Reprezentări ale unor mijloace de transport pe apă în pictura murală a unor lăcașuri de cult din ... more Reprezentări ale unor mijloace de transport pe apă în pictura murală a unor lăcașuri de cult din nord-vestul Munteniei și nordul Olteniei (mijlocul secolului XIV-începutul secolului XVIII) //
Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2022, 2023
Cercetările arheologice din această campanie au
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe T... more Cercetările arheologice din această campanie au
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe Terasa
V, acolo unde Dumitru Berciu efectuase deja excavări în
perioada 1979-19923. Pornind de la scanarea LIDAR, de
la informațiile culese din carnetele de săpătură și articolele
publicate, am reușit să refacem planul cercetărilor de pe
Terasa V.
The shaft-hole axe from Izbăşeşti (Milcoiu, Vâlcea county). The authors present a shaft-hole axe ... more The shaft-hole axe from Izbăşeşti (Milcoiu, Vâlcea county). The authors present a shaft-hole axe found by chance in the Izbǎșești village, Milcoiu commune, Vâlcea county. According to Alexandru Vulpe's typology, the axe could be included in the Izvoarele type. It is also noticed the presence of an intentional, controlled and careful removal of a part of the shaft: the cut out of a roughly circular area from the lower part of the sleeve on one side. This kind of cut-mark was observed to several shaft-hole axes from Carpathian-Danube area and has a certain significance for the communities that used them.
The shaft-hole axe from Izbăşeşti (Milcoiu, Vâlcea county). The authors present a shaft-hole axe ... more The shaft-hole axe from Izbăşeşti (Milcoiu, Vâlcea county). The authors present a shaft-hole axe found by chance in the Izbǎșești village, Milcoiu commune, Vâlcea county. According to Alexandru Vulpe's typology, the axe could be included in the Izvoarele type. It is also noticed the presence of an intentional, controlled and careful removal of a part of the shaft: the cut out of a roughly circular area from the lower part of the sleeve on one side. This kind of cut-mark was observed to several shaft-hole axes from Carpathian-Danube area and has a certain significance for the communities that used them.
Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie, 2021
CUPRINS / CONTENTS ARHEOLOGIE/ ARCHAEOLOGY TUȚULESCU Ion, CRISTEA Alina Cristina, CHIRILĂ Elena-E... more CUPRINS / CONTENTS ARHEOLOGIE/ ARCHAEOLOGY TUȚULESCU Ion, CRISTEA Alina Cristina, CHIRILĂ Elena-Experimentul archeologic de la Zătreni, județul Vâlcea. O încercare de reconstituire a unei vetre preistorice și a unei gropi de ars ceramica. The archaeological experiment from Zătreni, Vâlcea County. An attempt to reconstruct a prehistoric hearth and a pottery firing pit.
Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance sero... more Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance seront adressés à la Rédaction: Musée d'Histoire Nationale et d'Archéologie, Piaţa Ovidiu n o. 12, code 900745, Constanța, Roumanie, Tél.
The authors present a shaft-hole axe of Izvoarele type recently found at Băile Olăneşti (Vâlcea c... more The authors present a shaft-hole axe of Izvoarele type recently found at Băile Olăneşti (Vâlcea county), discovered by metal detection. The main typological and technological features of the axe allow more detailed observations regarding the casting technology of these kind of axes in the Lower Danube area during the early Bronze Age. One may thus establish several main classes: 1. shaft-hole axes cast in bivalve moulds open at the lower edge of the axe (Baniabic, Corbasca and Veselinovo I type axes); 2. shaft-hole axes cast in bivalve moulds open at the upper edge of the axe (Dumbrăvioara type axe); 3. shaft-hole axes cast in closed bivalve moulds with the sprue on the lower edge of the axe (Veselinovo II type axe); 4. shaft-hole axes cast in closed bivalve moulds with the sprue on the upper edge of the axe (Veselinovo II, Izvoarele and Kolontaevo type axes); 5. shaft-hole axes cast in closed bivalve moulds with the sprue on the lower end of the butt (Veselinovo II, Izvoarele and Pătulele type axes); 6. shaft -hole axes cast in closed bivalve moulds with the sprue on the lower end of the prolonged butt (Pătulele, Pădureni and Balşa type axes). Within each main class there are several casting variants, which indicates more metallurgical centres of production for the shaft-hole axes in the Lower Danube area, with their own traditions and skills. This also results from the fact that the same type of shaft-hole axe was cast by different technological methods (especially the Veselinovo II, Izvoarele and Pătulele type axes). Although some of the identified technological classes and variants were used in parallel, they also have a certain value in the chronological distribution of the shaft-hole axes in the Lower Danube area.
Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România, 2021
Cercetările sistematice au fost reluate la Ocnița/
Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea... more Cercetările sistematice au fost reluate la Ocnița/ Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea primă campanie rezultatele au fost promițătoare. Obiectivele inițiale, legate de rediscutarea cronologiei sitului, zona de amplasarea a cetăților, existența sau nu a unei necropole, întinderea sitului, rămân de actualitate.
Contributions to the End of the Bronze Age in Northeastern Oltenia. The settlement from Zătreni, ... more Contributions to the End of the Bronze Age in Northeastern Oltenia. The settlement from Zătreni, La Peșceana point. The present article presents the archaeological research carried out by the specialists of the Aurelian Sacerdoțeanu History Museum of Vâlcea County in collaboration with those within SC Gauss SRL / SC Banat Archaeosave SRL in La Peșceana point, research occasioned by the BRUA international project. Five complexes belonging to the Verbicioara culture and the Govora-Fundeni group were researched on this occasion.
In the present study, the authors present the latest discoveries of metal objects in northeastern... more In the present study, the authors present the latest discoveries of metal objects in northeastern Oltenia, pieces chronologically dating to the Bronze Age. The three pieces belong typologically to flat axes or socketed-ax type chisels, with evolution throughout the Bronze Age. Recently discovered pieces bring important information about the metallurgy of the Bronze Age, as well as confirming the existence of commercial routes during the aforementioned period.
BIBLIOTHECA BRVKENTHAL LXXIII In honorem Prof.univ.dr. Sabin Adrian Luca: Istorie şi destin, 2019
In this article, the authors present from a chronological point of view the settlements of the ar... more In this article, the authors present from a chronological point of view the settlements of the archaeological site from Copăcelu-Valea Răii. Known in the literature until the beginning of the XXIth century as an important site belonging to the early Neolithic, it took advantage of the displacement in the area of the Ocnele Mari of the flood victims, as well as the legislation in force to protect the patrimony of new archaeological research. Thus, the systematic researches in the period 2002-2003 and the preventive ones from 2004 to the present, led to the discovery of artifacts belonging to different periods and civilizations, such as: eneolithic (Boian culture, Sălcuţa, the horizons of the stylished handles), the transition period towards the Bronze Age (Coţofeni culture), Bronze Age (cultures Glina and Verbicioara, Gornea-Orleşti and Govora-Fundeni groups) and Early Iron Age (Vârtop group). Based on the research of the past 20 years, the information on the evolution of the communities in the Copăcelu area has been enriched, establishing that the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Early Bronze ones preferred the terraced terrain with a wide opening to the Olt river, Middle Bronze, Late and Hallstatt retreat on Copacelu-Ocnele Mari aisle.
Reprezentări ale unor mijloace de transport pe apă în pictura murală a unor lăcașuri de cult din ... more Reprezentări ale unor mijloace de transport pe apă în pictura murală a unor lăcașuri de cult din nord-vestul Munteniei și nordul Olteniei (mijlocul secolului XIV-începutul secolului XVIII) //
Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2022, 2023
Cercetările arheologice din această campanie au
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe T... more Cercetările arheologice din această campanie au
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe Terasa
V, acolo unde Dumitru Berciu efectuase deja excavări în
perioada 1979-19923. Pornind de la scanarea LIDAR, de
la informațiile culese din carnetele de săpătură și articolele
publicate, am reușit să refacem planul cercetărilor de pe
Terasa V.
