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To define an equation of state, does the system need to be in some type of equilbrium?

Typically one assumes some sort of equilibrium to define an equation of state for a system. However, I am curious if equilibrium is actually required to define a general equation of state (with the ...
honeste_vivere's user avatar
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How to define temperature in non-equilibrium, non-thermodynamic systems?

This question stems from an answer to the following question: What's the most fundamental definition of temperature? The issue here is how to define the temperature in a system not in thermal or ...
honeste_vivere's user avatar
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Limitations of the ideal gas law: When does it fail?

Motivation I ask this question precisely because I am looking for a fundamental, quantitative explanation of the limitations of the ideal gas law and when it should not be used. Note, I have found ...
honeste_vivere's user avatar