Showing posts with label cockerel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cockerel. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Camera Critters #93 In the kitchen

The thought of living on a farm appeals in a romantic sort of way. In my imagination the sun is always shining on healthy, clean animals in beautiful rural surroundings - no nasty slurry or fertiliser smells, no muddy yard full of milling cows desperate to be milked. The animals don't suffer from fly strike and live long and happy lives, dying peacefully in their sleep from old age when they can then be consumed (though they are rather tough!) The cockerel (or rooster or chanticleer) crows quietly at break of nine o'clock and the hens are never broody.

This farmyard scene is over the range.
We have our own farmyard in the kitchen and the animals are surprisingly cheap to keep, only requiring a wipe-over now and then!

Thank you to the organisers and hosts of this entertaining meme.
Please click here to see more Critters!