo empregado.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
4.4 Sismoestratigrafia
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 4.9 – Padrões de terminação em sequências carbonáticas são mais variados do que
em siliciclásticas, especialmente porque existem muitos centros localizados de alta produção,
como recifes, e áreas localizadas de erosão, como canais inter-recifais. Uma característica
particular é a margem elevada da plataforma que pode progradar simultaneamente em
direção a terra e em direção ao mar. Os números referem-se a situações características em
sistemas carbonáticos. Modificada por Schlager (2005).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figura 4.10 – Padrão de configuração de fácies sísmicas. Modificado de Mitchum et al., 1977.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
• Evolution the continental shelf is consistent with that of the carbonate platform
• The Tortonian sea-level rise that drowned the platform also flooded the margin
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
The Ceará Plateau (CeP) is a volcanic seamount related with the Fernando de
Noronha Fracture Zone and located 100 km offshore the Brazilian Equatorial Margin
(BEM). The aim of this work is to investigate the evolution of an isolated carbonate
platform on the top of the CeP and its implications for Oligocene-Miocene eustatic
changes. We used seismic reflection data associated with analyses of lithology and
biostratigraphy from exploratory wells. The top of the CeP is ~280 m depth and it is
phosphorite. Our results indicate the occurrence of seven seismic patterns and four
seismic sequences in the top layers. The volcanic substrate was in the photic zone or
during the Burdigalian/Tortonian at the seamount side facing the continent. A stage
transgressive marine sediments along the present-day Brazilian littoral zone. The
CeP carbonate deposition ceased during the Tortonian, probably during the onset of
the Antarctic ice sheet melting. This platform can be used as a model for the
Equatorial Margin
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
1 Introduction
However, the magnitude of these changes has been proposed as varying ~ 180 m
(Haq et al., 1987) to a few dozen meters (Miller et al., 2005). Oligocene-Miocene
eustatic changes were described in several continental areas, but these changes
with global patterns (e.g. Cuitiño et al., 2012; Hernández et al., 2005; Marengo, 2006;
Scasso et al., 2001; Scasso and del Río, 1987; Scasso and Castro, 1999). Along the
Brazilian margin, Rossetti (2004) e Rossetti et al. (2013) described one transgressive
resulted in the deposition of the Barreiras Formation along most of the Brazilian
littoral zone. A drop in the sea level finished the Barreiras deposition, creating a
top. No confirmation of these events using offshore data have been reported so far.
Miocene is the Brazilian Equatorial Margin (BEM; Fig. 1), which is practically
unknown from this point of view. In the past decades, oil exploratory efforts have
focused on the continental shelf (Milani et al., 2000). Additional studies have
investigated the paleoceanographic changes (Piper, 2005; Jovane et al., 2016) and
the great biological diversity in seamounts (Jones et al., 2002; Victorero et al., 2018).
One of these key points is the Ceará Plateau (CeP) (Fig. 2), which is located ~100
km offshore Fortaleza. The Cep is separated from the continental slope by the Ceará
Gap (CeG), a semi-confined basin that reaches 2000 m depth; and the CeP reaches
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
the abyssal plain in the north limit (Fig. 3). Fainstein and Milliman (1979) already
cited CeP as a carbonatic platform, although the analyzed data did not allow more
detailed analysis.
This study investigates the seismic stratigraphy of the CeP, as the first
isolated and drowned carbonate platform described in the BEM (Figs. 1, 2). We
recognized several carbonate platforms seismic facies in the seismic profiles and
defined a few seismic units. We explain the evolution of CeP and its correlation with
the continental shelf, with eustatic variations between Oligocene and Late Miocene.
