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Questions tagged [solar-wind]

A supersonic flow of ionized particles emanating from the sun

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Can the rotation of the liquid layer of the core around the solid core stop a planet's overall spin rotation?

In some planets like Earth or Jupiter there is an external liquid or molten layer of the core which rotates around a more deeper solid core (partly due to the planet's spin itself). This dynamo effect ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Relativistic time effects or gravitational lensing in solar observations made by observatories and satellites?

As mentioned, I was wondering about whether there are any phenomena affecting the measurement made in Earths time-scale after a physics seminar at IISERTVM. Any discussions and answers from specific ...
axe.n_'s user avatar
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Why is the Van Allen belt located in that specific position?

I have read that the inner belt is located between 1,000 km and 12,000 km, followed by a slot region, and the second belt extends from 13,000 km to 60,000 km. Why are the particles trapped at these ...
ed190's user avatar
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How can auroras be visible at lower latitudes when a strong solar wind hits Earth?

Auroras are a product of electrically charged particles hitting Earth's atmosphere at the poles, where the geomagnetic field is weaker (where magnetic lines originate). How can a strong solar wind ...
jack_O'Dim's user avatar
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Is it possible to predict the appearance of auroras?

Yesterday I saw online a lot of people seeing auroras both in the North and in the South of the globe. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of these people, and this got me curious about how much we can ...
Níckolas Alves's user avatar
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Validity of equation for $E \times B$ drift in SI and Gaussian unit systems

I derive $E \times B$ drift $\vec v_{E \times B} = \dfrac{\vec E \times \vec B}{B^2}$ and in SI I use V/m and T for the fields. I do not use Gaussian (cgs) units often, but I thought this equation ...
Paweł J's user avatar
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How cold can cold plasma get?

I have been researching cold plasma for a project. I am trying to write a diagram on the temperatures of cold plasma but I can’t find any good resources on the temperature range of the plasma. So my ...
I like lightning 's user avatar
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GRB 221009A Comparison with solar flare NOOA scale

I'm trying to found a comparison of the energy received on Earth by GRB 221009A in comparison of various solar flares based on NOAA Space Weather Scales (or other). I failed to find any comparison (...
Vincent ISOZ's user avatar
14 votes
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Why is aurora borealis circular in shape when viewed from space?

These are some false color images of the northern lights captured by NASA's satellite Dynamics Explorer-1. Image credits: Dynamics Explorer - 1 (DE-1) Spin-Scan Auroral Imaging (SAI) Photo Gallery It'...
AlphaLife's user avatar
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What's wrong with solar wind?

As you know, the sun emits into the surrounding space the so-called "solar wind", consisting of plasma. In turn, plasma is a mixture of charged particles. According to the laws of physics, ...
Vladimir Orlov's user avatar
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Gyrating proton near magnetic pole of the Earth

Imagine a proton from space which approaches the magnetic pole in the Northern hemisphere of the Earth. The proton spirals around the magnetic field lines. The $\vec{B}$-field is stronger near the ...
gamma1954's user avatar
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Paper about solar wind model

I am searching for a paper about the solar wind. In particular, I need a model (or real data) that describes plasma density as a function of time and location in space. Do such data exist in the ...
-2 votes
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Sling-Shooting Around a Star to Catch a Solar Flare

How much thrust could a solar sail receive from sling shooting around the Sun and riding the wave of a solar flare during the escape? I found this link
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Recombination of protons in solar wind

All accounts of solar wind I have seen (I am no expert in the topic), seem to refer to it being everywhere a plasma (mainly composed of protons/electrons). For example, I have seen statements about ...
oliver's user avatar
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How big can solar flares get and could they boil away Earth's atmosphere?

Is there a known theoretical maximum size for a solar flare and would it mean curtains for life on Earth?
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Why are planetary orbits stable given accumulation of forces due to solar wind?

The solar system is more than 4 billion years old. Ever present solar winds which emanates from the sun consists of photons, hydrogen and helium. The momentum transfer from photons upon contact with ...
James's user avatar
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Alfven velocity in space. Maybe too large?

