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quinta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2014

ShareThis Widget Updates

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Hey ShareThis Publishers,

Do you have the Multi Post Widget?

If so, you may notice a few changes this week. Now, your users will experience a different flow when sharing your content via email.

  1. To share via email, users must first click the icon with the 3 dots.

  2. Users will then click on the email icon

  3. Users choose their preferred email provider

  4. This will open an email message window with a unique URL and your content

As a result, users will directly share your content from their email provider.

1. Click the icon with 3 dots

2. Click the email icon

3. Choose an email provider

4. New email window pops up where users can directly share your content to others.

Why can’t users email directly from the ShareThis pop-up window?

We altered this functionality to increase users’ privacy and work in accordance with the policies of our integrated email partners. This helps ensure that the person sending the email is who they claim to be. Thus decreasing spam.

I don’t see the email option when I click on the ShareThis Widget. What happened to it?
Don’t worry, its still there. Click the icon with the 3 dots and you will see the email icon. See above screenshot.

Can I get the old Email Workflow?
In an effort to prevent mis-use of our tool for spam generators, the old email flow from the Multi Post Widget will no longer be available.

Will my Email Counter get affected by this change?
Your email counter will not be affected by this change.

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs or email us at [email protected].

The ShareThis Publisher Team

4005 Miranda Avenue, Suite 100  |  Palo Alto, CA 94304
Copyright (C) 2014 ShareThis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2014

ShareThis Widget Updates

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Hey ShareThis Publishers,

Do you have the Multi Post Widget? If so, you may notice a few changes in the next week.
Starting Tuesday, October 14th, your users will experience a different flow when sharing your content via email.

  1. To share via email, users must first click the icon with the 3 dots.

  2. Users will then click on the email icon

  3. Users choose their preferred email provider

  4. This will open an email message window with a unique URL and your content

As a result, users will directly share your content from their email provider.
Why can’t users email directly from the ShareThis pop-up window?

We altered this functionality to increase users’ privacy and work in accordance with the policies of our integrated email partners. This helps ensure that the person sending the email is who they claim to be. Thus decreasing spam.

I don’t see the email option when I click on the ShareThis Widget. What happened to it?
Don’t worry, its still there. Click the icon with the 3 dots and you will see the email icon. See above screenshot.

Can I get the old Email Workflow?
In an effort to prevent mis-use of our tool for spam generators, the old email flow from the Multi Post Widget will no longer be available.

Will my Email Counter get affected by this change?
Your email counter will not be affected by this change.

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs or email us at [email protected].

The ShareThis Publisher Team

ShareThis, Inc. | 4009 Miranda Ave, Suite 200 | Palo Alto, CA  94304-1227
Copyright (C) 2014 ShareThis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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quinta-feira, 4 de setembro de 2014

ShareThis Values your Feedback

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Hello ShareThis Publisher,

We recently sent you an email inviting you to participate in a survey regarding your thoughts about ShareThis. If you have not already taken the opportunity to submit the survey, we again invite you to share your opinions.

Thank you for being a ShareThis Publisher. We appreciate that you chose us to help you with your website’s social sharing solutions.

We’re always looking to improve our products and services.  With this in mind, we invite you to share your opinions in our short 5 minute survey. Your participation in this survey is anonymous and voluntary. You can be assured that your responses will remain confidential and will only be reported in aggregate.

Thank you for providing us with your valuable thoughts so we can give you the best possible ShareThis experience.

Your ShareThis Team

ShareThis, Inc. | 4009 Miranda Ave, Suite 200 | Palo Alto, CA  94304-1227
Copyright (C) 2014 ShareThis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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quarta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2014

ShareThis Values your Feedback

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Hello ShareThis Publisher,

Thank you for being a ShareThis Publisher. We appreciate that you chose us to help you with your website’s social sharing solutions.

We’re always looking to improve our products and services.  With this in mind, we invite you to share your opinions in our short 5 minute survey. Your participation in this survey is anonymous and voluntary. You can be assured that your responses will remain confidential and will only be reported in aggregate.

Thank you for providing us with your valuable thoughts so we can give you the best possible ShareThis experience.

Your ShareThis Team

ShareThis, Inc. | 4009 Miranda Ave, Suite 200 | Palo Alto, CA  94304-1227
Copyright (C) 2014 ShareThis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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terça-feira, 29 de julho de 2014

ShareThis Widget Updates! New Look, Same Function

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Hey ShareThis Multi Post Widget Publisher!

New ShareThis Multi Post widget updates coming today. As you recall, last year we updated our website and our logo. Well, the updates are still coming. This subtle change will give your social tools a more modern look and improved user interaction. And don’t worry, the widget still functions the same way so your users can choose from 120 social channels to share your content with their friends and family.

What do I need to do for this update?
Nothing! We’ll do all the changes on the backend.

I received an email update but I have the Direct Post widget. How do I get the new version?
If you were chosen and have the Direct Post widget, then you first have to upgrade to the Multi Post widget. You can do this by changing your version parameter to “5x”  and you’ll automatically get the new look. Example:

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs or ask [email protected].

