Sunday, 22 November 2015

Celtic Christmas - Part 1

I have been having another new start (honestly ahem I don't have issues).  I struggled to find this one in stock anywhere however a lovely lady on Facebook messaged saying she would sell me her copy and a really strange thing happened she just happened to live up the road from me so we met up to exchange she swapped me some NN threads that I was selling which worked out great for both of us.

I had a plan with this one after seeing all of the conversions that different people had done.  I decided I wanted to do something different with it rather than just follow the chart.  So after scoping out the other Celtic Ladies I chose to combine both Celtic Christmas and Autumn.  My plan is to stitch the border, candle wreath and hair from Celtic Christmas and stitch the dress from Autumn with the Christmas colours.  I hope you are following me so far.  The only problem being is that the neckline of the dress and hair line are different on Autumn, so I had to take a copy of both charts and work out where the charts over lapped and where they didn't to fill in the difference in the stitches on the neck.  The result was that her neck has become a little wider however I think it works ok.  This picture below shows the difference of the neck and hair line on Autumn.

So here is the result of the first part as you can see the hair is from Celtic Christmas and the neckline and dress from Autumn with Celtic Christmas colours.  Here are my colour conversions up to this point for anyone who is interested, all threads are DMC and Mill Hill Beads.  The sash/shawl in worked in the same colours, ECRU, 644, 822 and B5200, the 5 symbol is a bead and I used 00557.

Bodice and neckline - you need to find the line (dot symbol) to separate from shoulder/arm.  Also if you are adding candle wreath you need to work out where this will sit I removed the hand from Autumn and filled in the hand from Christmas with the wreath and outlined then on the Autumn chart you can see on pic above.

Black square symbol - E3852
783 - same
3820 - same
3822 - same
3823 - 00557 bead
832 - 00557 bead
830 - 814
829 - 3371/814
831 - 815
780 - 814

Shoulder - you need to work out where the hair falls around the shoulder if you are not stitching the hair from Autumn, my highlighted area in yellow shows this

2006 - 3371/814
2004 & 2005 - 814
2003 - 815
2002 - 498
2001 - 321

Stay tuned for more posts if you are interest in the full conversion.  Hope I haven't confused you too much please feel free to ask any questions.


Hazel said...

That's really clever hun. Thanks for sharing. x

Julie said...

Very original, looking forward to seeing her grow

Anonymous said...

very beautiful♥

Le trame della Galaverna said...

Great idea
I look forward to see other progress
Ciao Giovanna

Maggie said...

How clever! not sure I could have done all that working out, well done you :-)