Abstract Resumo
Labor productivity is a crucial long-run de- A produtividade do trabalho é um determinante
terminant of real wages. Nonetheless, wage fundamental do salário real. Entretanto, as dinâ-
and productivity dynamics often diverge in micas do salário e produtividade frequentemente
practice due to a range of economic and in- divergem na prática em função de uma série de
stitutional factors. This study analyzes the fatores econômicos e institucionais. Este estudo
relation between the dynamics of labor pro- analisa a relação entre as dinâmicas da produ-
ductivity and wages in Brazil from 1996 to tividade do trabalho e do salário no Brasil entre
2014, and adopts a sectoral perspective to ac- 1996-2014, adotando uma abordagem setorial
count for divergent trends among economic para considerar divergências entre setores econô-
sectors. Analyses are based on pooled data micos. As análises baseiam-se em dados do Siste-
drawn from the National Accounts and the ma de Contas Nacionais e da Pesquisa Nacional
Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios, por Amostra de Domicílios, e em estimativas de
and hierarchical data models are estimated modelos hierárquicos para avaliar os impactos de
to assess the impacts of state- and sector- fatores regionais e setoriais nos salários indivi-
level factors on individuals’ wages. Results duais. Os resultados indicam que a produtividade
indicate that productivity is significantly está positivamente associada ao salário em todos
positively associated with wage levels for os setores econômicos, mas que fatores institu-
all economic sectors, but that institutional cionais, como formalização do trabalho e salário
factors such as labor formalization and mínimo, influenciam de maneira igualmente sig-
minimum wage exert equally significant im- nificativa, sugerindo que o crescimento do salário
pacts, suggesting that wage growth over the entre 1996-2014 foi tanto um resultado de mu-
1996-2014 period was as much the result of danças institucionais quanto de transformações da
institutional changes as of transformation of estrutura produtiva.
Brazil’s productive structure.
Keywords Palavras-chave
labor market; labor productivity; sectoral mercado de trabalho; produtividade do trabalho;
structure; economic development; wage de- estrutura setorial; desenvolvimento econômico; de-
terminants. terminantes do salário.
JEL Codes E24; J24; O47. Códigos JEL E24; J24; O47.
1 Introduction
have gains or losses in wages been the result of gains or losses in produc-
tivity? ii) have productivity gains constituted the primary engine of wage
growth, or do they pale before institutional or demographic changes? iii)
why do different economic sectors present such varying rates of produc-
tivity and wage growth? This sectoral perspective complements previous
analyses that examine labor productivity and income in Brazil on a na-
tional level (Romanatto et al., 2008).
We find a universally positive association between labor productivity
and real wages. More specifically, our estimates indicate that elasticity
between labor productivity and real wages is largest for sectors where
earnings are directly based on productivity (such as pay-on-commission
in real estate and commerce), or where productivity is easily measured
(industry). In turn, elasticities are smaller for those sectors where worker
productivity is more difficult for firms to measure, or where there are
high levels of informal labor (agriculture and construction). Furthermore,
results indicate that wages in many sectors are also strongly influenced
by institutional forces, such as worker formalization, labor unions, and
minimum wage.
The study is organized as follows. Part 2 explores theoretical explana-
tions of the frequently observed divergence between labor productivity
and wages, and situates this debate in the Brazilian context. Part 3 re-
views the methodology and data used to compute labor productivity and
real wages for eight sectors of the Brazilian economy between 1996 and
2014, and then develops regression models to estimate productivity-wage
elasticities for each sector. Part 4 presents data series on sectoral labor
productivity and real wages, as well as regression results, and interprets
these data and results in light of recent economic developments in Brazil.
Finally, Part 5 offers conclusions.
ties face high search costs, and may thus be willing to close employment
agreements at wage rates divergent from productivity rates. The actual di-
vision of rents between workers and firms will result from the relative bar-
gaining positions of these groups, as well as the bargaining mechanisms
(Pissarides, 1985). Under this interpretation, increasing formalization of
the labor force and decreasing unemployment in Brazil could have im-
proved labor’s bargaining power throughout the 2000s, thus contributing
to rising wages relative to productivity.
Finally, overarching these microeconomic dynamics, technology-biased
innovation and investment have been identified by many authors as a
cause of declining labor shares of income (in other words, as a cause of
divergence between labor productivity and wages) across industries and
countries (Hogrefe; Kappler, 2012; Bentolila; Saint Paul, 1999). In this anal-
ysis, capital-augmenting technical progress, such as the widespread adop-
tion of computers from the 1990s onwards, may generate factor biases
between capital and labor, with the degree of bias determined by activity-
specific elasticities of substitution between factors (Karabarbounis; Nei-
man, 2013; Findlay; Jones, 1999; Feenstra; Hanson, 1999).
