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Relativistic time effects or gravitational lensing in solar observations made by observatories and satellites?

As mentioned, I was wondering about whether there are any phenomena affecting the measurement made in Earths time-scale after a physics seminar at IISERTVM. Any discussions and answers from specific ...
axe.n_'s user avatar
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5 votes
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Is it possible to predict the appearance of auroras?

Yesterday I saw online a lot of people seeing auroras both in the North and in the South of the globe. Unfortunately, I wasn't one of these people, and this got me curious about how much we can ...
Níckolas Alves's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the solar wind speed as function of distance from the Sun?

Someone must have calculated at least a "zero-order approximation" of the behavior of solar wind speed, density, and pressure as a function of distance from the Sun, but the heck if I can find it. ...
2 votes
1 answer

What's the timescale for the formation of a coronal mass ejection?

How quickly does the sun form and release a coronal mass ejection? If we were watching the right part of the sun closely, how long would it take us to go from "nothing seems to be happening" to "...
spraff's user avatar
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