Showing posts with label wire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wire. Show all posts

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Rhinestone Headpiece in Vintage Style

This handmade rhinestone headpiece is for making a statement! Sparkly crystal rhinestones are all set one by one into settings and vintage glass pearls wired carefully onto the metal filigrees. Something truly feminine and floral to adorn yourself in special occasions like wedding, birthday or graduation! Take a look of the progress in photos:

handmade rhinestone headpiece, sparkly crystal rhinestones, vintage glass pearls, feminine, floral, special occasions, wedding, birthday, graduation
First step was to set all the rhinestones into settings. Then
attaching set rhinestones and vintage glass pearls onto the filigrees.

I used memorywire for the base - it holds the round shape and is
lightweight. After making the base I covered it with florist tape.
handmade rhinestone headpiece, sparkly crystal rhinestones, vintage glass pearls, feminine, floral, special occasions, wedding, birthday, graduation
The headpiece base is finished with supportive filigree band
and signature. All I need to do now is to attach all the
pretty pieces to the supportive filigree band.

handmade rhinestone headpiece, sparkly crystal rhinestones, vintage glass pearls, feminine, floral, special occasions, wedding, birthday, graduation
Voilaa! Headpiece is finished and matching laces added.

handmade rhinestone headpiece, sparkly crystal rhinestones, vintage glass pearls, feminine, floral, special occasions, wedding, birthday, graduation
Lots of sparkling rhinestones and vintage glass pearls
are mixed with floral metal components.
Pilkupüüdev pea-ehe on valmistatud käsitsi! Kõik sillerdavad kristallist klaaskivid on pandud  ükshaaval pesadesse (kastik) ning koos vintage klaaspärlitega kinnitatud metallist plaadikeste külge. Üdini naiselik ja lilleline - see juukse ehe sobib kaunistama erilistel sündmustel nagu näiteks pulmad, sünnpäev ja lõpetamine! Piltidel näha töö käik ;)

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Work in Progress and What I Learned in First Encounter with Wax Tape

Here's another look at what I'm working on. I'm working with wire, pearls and beads and then cover the stems with paper tape that is treated with wax. That wax tape was something new to me. Have you ever used it? Well, this was the first time I've been using it and it is strange! First I didn't even realize how something like that can be flexible enough to wrap around wire. It seemed so fragile!
I'm using dark brown and green wax tapes with my beaded branches. As it seems, the trick is in my own hands... The warmth of the hands will make the wax go soft and turn the whole tape into flexible medium that can be twisted, pulled and manipulated. It's awesome!!!
käsitöö ehted helmestest pärlitest kristallidest
 This crystal glass leaf has so many facets that makes it really sparkly. 
When looked at close under magnifying glass it has visible marks
 that suggest it was hand cut. How great is that!
vintage style jewelry floral romantic
In this photo you can see the wires and tapes I'm using. I'm not using 
green and brown tape in one piece, I'm making two sets at the same time.

Siin on veel paar pilti käimasolevast tööst. Töötan pärlite, traadi ja helmestega. Vahaga töödeldud paberteip on minu jaoks aga midagi täiesti uut. On keegi lugejatest seda kasutanud? Igaljuhul, minu jaoks on see esmakordne ja ausalt öeldes on see niivõrd imelik! Alguses ma ei suutnud aru saada, miks selle nimi üldse teip on, vahaga kokku tehtud lihtne ja õhuke paber, mida ei julgegi traadi ümber mässida. See tundus nii õrn!
Ma kasutan nii tumepruuni kui ka rohelist teipi oma oksakestel. Nagu välja tuleb, siis kogu trikk on minu enda kätes... Ehk siis mu käte soojus pehmendab vaha, mis omakorda muudab kogu paberi pehmeks ja elastseks nii, et seda saab mässida, venitada ja voolida. Päris äge!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sneak Peek to Work in Progress

I'm happy to share some photos of work in progress! As some of you know, I'm practicing on some beaded branches, leaves and flowers:

 Little branches with white moonstone glass leaves. I showed these in one older posts.
After some practice I've finally got little branches that are delicate and pretty.
Rõõmuga jagan fotosid pooleli olevast tööst! Viimasel ajal harjutan kätt seemnehelmestest lehekeste, oksakeste ja lilledega...

