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Questions tagged [earth]

Earth is the planet on which we live, the 3rd planet from the Sun. Questions using this tag should be about Earth the planet and not Earth-like planets nor earth, as in dirt or soil.

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1 answer

Variation of $g(t)$

It has been many days since I had this question: Despite being able to find out $g(r)$ I am unable to find out $g(t)$. Where $g$ = gravitational acceleration, $r =$ distance apart. When trying to ...
damnOk's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Does flying an airplane opposite to the Earth's rotation direction save fuel & time? [duplicate]

The Earth rotates in an eastward direction, known as prograde rotation. If you were looking down on the Earth from above the North Pole, it would appear to be spinning counterclockwise. Therefore, if ...
M. Jones Clone's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why does not the Moon get faster? [duplicate]

I've learned that an object has an equivalent acceleration motion due to gravity in a vertical direction in parabolic motion. And the moon is also an example of parabolic motion, right? As Isaac ...
홍예지's user avatar
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Can we light a lightbulb using Earth's electric field, if it was inside a medium with high charge density?

I know my question is similar to "Why can't we generate electricity from Earth's electric field?", but in that question the bulb is held in air, with terminals 1 meters apart. Here, light ...
Jesse Alexander jr.'s user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Neil Tyson: gravity is the same everywhere on the geoid

Tyson claims our weight is the same at the North Pole as it is at the equator: Link. That the equatorial bulge lying outside a spherical shape doesn't exert gravity. I'm pretty sure this is wrong but ...
HopDavid's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Solve for the shape and curvature of Earth's magnetic field

How can I solve for the shape of Earth's magnetic field (neglecting the effects of the solar wind which distort it). It looks very similar to the field due to a solenoid, but I can only find solutions ...
Random_Astro_Student's user avatar
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What is the line of sight distance across the ocean? [closed]

I just watched an experiment where they had a laser at a height of 50 feet (15 metre) above sea level and were able to see it 23 miles (37 km) away at a receiver which was 20 feet (6 metre) above sea ...
SoulSnatcher's user avatar
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Centrepetal force at the north or south pole

If you're, for example, 5 m away from the geographic north or south pole, gravitational force points inward, but centrepetal force points almost directly perpendicular, out into space. In that case, ...
Steven Dorsher's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Conception of earth's size based on the width of the observable horizon when standing at sea level and the circumference of the earth

As an aid to conceiving of the size of the earth, using the information that the horizontal (left to right or right to left) width of (not the distance to) the observable horizon when standing at sea ...
Sketcher's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why is the angle of declination greater at higher latitudes and lower near equator?

Why is the magnetic angle of declination greater at higher latitudes? If I take a point 'Q' on the Earth's surface as in this figure: (I edited this picture off the internet, so the plane isn't very ...
Mel's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

Does the Earth's Magnetic Field Affect Sleeping Position? [closed]

Does the Earth's magnetic field affect the sleeping position of a person? For sleep experience with Nature sounds, check out this video:
Shahzad Mahmood's user avatar
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3 answers

Battery in non-closed circuit with charged body and Earth

Looking at the clips on how the battery works, I understand that eventually one of the ends releases the electrons which then move through the conductor to the other end, to continue the reaction. Now ...
Boris's user avatar
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Why the density have anything to do with initiation of subduction?

No matter wherever I read the process of subduction, I always find this one sentence which says "when the two tectonic plates collide the denser plate gets subducted under the lighter plate ...
Virender Bhardwaj's user avatar
-1 votes
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How exactly did Harrison's chronometer circumvent the impulse problem of time-keeping on a moving ship?

According to folklore, around the time of the exploration of the New World, there was a quandary regarding how to measure time on the open sea. Time keeping then was based on the pendulum clock, which ...
CosmicGenis's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Does life erode Earth's mass over time?

Since life converts matter to energy, and there's no natural process that does the opposite (aside from supernovas), does this mean that the mass of our planet is gradually diminishing? I asked ...
Lynx's user avatar
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Would the Moon move away if the Earth were frozen with no liquid tide?

The moon is moving further from the Earth. To the extent that after 600 million years we will no longer enjoy full solar eclipses as it will be too far away to completely block the sun. The reason the ...
Francis Cagney's user avatar
-6 votes
1 answer

Why sun revolve around the sun ? Why cant it just rotate ? ( gravitas attraction force makes it revolve , how?) [closed]

Why the revolution ? How General relativity theory explains it
Rumana Izzath's user avatar
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Can we treat the entire mass of the spheroid as being concentrated at its center?