We then describe the Equatorial margin evolution and analyze the correlation
Numerous seamounts and guyots (flat top) in the BEM, as the CeP, are
related to the ocean fracture zones and/or hotspot trails (Matos, 2000). The BEM is
limited in the north by the Marathon Fracture Zone; and in the south by the
Romanche and Chain Fracture Zones (e.g. Mohriak, 2003; Moulin et al., 2010). The
beginning of oceanic scattering in this equatorial margin dates from the Late Albian
(Davison et al., 2015; Mascle et al., 1988; Mascle and Blarez, 1987).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
The Potiguar Basin is located in the eastern part of BEM (Fig. 1). The
sedimentary filling of this basin is directly connected to the different tectonic evolution
stages, composed by two rift phases, one post-rift and one thermal phase (Matos,
2000). Thus, the stratigraphic record is divided into three Supersequences: Rift; Post-
rift and Drift (Pessoa Neto et al., 2007). The Drift sequence of the Potiguar Basin
Neto et al., 2007). In the Oligocene/Miocene period, the sediment load increased the
basin, whose rough edge indicates late reactivation of old basement faults (Pessoa
The regressive sequence was settled after a massive erosional event that
generated great facies displacement towards the basin. This regressive sequence
named Early Miocene Unconformity was recognized in almost all BEM basins, whose
main erosive events are correlated in a regional scale (Pessoa Neto, 2003). This
over earlier slope facies. A global sea-level decrease is also observed in the eustatic
curve ~18 Ma (Haq et al., 1987). Thus, the Oligocene sediments were reworked
unconformity occurs between the second and third sequences indicating a significant
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
sediments influx was initiated in the shelf, suggesting a correlation with the Tortonian
sequences and six sequence limits (Late Campanian, Late Paleocene or Late
seismic profile in the shelf close to the CeP (Fig. 4A). The last four sequence limits
he described are consistent with findings of previous studies (e.g. Pessoa Neto,
The CeP has been associated with the Atol das Rocas-Fernando de
Noronha-Mecejana volcanic alignment (Gorini and Bryan, 1976), being the last
seamount that defines the Fernando de Noronha Fracture Zone (FNFZ, Fig. 1) (
Fainstein and Milliman, 1979; Almeida, 2006). A volcanic origin on the 100-million-
years-old oceanic crust has been proposed (Guazelli and Costa, 1978; Costa and
basalt pebbles cemented with iron and manganese oxide (Guazelli et al., 1977).The
magnetic anomalies in CeP have large wavelength showing a very shallow magnetic
The first analyses of the CeP seismic profiles indicated that it has a flat
top, steep slopes, volcanic features on the flanks, and was originated between the
end of the Oligocene and the beginning of the Pleistocene (Fainstein and Milliman,
1979). Low resolution, multiple reflections, and reverberations limited the acoustic
behaviour analysis on the shallowest sequences of the CeP top (Costa and
Kowsmann, 1979). The lateral flanks have mean slopes slightly larger than the
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
continental slope and are deeply cut by small gullies and valleys. A thin layer of
sediment parallel to the Plateau and reflectors truncation in the flanks were described
(Guazelli and Costa, 1978; Menor et al., 1979). Sliding deposits on the eastern flank
and faults in several areas were also observed (Fainstein and Milliman, 1979).
Except for the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, the oceanic volcanic seamounts
Volcanism indicate that the development of the volcanic rocks in the continent and
the CeP are related to the Fernando de Noronha Chain, where similarities between
alkaline continental and oceanic magmatism have been described (Gorini and Bryan,
1976; Almeida, 2006). It is speculated that a hotspot, formed in the upper mantle and
connected to the asthenosphere (Anderson, 2000; Courtillot et al., 2003) would have
appeared near Fortaleza in the Middle Eocene along the thinned and fractured
hotspot would have migrated to the continent through the fracture zones (e.g.
Fortaleza High) and then to the north during tectonic-magmatic reactivation and
global plates reorganization (Cande et al., 1988; Ernesto, 2005). At the same time,
around 40 Ma, the alkaline volcanism started in the continent at the western part of
the Potiguar Basin (Mecejana volcanism) and at the central and offshore parts of the
Potiguar Basin (Macau volcanism). For example, one continental phonolitic record
(Caruru Dome) dated 29.9 ± 0.9 Ma (Cordani, 1970). In other alkaline volcanic units
in the region, values ranging from 36 ± 2 to 29.9 ± 0.9 Ma using the K/Ar, Rb/Sr total
rock, and Rb/Sr reference isochronous were found ( Cordani, 1970; Braga et al.,
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
1981; Guimarães et al., 1982), dating the alkaline volcanic units between the Late
Cruise, two dredges (DA; Fig. 2) between the depths of 305-270 m and 1371-391 m,
calcareous algae with a diverse dead faunal association were described (Guazelli et
al., 1978, 1977; Menor et al., 1979). Another dredging (DC; Fig. 2) was performed on
the NW flank (DC; Fig. 2) between 583 and 800 m. A slab of phosphatized limestone
(12.5% -14.2% P2O5) was recovered in the last dredging point, with no evidence of
volcanic or terrigenous influences (Costa and Kowsmann, 1979; Menor et al., 1979).
