Roosa nagu taevas päikeseloojangul :) Kui sain kätte Tšehhoslovakkia navette ja Prantsusmaa ümmargused roosad kivid, siis näpud hakkasid nii sügelema, et pidin midagi tegema. Alustasin prossiga ennem, kui olin leidnud, et mida üldse sinna keskele panna :) Need valged AB läikelised kivid, mis paistavad nagu oleks suhkruga üle puistatud, on valmistatud Lääne Saksamaal. Jahedamat tooni väikesed matid roosad on swarovskid, ehk siis pärit Austriast. Lilled Hong Kongist, metalljubinaid ja klaashelmeid Tšehhist, metallhelmed Hiinast, prossi nõel Belgiast, pallikett USAst ja kaelakee ripatsi alus Türgist. Niipalju siis ehete geograafiast.
Ja muide, kas on postitustest näha ka, et mul on alganud puhkus :D

Pink as the sky at the sunset :) When I received vintage Czechoslovakia navettes and French round rhinestones I just had to make something out of them! I started making this brooch before I knew what to put in the middle of it :) These white AB stones that look like they're covered with sugar, are made in West Germany. Cooler frosted pink tiny rhinestones are new swarovskies, so they're from Austria. Stamped flowers are from Hong Kong, most findings and beads from Czech, brooch pin from Belgium, ball chain from USA, metal beads from China, some settings from Germany and the base of the necklace pendant is from Turkey. So much about the geography of these pieces.BTW, does it show that my vacation has started :D