As I woke this morning the radio came on and 'Today is the first day of Spring' was what the happy chap was saying. 'Smile and welcome it into your world'
I've welcomed it today -
I changed my seasonal frame :- Goodbye winter ... hello Spring
There has been a little sunshine in the sky as well as lots of fluffy clouds today. Much better than the rainy days we've been having. Thank you Mother Nature
I walked in the garden and took note of the spring flowers and the bright colours
The whole world is living in uncertain times right now with Covid-19. Things are changing hourly and we all need to find the happy and positive things in daily living.
With my weekly chemotherapy and DH's heart operation that finally went ahead earlier this month so he too is vulnerable, we have been safe at home keeping the door firmly closed to all for a while. My children have delivered food parcels when they have been able to get things and kept in touch by phone.
I'm learning new things about technology. It is such a good thing right now for everyone with exercise classes and peaceful and calming ideas online as well as the news that we all need to limit in our heads for our own wellbeing, but I do feel for those elderly who do not do it and are home alone.
Many friends have been in contact to check on us, and we've called others. I've never chatted so much on the phone, having fun and laughter as well as talking about how things are affecting our families and we've been supporting each other.
Some simple things we've enjoyed ....
I made a victoria sponge cake and filled it with homemade jam from the pantry. That sparked a chat remembering the blackberries we harvested last autumn and that then brought the subject up about this years growing season at the community garden and how would that pan out over the coming growing season and months ahead?
I've knitted himself some hand warmers as he's feeling the chill still a little at times
A squishy parcel arrived filled with wool from a sale I couldn't resist last week.
I've been reading quite a bit. There is a list of books read this year in the left hand side bar.
A little stitching for an Easter exchange, but that might have to be postponed and celebrated later in the year.
Sending my love and blessings to you all as we walk this uncertain pathway.
Keep your chin up and I hope you too find happy moments in each day.
Stay safe and take care