sp., Rotaliina, Bulimina sp., Brizalina sp., Lenticulina sp.), Pelecypoda, echinodea,
fragments are Late Eocene/Middle Miocene, whereas the micritic matrix nannofossils
belong to the NN5 zone (Martini, 1971), limiting the limestone age to the Middle
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
water column top and thin materials from the continent. These authors identified six
seismic horizons with age related to well data. Two of these horizons were related to
volcanic events. Prograding wedges toward the continental margin were related to
seismic profiles and one exploratory well (Figs. 2, 4B), with more than 1,200 km of
seismic data covering the region between the continental shelf and the CeP. The
data set was provided by the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency
applied some seismic attributes and filters (e.g. dip-steered median filter, fault-
enhancement filter, and pseudo-relief) following the workflow of the software User
Guide (dGB Earth Sciences, 2016). The reflector corresponding to the ocean floor
was identified and then calculated to the first and second multiple. Faults were also
identified and mapped along the profiles to determine the structural and tectonic
configuration of the study area (Fig. 3). We used the stratigraphic unit boundaries
(Araripe and Feijó, 1994). This well reached 3942 m depth in the CeG, recovering
sediments from the from the Messinian to the Turonian, but it did not reach the
basement. The vertical seismic profile (VSP) was used to adjust the depth-time
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
facies (continuity, amplitude and frequency), external and internal geometry (Mitchum
et al., 1977; Bally, 1978; Ribeiro, 2001; Catuneanu, 2007, 2006; Catuneanu et al.,
stratigraphy, and their facies correspond directly to changes in the relative sea level
(Bosscher and Schlager, 1993; Handford and Loucks, 1993; Hunt and Tucker, 1993;
Sarg, 1988; Schlager, 2005). Figure 5 shows the seismic patterns recognized in the
Using the horizons interpreted (Fig. 6) in the OpendTect and the ages
oxygen isotopes variations (Tcherepanov et al., 2008). Finally, the results obtained
with the seismic stratigraphic analysis were correlated with the regional (Pessoa
Neto, 2003) and global (Haq et al., 1987; Miller et al., 2005) eustatic variation curves,
as well as related.
4 Results
patterns using the seismic facies character described below. Figure 5 summarizes
the reflectors termination patterns (Figs. 5A-5C) and internal and external geometries
The first three patterns described (onlap, downlap and toplap) were also
identified in the lower part of the CeP. They occur as interbedded sediments
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
produced by the carbonate platform and continental sediments. From these patterns,
developed over CeP (Fig. 6 to Fig. 13). To achieve this result, we considered the
patterns, besides the main stratigraphic surfaces. Each unit will be described next, as
well as the structural maps (double time) produced from the sequence boundaries
internal facies occur below this interface. Furthermore, there are occurrences of
onlap terminations on both basement sides. We identified the volcanic top at profiles
0444 and 0045 (Figs. 6, 7) throughout the CeP. In the first profile, the flanks of the
basement are steep; whereas in the second profile they are smoother. The basement
exhibits two highs with a maximum 200 ms difference (Fig. 14A). The western high
reaches the minimum depth ~1250 ms, and the eastern high reaches the minimum
A different oriented and organized pattern occurs below the mean surface
as the basement/sediment interface (dashed purple line on Figs. 10, 13,). Apparently,
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
are in the range of 2500-3500 ms and are continues in both directions of the seismic
The seismic sequence 1 (SS1, pink on Fig. 6 to Fig. 13) was the first to be
formed on the CeP volcanic seamount. Its reflectors terminate in onlap on both sides
of the seamount and the basement on the west side was not entirely covered by
SS1. Low amplitude and continuity reflections dominate the interior of this seismic
sequence. The top is limited by the sequence boundary 1 (SB1). In map view (Fig.
