Papers by Zrinka Premužić
Avarodobno groblje iz Nustra sadrži 196 ukopa i datira se u 8. i pocetak 9. stoljeca. Vecina grob... more Avarodobno groblje iz Nustra sadrži 196 ukopa i datira se u 8. i pocetak 9. stoljeca. Vecina grobova sadrži brojne priloge. U vecini grobova među prilozima pronađene su i životinjske kosti. Rezultati arheozooloske analize povezat ce se s onima antropoloske kako bi se dobila potpunija slika pogrebnih obicaja ove zajednice. Arheozooloskom analizom određena je kosturna i taksonomska pripadnost. Najzastupljeniji su kostani ostaci goveda, a u vrlo maloj mjeri su prisutni ostaci malih preživaca, ptica i psa. Antropoloska analiza kojom su određeni spol i dob pokojnika pokazala je da su na ovom groblju pokapani svi clanovi drustva. Interpretacija ovakvih nalaza otežana je cinjenicom da su pogrebni obicaji kompleksni. Tako se životinjske kosti u grobovima mogu objasniti na nekoliko nacina: kao prilog u hrani, ostatak pogrebne gozbe ili žrtvovanja odnosno predmet simbolicke vrijednosti.
U radu je opisan slučaj tuberkuloze na kosturu djeteta starosti 10 do 12 godina s arheološkog nal... more U radu je opisan slučaj tuberkuloze na kosturu djeteta starosti 10 do 12 godina s arheološkog nalazišta na Trgu sv. Martina u Umagu. Na kosturu su uočene patološke promjene karakteristične za tuberkulozu: destruktivne lezije na kralješcima i križnoj kosti te poroznost na dugim i plosnatim kostima. Na kostima glave i lopatici također su vidljive promjene koje mogu nastati kao posljedica skorbuta, odnosno upućuju na nedostatak vitamina C u prehrani.
Late Bronze Age in central and southern Europe is characterised by cemeteries of Urnfield culture... more Late Bronze Age in central and southern Europe is characterised by cemeteries of Urnfield culture. The standard burial rite was cremation of deceased on funeral pyre and deposition of cremated remains in urns. Analysis of human remains yields various types of information. Sex and age of each individual, as well as present pathological changes, form a demographic profile and health status of the entire community. Visual characteristics of the bones reveal data on pyre temperature, positioning of the body as well as collecting and depositing of the remains. Combined results of analyses of human skeletal remains and material finds create the image of burial practices of a certain society. This paper analyses published studies on human skeletal remains from Late Bronze Age cemeteries in continental Croatia and the surrounding area. Despite the relatively large number of cemeteries, only a small part of human skeletal material was analysed. This situation is present not only in Croatia, but throughout the southern Carpathian Basin. The majority of studies present only basic demographic data on sex and age of the deceased. Only a few of them provide some conclusions on pyre characteristics. There is a noticeable lack of synthetic treatment of anthropological and archaeological analyses. This leads to a limited knowledge of Late Bronze Age burial practices and calls for future multidisciplinary approach to analyses of Late Bronze Age cemeteries.
Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, Dec 12, 2013
Bioarheologija se bavi analizama ljudskih kosturnih ostataka s ciljem rekonstrukcije života prošl... more Bioarheologija se bavi analizama ljudskih kosturnih ostataka s ciljem rekonstrukcije života prošlih populacija. U Hrvatskoj se takve analize provode već dugi niz godina. Ovaj rad donosi pregled dosadašnjih bioarheoloških istraživanja srednjovjekovnih hrvatskih lokaliteta. Predstavljen je popis analiziranih lokaliteta, kao i tematske cjeline obuhvaćene analizama. Ključne riječi: bioarheologija, ljudski kosturni ostaci, srednji vijek Bioarchaeology studies human skeletal remains in order to reconstruct the lifestyles of past populations. The analyses under discussion have been carried out in Croatia for a number of years. This paper presents a review of the bioarchaeological research of Croatian mediaeval sites. It includes a list of analysed sites, as well as topics covered by the analyses.
