Monday, October 28, 2013
Vintage French Crystals & Japan Pearls
Vintage (1940-60) Prantsusmaa kristallid on armsas pruunist paberis pakendis, kirjad peal ja puha. Klassikalist värvi ja täiesti korraliku fooliumkihiga on nende kvaliteet päris hea. Kui neid võrrelda Austria Swarovski samaaegse toodanguga, siis on need tagasihoidlikumad, neil on vajaka ühtlus (kivide lihvitud tahud on erinevad ning pealt vaates pole päris ümmargused). Kuigi pole ehtekivid nii briljantsed, on need siiski suurepäraselt säilinud - tänu tervele fooliumkihile pole need muutunud udusteks.
Panin Prantsusmaa kristallid kokku vintage Jaapani pärlitega, mis samuti on tagasihoidlikud. Tulemuseks ümmargune pross!
Vaata ka prosse Etsy poest!
Vintage French (1940-60) crystals came to me in their original brown paper package with writings and all. Classical color and perfect folio makes these pretty quality stuff. If I compare these with Austria Swarovski products from that period, French ones are more modest and also lack uniformity (the facets vary and stones are not really round when looked closely). Although the rhinestones are not brilliant these French crystals are perfectly preserved - thanks to the folio that is in great state the stones are not cloudy.
I matched these French crystals with vintage Japan pearls that are also rather modes. Outcome is a round shaped brooch!
See more brooches from my Etsy shop!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Necklace in Assemblage Style
vintage (1950-60) helesinised Swarovski kristallid
vintage (1970-80) läbipaistvad Swarovski kristallid
vintage (1920ndatest) klaaspärlid Jaapanist
vintage (1930-40) pruunid helmed Jaapanist
vintage (~1960) klaasnööp Tšehhoslovakkiast
vintage lihvitud helesinine pendel-klaasripats
matt-klaasist ühenduslüli (arvat. Lääne-Saksamaalt)
lihvitud mägikristall
klaashelmed Tšehhist
erinevad ketid, metall-plaadid, traadid, kristallidega vahe-helmed (rondellid)
vintage (1950-60) light blue (Aquamarine) Swarovski baguette crystals
vintage (1970-80) Crystal Swarovski rhinestones
vintage (1920ndatest) glass pearls from Japan
vintage (1930-40) light brown Japan glass beads
vintage (~1960) faceted glass button from Czechoslovakia
vintage faceted light blue pendulum-pendant
frosted glass link (possibly from Western Germany)
hand-cut natural crystal nugget
glass beads from Czech
different style of chain, stamped filigree, wire, crystal rondelles
Monday, October 21, 2013
Valin materjale oma uue projekti jaoks. Eesmärk on teha ehe, mis stiililt oleks sarnane Assemblage ehetele. Esimese asjana on mõte kasutada mu kõige vanemaid pärleid. Seda enam, et hiljuti sain sarnaseid juurde, aga pisut suuremaid. Edasimüüja väitis, et need on 1920ndatest. Kuna eelmised ehted olid sinakate ja helepruuni värviga ja kuna mul alati jääb midagi järgi, siis kasutan samu värve ka uues ehtes.
I'm choosing materials for my new project. My goal is to make a piece of jewelry with the Assemblage style. My first thought was to use the oldest beads in my stash, glass pearls. I recently had the chance to buy similar pearls, only the size is bit bigger. Vendor told me these were from the 1920's. Since I used blueish and topaz colored beads in my previously made jewelry and there's always some leftovers on my table I decided to use similar colors.
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Altered, Repurposed and Assemblage Jewelry
Pealkirjas nimetatud ehete stiil on üks ütlemata põnev asi. Nimelt pannakse vanadest ehetest kokku uusi kasutades erinevaid tehnikaid. Natuke nagu kollaaži põhimõttel. Ma ei tea, kas ma suudaksin ise midagi sellist teha... Kui ehtes on ilusaid osi, siis tahaksin seda ju taastada. Kui pole midagi väärt taastamist, siis miks ma peaks tahtma seda kasutada... Aga no, mis siin rääkida, niisugust vanade ehete valikut pole mul kusagilt võtta ja vbl sellepärast ma lihtsalt ei mõista.
Aga stiil meeldib. Ja seetõttu lähenesin asjale teisest küljest. Mis on nendes nn "ümber tehtud" ehetes, mis mulle niiväga meeldib ja kas ei võiks neid samu nippe kasutada ilma "vanade ehete" abita? Esimesena torkab silma erinevate metallide kasutamine, erineva jämedusega traadid, ühendusrõngad, helmed, mis oleks justkui kuskilt üle jäänud. Samuti assümeetrilisus ning erinevate stiilide kokku panemine, suvalised leitud asjad (fotod, võtmed, kujukesed, kellad, kasvõi nuku käsi...), tihti massivsus ja mitmekihilisus... Kokku sobitatakse erinevaid materjale (poolvääriskivi, portselan, klaas, plastmass, puu) ja värve, pilt on kirju ja on, mida vaadata.
