Friday, October 30, 2015

Treasure Hunt - Vintage Ink Well

Here's a selection of photos I made from the ink well. I love these kind of pretty little things!

I was searching for old brass items to use when photographing jewelry (isn't it a great excuse for buying pretty things?!) and was scrolling through vintage and antique picture frames. In some strange reason I saw a vintage brass ink well that was with absolutely over the top decorations and a jaw-dropping price. Since that ink well had this glorious embellishments that none of my jewelry could compete (and the price that was out of my world) I thought that it might be a great idea to search what kind of ink wells are out there. And found this!
treasure hunt treasury
This vintage ink well has romantic decoration and is made of brass.
On the ink well sits a cute brass bird like on its nest!

See this? This porcelain insert is original and is meant to contain ink.

This photo shows what it looks from under.

Siin on valik fotosid tindipotist. Mulle täiega meeldivad sellised väiksed iluasjad!

Ma tegelikult otsisin vanu messingust esemeid, mida kasutada oma ehete pildistamisel (kas pole hea vabandus iluasjade ostmiseks?) ja vaatasin vintage pidliraamide oksjoneid. Mingil imelikul põhjusel oli seal hulgas üks vintage messing-kaunistustega tindipott millel absoluutselt üle võlli kaunistused ja üüratu hind. Et sellel tindipotil olid sellised kuninglikud kaunistused, millega ükski mu ehe võistelda ei suudaks (ja hind mu võimalustest valgusaastate kaugusel), siis mõtlesin, et äkki on hea idee otsida, milliseid tindipotte veel saadaval on. Ja leidsin selle siin!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Do You Speak Swarovski Language? Autumn Colored Crystal Rhinestone

I took this close up photo of the Swarovski crystal stone and it is really magnificent how many colors are there! When speaking in Swarovski language there are: Emerald, Hyacinth, Light Topaz, Olivine, Fern Green, Khaki, Tourmaline Green, Smoked Topaz, Smoky Quartz. Maybe even Indian Red? Anything  else you could point out? I'm pretty sure there are plenty more!

Swarovski kristall kivid ehtekivid kristallid

Sellest lähivõttest on näha suurelt Swarovski kristallklaasist kivi ja lihtsalt hämmastav, kui palju värve seal on! Kui rääkida Swarovski keeles, siis siin on: Emerald, Hyacinth, Light Topaz, Olivine, Fern Green, Khaki, Tourmaline Green, Smoked Topaz, Smoky Quartz. Võibolla isegi Indian Red? Keegi näeb siin veel midagi? Olen päris kindel, et siin on veel nimetamata värve!

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Gothic Vibe - Black Crystal Earrings

Black is that special color that seems to emerge every now and then. But when you think of it, you'll realize that it never really left in the first place. Like, ever.

Black is always here. Here's a process of two pairs of black earrings - one pair of black beaded earrings and one pair of black crystal earrings.
käsitöö ehted musta värvi helmestest
Work in progress. I use Swarovski Jet crystal rhinestones, pressed 
Czech round beads and seed beads.
musta värvi kõrvarõngad, musta värvi ehted
It takes four different size of black beads to make the black beaded earrings!
kristallidega ehted, kingituseks, goth, gothic
Black crystal earrings with sparkly Swarovski rhinestones and glass beads.

Must on selline värv, mis ikka ja jälle kerkib esile. Aga kui nüüd järele mõelda, siis tuleb välja, et must polegi kuhugile lahkunud. Nagu mitte kordagi.

Must on alati siin. Ja siin on kahe paari kõrvarõngaste saamislugu - üks paar helmestest kõrvarõngad ja teine kristallidega kõrvarõngad.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Work in Progress and What I Learned in First Encounter with Wax Tape

Here's another look at what I'm working on. I'm working with wire, pearls and beads and then cover the stems with paper tape that is treated with wax. That wax tape was something new to me. Have you ever used it? Well, this was the first time I've been using it and it is strange! First I didn't even realize how something like that can be flexible enough to wrap around wire. It seemed so fragile!
I'm using dark brown and green wax tapes with my beaded branches. As it seems, the trick is in my own hands... The warmth of the hands will make the wax go soft and turn the whole tape into flexible medium that can be twisted, pulled and manipulated. It's awesome!!!
käsitöö ehted helmestest pärlitest kristallidest
 This crystal glass leaf has so many facets that makes it really sparkly. 
When looked at close under magnifying glass it has visible marks
 that suggest it was hand cut. How great is that!
vintage style jewelry floral romantic
In this photo you can see the wires and tapes I'm using. I'm not using 
green and brown tape in one piece, I'm making two sets at the same time.

