Saturday, June 27, 2009


Värvikirevad ehtekivid. Tegin täna kuus tähekest, nendele panen millalgi ketid külge nii, et neist saavad kaelakeed. Samasugused nagu need. Ehtekivid on suuruses 19ss ja 29ss. Kõik kivid on swarovskid välja arvatud 19ss punased ja mustad, need on Tšehhi Preciosa kristall.


Colorful rhinestones. I made six stars today, I will attach chains to them so they'll become necklaces. Like these. Rhinestones are in sizes of 19ss and 29ss. All stones are swarovskies except 19ss siam red and jet, these are Czech Preciosa crystal.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Niih, see kujunes päris suureks projektiks, see tähendab, et kestis üle kolme päeva ja see omakorda tähendab, et hakkas juba ära tüütama. Aga valmis ma selle sain, vbl annab mini kollektsiooni mõõdu? ;)
Väga pikalt ehetest ei räägi. Materjalideks on Tšehhi klaaspärlid, Jaapani TOHO seemnehelmed (beeži värvi), CYS swarovski ehtekivid Austriast, pallikett on oksüdeeritud vask (USA), enamus teisi metallist komponente on vasetatud (Tšehhi, USA, Saksamaa). Kui huvitab ehteid mitme nurga alt näha ja pisut detailsemat ingliskeelset juttu lugeda, siis külastage mu DaWanda poekest. Esimesel pildil olev juukseklamber on müüdud.

Aga tegelikult tahaks mängida mängu :D Kui nüüd vaatate neid ehteid, siis millised valiksite teie välja ja omavahel kokku sobitaksite? Ja kirjutage ka juurde, millises olukorras neid kanda. Kirjutage oma arvamused kommentaaridesse või meilile: [email protected]

Edit: Nüüd on abiks numbrid :D

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Well, this became a quite big project, and that means it lasted more than three days and that also means I started to get bored. But I did finish it and perhaps it's big enough to call a mini collection? ;)
I don't want to write a lot about these jewelry pieces. Materials used here are Czech glass pearls, TOHO seedbeads, CYS swarovski crystal rhinestones from Austria, oxydized ball chain from USA and most of the other metal components are copper plated (Czech USA, Germany). If you're interested to see this jewelry from different angles and read more detailed descriptions, visit my DaWanda shop. The barrette hair clip on the first picture is sold.

But actually I wanted to play a little game :D Now, if you look at those jewelry pieces, what will you choose and combine together? And also write what is the occasion you'd wear them. Please write your thoughts under comments or email me: [email protected]

Edit: Now I added numbers to help choosing :D

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Earthly colors: LightSmokeTopaz&Khaki

Mõni näide ka sellest, kuidas asjad lõpus lihtsalt ei klapi ja tuleb midagi ümber teha. Tavaliselt ma seda ei raatsi/viitsi teha ja nii jääb see ehe lihtsalt seisma. Seekord olin tubli ja muutsin prossi, mis jäi kangale kinnitades kaldu (prossinõel on raskuskeskmest liiga all), kaelakee ripatsiks.
Värvideks on siin CYS swaorovski light smoke topaz ja khaki. Täitsa maalähedased ja tagasihoidlikud värvid, kuid märkamatuks need küll ei jää, sest swarovskite bling paistab kaugele :D

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Prossi tegin kaelakeeks/I made a pendant out of the brooch:
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Here's an example how things will not be right in the end and there's a need to make adjustments. Usually I feel bad about remaking or I'm just too lazy and pieces like that are left aside perhaps forever. But this time I was succesful to remake the brooch into a necklace pendant.
Colors are CYS swarovski light smoked topas and khaki. Quite modest and earthly colors, although they will not be unnoticed because the swarovski sparkle shines far :D

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Montana Blue

Montana sinised kivid, lihvitud on swarovskid ja see krobelise pinnaga vanaaegne Lääne Saksamaa toodang. Jube, kuidas mulle need vanad ehtekivid meeldivad. Nii huvitavad ja iseloomuga. Miks tänapäeval nii ilusaid enam ei tehta?!

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Montana sapphire rhinestones, faceted are swarovskie and the ones with textured surface are vintage stones from Western Germany. I'm crazy about vintage rhinestones. So interesting and with attitude. Why don't they make these today?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Yellow & Violet

Veel üks käevõrumoodi ehe. Seekord panin kokku lilla ja kollase värvi :D

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Another cuff-like bracelet. This time I put yellow together with violet :D

Monday, June 15, 2009

White Cuff

Proovisin vahepeal vahetada metalli. Päris keeruline, kord pole üht vidinat seda õiget tooni, kord teist. Seetõttu tuli prossist hoopis käevõru :D See eelpainutatud traat on ikka paras jõuproovimiseks, õudne, kuidas hakkas vastu mulle ja tükk aega pusisin, et neid kõiki kolme õigesti saada.
Tulemus on täitsa kena, selline pitsiline ja pidulik...
...kuigi mulle meeldib vaskne ikkagi rohkem...