Changes in total employee compensation, information asymmetries,
discrimination, bargaining power, and capital-augmenting technological
progress may have widely varying impacts for different sectors of the Bra-
zilian economy, depending on the characteristics of each sector. Employee
benefits and career-long incentive structures may have large impacts in
highly formalized sectors such as public administration or finance, and
smaller impacts in agriculture or commerce. Shifts in labor bargaining
power through mechanisms such as labor organization (unions), formal-
ization, and lower unemployment may have greater heft in sectors domi-
nated by low-skilled workers, such as agriculture and construction, rela-
tive to sectors characterized by higher barriers-to-entry. And differential
rates of technology-adoption across sectors may distort the transmission
of productivity gains into real wages, depending on whether technologies
are capital- or labor-augmenting for any specific economic activity. One
recent development in the Brazilian labor market that has disproportion-
ately impacted low barrier-to-entry sectors is the significant real valoriza-
tion of the minimum wage since 2000. This valorization has contributed
meaningfully to income growth among less-qualified workers (Saboia;
Hallak, 2016).
1 Specifically, labor productivity for extractive industries and real estate is extremely high
relative to negligible levels of employment in those sectors. Extractive industries employed
just 0.4% of workers in 2014 (and just 3.47% of total industrial workers), but displayed an
average labor productivity value of US$116.4 per hour for that year, over four times higher
than the next most productive sector. Likewise, real estate employed only 1.1% of workers
in 2014, and displayed a labor productivity value of US$116.0 per hour for that year. For
comparative purposes, we merged these sectors with manufacturing and other services, re-
spectively. The elevated value-added per labor hour in extractive industry is likely the result
of substantial accumulated capital (e.g. mines, drilling platforms) more than of real contribu-
tions of labor in that sector. Thus, presenting extractive industry separately could be mislead-
ing, especially considering the minimal size of extractive industrial employment in the PNAD
sample. Nonetheless, the sector should not be excluded entirely, given its contribution to
national GDP and important interlinkages with advanced areas of Brazilian manufacturing.
In sum, the most computationally and conceptually consistent approach appears to be merg-
ing extractive industry and manufacturing into an aggregated measure of industry.
due to lack of data on rural areas of this region before 2004.2 The four-digit
economic Activity codes from the PNAD were grouped into the eight sec-
tors described above, and incorporate the methodological changes intro-
duced in the Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CNAE) after the
year 2000 (Dedecca; Rosandiski, 2003).
Income data from the PNAD were deflated to 2014 constant values us-
ing the Índice Nacional de Preços ao Consumidor, provided by IPEA. GVA
values were deflated to 2014 constant values using the World Bank’s GDP
deflator. Deflated values in Brazilian Reals were then converted to Pur-
chasing Power Parity (PPP) constant 2014 US dollars using data from the
IMF’s 2014 World Economic Outlook report.3 Conversion to US dollars
was intended to facilitate international comparisons.
where β̂ j is the OLS estimator, σˆ j is the sample standard deviation for the
j-th explanatory variable, and σˆ w is the sample standard deviation for the
dependent variable ln w.
First, baseline regressions were estimated on all pooled observations
using Equation 1. Baseline regressions establish economy-wide coefficient
parameters for subsequent comparison with sectoral results. Furthermore,
baseline results provide a sensitivity analysis of alternative model speci-
fications (progressively controlling for time (or political-economic cycle)
fixed effects and institutional factors). We next estimate Equation 1 for
each economic sector individually, drawing upon only those observations
that fall into each economic sector, successively. Sectoral results illustrate
variations in the productivity-wage relationship between different eco-
nomic activities.
4 Results
reversed Brazil’s terms of trade, leading to a rising deficit that in turn pro-
voked pro-cyclical austerity measures. These recent dynamics have cor-
responded with declines in real wages and productivity levels.
Constant 2014 PPP USD
Labor Productivity Average Wage
Source: Figure constructed by author from PNAD (1996-2014) and National Accounts.