14B), the SS1 reaches 1100 ms in the CeP eastern portion, in spite of its central
On the side facing the continent, we identified wedges that aggrade and
prograde over the basement (Fig. 8), where there is accommodation space and it
may also prograde towards the basin (Figs. 9 and 12). In the first case, local
sea-level fall and possible subaerial exposure. On the northern side flank, the
reflectors have mainly onlap terminations (Fig. 8A), developing platform aggradation,
although some progradation were also identified (Fig. 8C), where the substrate is not
The seismic sequence 2 (SS2, orange on Fig. 6 to Fig. 13) was the first
seismic unit to cover entirely the CeP (Figs. 9, 10, 11). Reflections of low to
continues reflectors are also observed near the top. The SS2 exhibits strong
progradation towards the CeG and sometimes it interfingers with sediments from the
continent (Fig. 12). In the portion of the CeP top, an aggradational stacking pattern
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
occurs, where montiforms on CeP occurs. This unit reaches the minimum depth of
750 ms in the eastern portion of the CeP and less than 1050 ms in the western
portion the CeP. SS2 is limited at the base by SB1 and at the top by SB2.
analogous to the SS2, also exhibits an aggradation pattern at the CeP top and a
decreases eastwards (Figs. 10, 11). An erosional channel was formed at the CeP
slope-toe in this sequence in the eastern portion, forming a moat that increases in
amplitude. The montiform frequency, with convex reflections upward and two-
directional downlaps, increases when compared with those from the SS2. They can
be found even at the platform edges, where they reach ~2 km in length and 300 ms
in thickness (double time; Figs. 5D, 11), extending from the SB2 limit to SB3. Onlap
The top of seismic sequence 4 (SS4, blue on Fig. 6 to Fig. 13) was
identified in all seismic profiles as a high amplitude and continue surface, although it
sometimes exhibits irregular relief (Fig. 6). The reflectors internally vary from low to
high amplitude, as well as its continuity. This horizon was defined as the drowning
unconformity (DU), which marks the end of the carbonate platform growth.
weakening. In the NW-SE-oriented profile 0421 (Fig. 13), this seismic sequence
appears only in the form of sparse structures on the lower seismic boundary (SB3). In
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
contrast to the units described above, a change occurs in deposition relation of this
unit. The SS4 does not exhibit clear progradation towards the CeG basin,
A fairly sharp retreat of the SS4 occurs in profile 0440 (Fig. 10), creating a
relatively flat surface (~ 1 km extension) over the lower sequence (SS3) that we
related to terraces. This same SS4 retreat is observed in other profiles (Fig. 7),
notwithstanding the flat surface has not been shaped. A very similar record, even in a
Along the toe of CeP slope, a deep moat was cut (Fig. 12) and limited to
the south margin. At this point, progradational wedges from the carbonate platform
were partially eroded by incision. They represent erosional furrows ~3.5 km wide and
200-260 m deep. Seismic reflectors from the continental shelf converge in the
direction of the moat. At this point, erosion and low sedimentation rates prevail. The
current that shaped this feature became active after the SS4 deposition, which is
marked by the erosion of this sequence in Fig. 12B. The moat was partial infilled by
Gullies and channels intersect the CeP flank facing the continent. The
shapes and dimensions of these features are diverse (Figs. 5E, 15) and most reach
only the uppermost layers. In seismic section, it is possible to note that they caused
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Despite the flat top, the steep flanks of the CeP allowed the occurrence of
breaks due to faults or mass movements. The collapsed margins produced "blocks"
of varying sizes (Figs. 3, 7), which can reach up to 10 km. They were deposit in the
basal portions of the seamount slopes, showing deep basin sediments deposited on
them in an onlap manner. We also observed that an entire part of the SS4 slid on the
flank facing the continent, but its internal patterns were preserved (profile 1140, Fig.
5 Discussion
The interpretations based on seismic and well data indicate that the
development of the carbonate platform on the CeP top occurred between the Early
Oligocene and the Middle/Late Miocene. Four stages of evolution were identified in
seismic profiles (Figs. 16, 17), based on the patterns of reflectors, geometries,
depositional and architectural style of the seismic sequences. These stages are (1)
initial stage of formation, (2) stage of progradational growth, (3) aggradation growth,
platform, was emplaced probably under subaerial exposure when it was colonized by
on both sides of the CeP during the first carbonate sequence (Figs. 8, 17). Other
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
carbonate platforms were formed around the world, are pointed out by many studies
(e.g.Courgeon et al., 2017; Paumard et al., 2017; Counts et al., 2018), being the
Maldives an example of giant isolated platform (e.g. Belopolsky and Droxler, 2004;
The carbonate deposition on the CeP was possibly initiated at the Early-
Late Oligocene transition (Figs 7-12; 14). This period had a relatively high global sea
level (Haq et al., 1987), but a significant drop occurred in the Rupelian-Chattian (Fig.