I know that to find the gravitational force between two objects, if either of them is a sphere, we can assume its mass to be concentrated at its center and use the formula for gravitational forces for ...
Peter swift's user avatar
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Would it be possible to build a device or structure that could absorb the impact of an asteroid?

This is probably a stupid question but as the title says would this be possible. I'm imagining some kind of large structure which absorbs the impact rather than deflects it and then, a step further ...
ollie ao's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is Coriolis effect responsible for COUNTER-clockwise rotation in the northern hemisphere?

Based on the form of the force, $F_\text{cor} = - 2m\mathbf{w}\times\mathbf{\dot r},$ I would expect a projected particle to rotate clockwise in the northern hemisphere. This is confirmed by the ...
GingerBadger's user avatar
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Electrostatics: Electric Potential of Earth [duplicate]

I have a very basic question which is: Why we consider the potential of Earth to be zero? Generally in physics we consider the electric potential at infinity to be zero. But while reading about ...
Aritra's user avatar
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How to calculate the latitude/longitude by the RPM in the basin? [duplicate]

By seeing how the water swirls and whirlpools when going down the drain in a washbasin is it possible to tell something about the longitude or latitude where the individual is?
More Anonymous's user avatar
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How is falling into the Earth while orbiting it a geodesic?

So in regular Newtonian mechanics, orbits are generally stable so if there is a metal sphere orbiting the Earth assuming no tidal interactions, they should stay where they are. But then gravitational ...
Roghan Arun's user avatar
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Comparison of clocks running at different heights in a gravitational field

I hope this question has not yet been asked. If so then please link me to the answer. If I build an apparatus which, on flicking a switch, sends a light beam, a distance to a mirror, and reflects it ...
Paul Hinrichsen's user avatar
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3 answers

The speed of an impulse transmitted along a string

A supernova explosion on the far side of the Sun ejects a mass with approximately the same mass of the Sun directly at the back side of the Sun. If this ejected mass is travelling arbitrarily close to ...
Not a physics student's user avatar
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Effect of rotation of earth on levitating objects [duplicate]

If a drone is designed, such that it applies a constant force equal to it's weight ($mg$) on air, to maintain a constant elevation (say of 10 meters). What will happen when considerable time has ...
SHINU_MADE's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Can the Dzhanibekov Effect celestial bodies, like Earth’s crust and/or core causing the flipping of magnetic poles?

“The tennis racket theorem or intermediate axis theorem, is a kinetic phenomenon of classical mechanics which describes the movement of a rigid body with three distinct principal moments of inertia. ...
Digcoal's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Why something connected to the ground has 0 potential?

I'm studying the concept of grounding of neutral wire in AC. I have done an extensive research on the internet to answer the question "Why the neutral wire has 0 potential ?". The answer is ...
InTheSearchForKnowledge's user avatar
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Is there any current flow from a battery to the earth?

Suppose I connect the + (or -) pole of a battery to the earth with a conducting wire, will there be a current flow? As I understand, the Earth is considered to be "neutral" in the sense that ...
InTheSearchForKnowledge's user avatar
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1 answer

What happened to Newton 3rd law if our Moon is moving away at 1.5" yearly? [closed]

Our Moon is going away and I read that it is the culprit is our ocean, but then what happens to Newton 3rd law there should be an equal and opposite forces too so where's that? Is it absorbed by the ...
user6760's user avatar
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Would a giant ball on earth roll towards the poles?

The radius of the earth is higher at the equator than at the pole. Would it mean then, that if I put a giant ball at the equator, it would roll up towards the pole? Why, why not?
AlphaLife's user avatar
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Conservation of water?

I know that water can exist in various states (liquid, solid, ...) and can be in various places (clouds, oceans, ground, ...). What I want to know is whether or not the total number of water ...
Will.Octagon.Gibson's user avatar
22 votes
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If the tidal bulge on the earth speeds the moon up, how does the moon move to a higher orbit?

I understand that the moon causes a tidal bulge on Earth, and this tidal bulge moves slightly ahead of the moon due to Earth's rotation. When reading about why the moon is moving away from the Earth, ...
WillowRook's user avatar
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Are there reasonable models of Earth's surface as the space $\mathbb{R}P^2$? [closed]

Everyone knows that the Earth's surface is a 2-sphere, or a geoid. Flat earthers propose that Earth's surface is a disk or some variation of that, and there is lots of discussion on why its not true ...
Rumpelstiltskin's user avatar
27 votes
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Is the speed of Earth's spinning constant over a given 24 hours?