Arheološki radovi i rasprave, 2021
The fortress of Zrin is one of the most important and well-known fortifications from the Late Med... more The fortress of Zrin is one of the most important and well-known fortifications from the Late Medieval/Early Modern periods in Croatia. However, we have very scant information on the mortality, health, diet, and lifestyle of the people inhabiting the village of Zrin during this period. Recent archaeological excavations conducted around the church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross in Zrin provided an excellent opportunity to learn more about various aspects of the life and death of these people through the analysis of skeletal and dental remains. Archaeological context and direct radiocarbon dates place the recovered burials between the 15 th and 17 th centuries CE. The analysis of 32 skeletons revealed the presence of eight subadults and 24 adults. Palaeodontological and isotopic data indicate a mixed protein-carbohydrate diet with heavy emphasis on C4-type plants such as millet. The presence of various skeletal indicators of intense physical activity strongly suggests hard labour while performing everyday chores in and around the house. Physiological stress, especially during childhood, was widespread and frequent-it was probably the consequence of the synergistic effect of inadequate diet, metabolic and infectious diseases. Most of the observed injuries were a result of accidents associated with rural lifestyle rather than intentional violence. The studied assemblage is small and fragmented, and therefore, all results and hypotheses based on these results have to be taken with caution.
International Journal of Paleopathology, Mar 1, 2019
The aim of this paper was to analyse the dental remains of an adult male with three impacted cani... more The aim of this paper was to analyse the dental remains of an adult male with three impacted canines from the Roman period cemetery in Osijek, Croatia. Materials: The dental remains of an adult male aged 35-45 years at the time of death were analysed. Methods: Macroscopic analysis of dental remains was accompanied by radiographic examination. Results: The individual also had additional dental pathologies (carious lesion, antemortem tooth loss). A total of 21 permanent teeth were present in maxillae and mandible. Eighteen of them were normal fully erupted dentition, while three were impacted: left maxillary canine and both mandibular canines. The left maxillary and mandibular canines were mesially inclined, and the right mandibular canine was relatively horizontally positioned. Conclusion: A case of non-syndrome impaction in which the lack of eruptive force in combination with the unfavorable position of the tooth bud might have resulted in multiple impacted teeth is presented. Significance: Current clinical knowledge reports low frequency of this anomaly, with maxillary impaction occurring more often than mandibular. Furthermore, canine impaction is even more rarely reported in the archaeological material. The presented case is the only one from the archaeological setting with impaction present both in maxillae and mandible. Limitations: In modern populations multiple impactions are often associated with various syndromes. Since the majority of syndromes affect soft tissue, their association with impaction cannot be confirmed in archaeological populations.
U radu je predstavljena skupina obrazaca na hrvatskom jeziku za analizu ljudskog kostanog materij... more U radu je predstavljena skupina obrazaca na hrvatskom jeziku za analizu ljudskog kostanog materijala. Predloženi obrasci služe za popisivanje prisutnih kostanih elemenata, određivanje spola i dobi, te stanja prisutnih zubi. Obrasci su sastavljeni kako bi se sakupili osnovni podaci o proucavanoj populaciji.
Zarazne bolesti cesta su pojava među danasnjim populacijama, a njihovu rasirenost moguce je prati... more Zarazne bolesti cesta su pojava među danasnjim populacijama, a njihovu rasirenost moguce je pratiti kroz sva povijesna razdoblja. U najvecem broju slucajeva njihovi uzrocnici su patogeni mikroorganizmi. Pojava zaraznih bolesti povezuje se, između ostaloga, i s nacinom života i okolisnim cimbenicima. Jedan od nacina prijenosa je sa životinja na ljude i to cestim bliskim kontaktom ili konzumacijom mesa i mlijecnih proizvoda. U arheoloskim populacijama potvrdu prisutnosti zaraznih bolesti nalazimo na skeletnim ostacima. Dva primjera takvih bolesti su tuberkuloza i bruceloza. Njihovo prisustvo upucuje na znacajnu ulogu životinja u svakodnevnom životu proslih zajednica.
Osteoporoza je bolest koju karakterizira smanjenje gustoce kostiju zbog koje one postaju porozne ... more Osteoporoza je bolest koju karakterizira smanjenje gustoce kostiju zbog koje one postaju porozne te izrazito krhke i lako lomljive. Na njezin nastanak i razvitak utjece vise cimbenika, među kojima je najvažniji promjena u razini hormona. Bolest je u modernim populacijama cesta kod starijih osoba, osobito žena. Osteoporozu nalazimo i na skeletnim ostacima arheoloskih populacija. Na skeletnom materijalu dijagnoza se postavlja ukoliko su prisutne smanjena gustoca kosti i s njom povezana fraktura. Ucestalost ovog oboljenja prikazana je na tri hrvatska arheoloska lokaliteta.