Constant PPP 2014 USD
Agriculture Industry (Manufacturing and Extractive)
Percentage growth (1996=100)
This convergence is the result of two sectoral developments. The first, the
surprising decline in productivity for Financial and Information Services,
is the combined result of real productivity trends and changing occupa-
tional distributions within the sector. In real terms, the financial services
subsector suffered a 40% productivity loss between 1998 and 2014. This
dynamic could be related to changes in Brazilian banks’ “earnings spread”
between lending and borrowing rates, which fell sharply with the de-
cline in interest rates over this period, bringing value-added down with
it (Freitas; Prates, 2016; Afonso; Köhler; Freitas, 2009).6 Parallel to these
real value-added losses in the financial sector, the activity composition of
the information services subsector evolved toward lower-productivity ac-
tivities such as telemarketing and “other business services.” Employment
in these lower-productivity components of information services grew by
37% over the 1996-2014 period (relative to overall employment growth
of 24%), thus coming to occupy an inflated proportion of total sectoral
employment by 2014 (PNAD, 2016).
The second trend leading to sectoral productivity convergence is the
dramatic rise in agricultural productivity since 1996. Labor productivity
in agriculture (historically Brazil’s lowest productivity sector) grew by
121.7% over the 1996-2014 period, with an annual growth rate of 4.8%.
This rapid growth was the result of a number of interrelated dynamics.
Rural labor shortages incentivized investments in labor-augmenting tech-
nologies, rural workers’ average education levels increased, new trans-
genic seeds boosted yields, and domestic and international research and
extension improved innovation and technology adoption. Overarching
these trends, agribusiness assumed an expanded role in capital-intensive,
monoculture production for export, especially on the newly opened Cer-
rado frontier (Buainain, 2014; Guanziroli, 2014; Maia; Sakamoto, 2012;
Gasques et al, 2014).
Two additional trends should be noted in Figure 2. Firstly, Real Estate and
Other Services’ high levels of “productivity” are misleading, since much of
real estate’s value derives from accumulated capital (past labor embodied
in property). Thus, when dividing the large value gains enjoyed by real es-
tate during Brazil’s sustained property appreciation by the small number of
hours worked in this sector, the resulting labor productivity values appear
surprisingly high. These values should be treated with due caution.
6 Value-added in the financial services sector is imputed directly from the spread between
lending rates and interest rates. Thus, when annual interest rates declined from 34.2% at the
beginning of 1998 to 17.7% at the end of 2004, financial spreads declined in parallel, reducing
financial sector “productivity” (Banco do Brasil, Histórico das taxas de juros, 2016: https://www.
Constant PPP 2014 USD
Agriculture Industry (Manufacturing and Extractive)
Percentage growth (1996=100)
income gains (37.1% total increase), and financial and information services
exhibit the greatest losses (9.3% total decrease) (Figure 3).7
Wages for most sectors roughly follow productivity trends for the
corresponding sector, with three noteworthy exceptions. Firstly, despite
monotonic declines in productivity in the financial and information ser-
vices sector, wages for this sector nevertheless pick up after 2003, suggest-
ing a rise in the relative wage (an increasing share of average value-added
going to wages). This divergence may be the result of the information
asymmetries and bargaining power dynamics described above. Financial
and information services jobs are more likely to be career-track, and thus
subject to the type of seniority-biased incentive structuring identified as a
potential source of wage-productivity divergence by Biesebroeck (2015).
Furthermore, jobs in this sector require higher education levels, potential-
ly allowing educated workers (still relatively scarce in the Brazilian labor
market) to exert greater bargaining power over employers.8 Finally, despite
the erosion of union power in the financial sector throughout the 1990s
and early 2000s, labor organization in this sector remains high relative to
other areas, further improving workers’ bargaining power and driving up
relative wage (PNAD, 2016).
In the second incidence of productivity-wage divergence, public em-
ployees’ wages realize a total increase of 30.1% between 1996 and 2014,
despite total productivity growth of only 6.9% over this period. It is im-
portant to note that productivity in the public sector must be interpreted
carefully. Because output in the government sector is measured as equal to
the total value of inputs, the appreciation of relative wages in the public
sector indicates only that salaries constitute a higher share of total costs
in the sector, not that public workers are necessarily retaining a greater
proportion of their value-added (Boyle, 2006). Alternatively, this apprecia-
7 One should note that these data represent sectoral aggregates, and may hide divergent
trends within individual sectors. For instance, the strong increase in median agricultural wag-
es over the 1996-2014 period disguises growing inequality within this sector. Those agricul-
tural workers inserted into modern agricultural practices in core production regions enjoyed
significant wage gains, while smaller producers in less developed regions saw much smaller
gains or real losses (Maia and Sakamoto, 2014). In industry, declining sector-wide productiv-
ity levels hide booming productivity gains in extractive industries.