Is the speed that the Earth spins on its axis constant over the course of 24 hours? As opposed to does it turn faster and slower during different hours over any given day even by a very small ...
JohnTrainor's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

What's my displacement relative to my position a year ago? [closed]

Earth moves in a few different ways through the universe. Earth orbits the Sun (plus the orbit precesses), the Sun moves through the Milky Way, and the Milky Way moves through the universe. Compared ...
shim's user avatar
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Does the Earth's magnetic field lag behind the Earth as Earth orbits the sun?

I imagine that when the earth orbits the sun, the earth's magnetic field is also subject to the sun's gravity, since photons and light are subject to gravity. As a result, the magnetic field does not ...
garmichaels's user avatar
-1 votes
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How fast do I have to fly vertically up to pause sunset?

I'm standing on the famous Laguna Beach in southern Los Angeles to watch the sunset on December 18th (33.541679°N 117.777214°W, 0m elevation, 16:44 PST). Now, from my perspective at the shore, the sun'...
Richard Zhu's user avatar
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Do frame dragging affects falling object?

Imagine there is a tall tower erected at the equator, a pulse of light is beamed from the top of the tower to the ground. Do I need to consider frame dragging? After all the spacetime is being tucked ...
user6760's user avatar
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If I levitate at the same place will I come back to the same place after Earth taking it's one complete revolution? [duplicate]

so i have this question if i mean if we can levitate and decide to levitate and not stay on ground but at a place to look the ground, and we that earth rotates right and we rotate along with it cause ...
SHRAVAN NETHA's user avatar
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Coriolis force relation to wind velocity

I'm learning coriolis effect on Winds moving from equator towards North pole. This is for geography. Question: Why is coriolis force stronger for winds having larger speed(larger component of ...
Nikhil Aradhya's user avatar
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Does earth revolution speed slowing down because of small drag from space is not empty?

I read that universe is not empty, in least dense parts has 1000 atoms per cubic meter, does that slow down earth speed? Why these atoms are there, why they are not attracted by surrounding gravity ...
22flower's user avatar
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Has a heavier atmosphere and the relocation of oil around the Earth had a measurable effect on the rotation of the Earth?

I am wondering if the man-made carbon emissions put in the Earth's atmosphere over the past 100+ years, and also the relocation of oil around the Earth over this same time period, has had any ...
user avatar
3 votes
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Could Earth's Zircon (used in geological dating) have formed in extraterrestrial events before the Earth was formed?

This is a follow up question asked and answered (Radio-dating and the age of the earth) The answer was given that the mineral Zircon is formed under high pressures and temperatures. How do we know, ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Are there torques affecting Earth?

Since the time it takes for the earth to complete one rotation about itself (i.e., the time we call "day") is not constant, then the angular speed is also not constant, that is, there is a ...
Yossi Lonke's user avatar
2 votes
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How does the excess GPE of a mountain cause its base to melt?

Weisskopf suggested that the Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) of a vertical column of mountain rock of mass $m$ must be less than the latent heat of fusion $L_f$ of the rock, i.e. $$mgh<η L_fm ...
Yitian Chen's user avatar
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Escape velocity from a rotating body depending on latitude

So the earth's escape velocity since the earth is rotating is dependent on the latitude. As stated in Wikipedia here: For example, as the Earth's rotational velocity is 465 m/s at the equator, a ...
Dirt DIRTSmurf Worth's user avatar
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Is this Volcanic or Impact winter management proposal right? [closed]

In case of a volcanic winter where a VEI 8 volcano releases large amounts of SO2 and H2S into the stratosphere making it react with OH and H2O to form sulfuric acid (H2SO4) wich would prohibit most of ...
gragggle's user avatar
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Which gravitational differences we would feel if the sun disappeared?

I would like to start by stating that I'm not a physicist, I'm purely a curious individual. I've been speculating about the differences the loss of the sun's gravitational field would have on us and ...
Bernard Walters's user avatar
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Orbital obliquity of the Earth

Consider that we have all the orbital parameters that characterize the Earth. How would one calculate the orbital obliquity of Earth? One could argue that since the rotation of Earth doesn't change ...
RKerr's user avatar
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