Alustasin uue projektiga. Eesmärgiks teha midagi, millel oleks antud stiilile iseloomulikke jooni. Aga teen kõik otsast lõpuni ise. Ja ma arvan, et jään vasksele metallile truuks ;)
Altered, Repurposed and Assemblage Jewelry as a style is really interesting. It means making jewelry with using old pieces of jewelry and an array of techniques. It's a bit like a collage. I don't know if I could do anything like this... If there's an old necklace with a beautiful motif I would want to restore it. And if there's nothing I want to restore then why would I want to use it... But the truth is that I don't have the resources of old jewelry so it may be that I just don't understand.
But I like that style. And therefore I look at it from a different point of view. So what is it that makes Assemblage jewelry so pretty to me and what if I could use the same tricks without using the old jewelry? The first thing I notice is that very often there are all sorts of different color metal used, different size rings and wires and beads that seems to be left overs. Also asymmetry in jewelry is often seen, mix of styles, found objects (photos, keys, watches, even a hand from a doll...), jewelry is often massive and layered... An array of materials (semi-precious, porcelain, glass, plastic, wood) used together, items are very busy and there's a lot to see.
I started a new project. My goal is to make something that resembels this style. But I'll make all the pieces myself. And I think I'll stick to the copper colored metal ;)
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Teal & Topaz
Labels: bracelet, copper, earrings, mdmButiik, necklace, rhinestone, set, swarovski, vintage rhinestones
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
New Set
Siin see on! Rohekas-sinakas (teal) koos kuldpruuniga. Põnev värvikooslus, milles on nii kontrasti kui ka idamaist luksust :)
Here it is! Teal with golden brown. Interesting color combination that has contrast and oriental luxury :)
Labels: bracelet, copper, earrings, mdmButiik, necklace, rhinestone, set, swarovski, vintage rhinestones
Sunday, October 13, 2013
The color called Teal
Nagu Maarit oma blogis mainis, on sellele värvile (teal) eestikeelset nimetust raske leida. Olen neid helmeid himustanud rohkem kui pool aastat (olen kannatlik). Kaunis kuma, mis tekib helmes hõbe fooliumi ning mati klaasi pinnaga on mind varemgi meelitanud. Plaan oli see värv kokku sobitada fuksia roosaga (ma plaanisin olla julge). Aga juhtus nii, nagu tihtipeale juhtub. Ma mõtlesin ümber. Nimelt saabusid need sinakad helmed saatuslikult samal päeval, mil ühed Jaapanis käsitsi tehtud vintage helmed. Sobivust ei saanud eirata.
Ma veel ei ütle, mis ma kokku panin. Varsti näitan piltides. Nii palju võin öelda, et ma poleks vist eales neid värve koos kasutanud, kui see oleks minu valik olnud.
As Maarit wrote on her blog, it is difficult to find a perfect word for "teal" in Estonian. I've wanted to have these beads for a long time, more than 6 months (what can I say, I'm patient). The mysterious glow that is created by silver foil and frosted surface finish has charmed me before. I had the idea to combine these with fuchsia colored beads (I was planning to be bold). But, as it has happened before, things changed. I changed my mind. The teal colored beads arrived the same day as the vintage Japan handmade beads. I couldn't ignore the way the colors collaborated.
I'm not going to tell you yet what was the color of the vintage beads. Soon I'll show it photos. Only thing I can add is that I'm pretty sure I would have never thought to use this color combination on my own.
Friday, October 11, 2013
How to use Etsy coupons?
I've been asked a lot about the system Etsy has
with coupons and therefore I decided to write a short explanation.
Coupons can be different (like percent discount, free domestic
shipping...) and it is a combination of letters and/or numbers. For
example there is a coupon code "TEAMESTONIA" that gives you 15% off when
you use it 1.-13.October 2013 in these shops. To use a coupon then do following:
- add item to your cart
- add item to your cart
- click "Apply shop coupon code" (text field appears)
- type/copy your coupon code to the text field
- press "Apply"
- you see the discounted price
- confirm the order by pressing "Check out"
Minult on küsitud Etsy kupongi-süsteemi
kohta päris tihti ja seetõttu kirjutan siia blogisse ühe lühikese
selgituse. Kuponge võib olla erinevaid tüüpe (nt. protsendiline
allahindlus või tasuta riigisisene transport...) ja põhimõtteliselt on
need tähe ja/või numbrikombinatsioonid. Näiteks 1.-13. oktoobril 2013
kehtib kupong "TEAMESTONIA", mis annab nendes poodides allahindlust 15%. Kui tahad kasutada poes kupongikoodi, siis:
- lisa toode ostukorvi ("Add to Cart")
- lisa toode ostukorvi ("Add to Cart")
- vajuta "Apply shop coupon code" (tekib väli trükkimiseks)
- trüki/ tekkinud väljale kupongi kombinatsioon
- trüki/ tekkinud väljale kupongi kombinatsioon
- vajuta "Apply"
- näed toote uut hinda
- kinnita ost ("Check out")
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