This paper presents the results of an analysis of human skeletal remains from the Early Croatian ... more This paper presents the results of an analysis of human skeletal remains from the Early Croatian cemetery at Tribalj. The analysed sample consisted of 25 individuals from 18 graves. Skeletal remains showed evidence of fractures, scurvy, tuberculosis, osteopenia and osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and Schmorl's nodes. We also observed an unexpected sex and age distribution. The analysis indicates poor living standards of the Early Croatian inhabitants of Tribalj and raises questions about burial customs at Vinodol in the Early Middle Ages.
Opvscvla archaeologica, 2014
Ivana mIlETIć ČakŠIran KERAMIKA TANKIH STIJENKI S LOKALITETA SV. KVIRIN u SISKu THIN-WALLED POTTE... more Ivana mIlETIć ČakŠIran KERAMIKA TANKIH STIJENKI S LOKALITETA SV. KVIRIN u SISKu THIN-WALLED POTTERY FROM THE SITE SV. KVIRIN IN SISAK Izvorni znanstveni rad / original scientific paper ____________________________111 martina maTIJaŠko MARTIJANEC-gAMuLICA. ANALIZA NALAZA PRIKuPLJENIH 1950. gODINE MARTIJANEC-gAMuLICA-ANALYSIS OF FINDS FROM 1950 Izvorni znanstveni rad / original scientific paper ____________________________161 Ivana arTukovIć RIMSKODOBNE FIBuLE IZ FuNDuSA MuZEJA BRODSKOg POSAVLJA ROMAN-ERA FIBuLAE FROM THE COLLECTION OF THE BRODSKO POSAVLJE MuSEuM Izvorni znanstveni rad / original scientific paper ____________________________189 anamarija kurIlIć & NATPIS gAJA KORNELIJA S ILOVIKA I CORNELII Zrinka SErvEnTI u LIBuRNIJI THE INSCRIPTION OF gAIuS CORNELIuS FROM ILOVIK AND THE CORNELII IN LIBuRNIA Izvorni znanstveni rad / original scientific paper ____________________________219 ana mIŠkovIć u POTRAZI ZA VEZAMA IZMEĐu SOLuNA I ZADRA u KASNOJ ANTICI EXPLORINg THE TIES BETWEEN THESSALONIKI AND ZADAR IN LATE ANTIQuITY
Arheološki radovi i rasprave, 2021
The fortress of Zrin is one of the most important and well-known fortifications from the Late Med... more The fortress of Zrin is one of the most important and well-known fortifications from the Late Medieval/Early Modern periods in Croatia. However, we have very scant information on the mortality, health, diet, and lifestyle of the people inhabiting the village of Zrin during this period. Recent archaeological excavations conducted around the church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross in Zrin provided an excellent opportunity to learn more about various aspects of the life and death of these people through the analysis of skeletal and dental remains. Archaeological context and direct radiocarbon dates place the recovered burials between the 15 th and 17 th centuries CE. The analysis of 32 skeletons revealed the presence of eight subadults and 24 adults. Palaeodontological and isotopic data indicate a mixed protein-carbohydrate diet with heavy emphasis on C4-type plants such as millet. The presence of various skeletal indicators of intense physical activity strongly suggests hard labour while performing everyday chores in and around the house. Physiological stress, especially during childhood, was widespread and frequent-it was probably the consequence of the synergistic effect of inadequate diet, metabolic and infectious diseases. Most of the observed injuries were a result of accidents associated with rural lifestyle rather than intentional violence. The studied assemblage is small and fragmented, and therefore, all results and hypotheses based on these results have to be taken with caution.
Papers by Zrinka Premužić
Similar pattern is observed on Uzdolje-Grablje, late medieval site in Dalmatian hinterland, Croatia. The analyzed sample consists of 16 juveniles. The majority of the sample exhibits at least one skeletal lesion associated with scurvy. In this presentation we explore current diagnostic procedures in light of clinical studies, scurvy aetiology, and mechanism of lesions’ formation.
Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory
International Conference
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
General Editor: Vasilka Dimitrovska
Cover Design: Vasilka Dimitrovska, Elka Anastasova
Design: Elka Anastasova
Editing and English proofreading: Mark Branov
The focus of this paper will be on bovine calcaneus, part of tarsus bones. 91 calcaneus in total was found. It is of special interest because those bones have almost no meat on them and the only way to get them is butchering. Nevertheless no marks or traces of strongly butchering can be observed. Therefore some kind of cult should be taken in consideration: it could be related to mortal praxis during funeral rite or believing into power in afterlife.