The ShareThis Publisher Team

ShareThis, Inc. | 4009 Miranda Ave, Suite 200 | Palo Alto, CA  94304-1227
Copyright (C) 2014 ShareThis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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segunda-feira, 14 de julho de 2014

ShareThis Widget Updates! New Look, Same Function!

View this email in your web browser

Hey ShareThis Multi Post Widget Publisher!

New ShareThis Multi Post widget updates coming today. As you recall, last year we updated our website and our logo. Well, the updates are still coming. Your Multi Post widget will be getting a little facelift in the next few weeks. This subtle change will give your social tools a more modern look and improved user interaction. And don’t worry, the widget still functions the same way so your users can choose from 120 social channels to share your content with their friends and family.

What do I need to do for this update?
Nothing! We’ll do all the changes on the backend.

I have the Multi Post Widget but I didn’t get the update. How do I get it?
We’ll be rolling out this update to all Multi Post widget publishers in the next few weeks. Be on the look out for the email and blog announcements.

I received an email update but I have the Direct Post widget. How do I get the new version?
If you were chosen and have the Direct Post widget, then you first have to upgrade to the Multi Post widget. You can do this by changing your version parameter to “5x”  and you’ll automatically get the new look. Example:

Have more questions? Check out our FAQs or ask [email protected].

The ShareThis Publisher Team

ShareThis, Inc. | 4009 Miranda Ave, Suite 200 | Palo Alto, CA  94304-1227
Copyright (C) 2014 ShareThis, Inc. All rights reserved.

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sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014

Frelimo faz jogo baixo

Por Edwin Hounnou
A marcação da data da repetição das eleições autárquicas, em Gúruè, na província da Zambézia, fazendo-a coincidir com a tomada de posse dos órgãos eleitos, previstas para 7 e 8 de Fevereiro próximo, isso demonstra, de forma inequívoca, a intenção do partido Frelimo e dos seus apaniguados acocorados na Comissão Nacional de Eleições, CNE, e no Secretariado Técnico de Administração Eleitoral, STAE, de dispersar os dirigentes do Movimento Democrático de Moçambique, MDM.

Assim, os elementos chave do MDM ver-se-ão impossibilitados de se fazerem presentes em Gúruè porque estarão ocupados com a tomada de posse nos respectivos municípios e, nesse momento, a Frelimo terá um campo aberto para manipularem as eleições. Sem um controle efectivo, que só será possível montá-lo com a presença dos seus “generais e cabos de guerra”, a Frelimo acha quem terá um campo aberto para demonstrar a sua capacidade de distribuir boletins de voto pelos seus comparsas, fazer enchimentos (isso é feito por membros de mesa de voto) e, finalmente, apelar para a FIR dar uma “ajudinha” decisiva.

Fonte: O País da Verdade - 31.01.2014

sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2014

“A máquina está pronta e espero que a FIR deixe as pessoas votarem”

 CC invalida eleições no Gurúè e Daviz Simango reage com promessa
 O Presidente do Partido Movimento Democrático de Moçambique (MDM), Daviz  Simango, já reagiu ao acórdão do Conselho Constitucional (CC), que anula as eleições no  município de Gurué, norte da Zambézia. Falando ao «Diário da Zambézia» no final da manhã desta quinta-feira, Simango mostrou-se visivelmente satisfeito, porque segundo ele, o MDM fez o seu trabalho de casa e conseguiu a tempo denunciar as irregularidades do município do Gurué. Por um lado, o presidente do MDM considera que a nível do CC houve esforço de tentar trazer alguma confiança diante dos partidos, algo que ele considera de positivo para o país.
Num outro desenvolvimento, aquele líder partidário explicou também que o seu partido pretende que os casos de irregularidades reportados e denunciados não só em Gurué bem como nos outros municípios tenham um desfecho, para que cidadãos que se envolvem nessas irregularidades, não possam repetir e prejudicar um processo de vida dos moçambicanos e fazer com que os órgãos eleitorais não tenham credibilidade.
Estes pronunciamentos do presidente do MDM, vem a propósito da decisão que o Conselho Constitucional tomou em invalidar os resultados das eleições de 20 de Novembro último no município do Gurué, resultados estes, que o Secretariado Técnico Eleitoral ao nível de Gurué, havia dado vitória ao candidato da Frelimo Jahanguir Hussein, mas que nunca agradaram quer o MDM assim como a população de Gurué que se sentia roubada. “Estaremos em Gurué para ganhar” O Presidente do MDM não tem dúvidas que "de um para um", a Frelimo não está preparada para o embate, dai que, promete estar em Gurué com toda sua máquina e com o objectivo previamente definido (ganhar eleições e dar a César o que é de César). Segundo Daviz Simango, o seu partido estará no município de Gurué na sua máxima força e com o objectivo de ganhar estas eleições anuladas e bem anuladas pelo CC. “A FIR deve deixar as pessoas votarem”, apela Presidente do MDM Em quase todas eleições, há um grande inimigo que sempre se coloca enfrente, as Forças de Intervenção Rápida (FIR) que tem o hábito de lançar gás lacrimogéneo para como forma de intimidar o eleitor.


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