16). Biostratigraphic data from wells (Fig. 3), correlated with seismic profiles of the
CeP, show that the SS1 upper boundary (SB1) of the basal carbonate sequence is
carbonate wedges initially developed aggradationally in the flanks, but also with a
slight progradational component. At the top of the sequence, we noticed that the sea
level rose again, flooding the carbonate platform, and depositing sediments during
transgression until it partially (Figs. 6 and 8A) or completely (Figs. 7, 8) capped the
From the Late Oligocene (Chattian) to the Early Miocene (Burdigalian), the
progradation facies became dominant in the SS2 and SS3 (Fig. 17C, D), even if
there were still an aggradation component. The progradation during this stage
reached the CeG in all the analyzed seismic profiles, with extensions up to 20 km.
They did occur on the CeP northern flank. Progradations of these sequences also
appear in the strike profile (E-W), (Fig. 13). The occurrence of substantial
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
development is due to the highstand shedding and it indicates high sea level stage
With the CeP upper portion submerged, the formation of montiforms inside
the sequences (Figs. 6, 7) and at the edges platform (Figs. 10, 11) were favored. In
the first case, it is possible that they were linked to bioconstructions or reefs within
lagoons or inner seas. In the second case, they formed rigid protective structures at
the edges of the platform, which were resistant to wave and wind act.
flanks and unprotected edges. The wedges prograded more intensely in the western
side (Figs. 6, 9) than in the eastern side (Figs. 10, 11). This might be related to the
inclination angle of the underlying substrates towards the CeG is different in both
level rise (see eustatic curves in Fig. 16). This geometry indicates that all
accommodation space created was being occupied in the same proportion (Bosence
and Wilson, 2003). The SS4 supposedly occurred only over previous flatter
sediments, without progradation to the edge as the earlier sequences (SS1, SS2,
and SS3). This backstepping observed at the platform margin could be related to
insufficient carbonate production to fill the platform and very accelerated sea-level
change. The montiforms observed in SS4 of the strike profile (Fig. 13) are probably
catch-up features. Perhaps, they could not be maintained when sea level started to
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
observed in both global and local eustatic curves (e.g. Haq et al., 1987, Pessoa Neto,
2003). The platform demise probably occurred after a subaerial exposure, causing
Camoin et al., 1998; Godet, 2013). The dredged phosphatized rocks are the
The sea level rise during the Tortonian re-established the growth of the
platform (Fig. 17F). However, the platform could not follow the rise. The carbonate
production was not enough to occupy the space created and to remain in the photic
zone. Some authors (e.g. Shevenell et al., 2004; Holbourn et al., 2005) associated
the sea level decline at 14.5 Ma (Langhian/Serravalian) to the extensive ice sheet
volume increase in Antarctica and global cooling. Still, re-flooding and aggradation of
carbonatic platforms (i.e. Gulf of Papua, Maldives and Bahamas) between 10.8 Ma
and 9.5 Ma (Tortonian) are the results of reduction ice sheet continental volume in
rapid sea-level rise and, consequently drowning the carbonate system. The final
2005, 1989, 1981), observed in all interpreted profiles as a high amplitude and
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
organisms (Kendall and Schlager, 1981; Tucker and Wright, 1990; Handford and
associated with three development factors in different proportions. Admitting that the
CeP is nearby COB (Fig. 1), we consider the area as unstable and vulnerable to
influenced the development likewise in the continental shelf (Pessoa Neto, 2003;
Pessoa Neto et al., 2007). Eustatic variation can be observed when compared to the
discussed above.