8 This disproportional compensation for highly qualified workers parallels similar trends in
the United States, identified as “skill-biased technological progress”, whereby disequilibrium
between the supply and demand of highly qualified workers has led to enormous compensa-
tion gains in knowledge-intensive sectors (Autor, 2010).
Table 2 Baseline regression estimates for the dependent variable ln of hourly wage
Variable Beta Standardized Beta
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
School *** 0.099 *** 0.099 *** 0.089 *** 0.504 *** 0.504 *** 0.451
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Age *** 0.072 *** 0.072 *** 0.070 *** 0.999 *** 0.998 *** 0.974
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Age 2
*** -0.001 *** -0.001 *** -0.001 *** -0.727 *** -0.726 *** -0.704
(0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
Female *** -0.311 *** -0.311 *** -0.274 *** -0.185 *** -0.185 *** -0.163
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
Non-white *** -0.123 *** -0.123 *** -0.114 *** -0.074 *** -0.074 *** -0.068
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
ln productivity *** 0.123 *** 0.123 *** 0.166 *** 0.091 *** 0.091 *** 0.122
(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001)
ln minwage *** 0.251 *** 0.238 *** 0.070 *** 0.066
(0.009) (0.009) (0.009) (0.009)
Unionized *** 1.019 *** 0.098
(0.012) (0.012)
Formal *** 0.394 *** 0.089
(0.006) (0.006)
UF *** FE *** FE *** FE *** FE *** FE *** FE
Year *** FE *** FE
Cycle *** FE *** FE *** FE *** FE
Constant -1.138 -2.615 -2.854
(0.009) (0.056) (0.055)
(continues on next page)
9 Age is employed throughout this analysis as a proxy for working experience.
Table 2 (continued)
Variable Beta Standardized Beta
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
N 1,208,080 1,208,080 1,208,080 1,208,080 1,208,080 1,208,080
Adjusted R 2
0.461 0.461 0.479 0.461 0.461 0.479
F 16,933 21,958 22,660 16,933 21,958 22,660
Table 3 Sectoral regression estimates for the dependent variable log of hourly wage
Agricul- Industry Construc- Commerce Financial Real Estate Public
Variable ture tion & & Info & Other Services
Utilities Services Services
Table 3 (continued)
Agricul- Industry Construc- Commerce Financial Real Estate Public
Variable ture tion & & Info & Other Services
Utilities Services Services
The relatively large positive impacts measured in real estate and com-
merce may be due to the prevalence of work-on-commission in these sec-
tors. Many workers earn according to their sales performance, and should
thus exhibit high levels of association between labor productivity and earn-
ings. The relatively large impact of labor productivity on wages in the public
sector is likely the result of labor productivity accounting methods. As noted
before, public sector workers’ value-added is calculated directly from inputs,
thus eliciting a positive association between productivity and wages. The la-
bor productivity-wage relationship is potentially relatively low in the finan-
cial and information services sector due to information asymmetries inher-
ent to these activities. In banking, marketing, research, and other activities
in this sector, firms find it difficult to assess employees’ true productivity
levels. In contrast, productivity impacts on wages in industry are relatively
high due, presumably, to the facility with which firms can measure employ-
ees’ productivity and by the degree to which employers regulate employees
through employment contracts (Rose; O’Reilly, 1998). Finally, the impacts
of labor productivity on wages are smallest in construction and agriculture.
This may be due in part to the generally low levels of worker qualifica-
tion and the substantial influence of institutional variables such as minimum
wage in these sectors. It is important to note that agriculture exhibits espe-
cially high levels of heterogeneity in firm and worker productivity, causing
low sector-level elasticity to obscure noteworthy real productivity and wage
gains among modern agricultural practices (Maia; Sakamoto, 2014).
Institutional variables also exert strong and significant effects on real
wages at the sectoral level. Results indicate that a 1 percentage point in-
crease in union participation in an observed worker’s state is significantly
negatively associated with real wages in agriculture (–0.30%) and com-
merce (–0.34%), and significantly positively associated with real wages in
public services (+0.63%), construction & utilities services (+0.38%) and
financial and information services (+0.29%). This divergent behavior may
reflect divergent levels of labor organization across sectors. For example,
agriculture and commerce are characterized by low levels of labor organi-
zation (14% and 15% respectively in 2014), while financial and informa-
tion services and public services are characterized by high levels of labor
organization (25% and 27%, respectively).12 Furthermore, financial and
12 These data refer only to employees, and exclude self-employed workers. Since rates of
self-employment are much higher in agriculture and commerce than in public services or
financial and information services, the true contrast in levels of labor organization between
the former and latter sectors is even larger than the quoted statistics suggest. Furthermore,
to avoid overgeneralization, it should be noted that some specific subsectors in construction
and utilities are also characterized by high levels of unionization, namely, production and
provision of electric energy and water (41%).