Siin on veel paar pilti käimasolevast tööst. Töötan pärlite, traadi ja helmestega. Vahaga töödeldud paberteip on minu jaoks aga midagi täiesti uut. On keegi lugejatest seda kasutanud? Igaljuhul, minu jaoks on see esmakordne ja ausalt öeldes on see niivõrd imelik! Alguses ma ei suutnud aru saada, miks selle nimi üldse teip on, vahaga kokku tehtud lihtne ja õhuke paber, mida ei julgegi traadi ümber mässida. See tundus nii õrn!
Ma kasutan nii tumepruuni kui ka rohelist teipi oma oksakestel. Nagu välja tuleb, siis kogu trikk on minu enda kätes... Ehk siis mu käte soojus pehmendab vaha, mis omakorda muudab kogu paberi pehmeks ja elastseks nii, et seda saab mässida, venitada ja voolida. Päris äge!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Happy Birthday!

Now it's time for celebrations! 6 years ago on this very day mdmButiik jewelry was created!
crystal jewelry, rhinestone jewelry, crystal necklace, crystal earrings, crystal jewelry set, blue, pink, pearl
Käes on aeg tähistamiseks! Kuus aastat tagasi, sellel samal päeval sündis mdmButiik!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Inspiration: The Colors of Fall

With all the routine in my life I cherish the inspiration I get. So, it's Fall, the most colorful season that shines along when the sun is shining. I'm really glad that we're having some of those sunny days here in Estonia. All the colorful leaves, sun that still can warm and that crispy cold air I breathe in to my lungs...

And POW! it's so magnificently inspiring! I instantly thought of my sparkly crystal rhinestones in all the Fall colors. My schedule is pretty tight and I might not be able to work longer with these glass jewels but playing around with them just to inspire is sometimes all it takes. Take a look and perhaps you find some inspiration also.
vintage brass inkwell antique pocket watch stand little chair Swarovski crystals rhinestones
Here's a vintage brass inkwell with a cute bird and little velvet 
cushioned chair that was made to hold a pocket watch
vintage crystal rhinestones antique jewelry supplies
In the center is Swarovski Electra crystal stone that is the first one I thought when thinking of Fall
Cute brass bird on the inkwell, isn't it cute!
Swarovski Light Topaz rhinestones with gold foiling
Porcelain insert of inkwell is full of sparkly crystal rhinestones!

Igapäevaste toimetuste kõrval tuleb kinni haarata igast inspiratsioonipuhangust. Nii et, käes on sügis, üks värvilisemaid aastaaega, eriti kui päike paistab. Minu õnneks on mõned päiksepaistelised päevad/hetked ka siin Eestis. Kõik värvilised lehed, päike, mis veel jaksab soojendada ning krõbe ja karge õhk, mida kopsudesse hingata...

Ja äkki tundub see kõik nii suurejooneliselt inspireeriv! Kohe läksid mõtted mu sügisvärvides kristallklaasist ehtekividele. Tegemiste nimekiri on endiselt pikk ja võimalik, et ma nende kristallidega rohkem tööd teha ei saa, kuid nendega mängimine oli niivõrd inpsireeriv, et vahel pole rohkem vajagi. Tore on, kui need pildid seda inspiratsiooni edasi annavad neile, kellele seda vaja.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Coupon Code for mdmButiik Jewelry Annual Birthday Sale

Only one day until the mdmButiik birthday sale! Scroll down to see the coupon code!
I'm so grateful to you all of my super gorgeous fans! Have fun on Etsy mdmButiik. This is the biggest one -20% and works with coupon code. Sale lasts three days 17-19th October. I've made a little tutorial to quickly refresh on how to use coupons on Etsy.

Ainult üks päev sünnipäeva allahindluseni! Siin ongi kupong, mida saad kasutada!