CeP suggests that the platform development was asymmetric. This is a natural
platforms (e.g., Wright and Burchette, 1996; Dorobek, 2011). The windward margins
would have lower sedimentary supply without the presence of progradations, unlike
the leeward margin, where these features could be observed (Bosence and Wilson,
2003). In the CeP, this distribution corresponds to the northern and southern flanks,
The dipping or tilting observed in the structural maps (Fig. 14) may also be
a response to the regional wind pattern. In the model for isolated platforms settled in
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
structural highs, a gentle gradient is noticed from windward to leeward, the first
Due to the high energy conditions, the side facing the deep ocean
presents steep escarpments with falling rocks and grain flow deposits at its base,
illustrating the collapsed margin. The CeP north face shape ("bean-shaped") is a
described in carbonate platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean (Mullins and
Hine, 1989).
stratigraphic events (Fig. 16) described in this study and previous studies from the
continental shelf (Pessoa Neto, 2003). Even though the relation is not fully accurate,
some events are similar, with global eustatic fluctuations being attributed. The
Neogene curve is based on volume ice sheet variations described in five steps by
backstepping and partial drowning) should be imprinted to the SS1 and SS2
sequences. The expected aggradation can be observed in the SS1 sequence of the
(downward shift) occurred earlier in the Potiguar Basin due to a Borborema Province
regional uplift event, which generated the Early Miocene Unconformity. This event is
very pronounced due to the superposition of the regional tectonic event itself and the
global eustatic event (Pessoa Neto, 2003). The typical progression of step 4 did not
occur or was masked in the CeP. The step 5 (reflooding and aggradation) could be
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
linked with the end of SS4, until the platform decline. The discrepancies in relation to
the Neogene signature may be connected to the regional tectonic events. Tectonic
events in the BEM probably are a stronger factor than the location for which the
curve was based, Gulf of Papua, Bahamas and West Maldives (Belopolsky and
During the Oligocene, the continental shelf presented evidence that it was
Pessoa Neto et al., 2007), with slope and basin facies recognized. During the
transition to the Miocene, a progradational carbonate wedge with slope and basin
facies was described. Considering that the prograding sequences of the CeP (SS2
and SS3) almost reach a maximum of 20 km and the distance to the well is 35 km,
our data indicate that the carbonate represented in well CES_154A (between 3000
and 3500 m depth) is from the continent (10 km away from the actual edge).
With the uplift of the Borborema Province, the continental shelf was in
subaerial exposure or at the waves base level marked by the Early Miocene
Unconformity. As a result, the shelf facies moved towards the basin, starting a
facies (wackstones and packstones), depending on the relative sea level (Pessoa
Neto, 2003). In this way, the carbonates could not prograde and no longer reach the
well CES_154A location. At that time, the CeP carbonate progradation was also
The first siliciclastic pulses of the Potiguar Basin occurred in the Middle
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
and their replacement by red algae, mainly rhodolites (Pessoa Neto, 2003). This
expansion of red algae during the Middle/Late Miocene is globally recognized and
mesotrophic producer organisms peaked at 17 Ma, but occurred until the Messinian.
This change indicates not only that there was an increase in terrigenous but also a
were aggradational and occurrred only at the shelf edge and canyons (Pessoa Neto,
2003), probably banished by the great increase of the siliciclastic influx of that period.
Our data suggest that this change of reefs to red algae may also have occurred in
the CeP seamount, even though there is no siliciclastic influx arriving at the
seamount. We suggest that the change based in similar biota to those described in
the CeP dredging (Guazelli et al., 1977; Menor et al., 1979) was found in other
seamounts on the Trinidad, Western Irian Jaya and other latitudes similar to CeP
6 Conclusion
The investigation on the Ceará carbonate platform (CeP) indicate the following
1 The Ceará carbonate platform in the Brazilian Equatorial margin formed from
2 Seismic and well data allowed the description of four seismic sequences,
based on stratigraphic and geometry relations: aggrading wedges (SS1) over the
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
3 Progradations in large-scale to the Ceará Gap indicate a high sea level. In the
Miocene, probably linked to increased depth. The Barreiras Formation along the
4 A sea-level fall during the Tortonian caused a great subaerial exposure of the
dredges between 500 and 800 m. Laterization of marine sediments along the
5 Our data indicate a new sea-level increase in the Tortonian that drowned the
Thanks are due to Brazilian National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels
– ANP for providing the seismic and well data. The first author thanks to Brazilian
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for the
master’s scholarship provided and to Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte for
the infrastructure required for the data processing and interpretation. CNPq is also
acknowledged for research grant to F.H. Bezerra, D.L. Castro and H. Vital. We thank
Schlumberger for providing the Petrel software and dGB Earth Sciences for
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
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Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 1 - Tectonic and structural map of the eastern Brazilian Equatorial Margin with
the GEBCO gridded bathymetry. Studied area (black rectangle) and numbered
seamounts are highlighted. The bold red lines indicate the position of the fracture
zones. The dashed line labeled with “COB” marks the continent-ocean boundary.