13 Formally employed public sector workers do not possess a “carteira assinada” (formal em-
ployment registration) certifying their formal employment status. They thus appear among
informal workers in the PNAD sample. To avoid misestimation based on this misleading clas-
sification, the variable formal was dropped from the public services sectoral regression model.
5 Conclusions
Real wages may diverge from labor productivity due to a range of eco-
nomic and institutional factors. Economic factors include changes in non-
pay compensation, information asymmetries between workers and firms,
the emergence of worker or firm rents as the result of labor market dis-
equilibrium and search costs, and technology-biased innovation and in-
vestment that distorts factor income shares. Institutional factors include
labor market formalization, labor organization, and minimum wages. The
degree to which these factors cause wage growth to diverge from produc-
tivity growth has significant implications for economic competitiveness,
investment, and the distribution of income among factors of production.
In Brazil, real wages grew significantly more than did labor productiv-
ity between 1996 and 2014. However, this general trend disguises signifi-
cant sectoral variations, which can be grouped into four conceptual trends.
Firstly, in the agriculture and commerce sectors, large gains in labor pro-
ductivity were accompanied by real wage increases and improvements
in the quality of employment. This dynamic was likely due to a positive
interplay between productivity-enhancing market developments (incor-
poration of new technologies, high levels of investment, exploitation of
new consumer markets/agricultural frontiers) and income-enhancing in-
stitutional developments (formalization and minimum wage valorization).
In conjunction, these forces resulted in productivity gains that outpaced
wage growth, leading to declining relative wages in agriculture and com-
merce (see Appendix A for data on relative wages).
In a second sectoral trend, the construction and real estate and other
services sectors enjoyed real wage gains over the 1996-2014 period, de-
spite stagnation in labor productivity. Both sectors offer little natural room
for drastic productivity growth through the incorporation of new tech-
nologies, investments, or practices. And both were major beneficiaries of
institutional interventions such as formalization and valorization of the
minimum wage.14 Together, these forces resulted in a sharp rise in relative
wage for construction and real estate and other services.
In a third variation of the productivity-wage relationship, both labor
productivity and real wages largely stagnated or declined slightly in the
industry and transportation sectors. In the case of industry, international
competition likely held down wages, while productivity suffered from
ongoing processes of deindustrialization. By its nature, the transportation
sector offers little room for major productivity gains, while the average
wage may have fallen as a result of changing forms of employment re-
lations (i.e., increasing levels of self-employment) and increasing relative
costs of transport (Chahad; Cacciamali, 2005). These dynamics explain the
moderate decline in relative wages for industry and transportation.
In a fourth and final trend, the financial and information services and
public services sectors saw stable or declining levels of labor productivity,
accompanied by increasing or stable real wages. Productivity declines in fi-
nancial and information services were due largely to changes in the Brazilian
banking system over the 1998-2004 period. Earnings increases in both sec-
tors may have resulted from persistently high returns to education, growing
demand for qualified workers, and high levels of labor organization. As a re-
sult, the relative wage rose sharply for these sectors between 1996 and 2014.
It is important to note that all analyses above should be interpreted
with caution, due to the difficulty inherent in estimating absolute values
of labor productivity for some sectors, particularly public services and real
estate. Nevertheless, the values serve to elucidate temporal dynamics of
labor productivity within (if not necessarily across) sectors, revealing es-
sential patterns in the productivity-wage relationship.
Estimation of hierarchical wage models using pooled data assessed the
main structural and individual determinants of real wages over the sample
period. Growth in sector- and state- level labor productivity was signifi-
14 The Real Estate and Other Services sector includes domestic maid services, a large mini-
mum-wage employment sector in Brazil.
cantly positively associated with growth in real wages for all economic
sectors from 1996 to 2012. Elasticity between labor productivity and real
wages was greatest for sectors where workers’ earnings are often based
directly on productivity (real estate, commerce), or where firms can eas-
ily measure employees’ productivity (industry). Elasticities appear smaller
in sectors where productivity is more difficult for firms to measure, or
where there are high levels of minimum wage employment (agriculture,
construction) or labor organization (financial and information services).