Olen väga tänulik fännidele ja kõigele, kes mulle pöialt hoidnud! Veedke mõnusat aega Etsy mdmButiigi poes. See on suurim allahindlus -20% ja töötab kupongiga. Kampaania kestab kolm päeva 17-19 oktoober. Lugege kupongi kasutamise kohta, et mälu värskendada.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sneak Peek to Work in Progress

I'm happy to share some photos of work in progress! As some of you know, I'm practicing on some beaded branches, leaves and flowers:

 Little branches with white moonstone glass leaves. I showed these in one older posts.
After some practice I've finally got little branches that are delicate and pretty.
Rõõmuga jagan fotosid pooleli olevast tööst! Viimasel ajal harjutan kätt seemnehelmestest lehekeste, oksakeste ja lilledega...

Monday, October 12, 2015

Get Ready for mdmButiik Annual Sale!

The biggest -20% sale on mdmButiik Etsy is celebrating the 6th birthday of the brand!

This is a superb chance to get the jewelry you've been wanting but hesitated to buy! And not to mention that gift giving season is just around the corner. Stock up some beautiful gifts for very special persons! And why not just send a link of this post to someone who may be looking for ideas what to give you as a present ;)

This is the biggest one -20% and works with coupon code I will post on blog and Facebook this week. Sale lasts three days 17-19th October. I've made a little tutorial to quickly refresh on how to use coupons on Etsy.

Suurim allahindlus -20% mdmButiik Etsy poes, mis tähistab brändi kuuendat sünnipäeva!

See on suurepärane võimalus saada endale ehteid, mida oled pikalt vaadanud, kuid jätnud ostmata! Ja loomulikult tasub mainida, et kingituste hooaeg on kohe-kohe saabumas. Varu ilusaid kingitusi, et inspireerida eriliselt kalleid inimesi! Ja miks mitte saata selle postituse link kellelegi, kes otsib ideid, mida sulle kinkida ;)

See on suurim allahindlus -20% ja töötab kupongiga, mille avaldan sellel nädalal blogis ja Facebookis. Kampaania kestab kolm päeva 17-19 oktoober. Lugege kupongi kasutamise kohta, et mälu värskendada.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

MdmButiik Brithday Coming Soon - Annual Sale

I'm so excited! Soon it will be birthday for mdmButiik. How time flies! 19th October is the official day and the brand mdmButiik was launched 6 years ago.

Since this couldn't have been possible without my super gorgeous clients and fans I'm holding on to the tradition of annual sale on Etsy mdmButiik. This is the biggest one -20% and works with coupon code I will post on blog and Facebook in next week. Sale lasts three days 17-19th October. I've made a little tutorial to quickly refresh on how to use coupons on Etsy.

I've been really busy of making the selection wide enough for everybody. It wouldn't harm to check out what's on offer and select your favorites out before the sale starts.

kristallidega ehted, helmestest ehted, ehtekividega, pärlitega

Mul on raske sõnadesse panna ootusärevust! Varsti on mdmButiigi sünnipäev. Kuidas aeg lendab! 19ndal oktoobril on ametlik päev, mil 6 aastat tagasi sai bränd alguse.

Kuna kõik see poleks olnud võimalik ilma teie imeliste fännideta, siis jätkan ükskord aastas allahindluse traditsiooni Etsy mdmButiigi poes. See on suurim allahindlus -20% ja töötab kupongiga, mille avaldan järgmisel nädalal blogis ja Facebookis. Kampaania kestab kolm päeva 17-19 oktoober. Lugege kupongi kasutamise kohta, et mälu värskendada.

Olen pingutanud, et ehete valik oleks võimalikult lai. Vaata juba praegu välja, mis on pakkumisel ja valid oma lemmikud välja enne, kui kampaania algab.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Beginning of Something New...

Something new here. It's a photo of very early stage of work. I'm practicing little branches of beads.

Midagi uut. See foto on päris alguses tehtud. Siin ma harjutan helmestest oksakeste tegemist.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Pastel Color Crystal Jewelry Sets

I've been busy working on these crystal jewelry pieces. They're awesome because you can wear it everyday! Available as bracelet and earrings separately and as a set. And these bracelets are great to stack and layer with single row bracelets.