I'm calculating the Alfven velocity in space plasma. B = 4.2 nT (nanoTesla) ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Magnetic explosions on Sun

They say (in popular videos and articles) that tangled magnetic fields on Sun explode. But i don't understand why and how magnetic fields, tangled or not, explode. Could anyone explain?
kludg's user avatar
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Would the Earth's magnetosphere be more effective against the Sun's solar wind if the planet's rotation was faster?

As far as I understand it, the Earth's magnetic field rotates around the planet's axis at the same rotational velocity as the planet's rotational velocity around its axis. From what I understand about ...
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Do solar flares move the dust on the surface of the Moon?

The TV show For All Mankind has a reputation for scientific accuracy, so I think it's fair game to ask if it lives up to this reputation. In this video clip, we see the dust on the surface of the Moon ...
MWB's user avatar
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Interaction of a magnetized plasma beam with a dielectric surface

The topic is inspired by the interaction of solar wind plasma with bodies without an atmosphere and magnetosphere (the Moon, asteroids etc.), though overall the question is more general. So let's ...
Eugene B.'s user avatar
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Electrons carry the bulk of heat flux in the solar wind?

In the introduction of the attached paper is mentioned that: Electrons provide additional heating by carrying the bulk of the solar wind heat flux and through collisions with the protons. Electron ...
Jokerp's user avatar
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Have solar wind particles escaped the Sun's gravity or will they eventually return back?

I've read that solar wind consists of hydrogen atoms that are, near the Earth, travelling at about 450 km/s. This is only 3/4 of the Sun's escape velocity, but then the Earth is also 150 million km ...
cst1992's user avatar
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Radial dependence of temperature of solar wind?

How does the temperature of the solar wind plasma depend upon radial distance from the Sun?
honeste_vivere's user avatar
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What is the definition of a plasma?

I understand that the conventional definition of a plasma is that the Debye length is much smaller than the size of the plasma, however I can't seem to find what the numerical value of this ratio ...
Andrew Holden's user avatar
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Aurora Borealis

As we know that during a solar flare, a large number of electrons and protons are ejected from the sun. Some of them get trapped in the earth’s magnetic field and move in helical paths along the field ...
unabdriged's user avatar
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Resultant particle distribution function for mixing of two particle species

I would like to know if there is any way to compute the resultant particle distribution for system where two kinds of particles are mixed. For me one kind is Maxwellian and another is non-thermal ...
Sayan's user avatar
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How do I set up surface pressure as function of time due to atmospheric erosion by Solar wind?

It is known that highly energetic particles from the sun when striking a planet ionize the atmospheric particles and the ions may escape the planet by being guided by the solar magnetic flux that ...
SolidMark's user avatar
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Drift of neutral particles in plasmas

I'm learning about $\mathbf{E}\times \mathbf{B}$ drifts in plasmas. The drift speed is given by $\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{E}\times \mathbf{B}/B^2$. Chen (in Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled ...
xln's user avatar
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Interaction of supersonic wind with static Inter-Stellar Medium (ISM)

Recently I was studying about the interaction of supersonic flow (wind) with a slowly flowing medium. In a paper by Dyson, Falle, and Perry 1980 MNRAS stated that when a supersonic wind impinged upon ...
Sayan's user avatar
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In plasma physics what does beam of particles mean

I often hear about a beam of particles on top of a background population in plasma physics. What does exactly beam mean? Is it a subset of particles that belong to a different distribution? What ...
Jokerp's user avatar
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Is the radiation on IO's surface directional?

I know that magnetospheres redirect solar radiation into the poles of a planet, but since IO is in Jupiter's magnetosphere does that mean that solar radiation is redirected across the planets surface ...
JHam's user avatar
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Do solar winds / mass ejections produce thrust on sun?

For every action there's a contrary reaction, so can those mass ejections make the sun move? Of course, the mass of the sun is immensely bigger than what's being eject but even being trillions of ...
bigubr's user avatar
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Does the solar wind blow *through* the moon's atmosphere/exosphere?