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Beginning of Something New...

Something new here. It's a photo of very early stage of work. I'm practicing little branches of beads.

Midagi uut. See foto on päris alguses tehtud. Siin ma harjutan helmestest oksakeste tegemist.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Bright Yellow Jewelry

I use yellow very rarely in my jewelry. But when I do I pick out the best beads! :)

These are vintage handmade beads from Japan. These were made in 1940-50s. Beads are wound and have little cute dimples on the surface!

I made short and long necklaces and a pair of earrings. Beaded bead caps were very time consuming. Bright yellow and antique copper create a nice contrast.

 Yellow vintage handmade beads from Japan. I have these in three sizes.

Long flapper necklace.

Beaded bead caps with vintage (1980s) Swarovski rhinestones and seedbeads.
Long earrings with silver hooks.

Ma kasutan kollaseid helmeid harva, aga kui kasutan, siis valin välja alati kõige-kõige ilusama tooni :)

Need käsitsivalmistatud helmed on pärit Jaapanist. Valmistatud 1940-50ndatel. Helmed on nn keeratud (ümber metall-varda) ja neil on armsad lohukesed!

Tegin pika ja lühikese kaelakee ning paari kõrvarõngaid. Kaunistatud pärlikübarad võtsid päris kaua aega. Helekollane ja antiikne vask loovad põneva kontrasti.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Turquoise Green Jewelry with Vintage Beads

I have a selection of vintage handmade glass beads from Japan. These have a baroque finish and are all a bit different in shape/size. The dimples make them look almost like natural origin :) My favorite color is of-course turquoise green, but I have other lovely colors as well.
Here are some jewelry I made with these beads. Short necklace with a pendant, long necklaces that can be wrapped many times and earrings. Earrings are long and playful with hooks that I made from silver wire.
turquoise green
 Vintage glass beads in turquoise green and baroque surface from Japan.

mdmButiik Estonian designer jewelry
A set of vintage style jewelry: short necklace, two long necklaces and earrings.
collier bijoux ancien schmuck alte vintage
 Necklace can be worn together as layered/stacked.

Eesti disain käsitöö ehted
Earrings are long with silver hooks.

Mul on kogunenud valik vintage käsitsi tehtud klaashelmeid Jaapanist. Neil on barokne pealispind ning igaüks on pisut erineva kuju/suurusega. Lohukeste tõttu tunduvad need nagu looduslikku päritolu :) Mu lemmik on muidugi türkiisroheline, aga mul on ka teisi ilusaid värve.
Siin on mõned ehted, mis tegin nendest helmestest. Lühike kaelakee ripatsiga, pikad kaelakeed, mida annab kanda mitmekordsena ning kõrvarõngad. Kõrvarõngad on pikad ja vallatud, konksud tegin ise hõbetraadist.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Jewellery Set with Antique Glass Sew-On Beads

Komplektis on kolmerealine kaelakee ja käekett, väike pross, lihtne kaelakee ja kolm paari kõrvarõngaid.