Fracture zones and COB were retrieved from the South America tectonic map (citar a
fonte). RFZ – Romanche Fracture Zone; CFZ – Chain Fracture Zone; FNFZ –
Fernando de Noronha Fracture Zone
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 2 - Zoom in Ceará Plateau and Ceará Gap. (A) Gridded bathymetric map,
showing the location of seismic profiles (black lines), previous dredges (red
triangles), exploratory well (green circle). (B) Indication of the profiles interpreted in
figures below. Contours are derived from the bathymetric grid.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 4 - (A) CES_154A well tied to SW–NE oriented seismic profile (0448). Blue
lines represent the sequence boundaries (left square) described by Cunha (2018) for
the continental shelf. The other lines (yellow, orange and pink) represent the
biostratigraphic tops taken by well (B) for the CeG, also being correlated with the
chronostratigraphic chart (C) (Araripe and Feijó, 1994). In this way, N-530 (pink) was
noticed as Late/Early Oligocene; N-570 as Early Miocene; and N-640 as Late
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 6 - Seismic profile 0044 cut, crossing the carbonate platform in a SW–NE
direction. (A) Un-interpreted view. (B) Distribution of seismic units at the top of the
CeP and the progradation of its units towards the CeG interbedded with sediments
coming from the continent. 1: drowning surface. 2: sequence boundary or correlative
concordance surface (dashed). 3: faults. 4: acoustic basement. SS1-SS4: seismic
sequences 1 to 4. For location, see Fig. 2.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 7 - Seismic profile 0045 cut un-interpreted (A) and interpreted units (B). For
location, see Fig. 2; and legend, Fig. 6.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 8 - Progradational reflector of profiles 0044 (A, B) and 0045 (C, D),
respectively, on the acoustic basement (red). Progradational reflector: black lines;
retrogradational reflectors: green lines; montiforms: blue convex-upward form;
downlapping reflectors: pink lines. Location in Fig. 6 and 7, respectively.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 9 - Seismic profile 1140 (a) and its interpretation (b). For location, see Fig. 2;
and legend, Fig. 6.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 10 Profile 0440 (A) clean and (B) interpreted. For location, see Fig. 2; and
legend, Figure 6.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 11 - Profile 0441(A) clean and (B) interpreted. For location, see Fig. 2;
legends in Fig. 6.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 12 - Progradations and moat on seismic profiles 1140 (A), 0440 (B) and 0441
(C). The reflectors terminations in onlap (green), downlap (pink) and toplap (blue)
helped the definition of the sediment’s provenance. The onlap terminations indicate
that the sediments are derived from the continent (gray). Locations in Figs. 9, 10 and
11, respectively; for legends, see Fig. 6.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 13 - Profile 0421 oriented along the NW-SE trend: (A) clean and (B)
interpreted. SS1, SS2 and SS3 prograded to the lateral basin located on eastern
CeP. SS4 was represented only by mounds on top. Seismic profile location in Fig. 2;
legends are in Fig. 6.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 14 - Structural maps (double time) of the boundary surfaces defined in the
CeP. Contour lines are every 50 ms (thin black lines). The blue line is the 400 m
isobath derived from GEBCO bathymetry.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 15 - W-E-oriented profile 1167. Channels and gullies occur on the side of CeP
facing the continent. Seafloor (solid blue lines) and their multiples (dashed blue lines)
are marked, as well as faults (black lines). Location in Fig. 2; legends are in Fig. 6.
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Figure 16 - Correlation of global (Haq et al. 1987; Miller et al., 2005; Tcherepanov et al. 2008) and regional eustatic curves
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
and events with those observed in the CeP (last column).
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
Platô do Ceará: uma plataforma carbonática isolada e afogada da Margem Equatorial Brasileira
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