We have had snow! Not a lot by some standards, just about 2”
(5 cms), but enough to make the garden look pretty – or, at least, different. The
local schools, along with many across the country, had a Snow Day.
I took photographs with my little Sony just before 8:30 a.m.
The dogs ruined the pristine layer. They charged out and round
the garden then galloped back in again.
Barry took some photographs later with
his superior Canon.
Zula, Susannah’s little Abyssinian, 2 years old today, dashed out and returned immediately. Herschel decided to investigate. He stepped delicately in the snow,
flicking it off his paws and sniffing at the funny white stuff.
went out later and stayed outside for some time, inspecting the scene, but
Isambard viewed it all with suspicion from the safety and warmth of the sitting
The anemometer and wind vane had more than a dusting of snow
but managed to spin in the wind that sprang up.
The bird feeder (h’mm, should clean and replenish it!) has not had any avian visitors today but there were numbers of gulls wheeling round the tree-tops this morning.
The best barometers in the house are the cats, guaranteed to
discover the hot spots. Two of them, the Somalis Solomon and Lenny, spent
considerable time in the conservatory (I’m
sure they enjoyed watching Le Mans with Frankie).
Herschel cuddled up with
Bertie while Isambard appropriated my chair and didn’t object when I almost sat
on him, happy to share and at the same time help me compose my blog post.
Jellicoe, however, found the prime spot, on the bookshelf above the radiator. From the photographs you can see that he has a bent for Natural History, particularly Ornithology.
It is snowing again and is forecast to continue for several
hours. We are unreliably informed, by someone who knows much better than the Met Office, the AA, the RAC, and all the
weather forecasters in the media, that the amber warnings of bad weather are ‘scaremongering’
and the snow is ‘localised’, with none in Wokingham, 4 miles away. This is not true but we shrug and
smile – there’s no point in arguing with someone who is always so right, though usually so wrong!