The shaft-hole axe from Izbăşeşti (Milcoiu, Vâlcea county). The authors present a shaft-hole axe ... more The shaft-hole axe from Izbăşeşti (Milcoiu, Vâlcea county). The authors present a shaft-hole axe found by chance in the Izbǎșești village, Milcoiu commune, Vâlcea county. According to Alexandru Vulpe's typology, the axe could be included in the Izvoarele type. It is also noticed the presence of an intentional, controlled and careful removal of a part of the shaft: the cut out of a roughly circular area from the lower part of the sleeve on one side. This kind of cut-mark was observed to several shaft-hole axes from Carpathian-Danube area and has a certain significance for the communities that used them.
The shaft-hole axe from Izbăşeşti (Milcoiu, Vâlcea county). The authors present a shaft-hole axe ... more The shaft-hole axe from Izbăşeşti (Milcoiu, Vâlcea county). The authors present a shaft-hole axe found by chance in the Izbǎșești village, Milcoiu commune, Vâlcea county. According to Alexandru Vulpe's typology, the axe could be included in the Izvoarele type. It is also noticed the presence of an intentional, controlled and careful removal of a part of the shaft: the cut out of a roughly circular area from the lower part of the sleeve on one side. This kind of cut-mark was observed to several shaft-hole axes from Carpathian-Danube area and has a certain significance for the communities that used them.
Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Arheologie-Istorie, 2021
CUPRINS / CONTENTS ARHEOLOGIE/ ARCHAEOLOGY TUȚULESCU Ion, CRISTEA Alina Cristina, CHIRILĂ Elena-E... more CUPRINS / CONTENTS ARHEOLOGIE/ ARCHAEOLOGY TUȚULESCU Ion, CRISTEA Alina Cristina, CHIRILĂ Elena-Experimentul archeologic de la Zătreni, județul Vâlcea. O încercare de reconstituire a unei vetre preistorice și a unei gropi de ars ceramica. The archaeological experiment from Zătreni, Vâlcea County. An attempt to reconstruct a prehistoric hearth and a pottery firing pit.
Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance sero... more Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance seront adressés à la Rédaction: Musée d'Histoire Nationale et d'Archéologie, Piaţa Ovidiu n o. 12, code 900745, Constanța, Roumanie, Tél.
The authors present a shaft-hole axe of Izvoarele type recently found at Băile Olăneşti (Vâlcea c... more The authors present a shaft-hole axe of Izvoarele type recently found at Băile Olăneşti (Vâlcea county), discovered by metal detection. The main typological and technological features of the axe allow more detailed observations regarding the casting technology of these kind of axes in the Lower Danube area during the early Bronze Age. One may thus establish several main classes: 1. shaft-hole axes cast in bivalve moulds open at the lower edge of the axe (Baniabic, Corbasca and Veselinovo I type axes); 2. shaft-hole axes cast in bivalve moulds open at the upper edge of the axe (Dumbrăvioara type axe); 3. shaft-hole axes cast in closed bivalve moulds with the sprue on the lower edge of the axe (Veselinovo II type axe); 4. shaft-hole axes cast in closed bivalve moulds with the sprue on the upper edge of the axe (Veselinovo II, Izvoarele and Kolontaevo type axes); 5. shaft-hole axes cast in closed bivalve moulds with the sprue on the lower end of the butt (Veselinovo II, Izvoarele and Pătulele type axes); 6. shaft -hole axes cast in closed bivalve moulds with the sprue on the lower end of the prolonged butt (Pătulele, Pădureni and Balşa type axes). Within each main class there are several casting variants, which indicates more metallurgical centres of production for the shaft-hole axes in the Lower Danube area, with their own traditions and skills. This also results from the fact that the same type of shaft-hole axe was cast by different technological methods (especially the Veselinovo II, Izvoarele and Pătulele type axes). Although some of the identified technological classes and variants were used in parallel, they also have a certain value in the chronological distribution of the shaft-hole axes in the Lower Danube area.
Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România, 2021
Cercetările sistematice au fost reluate la Ocnița/
Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea... more Cercetările sistematice au fost reluate la Ocnița/ Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea primă campanie rezultatele au fost promițătoare. Obiectivele inițiale, legate de rediscutarea cronologiei sitului, zona de amplasarea a cetăților, existența sau nu a unei necropole, întinderea sitului, rămân de actualitate.
Contributions to the End of the Bronze Age in Northeastern Oltenia. The settlement from Zătreni, ... more Contributions to the End of the Bronze Age in Northeastern Oltenia. The settlement from Zătreni, La Peșceana point. The present article presents the archaeological research carried out by the specialists of the Aurelian Sacerdoțeanu History Museum of Vâlcea County in collaboration with those within SC Gauss SRL / SC Banat Archaeosave SRL in La Peșceana point, research occasioned by the BRUA international project. Five complexes belonging to the Verbicioara culture and the Govora-Fundeni group were researched on this occasion.
In the present study, the authors present the latest discoveries of metal objects in northeastern... more In the present study, the authors present the latest discoveries of metal objects in northeastern Oltenia, pieces chronologically dating to the Bronze Age. The three pieces belong typologically to flat axes or socketed-ax type chisels, with evolution throughout the Bronze Age. Recently discovered pieces bring important information about the metallurgy of the Bronze Age, as well as confirming the existence of commercial routes during the aforementioned period.
BIBLIOTHECA BRVKENTHAL LXXIII In honorem Prof.univ.dr. Sabin Adrian Luca: Istorie şi destin, 2019
In this article, the authors present from a chronological point of view the settlements of the ar... more In this article, the authors present from a chronological point of view the settlements of the archaeological site from Copăcelu-Valea Răii. Known in the literature until the beginning of the XXIth century as an important site belonging to the early Neolithic, it took advantage of the displacement in the area of the Ocnele Mari of the flood victims, as well as the legislation in force to protect the patrimony of new archaeological research. Thus, the systematic researches in the period 2002-2003 and the preventive ones from 2004 to the present, led to the discovery of artifacts belonging to different periods and civilizations, such as: eneolithic (Boian culture, Sălcuţa, the horizons of the stylished handles), the transition period towards the Bronze Age (Coţofeni culture), Bronze Age (cultures Glina and Verbicioara, Gornea-Orleşti and Govora-Fundeni groups) and Early Iron Age (Vârtop group). Based on the research of the past 20 years, the information on the evolution of the communities in the Copăcelu area has been enriched, establishing that the Neolithic, Eneolithic and Early Bronze ones preferred the terraced terrain with a wide opening to the Olt river, Middle Bronze, Late and Hallstatt retreat on Copacelu-Ocnele Mari aisle.
Papers by Tutulescu Ion
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe Terasa
V, acolo unde Dumitru Berciu efectuase deja excavări în
perioada 1979-19923. Pornind de la scanarea LIDAR, de
la informațiile culese din carnetele de săpătură și articolele
publicate, am reușit să refacem planul cercetărilor de pe
Terasa V.
Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea primă
campanie rezultatele au fost promițătoare. Obiectivele
inițiale, legate de rediscutarea cronologiei sitului, zona de
amplasarea a cetăților, existența sau nu a unei necropole,
întinderea sitului, rămân de actualitate.
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe Terasa
V, acolo unde Dumitru Berciu efectuase deja excavări în
perioada 1979-19923. Pornind de la scanarea LIDAR, de
la informațiile culese din carnetele de săpătură și articolele
publicate, am reușit să refacem planul cercetărilor de pe
Terasa V.
Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea primă
campanie rezultatele au fost promițătoare. Obiectivele
inițiale, legate de rediscutarea cronologiei sitului, zona de
amplasarea a cetăților, existența sau nu a unei necropole,
întinderea sitului, rămân de actualitate.