In general, productivity’s impact on wages was comparable to the im-
pacts of institutional factors, particularly worker formalization and mini-
mum wage. Formalization, which primarily impacts labor markets through
the enforcement of a minimum wage-floor, exhibited the largest impacts
on sectors with high proportions of minimum wage employment. Labor
organization had varied effects on wage levels. In sectors with high levels of
organization, increases in union-participation exhibited a significantly posi-
tive association with wages. In contrast, increases in union-participation in
less-organized sectors were negatively associated with wages, perhaps be-
cause union activity served to draw earnings away from the larger share of
non-unionized workers. Nonetheless, unionization changed little over the
sample period and exerted a relatively small impact on hourly wages.
Wage growth in line with the first sectoral trend (observed in the agricul-
ture and commerce sectors) may be the most sustainable in the long term,
in the sense that increased earnings over the 1996 to 2014 period accom-
panied real gains in labor productivity. In contrast, rising relative wages in
the financial and information services and public services sectors highlight
the capacity of labor organization, institutional protections, and skill-biased
job polarization to decouple wages from productivity levels. In sum, insti-
tutional mechanisms display the capacity to substantially reallocate factor
incomes toward workers, but these mechanisms face natural limitations if
not accompanied by growth in labor productivity. Thus, sustainable future
wage growth in Brazil will likely depend on positive interplays between
market-driven productivity gains and continued institutional interventions.
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Table a1 (continued)
1996 2002 2008 2014 Total
Proportion of Agriculture 21.5 19.0 16.6 13.9 -7.6
Total Workers Industry (Manufacturing & Extractive) 14.1 13.2 13.8 11.9 -2.2
Construction and Public Utilities 7.8 7.9 8.3 10.0 2.2
Commerce 16.9 17.7 17.8 18.5 1.6
Transportation, Storage, Distribution 4.0 4.4 4.5 5.1 1.1
Financial and Information Services 4.3 5.0 6.1 6.6 2.3
Real Estate and Other Services 17.3 18.2 18.2 18.0 0.7
Public Services 14.2 14.6 14.7 16.0 1.9
Average Years Agriculture 2.6 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.3
of Schooling Industry (Manufacturing & Extractive) 6.6 7.5 8.5 9.2 2.6
Construction and Public Utilities 4.8 5.4 6.4 7.1 2.3
Commerce 7.2 7.9 8.8 9.4 2.2
Transportation, Storage, Distribution 6.6 7.2 8.2 8.7 2.1
Financial and Information Services 11.0 11.5 11.8 12.4 1.4
Real Estate and Other Services 5.4 6.3 7.4 8.1 2.7
Public Services 10.1 10.8 11.6 12.2 2.2
Total Hours Agriculture 18,967 18,394 16,776 13,711 -5,256
Worked Industry (Manufacturing & Extractive) 20,500 21,474 26,268 23,685 3,184
(Millions of
Construction and Public Utilities 10,185 12,347 14,421 17,701 7,516
Commerce 20,737 26,333 30,325 33,280 12,543
Transportation, Storage, Distribution 5,980 7,713 8,911 10,091 4,112
Financial and Information Services 5,265 7,415 10,507 12,129 6,864
Real Estate and Other Services 21,193 25,346 28,164 29,121 7,928
Public Services 15,194 18,401 21,420 24,962 9,768
Relative Wage Agriculture 0.53 0.33 0.35 0.39 -0.14
(Avg. Hourly Industry (Manufacturing & Extractive) 0.38 0.29 0.26 0.34 -0.04
Wage / Avg.
Construction and Public Utilities 0.27 0.24 0.34 0.44 0.17
Value Added
per Labor Hour) Commerce 0.80 0.75 0.46 0.52 -0.27
Transportation, Storage, Distribution 0.64 0.53 0.51 0.55 -0.09
Financial and Information Services 0.30 0.31 0.35 0.49 0.20
Real Estate and Other Services 0.14 0.14 0.17 0.19 0.05
Public Services 0.44 0.46 0.47 0.59 0.14
Source: Table constructed by author from PNAD and National Accounts (1996-2014).
Source: Table constructed by author from PNAD and National Accounts (1996-2014).
Table A3 Standardized coefficient estimates for dep. variable log of hourly wage,
by sector
Variable Agricul- Industry Construc- Commerce Financial Real Estate Public
ture tion & & Info & Other Services
Utilities Services Services
38 Nova Economia� v.28 n.1 2018 This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.