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I tried to try another metal color for a change. Quite difficult if I may say. Because I didn't have many findings I needed in brass or gold. I guess this is the reason that a brooch became a cuff :D I had to spend a lot of time with this piece and I had a lot of trouble getting all three memory wire coils to sit nicely.
But I like it, the outcome is nice, delicate and lacy...
... although I must add I like copper colour a lot more...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sunset Pink

Roosa nagu taevas päikeseloojangul :) Kui sain kätte Tšehhoslovakkia navette ja Prantsusmaa ümmargused roosad kivid, siis näpud hakkasid nii sügelema, et pidin midagi tegema. Alustasin prossiga ennem, kui olin leidnud, et mida üldse sinna keskele panna :) Need valged AB läikelised kivid, mis paistavad nagu oleks suhkruga üle puistatud, on valmistatud Lääne Saksamaal. Jahedamat tooni väikesed matid roosad on swarovskid, ehk siis pärit Austriast. Lilled Hong Kongist, metalljubinaid ja klaashelmeid Tšehhist, metallhelmed Hiinast, prossi nõel Belgiast, pallikett USAst ja kaelakee ripatsi alus Türgist. Niipalju siis ehete geograafiast.
Ja muide, kas on postitustest näha ka, et mul on alganud puhkus :D

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Pink as the sky at the sunset :) When I received vintage Czechoslovakia navettes and French round rhinestones I just had to make something out of them! I started making this brooch before I knew what to put in the middle of it :) These white AB stones that look like they're covered with sugar, are made in West Germany. Cooler frosted pink tiny rhinestones are new swarovskies, so they're from Austria. Stamped flowers are from Hong Kong, most findings and beads from Czech, brooch pin from Belgium, ball chain from USA, metal beads from China, some settings from Germany and the base of the necklace pendant is from Turkey. So much about the geography of these pieces.
BTW, does it show that my vacation has started :D

Saturday, June 13, 2009


Käekett lille ja lehtede detailidega. Usun, et seda annab kombineerida mõnede eelmises postituses olevate kõrvarõngastega. Klaaspärlid, lihvitud helmed Tšehhist ning vanad klaasist ehtekivid Prantsusmaalt, lehed USAst ja lilled Hong Kongist.

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Bracelet with flower and leaf details. I believe it can be put together with some earrings from the previous post. Glass pearls, faceted beads from Czhech, vintage glass cabochons from France, leaves from USA and flowers from Hong Kong.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Kogunenud mõned näitamata kõrvarõngad.

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These are some earrings I haven't shown before.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Crystal Clear

Läbipaistev kristall/klaas sobib iga värvi riietuse juurde. Samuti naturaalvalged pärlid, antud ehtekomplekti puhul klaaspärlid. Lõpuks õnnestus Ebay oskjonilt saada pakk swarovski 29PP (3,6-3,7mm) crystal ümmargusi ehtekive. Need pole küll vanast ajast, kuid see eest artikkel 1012 - see tähendab rohkem lihvitud tahke ja sätendust!
Kaelakee ripatsi katsin klaashelmeste ja -pärlitega, lisasin ühe lille swarovskiga. Tohutu lihvitud klaashelmes seal all sai käsitsitehtud pärlikübara. Tegin selle nendestsamadest swarovskitest ja metallhelmestest. Käekett on raske, paksult helmestega kaunistatud. Käekett oligi tegelikult see esimene, millele kaelakee ja kõrvarõngad juurde tegin. Müüdud.

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Transparent crystal/glass goes with every color outfit. And the same thing is with natural white pearls, glass pearls in this case. I finally managed to win a package of swarovski 29PP (3,6-3,7mm) crystal round rhinestones from an auction on Ebay. These stones are not vintage, but they are article 1012 - which means more facets and more sparkle!
I covered the pendant with glass beads and pearls and added a flower with that little swarovski. That huge faceted glass bead at the bottom of the pendant got itself a handmade beadcap. I made it again from these same swarovskies and metal beads. The bracelet is heavy, loaded with beads. In fact, the bracelet was the first I started with and then made matching necklace and earrings. Sold.