The Wikipedia article on "Atmosphere of moon" says: One source of the lunar atmosphere is outgassing: the release of gases such as radon and helium resulting from radioactive decay within ...
Matthew Christopher Bartsh's user avatar
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Are switchbacks travelling Alfven waves?

My question is are the so-called Switchbacks observed in the solar wind traveling Alfven waves? If not what are the differences between them?
Jokerp's user avatar
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How much of the Sun to not evaporate is due to gravity and how much due to magnetism?

As protons and electrons on the sun 'surface' have high kinetic energy something obviously should stop them to go away.Its gravity is very high compared to planets but is this enough as magnetism also ...
Janko Bradvica's user avatar
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How much energy per area or volume is the solar wind producing?

Would it be possible to erect essentially a giant loop of wire in interplanetary space to create an electric generator? If so, how much power can we get?
Ohiovr's user avatar
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Is the Sun losing mass and pushing the Earth further away? [duplicate]

With the sun radiating so much energy every millisecond can nuclear fusion keep up with that pace? And if it can’t keep up isn’t the sun losing energy every second and therefor losing mass? Which ...
Daan Rijks's user avatar
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To define an equation of state, does the system need to be in some type of equilbrium?

Typically one assumes some sort of equilibrium to define an equation of state for a system. However, I am curious if equilibrium is actually required to define a general equation of state (with the ...
honeste_vivere's user avatar
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A technique to distinguish the mean magnetic field from the fluctuations in the solar wind?

My question is: Is there a technique to distinguish the mean magnetic field from the fluctuations in the solar wind? Thanks
Jokerp's user avatar
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Do switchbacks occur in the radial direction of the solar wind magnetic field?

My question is: When we are talking about switchbacks, do we mean switchbacks in the radial component of the magnetic field or in the total magnetic field?
Jokerp's user avatar
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Why do we sometimes refer to the solar wind as young solar wind?

Why do we sometimes refer to the solar wind as young solar wind? What does young imply?
Jokerp's user avatar
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Explanation of figure:turbulent magnetic field lines + spatial distribution of out-of-plane electric current density

The following graph is supposed to present turbulent magnetic field lines along with the spatial distribution of out-of-plane electric current density. However I am not sure I completely understand ...
Jokerp's user avatar
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How does a solar wind plasmoid split when it touches the magnetosphere?

I want to try to render (computer graphics) auroras in a physical manner as realistic and realizable as possible. I'm aware that the phenomenon hasn't been completly explained yet (as far as my own ...
kiaat's user avatar
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How to define temperature in non-equilibrium, non-thermodynamic systems?

This question stems from an answer to the following question: What's the most fundamental definition of temperature? The issue here is how to define the temperature in a system not in thermal or ...
honeste_vivere's user avatar
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Reaction of radiation with Nitrogen-14

When solar wind brings high energy neutrons into contact with Nitrogen-14, a well known process occurs yielding Carbon-14 + a proton. N14 is assumed to exist in upper atmosphere as N2 gas, but the ...
ARinLA's user avatar
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What is happening when magnetic field lines snap or break?

In discussions of sun spots and auroras on Earth, magnetic field lines are often described as "snapping" or "breaking", with the result of releasing charged particles very ...
Robert's user avatar
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Radiation and windows for building of a great project in a low Earth orbit: reference request or exercise as a ficticious need to build it

I know about the existence of certain windows for which it is more suitable to launch a probe for the exploration of a cellestial body in our Solar System (see the Wikipedia Launch window). I wondered ...
user250478's user avatar
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By what mechanism does a solar flare overload electronics?

I apologize for my ignorance, but I lack the underlying knowledge to meaningfully research this myself. My knowledge of both Solar Flares and EMPs comes almost exclusively from pop-sci reading. I've ...
UIDAlexD's user avatar
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Where do the gases such as hydrogen and helium end up after leaving the earths atmosphere?

I've heard that gases like hydrogen and helium leak out of the earth's gravity a little by little. but where are they going? where do they end up after leaving earth's pull? would the sun pull them ...
kevin godfrey's user avatar