Papers by Nalbitoru Alexandru
Cronica Cercetărilor Arheologice din România. Campania 2022, 2023
Cercetările arheologice din această campanie au
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe T... more Cercetările arheologice din această campanie au
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe Terasa
V, acolo unde Dumitru Berciu efectuase deja excavări în
perioada 1979-19923. Pornind de la scanarea LIDAR, de
la informațiile culese din carnetele de săpătură și articolele
publicate, am reușit să refacem planul cercetărilor de pe
Terasa V.
the idea of a history of the researches on the Ocnița-Cosota-Buridava sites is not new. The mater... more the idea of a history of the researches on the Ocnița-Cosota-Buridava sites is not new. The material below only aims to be an introduction to a history that is difficult to rediscover and rewrite. Our attempt to reconstruct a part of the site's history was supported by the Vasile Pârvan National Institute of Archeology, the Teohari Antonescu Museum in Giurgiu, the National Archives, Constanța Branch and by Professor Adina Berciu-Drăghiceanu. We managed to put together only a small part of the research from Ocnita, the other one seems to be lost. Undoubtedly there are many deficiencies related to the understanding of the archaeological research carried out in Ocnita until 1993; most of them are due to the disappearance of a significant part of Professor Berciu's archive. Under these circumstances, we limited ourselves to reproducing only some of his notes and writings from the years mentioned above, in order to reconstruct at least the site atmosphere and the elements less present in the various studies, articles or research reports.
Cronica cercetărilor arheologice din România, 2021
Cercetările sistematice au fost reluate la Ocnița/
Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea... more Cercetările sistematice au fost reluate la Ocnița/
Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea primă
campanie rezultatele au fost promițătoare. Obiectivele
inițiale, legate de rediscutarea cronologiei sitului, zona de
amplasarea a cetăților, existența sau nu a unei necropole,
întinderea sitului, rămân de actualitate.
Beneath the Getic earthen defence wall, of the dava from Radovanu, a burial belonging to the tran... more Beneath the Getic earthen defence wall, of the dava from Radovanu, a burial belonging to the transitional period, or Bronze
Age, has been found. The article presents the conditions of discovery, some interesting details of the ritual determined by using
taphonomic observations, as well as the anthropological studies that have been undertaken. We should note here that, based
upon the taphonomic evidence, the skeleton seems to have had something under its head, had empty space around it and to
have been tied around its upper part
Books by Nalbitoru Alexandru
Miscellanea Historica et Archaeologica in Memoriam Dragoș Petroșanu, 2019
The premiere publication of a German helmet from the World War I as a result of its discovery in ... more The premiere publication of a German helmet from the World War I as a result of its discovery in Mihaesti, Valcea County, but more precisely the context of the discovery, the period and the events related to the idea that one believed it had been "lost" are elements that can bring new information regarding the withdrawal of the Romanian troops, respectively the advance of the enemy troops after the fall of the passers on the Olt and Jiu valleys. Signaling the discovery in an area where there is no evidence of an armed conflict requires thorough field research.
Papers by Nalbitoru Alexandru
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe Terasa
V, acolo unde Dumitru Berciu efectuase deja excavări în
perioada 1979-19923. Pornind de la scanarea LIDAR, de
la informațiile culese din carnetele de săpătură și articolele
publicate, am reușit să refacem planul cercetărilor de pe
Terasa V.
Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea primă
campanie rezultatele au fost promițătoare. Obiectivele
inițiale, legate de rediscutarea cronologiei sitului, zona de
amplasarea a cetăților, existența sau nu a unei necropole,
întinderea sitului, rămân de actualitate.
Age, has been found. The article presents the conditions of discovery, some interesting details of the ritual determined by using
taphonomic observations, as well as the anthropological studies that have been undertaken. We should note here that, based
upon the taphonomic evidence, the skeleton seems to have had something under its head, had empty space around it and to
have been tied around its upper part
Books by Nalbitoru Alexandru
avut ca scop efectuarea unei prime săpături pe Terasa
V, acolo unde Dumitru Berciu efectuase deja excavări în
perioada 1979-19923. Pornind de la scanarea LIDAR, de
la informațiile culese din carnetele de săpătură și articolele
publicate, am reușit să refacem planul cercetărilor de pe
Terasa V.
Cosota începând cu anul 2016 și încă din aceea primă
campanie rezultatele au fost promițătoare. Obiectivele
inițiale, legate de rediscutarea cronologiei sitului, zona de
amplasarea a cetăților, existența sau nu a unei necropole,
întinderea sitului, rămân de actualitate.
Age, has been found. The article presents the conditions of discovery, some interesting details of the ritual determined by using
taphonomic observations, as well as the anthropological studies that have been undertaken. We should note here that, based
upon the taphonomic evidence, the skeleton seems to have had something under its head, had empty space around it and to
have been tied around its upper part