As you already know I'm really fond of the antique Prosser beads that were made in France and Czechoslovakia from 1860 to 1950s (also in Italy and Germany but I haven't got any in original package). Just love their a bit rustic look, milky color and glossy finish. Combining genuine antique beads with high quality Swarovski crystal rhinestones creates a beautiful contrast.

Estonian designer jewelry. Eesti käsitöö ehted. Eesti disainer ehted
 Here you see crystal jewelry sets all packed in brand new boxes.
Sets come in colors of Red, Pink, White and Green.
Perfect to give them as gifts! Get yours now from mdmButiik shop!
Estonian designer jewelry. Eesti disainer ehted. ehtedisain. käsitöö ehted. kristallidega ehted. ehtekividega ehted
 These crystal earrings are great because you can wear them everyday. 
They are small, measuring 1,5cm, but big enough to be notice ;)
These crystal earrings will also come in a gift box.
kristallidega ehted. ripatsiga käeketid. sädelevad ehted. naiselik stiil.
 Here's a photo of the crystal charm bracelets together. Yummi!
cabinet drawers. bead storage. ideas to store your craft supplies
I keep the Prosser beads that have no box in these drawers. So when I want to use them
 I scope some into a little china dish or take the whole drawer out if I'm needing more beads.

Olen usinalt valmistanud kristallidega ehteid. Need on nii mõnusad, sest neid saab ju kanda iga päev! Saadaval nii komplektina kui ka eraldi, nii käekett kui ka kõrvarõngad. Neid käekette annab suurepäraselt kuhjata näiteks üherealiste kettidega.

Nagu juba ilmselt mu blogi lugejad teavad, siis meeldivad mulle nn Prosser helmed meeletult! Mu kogus on helmeid, mis valmistati Prantsusmaal ja Tšehhoslovakkias alates1860 kuni 1950 (neid tehti ka Itaalias ja Saksamaal, kuid mul pole õnnestunud neid originaalpakendis saada). Mulle tohutult meeldib nende pisut robustne välimus, natuke piimjas värv ning läikiv pind. Kombineerides neid antiikseid helmeid kõrge kvaliteediga Swarovski kristallidega, tekib huvitav ja kaunis kontrast.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Vintage Czech Seed Beads

Here is a recent purchase of vintage Czech seed-beads. These came from Germany.

I've seen that this kind of bundles of beads are sometimes called as master hanks. Because they consists from many smaller hanks that have many strings of beads.

There were many steps when creating these kind of beads. The hole of the beads was created during the drawing of the tube, either by blowing air into it or by pressing a metal cylinder lengthwise into the center of the glass cylinder. The glass tube was pinched from both ends so the air got trapped in the tube. The glass tube was then pulled long and thin while hot. The cross-sections of the tubes were round in the beginning. These beads here have cross-section of six sides. The glass tubes are then cut into little 2-3mm pieces and faceted behind the grinder. These seed beads here had a special metallic coating as well.

 Masterhank of seed beads from Czechoslovakia. Beads have six sides, faceting and a bronze finish.
 Here's a closeup. The main facets come from the glass tubes cross-section being 6-sided. 
The facets that are added casually to corners were grinded.
 This dark bronze seed beads are quite heavy. Can you imagine the amount of work that went into these?
These beads shimmer so lovely!

Siin on hiljutine ost Tšehhi seemnehelmeid. Ma sain need Saksamaalt.

Olen märganud, et selliseid suuremaid helmeste "vihtusid" nimetatakse vahel "master hank", sest sellised koosnevad mitmest väiksemast, mis köidavad kokku mitmeid niite helmestega.

Selliste helmeste tegemiseks kulus mitu erinevat sammu. Helmeste auk tegemiseks tehakse klaasvardasse auk, tuubi otsad näpistati kinni, et õhk jääks sinna lõksu. Klaas tõmmatakse pikaks ja peenikeseks. Klaastuubi läbimõõt oli alguses ainult ümar, hiljem lisandusid teised võimalused. Need helmed siin on näiteks kuusnurkse läbilõikega. Kui klaastuub on saanud õige pikkuse ja läbimõõdu, lõigatakse see 2-3mm pikkusteks tükkideks. Need helmed siin on veel lisaks lihvitud ja kaetud erinevate metallik-värvidega.