This set includes three-row necklace and bracelet, little brooch, simple necklace and three pairs of earrings.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Red Collection


Monday, June 9, 2014

Antique Black Beads

Kõrvarõngad ja pross vanade helmestega. Must värv on ajatu!

antique pocket watch stand little chair with velvet
mdmButiik broche perles anciennes
musta värvi post kõrvarõngad vintage helmestega
Earrings and brooch with old beads. Black is timeless!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Vintage French Prosser Beads with Pearls and Bronze

Sain pakiga vintage klaashelmeid Prantsusmaalt, Bapterossesi tehasest Briare linnast. Helmed on sellist värvi, mille üle inimesed ikka kipuvad vaidlema, kas on sinine või roheline, rohekassinine või sinakasroheline, või hoopis türkiis või... Samuti jääb see fotole kord ühtemoodi kord teistmoodi. Ka need on valmistatud selles nn Prosseri tehnikas, kuid on kujult ovaalsed.Tundub, et Prantsuse Prosser helmed on siledamad ja viimistletumad kui Tšehhi omad.
See lihtne kaelakee on pikemat sorti - 63cm.
alter antik perlen Perles ancienne de verre
Collier Sautoir Ancienne perles de verre Halskette perlen antik alt
I received a package of vintage beads from France, from Bapterosses factory in Briare. The color of beads is the kind that makes people argue if it's green or blue, bluish-green or greenish-blue, or perhaps turquoise or mint or... And my camera can't make it's mind either so the color on photos vary a bit. These beads are also made in the Prosser technique but have elongated shape instead of rounds I previously had. It seems that French Prosser beads are more smooth than Czech beads.
This is a long necklace - 63cm.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Long Pearl Necklace

Siin on esimene ehe, mis valmis uutest Tšehhi klaaspärlitest. Pikk kaelakee, millel lisaks barokse pinnaga vintage tilk! Hetkel asub see Les Petitese Müürivahe poes.
Jewelry by mdmButiik Estonia Sautoir perles de verre nacre ancienne Halskette alt anik perlen
mdmButiik Jewellery Jewelry Sautoir perles nacres de verre ancienne collier Halskette perlen antik alt

This is the first piece of jewelry that I made from my new Czech glass pearls. Long necklace with a vintage drop shaped pearl.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Cocktail Ring with Vintage Beads and Rhinestones

Vintage Jaapani klaashelmed, tume oranzi värvusega. Hämmastav on see, et need tillukesed (2-3mm läbimõõduga) helmed on käsitsi valmistatud! Lisasin juurde klaaspärlid, vintage Swarovski kristallid ning helesinise Tšehhi helme. Valmis sai sõrmus.
vintage klaashelmed oranz
oranž türkiis pärl kristallid ehtekivid sõrmus Eesti disainer ehted Schmuck Bague perles ancienne perlen antik
Signeeritud disainer ehted Eesti mdmButiik
kokteili sõrmus

Vintage rich orange glass beads from Japan. It's amazing that these tiny (2-3mm in size) beads were all handmade! I added glass pearls, vintage Swarovski crystals and light blue glass bead from Czech. A cocktail ring was born.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pink Statement Necklace with Czechoslovakia Beads

Czechoslovakia beads vintage Estonian handicraft designer jewelry jewellery
Designer Handicraft Jewellery Vintage Pink Czechoslovakia beads Eesti helmestest ehted Bijoux Collier Perles ancienne Schmuck Halskette
Eesti käsitöö disain ehted kaelakee vintage stiilis mdmButiik

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Vintage Style Brooch

 Pastelne mitmevärviline pross klaaspärlite ja kristallklaasist ehtekividega...

 ehtekividega kristallidega pross vintage stiilis ehted Eesti

Pastel multicolored brooch with glass pearls and crystal glass rhinestones...

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Red Earrings

Punased uhked kõrvarõngad. Vintage klaasist ehtekivid, antiiksed pärlid ning uued helmed. Need kõrvarõngad on hetkel Les Petites'es (Müürivahe 28, Tallinn). Kõrvarõngaid leiad ka Etsy mdmButiik poest.
punased kõrvarõngad vintage stiilis ehted Eesti kristallid
Punased kõrvarõngad vintage pärlid stiilis ehted mdmButiik Eesti

Red fancy earrings. Vintage rhinestones and cabochons, antique pearls and new glass beads. These earrings are in Les Petites (Müürivahe 28, Tallinn). You find more earrings from mdmButiik Etsy shop.